Social scientist's guide to the network --------------------------------------- (to AARNET/INTERNET Online Information Services) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [This document can be acquired from a sub-directory coombspapers via anonymous FTP on the node COOMBS.ANU.EDU.AU ] [Previous update: 22 Apr 1992] [This version: 25 Apr 1992] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNET VOYAGER (a.k.a ELECTRONIC VOYAGER GUIDEBOOK) SOCIAL SCIENTIST'S GUIDEBOOK to AARNET/INTERNET Online Information Services by Dr T. Matthew Ciolek, Coombs Computing Unit, RSPacS/RSSS, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia ph +61 6 249 4016 e-mail (INTERNET) Note: The online services listed below have been electronically accessed, exploredand verified by the compiler of this GuideBook. In other words, this document is based on first-hand experience, not on the network hearsay. Services found by the compiler to be too difficult to access/use are NOT listed in this guide. Pointers to other relevant guidebooks and lists are given by the end of this paper. A +++ by an entry designates recent additions/changes to the Guidebook Please send any additions, corrections and deletions to: (C) 1991,1992 by T. Matthew Ciolek. All Rights Reserved. ================================================================================ TABLE OF CONTENTS (no. of sources described) ================================================================================ ARCHIVES (20) BULLETIN BOARDS (13) DATA BASES (23) LIBRARY CATALOGUES (pointers to 300+ libraries) PERIODICALS (4) Appendix A: TELNET procedures Appendix B: Anonymous FTP procedures Appendix C: Using ARCHIE databases Some Useful References Copyright and disclaimer notice ================================================================================ ARCHIVES [current details of the FTP archives can be obtained from the ARCHIE database (see inf. below)] ================================================================================ SERVICE: Documents & Software Archive ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: ORGANISATION: Computer Services Center, Aust. National Univ. LOCATION: Canberra, Australia ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: SUB-DIRECTORY: pub RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 COMMENTS: *sub-dir. /library contains LIBRARIES.TXT - a current directory of telnet addresses of 250+ on-line library catalogues; *sub-dir. /AARNet contains AARNET documents; *sub-dir. /src contains DOS & MAC software; LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Documents & Software Archive ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: ORGANISATION: Australian Academic and Research (Computer) Network LOCATION: Australia ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: SUB-DIRECTORY: pub RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 COMMENTS: *sub-dir. /resource-guide contains inf. about Internet/Aarnet on-line resources *sub-dir. /user-guide contains guidebooks and introductory material; LAST ACCESSED: Mar 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Documents & Software Archive +++ new entry ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: ORGANISATION: the Institute for Global Communications, which hosts EcoNet, PeaceNet, and ConflictNet. LOCATION: USA ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: SUB-DIRECTORY: pub RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 2/5 Quality/depth of inf.: ?/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 COMMENTS: *sub-dir. /pub contains: econet_brochure, peacenet_brochure IGC-conf-list-complete list of all IGC public conferences IGC-conf-list-medium same list but shorter descriptions IGC-conf-list-short list of conference names only *If there are some files which you think may be of interest to the IGC community, then feel free to drop them into the Directory 'New-stuff' and send a message to : LAST ACCESSED: Apr 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Electronic Texts Archive ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: ? ORGANISATION: ? LOCATION: Toronto, Canada ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: SUB-DIRECTORY: doc/books RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: ?5/5 Freshness of inf.: n/a COMMENTS: * contains text files of individual chapters of the Holy Bible; directory /doc/books/Bible * contains text files of individual chapters of the Holy Koran (Quran); directory /doc/books/Quran * for WAIS servers with the texts see the entry on WAIS servers database * for another FTP archive of these 2 texts see Univ. of Maryland Info. Archive LAST ACCESSED: Mar 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Electronic Texts Archive ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: ? ORGANISATION: ? LOCATION: Toronto, Canada ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: SUB-DIRECTORY: doc/Dictionaries RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: ?5/5 Freshness of inf.: n/a COMMENTS: * contains compressed text files of the following foreing lang. dictionaries: (numbers in brackets indicate file size in bytes eg 57749 = 57.7Kb) Family-Names.Z (57749) Given-Names.Z 31136 germanl.Z 137591 words.dutch.Z 779056 words.english.Z 217119 words.french.Z 536310 words.german.Z 761528 words.italian.Z 217241 words.norwegian.Z 258162 words.swedish.Z 96169 LAST ACCESSED: Mar 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Electronic Texts Archive ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Kauri Archive ORGANISATION: Victoria University LOCATION: New Zealand ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: SUB-DIRECTORY: etext/Literaure RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: ?/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 5/5 Freshness of inf.: ?/5 COMMENTS: * a large collection of books and documents [in the etext format] from the world heritage list. Strong on poets and British Victorian fiction. LAST ACCESSED: Jan 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Electronic Texts Archive ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Network Information Center ORGANISATION: ?Univ.of Helsinki LOCATION: Helsinki, Finland ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: SUB-DIRECTORY: /pub/doc/Books RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 2/5 Freshness of inf.: ?/5 COMMENTS: * contains files with publications lists by 230 individual Science Fiction authors (from D. Adams through I. Calvino through S.Lem to A.vanVogt.) LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Electronic Texts Archive ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Oxford Text Archive ORGANISATION: Univ. of Oxford LOCATION: Oxford, UK ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: , if access is a problem use address: SUB-DIRECTORY: ota RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 5/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 5/5 Freshness of inf.: n/a COMMENTS: *contains textarchive.sgml - a current directory of several hundreds etexts (books & dictionaries) available from the archive * contains other info. documents LAST ACCESSED: Apr 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Electronic Texts Archive ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Project Gutenberg ORGANISATION: Project Gutenberg at ? LOCATION: Urbana, Ill., USA ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: SUB-DIRECTORY: etext RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: ?/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 5/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 COMMENTS: * fast growing collection of books and documents [in the etext format] from the world heritage list.The aim is to provide 10,000 books in etext format by the year 2001. *users are invited to deposit electronic versions of non-copyrighted books with the Project. *the archive contains a copy of the 1990 The CIA World Factbook (world11.txt) -approx 2Mb of quality data * for WAIS server with the texts see the entry on WAIS servers database LAST ACCESSED: Jan 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Genealogy Documents & Software Archive ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: ? ORGANISATION: ? LOCATION: ?North Dakota, USA ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: SUB-DIRECTORY: ROOTS-L RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 COMMENTS: * contains text files and docs relevant to modern genealogical searches & studies. * There also is a anonymous ftp site for genealogy related files located at site is primarily for the specialist software. However some text files, particularly large ones may be found there compressed into ZIP files. LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Geography Documents & Software Archive ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: ? ORGANISATION: ? LOCATION: Toronto, Canada ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: SUB-DIRECTORY: doc/geography/world RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 2/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 5/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 COMMENTS: * contains text files about 249 individual countries covered by the CIA WorldFactbook; directory /doc/geography/world * contains maps of the countries and regions of the world provided by the CIA ; directory/doc/geography/CIA_World_Map LAST ACCESSED: Mar 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Jewish Studies Documents & Software Archive ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: ORGANISATION: ITEX LOCATION: Jerusalem, Israel ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: SUB-DIRECTORY: pub RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: ?/5 Freshness of inf.: ?/5 COMMENTS: *contains software and docs relevant to jewish culture & hebrew studies (eg. calendars software, fonts etc) LAST ACCESSED: Dec 1991 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: History Documents Archive ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: ? ORGANISATION: Mississippi State University LOCATION: USA ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: SUB-DIRECTORY: history, words-l RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 3/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: 3/5 COMMENTS: *contains inf. about data-bases and electronic archives of use to the historians *contains several docs and papers (eg. on Vietnam war) *contains info about e-journals and e-text collections. LAST ACCESSED: Jan 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Linguistics Documents & Software Archive ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: ? ORGANISATION: University of Michigan LOCATION: USA ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: SUB-DIRECTORY: linguistics RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 2/5 Quality/depth of inf.: ?/5 Freshness of inf.: ?/5 COMMENTS: * contains a number of sub-directories: fonts various fonts (mac, dos, next) of interest to linguists handouts classroom problems, exams, information sheets, etc. linguist.list back issues of LINGUIST mailing list software programs of interest to linguists * about the mid Feb 92 there was a possibility of the archive being closed down LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Networks Documents & Software Archive ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: NSF Network Service Center ORGANISATION: National Science Foundation Network LOCATION: USA ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: SUB-DIRECTORY: several sub-directories are relevant RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 5/5 Freshness of inf.: 4/5 COMMENTS: *sub-dir. /resource-guide contains network info docs. *sub-dir. /internet-tour contains network info docs. *sub-dir. /nsfnet contains network info docs. LAST ACCESSED: Dec 1991 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Social Sciences Research Data Bank ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Coombspapers Data Bank ORGANISATION: Research Schools of Pacific Studies and Social Science, Aust. Nat. Univ. LOCATION: Canberra, Australia ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: SUB-DIRECTORY: coombspapers RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 4/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: 4/5 COMMENTS: * Mainly materials from Australia & Pacific Ocean region * In Apr 1992 there vere 190+ files totalling approx 9.7 Mb of data. * users of the Coombspapers Data Bank are invited to deposit in the 'inboundpapers' sub-directory of the facility electronic copies of their research papers, directories, abstracts of theses, and other high-grade research documents. *The data bank acts as an Australian repository of Buddhist (mainly Zen & Tibetan) as well as Taoist studies materials. LAST ACCESSED: Apr 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Soviet and East European Studies Data Library ACCESS: via INTERNET (also accessible on-line via Telnet) CHARGES: Internet $15/hour, CompuServe $25/hr (non-profit), $40/hr (corporate) NAME: SOVSET ORGANISATION: Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) LOCATION: Washinton, D.C., USA FTP ADDRESS: (it is NOT an anonymous FTP site, registered users only) LOGIN NAME: - as agreed with the SOVSET administrators - LOGIN PASSWORD: - as agreed with the SOVSET administrators- RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 4/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 5/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: no COMMENTS: Established 1984, now links more than 500 leading specialists around the world, offers 32 computer conferences, a wide variety of holdings including many materials not available elsewhere: * Daily Reports of Radio Free Euroope and Radio Liberty * Express Khronika (in English) * SOVSET News - an electronic journal * Commentary - an electronic column of commentaries on Soviet Politics * PlanEcon Report - weekly summaries on the latest Sov. & East Eur. economies * Eastern Europe Newsletter - highlights from a London biweekly publication * Perspective - reports on foreign policy and business published by Center fo Foreign Policy development at Brown University. * Phonebook - a phone and address direct. for Moscow and elsewhere * e-mail enquiries to: * correspondence to: Sarah C. Helmstadter, Executive Director, SOVSET, CSIS, 1800 K St. NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC USA 20006, Tel. (202) 775-3257, Fax (202) 775-3199 LAST ACCESSED: Mar 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: University of Maryland Info. Data Base Archive ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: ORGANISATION: University of Maryland LOCATION: USA ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: SUB-DIRECTORY: a number of subdirectories are relevent here RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 3/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 3/5 Freshness of inf.: ?4/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: no COMMENTS: * contents: economic data - US & Int'l; ethnomusicology newsletters; text of the US Constitution; text of the Bible, Koran and the Book of Mormon; 1990 CIA World FactBook * allinf. is also available as an online database (see the Database entry below) LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: US Supreme Court Rulings Archive ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Project Hermes ORGANISATION: Case Western Reserve University LOCATION: Cleveland, Ohio, USA ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: SUB-DIRECTORY: hermes RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 5/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 COMMENTS: * contains text files of complete Supreme Court Rulings since 11 May 1990 *an experimental project, may not be continued past May 1992 LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 ================================================================================ BULLETIN BOARDS ================================================================================ SERVICE: Bulletin Board ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: APA: The Electronic Agora ORGANISATION: American Philosophical Association LOCATION: California, USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: apa RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: 4/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: no COMMENTS: *The bulletin board contains a long list (50+ items) of machine-readable texts (i.e. electronic files) of significance to philosophical research (see main menu item [7]: Directories and computer resources) LAST ACCESSED: Apr 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Bulletin Board ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: CARL ORGANISATION: Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries LOCATION: Colorado, USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: not needed RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 4/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: ?/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: yes link to: online Grolier Acad. Amer. Encycl. (password required) link to: online Choice Book Reviews database link to: online Internet Resource Guide database COMMENTS: none LAST ACCESSED: Jan 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Bulletin Board ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: ORGANISATION: Case Western Reserve University LOCATION: Cleveland, Ohio, USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: not needed RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 4/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: ? COMMENTS: * A number of bulletin boards of various schools and depts. is available via a well run menu * Also offers USA Today Headline News LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Bulletin Board NETWORK: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: CERN ORGANISATION: European Center for Nuclear Research LOCATION: Geneva, Switzerland TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: not needed RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 [with ARCHIE services it is 5/5] Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: yes link to: Helsinki Tech. Univ. bulletin board (mostly in Finnish) COMMENTS: none * also acts as an ARCHIE data base - option [17] * also acts as an WAIS data baseof WAIS inf. sources - option [19] LAST ACCESSED: Apr 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Bulletin Board ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Clemson Univ. Forestry & Argricultural Network ORGANISATION: Clemson Univ. LOCATION: USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: PUBLIC RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 2/5 Freshness of inf.: ?/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: ? none COMMENTS: * requires the use of function keys (= not suitable for the Mac users) * menu-driven , to return to a higher level menu use F3 key * inf. provided on weather, economics, plants, animals (incl. pets), food, home & environment, family and youth, human resources. * Inf. primarely related to the needs of Southeastern US. LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Bulletin Board ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: History News ORGANISATION: History & Computing, Univ. of Glasgow LOCATION: Glasgow, UK TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: janet THEN RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 3/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 5/5 Freshness of inf.: 3/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: no COMMENTS: * also deals with archeology, art history * good coverage of software suitable for hist. research * extensive guide (314 items) to electronic historical data sets LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Bulletin Board ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: HUMBUL - Humanities Bulletin ORGANISATION: Univ. of Oxford LOCATION: Oxford, UK TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: janet THEN RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 5/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: no COMMENTS: * requires first time-user to register on-line with the HUMBUL LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Bulletin Board ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Hytelnet Server ORGANISATION: Univ. of Saskatchewan LOCATION: Saskatchewan, Canada TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: hytelnet then select "Other telnet-accessible sites <SITES2>" then select "<FUL000>Full-Text Databases and Bibliographies" RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 4/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 3/5 Freshness of inf.: 4/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: no COMMENTS: * for navigation use the arrow keys * good register of telnet addresses (29 items) of on-line full-text databases and bibliographies LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Bulletin Board ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: JANET NEWS SYSTEM ORGANISATION: Joint Academic Network LOCATION: ?, UK TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: janet THEN THEN news RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest version of this doc.) Range/variety of inf.: 4/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 3/5 Freshness of inf.: 4/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: no COMMENTS: none LAST ACCESSED: Nov 1991 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Bulletin Board ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Network Information Service ORGANISATION: Univ. of Leicester LOCATION: Leicester, UK TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: janet THEN RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 3/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 3/5 Freshness of inf.: 4/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: no COMMENTS: none LAST ACCESSED: Nov 1991 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Bulletin Board ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: NISS ORGANISATION: National Inst. for Software & Services LOCATION: Bath Univ, UK TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: janet THEN RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 3/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 3/5 Freshness of inf.: 4/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: no ? COMMENTS: none LAST ACCESSED: Nov 1991 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Bulletin Board ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: NISSPAC ORGANISATION: National Inst. for Software & Services LOCATION: UK TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: janet THEN at the "." prompt typeLOGON NISSCAT RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 3/5 Freshness of inf.: 1/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: no ? COMMENTS: * has inf. on machine readible data sets - eg. results of the 1883-1905 demographical data of electors in Norway LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Bulletin Board ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: PENPages ORGANISATION: Agricultural College, Penn. State Univ. & Ruthers Univ. LOCATION: USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: pnotpa RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: ?/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: yes link to: MAPP, INFAN and Argricultural & Market Databases COMMENTS: none LAST ACCESSED: Dec 1991 ================================================================================ DATA BASES ================================================================================ SERVICE: Alcoholism Research Data Base ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: CORK - Project CORK collection on alcoholism and substance abuse ORGANISATION: DartmouthCollege Library Online System LOCATION: Dartmouth, New Hampshire, USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: not needed upon login type SELECT FILE CORK services RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 2/5 Quality/depth of inf.: ?/5 Freshness of inf.: ?/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: yes link to: On line Shakespeare Plays (33 plays)(command SELECT FILE SHAKESPEARE PLAYS) link to: On line Shakespeare Sonnets (all 154)(command SELECT FILE SHAKESPEARE SONNETS) link to: On line Dante Project Database (command CONNECT DANTE) link to: Dartmouth College Library system COMMENTS: *Users need to spend some time working out peculiarities of this and other Dartmouth databases. LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Agricultural Data Base ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Agricultural & Market Data ORGANISATION: Agricultural College, Penn. State Univ. & Ruthers Univ. LOCATION: USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: pnotpa RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 2/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 COMMENTS: *Access via the PENpages Bulletin Board. Mainly US numeric farming data. * daily updated information LAST ACCESSED: Dec 1991 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Arizona State University Data Bases ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: ORGANISATION: Arizona State University LOCATION: Colorado, USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: CARL upon login choose the required option RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 2/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 3/5 Freshness of inf.: ?/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: yes (see comments below) COMMENTS: *a number of data bases are available: incl. Arizona and Soutwest Index, Arizona Statistics, ASU Newspaper Index, World Maps Index, Solar Energy Index, Song Index (popular), National Indian Education Clearinghouse Resource Center Directory, University Library holdings LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Book Reviews Data Base ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Choice Book Reviews ORGANISATION: Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries LOCATION: Colorado, USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: not needed upon login choose option #3 THEN choose option #60 RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 5/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: 4/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: yes link to: online Grolier Acad. Amer. Encycl. (paswd required) link to:online Internet Resource Guide database link to: CARL Bulletin Board COMMENTS: *Users can contribute book reviews to the continuously growing database. LAST ACCESSED: Mar 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Canadian & North American Data Bases ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: ORGANISATION: Univ. of Saskatchewan LOCATION: Saskatchewan, Canada TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: SONIA upon login choose appropriate option (see comments below) RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 5/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 5/5 Freshness of inf.: ?/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: yes (see comments below) COMMENTS: *a number of data bases are available: 1:U of S Government Publications (In Progress) 2:Special Collections - Canadiana Pamphlets 3:Special Collections - Theses 4:University Archives 5:CIHM - Early Canadiana 6:History of Photography 7:Landmarks of Science 8:American Periodical Series - 18th Century 9:CIJE plus RIE: 1983 to Present (Education) 10:Canadian Business and Current Affairs (CBCA) - 1982 to Present 11:U of S Online Catalogue (GEAC). LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Dante Poetry and Commentaries Data Base ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Project Dante ORGANISATION: DartmouthCollege Library Online System LOCATION: Dartmouth, New Hampshire, USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: not needed upon login type CONNECT DANTE RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 5/5 Freshness of inf.: ?/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: yes link to: On line Shakespeare Plays (33 plays)(command SELECT FILE SHAKESPEARE PLAYS) link to: On line Shakespeare Sonnets (all 154)(command SELECT FILE SHAKESPEARE SONNETS) link to: On line Project CORK alcoholism Database (command SELECT FILE CORK) link to: Dartmouth College Library system COMMENTS: * Contains multilingual (Italian, Lating, English and other lang. materials pertaining to Dante's Divine Comedy (Inferno, Purgatory & Paradise books) *Users need to spend some time working out peculiarities of this and other Dartmouth databases. LAST ACCESSED: Mar 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Dictionary & Thesaurus Data Bases ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Rutgers University Info. System ORGANISATION: Rutgers University LOCATION: USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: not needed upon login choose option REFERENCE RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 5/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: yes link to: 1990 CIA World Factbook COMMENTS: *Three very fast data bases are available: 1. 1991 Oxford Dictionary 2. Oxford Thesaurus 3. Oxford Dictionary of Familiar and Modern Quotations * for WAIS server with 1911 Rogets thesaurus see the entry on WAIS servers database LAST ACCESSED: Apr 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Family Studies Data Base ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: MAPP - National Family Database ORGANISATION: Agricultural College, Penn. State Univ. & Ruthers Univ. LOCATION: USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: pnotpa RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 2/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: 3/5 COMMENTS: *Access via the PENpages Bulletin Board. Full text database. Mainly US family sociological and health data. *Users are invited to contribute articles to the continuously growing database. LAST ACCESSED: Dec 1991 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Food & Nutrition Data Base ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: INFAN - International Food and Nutrition Database ORGANISATION: Agricultural College, Penn. State Univ. & Ruthers Univ. LOCATION: USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: pnotpa RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 2/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: ?/5 COMMENTS: *Access via the PENpages Bulletin Board. Full text database. Mainly US nutrition, health and food data. *Users are invited to contribute articles to the continuously growing database. LAST ACCESSED: Dec 1991 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Geographical Data Base ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Geographic Name Server ORGANISATION: Univ. of Michigan LOCATION: USA TELNET ADDRESS: 3000 LOGIN PASSWORD: [on login - type 'help' ] RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 2/5 Freshness of inf.: n/a COMMENTS: *The server provides basic geographic data on world- wide geographic locations [e.g. New York, Paris etc]. *Most complete coverage is for the USA locations. LAST ACCESSED: Dec 1991 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Hawaian Islands Data Base ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Hawaii Data Book (1991) ORGANISATION: Univ. of Hawaii LOCATION: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: lib upon login choose option #3 THEN choose option #34 RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 2/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: ?/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: yes link to: online catalogue of Univ of Hawaii Library link to: UNCOVER journal articles data base link to: Hawaian/Pacific UNCOVER journal articles data base link to: Trust Territory of Pacific data base COMMENTS: * mainly numeric data LAST ACCESSED: Dec 1991 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Hawaian Periodicals Data Base ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Hawaian/Pacific UNCOVER journal article access ORGANISATION: Univ. of Hawaii LOCATION: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: lib upon login choose option #3 THEN choose option #34 RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 5/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 2/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: yes link to: online catalogue of Univ of Hawaii Library link to: UNCOVER journal articles data base link to: Hawaii Data Book (1991) data base link to: Trust Territory of Pacific data base COMMENTS: none LAST ACCESSED: Dec 1991 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Internet Anonymous FTP Data Base ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: ARCHIE ORGANISATION: Deakin Univ., Geelong LOCATION: Australia TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: archie [on login - type 'help' ] RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 5/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 1/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 COMMENTS: *A world-wide database of contents of 1030+ftp archive sites *The Deakin site shadows the central archie archive at McGill Univ, Montreal, Canada <> *Information is available on sites, filenames and file contents [commands: SITE <sitename>, PROG <keyword>, WHATIS <filename>, when lost type HELP] * List of current Archies sites (as on 12/Feb/92): (USA [NY]) (USA [NJ]) (USA [MD]) (USA [NE]) - password : archie1 (Canada) (Finland/Mainland Europe) (UK/Ireland) (Australia/New Zealand) (Israel) * NOTE since Feb 92 dbase contains LESS information than (Canada) and attempts to notify about the problem are consistently ignored. * Archie services also available via the CERN Bulletin Board LAST ACCESSED: Apr 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Internet Resource Guide Database ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: CARL ORGANISATION: Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries LOCATION: Colorado, USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: not needed upon login choose option #3 THEN choose option #65 RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 4/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: 2/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: yes link to: online Grolier Acad. Amer. Encycl. (password required) link to: online Choice Book Reviews database link to: CARL Bulletin Board COMMENTS: * uses 1990 edition of the IRG document * keyword search LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Periodicals Contents Data Base ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Meeman Environmental Journalism Archive ORGANISATION: University of Michigan LOCATION: USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: Host: MIRLYN, Terminal: VT100 upon login choose option MEEM RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 2/5 Freshness of inf.: ?2/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: no COMMENTS: *Covers 1000 articles from US journals *Covers inf. since late 1980s; new items kept being added * Specialist collection on environmental matters * Bibliographical data (located by title, authr, subject) only LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Periodicals Contents Data Base ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: UNCOVER - Journal Article Access ORGANISATION: Univ. of Hawaii LOCATION: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: lib upon login choose option #6 RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 5/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 3/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: yes link to: online catalogue of Univ of Hawaii Library link to: Hawaian/Pacific UNCOVER journal articles data base link to: Hawaii Data Book (1991) data base COMMENTS: *Covers over 2 million articles in 10,000 journals. *Article contents delivery service (via fax) can be paidfor with a credit card. LAST ACCESSED: Apr 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Periodicals Contents Data Base ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Wilson Periodical Database ORGANISATION: Texas A&M University LOCATION: Texas, USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: vtam upon login choose option NOTIS then select any of the 3 library collections then type WILSON RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 5/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 3/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: yes link to: online catalogues of Texas A&M University Library COMMENTS: *Covers articles printed until Dec 1991 * Very strong on humanities and social sciences * User friendly LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Soviet and East European Studies Data Library ACCESS: via INTERNET (also accessible via ftp) CHARGES: Internet $15/hour, CompuServe $25/hr (non-profit), $40/hr (corporate) NAME: SOVSET ORGANISATION: Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) LOCATION: Washinton, D.C., USA TELNET ADDRESS: (registered users only) LOGIN NAME: - as agreed with the SOVSET administrators - LOGIN PASSWORD: - as agreed with the SOVSET administrators- RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 4/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 5/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: no COMMENTS: Established 1984, now links more than 500 leading specialists around the world, offers 32 computer conferences, a wide variety of holdings including many materials not available elsewhere: * Daily Reports of Radio Free Euroope and Radio Liberty * Express Khronika (in English) * SOVSET News - an electronic journal * Commentary - an electronic column of commentaries on Soviet Politics * PlanEcon Report - weekly summaries on the latest Sov. & East Eur. economies * Eastern Europe Newsletter - highlights from a London biweekly publication * Perspective - reports on foreign policy and business published by Center fo Foreign Policy development at Brown University. * Phonebook - a phone and address direct. for Moscow and elsewhere * e-mail enquiries to * correspondence to: Sarah C. Helmstadter, Executive Director, SOVSET, CSIS, 1800 K St. NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC USA 20006, Tel. (202) 775-3257, Fax (202) 775-3199 LAST ACCESSED: Mar 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: University of Maryland Info. Data Base ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: ORGANISATION: University of Maryland LOCATION: USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: info RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 3/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 3/5 Freshness of inf.: ?4/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: no COMMENTS: * very convenient screen & menu oriented interface * contains EconData:several hundred thousand economic time series that include various US national accounts, labor information, price indices, current business indicators and industrial production, information over Maryland state and regions, and intern'l data. * also contains: ethnomusicology newsletters; text of the US Constitution; text of the Bible, Koran and the Book of Mormon; 1990 CIA World FactBook * all inf. is also available via anonymous FTP (see entry on Archives above) LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: US Pacific Territories Data Base ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Trust Territory of Pacific Database ORGANISATION: Univ. of Hawaii LOCATION: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: lib upon login choose option #3 THEN choose option #36 RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 3/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 3/5 Freshness of inf.: ?/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: yes link to: online catalogue of Univ of Hawaii Library link to: UNCOVER journal articles data base link to: Hawaian/Pacific UNCOVER journal articles data base link to: Hawaii Data Book (1991) data base COMMENTS: *catalogue of archival materials on Micronesian US Trust Territory LAST ACCESSED: Dec 1991 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: WAIS Servers Data Base ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: directory-of-servers ORGANISATION: TMC LOCATION: USA TELNET ADDRESS: n/a, access via a public domain WAIStation software LOGIN PASSWORD: not needed RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 3/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 5/5 Freshness of inf.: 4/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: n/a COMMENTS: * very fast data base with inf. about aprox 200+ WAIS servers (databases) *The directory-of-servers serves source source structures.Search it to find new sources which you can then download, save, and search from WAIStation! * currently awailable only to Macintosh users * the number of sources (servers) grows approx 2-3/week * Limitation:single query generates no more than 45 items of information * Servers uncovered via the directory-of-servers are searcheable through keywords and they provide user with the a full-text document in which given keyword is embeded. LAST ACCESSED: Apr 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: World Economics Data Base +++ new entry ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none - NOTE: access restricted to the staff and students of the ANU NAME: STARS - Statistical Analysis and Retrieval System ORGANISATION: Australian National University LOCATION: Canberra, Australia TELNET ADDRESS: iedbserver (for logins within the ANU network) LOGIN PASSWORD: [available from the ANU CSC Help desk (ext 5678) on application] RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 2/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 5/5 Freshness of inf.: ?4/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: no COMMENTS: * contains IMF data, GFS data on intl statistics of govt finance since 1970 * contains IMF data, IFS data on intl and domestic finance (147 countries) * contains IMF data, BOP data on balance of payment (141 countries) * contains World Bank World Tables for 1950, 55, 1960-1989 for approx 160 countries and aggregates * contains UNIDO Industrial Statistics (approx 85 countries) since 1961 * contains UN International Trade data (approx 10 countries) since 1965 * contains FAO Data (approx 20 countries) about 900 commodities since 1961 * The inf. is also available from the data base via FTP (password required) LAST ACCESSED: Apr 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: World Factbook Data Base ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: Rutgers University Info. System ORGANISATION: Rutgers University LOCATION: USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: not needed upon login choose option REFERENCE RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 3/5 Freshness of inf.: 4/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: yes link to: 1991 Oxford Dictionary link to: Oxford Thesaurus link to: Oxford Dictionary of Familiar and Modern Quotations COMMENTS: *very fast data base with inf. about 249 individual countries *material comes from the 1990 CIA Worldfactbook which is also available elsewhere as a WAIS database and etext document (see the Archives section of this document) * Big chunks of inf. pre-date Apr 1990 * for WAIS servers with the Factbook see the entry on WAIS servers database LAST ACCESSED: Apr 1992 ================================================================================ LIBRARY CATALOGUES ================================================================================ SERVICE: Online Library Catalogues ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: ORGANISATION: 300+ universities and colleges LOCATION: Australia, NZ, USA, UK, Sweden, Germany TELNET ADDRESS: currentdirectory of telnet addresses, LIBRARIES.TXT, is available via anonymous ftp from: * [North American users] - Jan 92 edition * [European users] -Jan 92 edition (in database/library/UNT-library-guide area) * [Australian & NZ users] -Jan 92 edition (in coombspapers/foreign/soc-science-tools area) LOGIN PASSWORD: passwords are listed in the LIBRARIES.TXT document. RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 5/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 5/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: in some cases: (eg. Univ of Hawaii) COMMENTS: * the list of on-line library catalogues accessible via the INTERNET grows approx by 2-3 sites/week * for WAIS servers with the Library information see the entry on WAIS servers database LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Online Library Catalogues ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: YES - see comments below NAME: Australian Bibliographical Network ORGANISATION: National Library of Australia LOCATION: Canberra, Australia TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: You have to have a username, password and an account code to access the catalogue, and you will be billed for usage by ABN. Your local library typically has such an access code. RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 5/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 5/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: ? COMMENTS: * The ABN spans 1100 libraries all over Australia. * The Australian Bibliographic Network is a commercial service which provides a database which can be used to (A) Check bibliographic citations; (B) Find Australian Publications for material; (C) Generate catalogue records * Individuals can get an account with the National Library as a 'Search only" customer. They can use the Supersearch software to locate items. Training is needed to use this software. The 1991-92 ABN Charging schedule does not mention AARNet access so it can be assumed that the dial up access charges apply. * The costs (in 1992) are roughly as follows - Joining fee $150 Monthly service charge$9 per month Connect time (supersearch) $45 per hour Inquiry commands $0.29 per chargeable command * Further details are obtainable from the ABN helpdesk intl. +61 6 2621531;email access??? LAST ACCESSED: not accessed by this compiler -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Online Periodicals Library Catalogues ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none COMMENTS: *see UNCOVER & WILSON Periodicals Contents Data Base entries in the Data Base section of this guide * for WAIS servers with the Periodicals information see the entry on WAIS servers database LAST ACCESSED: Feb 1992 ================================================================================ PERIODICALS ================================================================================ SERVICE: Electronic Journal/Newsletter ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: REACH - Research & Educ. Appl of Computers in Humanities ORGANISATION: Univ. of California LOCATION: St. Barbara, USA ANONYMOUS FTP ADDRESS: * [North American users] * [Australian & NZ users] SUB-DIRECTORY: * hcf [North American users] * coombspapers/otherwork [Australian & NZ users] RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 5/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 COMMENTS: *Between 6 and 4 issues a year, text format. *Users are invited to contribute articles to the Journal. LAST ACCESSED: Apr 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Electronic Journal/Newsletter ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: MeckJournal (ISSN 1058-692X) ORGANISATION: Meckler Publishing Corporation LOCATION: Westport, CT, USA TELNET ADDRESS: LOGIN PASSWORD: nicol SUB-DIRECTORY: MC(2): Electronic Publication Service RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 1/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 4/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 COMMENTS: *On-line publications dealing with virtual libraries, network services, information broking, knowledge navigation, resources-sharing. *MeckJournals (electronic monthly publication) as of Mar 92: MeckJournal Volume I, Issue 1 MeckJournal Volume I, Issue 2 MeckJournal Volume I, Issue 3 MeckJournal Volume II, Issue 1 (Jan. 1992) MeckJournal Volume II, Issue 2 (these issues are also available via anonymous ftp from "" in the nicol/meckler subdirectory) *Also available on-line: Meckler Info. Tech. Pub.: Complete Catalog & order form Table of Contents: Meckler Periodicals CD-ROM Librarian Index: 1986 - 1990 Computers in Libraries Index: 1985 - 1990 LAST ACCESSED: Mar 1992 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Electronic Journal/Newsletter +++ new entry ACCESS: via INTERNET CHARGES: none NAME: _EJournal_ ORGANISATION: Department of English, University at Albany/SUNY LOCATION: Albany, NY, USA TELNET ADDRESS: To subscribe to _EJournal_, send a mail message to listserv@albnyvm1.bitnet containing as its only line the command: subscribe ejrnl your_first_name your_last_name Information about getting back issues will accompany the "Welcome" message sent to people who subscribe. RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: ?/5 Quality/depth of inf.: ?/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: no COMMENTS: * a peer-reviewed, all-electronic, network distributed, serial publication * focus on theory and practice surrounding the creation, transmission, storage, interpretation, alteration and replication of electronic "text," broadly defined. * focus on the social, psychological, literary, economic, pedagogical, philosophical and other ramifications of computer-mediated networks. * Single-essay issues appear as often as submissions are affirmatively reviewed; there were four (free) distributions to subscribers in 1991. * Please send submissions for editorial consideration to our "office" at: ejournal@albnyvms.bitnet [Ted Jennings, Editor, Department of English, University at Albany/SUNY] LAST ACCESSED: not accessed (yet) by the compiler of this document -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE: Electronic Journal/Newsletter ACCESS: via INTERNET (accessible via telnet and ftp) CHARGES: Internet $15/hour, CompuServe $25/hr (non-profit), $40/hr (corporate) NAME: SOVSET News ORGANISATION: Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) LOCATION: Washinton, D.C., USA TELNET/FTP ADDRESS: (registered users only) LOGIN NAME: - as agreed with the SOVSET administrators - LOGIN PASSWORD: - as agreed with the SOVSET administrators- RELEVANCE TO SOC. SCIENCES (at the time of the latest access to this service) Range/variety of inf.: 4/5 Quality/depth of inf.: 5/5 Freshness of inf.: 5/5 GATEWAY FACILITIES: no COMMENTS: for details see entries in the archives and/or databases sections above * e-mail enquiries to * correspondence to: Sarah C. Helmstadter, Executive Director, SOVSET, CSIS, 1800 K St. NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC USA 20006, Tel. (202) 775-3257, Fax (202) 775-3199 LAST ACCESSED: Mar 1992 ================================================================================ Appendix A: TELNET procedures ================================================================================ TELNET is a communications programme for interactive linking of two computers on the same network To establish interactive connection with a given computer via TELNET type command 'telnet' followed by the target computer's address: telnet <internet address> eg. telnet If you attempt to log-in into a private account you will be then asked about its id number and an appropriate password. If you log-in into a public account you may be sometimes asked to supply the public user password (eg. in the case of the above the public password is 'library') To return to your machine while running TELNET software type command ' ctrl-] ' (i.e. control-right square bracket) To quit running TELNET program type command 'quit' ================================================================================ Appendix B: Anonymous FTP procedures ================================================================================ To download any of files via anonymous FTP, you must have access to the FTP program running on a computer at your location. FTP is a program running on UNIX machines over the Internet meta-network. It is similar to TELNET programme but more restricted in scope. 1. Begin by connecting yourself to a computer of your choice. This is done by typing command FTP followed by target computer's address: ftp <internet address> eg. ftp 2. When asked, you log on to the visited computer using word "anonymous" as your name and your e-mail address as your password. 3. To determine where you areuse the "ls" command to see a list of names of all filesand sub-directories in a given directory. Command "lsminus l" eg. ls -l gives a listing of all files and directories together with their dates of creation and their sizes. A character "d" in the first column indicates a sub-directory. 4. You can change to the directory containing required files by typing the following command: cd <sub-directory name> eg cd pub (Repeat this procedure until you have reached required sub-directory. Command "cd" takes you, of course one step at a time down a directory. To move one level up on the directory tree [i.e. to re-trace one's path] use command "cd" followed by a blank space and two full stops : cd .. ) 5. Use the "get" command to copy the file which you want to your computer. If you don't remember the name of the file, use the "ls" command to see a list of the names of all files in a given directory. get (filename) e.g. get pambu.txt 6. To deposit (= upload) a file at a given anonymous ftp site locate find(using "cd" command) a subdirectory namedor "inbound" or "inboundpapers" or other similarly named area. Enter it and then issue command "put" followed by the name of a file you want to transfer: put (fillename) e.g put africa.txt 7. To sign off by type the closing command: bye 6. Upon closing connection to a given ftp server you can start un-compressing (if necessary) and inspecting the transferred file(s). ================================================================================ Appendix C: Using ARCHIE databases ================================================================================ ARCHIE is a world-wide data-base with information about over 2 million files kept by 1000+ anonymous FTP sites. There are several Archie sites in the world, each mirroring the contents of its siblings (for details see the entry on the ARCHIE data-base) To establish interactive connection with a given ARCHIE site (always try one which is nearest to you on the network) type command 'telnet' followed by the target computer's address: telnet <archie's internet address> eg. telnet Then as a log-in password provide the word 'archie' To set display on your screen to one (1) page at a time - type command 'set pager' To find information on a given topic, eg. environment type command 'prog' followed by the keyword in question: prog <keyword> eg. prog environment As an outcome of this operation you will receive a list of all names of computer files, together with anonymous ftp addresses of their host computers. This information will enable to visit (via ftp procedure) any site of your interest and get a copy of a desired file. To find information on a given ftp site, say an ftp archive in UK called '', type command 'site' followed by the keyword in question: site <keyword> eg. site To find more about ARCHIE's abilities - type command 'help' To quit running ARCHIE program and thus to return to your machine - type command 'bye' ================================================================================ SOME USEFUL REFERENCES ================================================================================ Bailey, Charls W. Jr (BITNET email:LIB3@UHUPVM1) 1991. LIBRARY ORIENTED COMPUTER CONFERENCES ANDELECTRONIC SERIALS. (A list of select BITNET and INTERNET listservs and sources of inf. abour electronic serials. Available via anonymous FTP from ??) Barron, Billy ( 1990. INTERNET DATABASES. (A May 90 list of some the US on-line facilities. Available via anonymous FTP from as library/internet.databases) Barron, Billy ( 1992. UNT's ACCESSING ON-LINE BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATABASES. (A Jan 92 list of the300+ world's on-line library catalogues. Available via anonymous FTP from as library/libraries.txt) Cliffe, Steve ( 1991. AUSTRALIAN ARCHIVE SITES. (A Dec 1991 listing of anonymous FTP sites in Australia, published every month via <aus.archives> newsgroup, also FTP-able from as pub/aus-archive-site) Goldstein, Cecil and Ron Heard. 1991. Getting the most out of AARNet- Unix version. Computing Services, QUT. (text version of the document are FTP-able from as user-guide/aarnet_user_guide_unix_v1.txt; wp and ps files are also available) Kehoe, Brendan P. ( 1992. ZEN AND THE ART OF THE INTERNET - a beginner's guide to the Internet. (A Feb 1992 100 pages highly informative booklet. Available via anonymous FTP from as/pub/brendan/zen-1.0.PS) Krol, Ed ( 1987. THE HITCHHIKERS GUIDE TO THE INTERNET. (An Aug 87 overview of the meta-network and it's services. RFC 1118. Available via anonymous FTP from as pub/documents/hgi.txt.Z) Martin, Jerry ( 1991. NETWORK TREASURES - There's Gold in them thar Networks ! or Searching for Treasure in all the Wrong Places. (A Dec 91 memo with pointers to Internet services. Available via anonymous FTP from as /info-sources/network-treasures.txt) NSF Network Service Center ( 1990. THE INTERNET RESOURCES GUIDE. (A May 90 massive catalogue compiled for the BBN Systems and Technologies Co. The current edition is Available via anonymous FTP from as /resource-guide/wholeguide.txt. Also available as an online database accessible via the CARL Bulletin Board) Yanoff, Scott ( 1992. SPECIAL INTERNET CONNECTIONS. (A Apr 92 listing of Internet services, published every month via <alt.bbs.internet> newsgroup) ================================================================================ COPYRIGHT & DISCLAIMER NOTICES ================================================================================ Copying is permitted for non-commercial use by computer conferences, individual scholars, and libraries, as long as a standard bibliographic reference to this document is provided. The compiler will not accept responsibility for misinformation, nor will he be responsible for misuse of information abtained from sources mentioned in this document. Additions, corrections and deletions should be sent to: ================================================================================ end of file ==== <g GUIDE> 9 links in glossary topic ==== <g NETWORK> 8 links in glossary topic