Product Information

                       Thumb v1.2
                    by Kevin Leonard
                        Paul Braren

                      written with
          Watcom(TM) VX-REXX(TM) 2.0b

rxSock -Rexx Function Package for TCP/IP Sockets for OS/2 2.0

   by Patrick Mueller (

(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1993.
All rights Reserved.

General Information

  Copy - Copy selected text from Result field to OS/2 Clipboard.
  Paste - Paste OS/2 Clipboard to current position in Name field.
  Add - Add values from Name and Host fields to drop down list.
  Delete - Delete value in Host field from drop down list.
  Ascending - Sort Host list in ascending order.
  Descending - Sort Host list in descending order.
  Set Default - Make values in Name and Host fields the default.
  Save - Write Host list and default Host to disk in .INI file.
  Clear the Name and Response fields, set Host field to default.
  Exit this program. Save settings for size, fonts, and colors.
  (Use a Font or Color palette to change the fonts and colors.)
  You're looking at it.

Command line parameters
  /min - Start minimized.
  /restore - Reset all sizes, fonts, and colors to their default.

Configuration Information

	RXSOCK.DLL and vrobj.dll must be somewhere in your
	 config.sys LIBPATH specification.
	 (install.cmd defaults to putting them into /tcpip/dll)

	Saves window position and size
	Also saves fonts and colors drag and dropped
	 from the OS/2 System font and color palettes
	The Hosts tool palette is resizable, just drag border
	 to desired width, and buttons will be reconfigured.
	All changes to the look of Thumb are saved when you
	 quit (Alt-Q, Alt-F4, or double click on top left).
	If Thumb is minized when you quit it (ie, click once
	 on minimized icon, then on close to close it), it
	 will then start minimized the next time you run it.

Known Shortcomings:
	If you are not networked properly, it's a long wait for
	 RXSOCK.DLL to time out and let you close Thumb.
	 RXSOCK.DLL is from in /ews
	 (employee written software), and has this limitation.
	Having the Hosts tool palette shown at quit time
	 doesn't get saved due to a reported VX-REXX 2.0a bug.
	Using UP/DOWN arrow keys while focus is on the drop down
	 list doesn't give proper selection behavior yet.  Using
	 your mouse works fine.

Revision/Fix History:
Thumb 1.0 released on 5/24/94
Thumb 1.1 released on 7/06/94
	Built using Build B of Watcom's VX-REXX, thus it's best with
	 VROBJ.DLL 6-20-94 836001 bytes (from Patch Level B), although
	 it will work with VROBJ.DLL from Patch Level A. 
	Due to popular demand, Thumb is now distributed without
	 VROBJ.DLL.  Also, RXSOCK is also no longer included, as
	 the latest versions of IBM TCP/IP 2.0 for OS/2 now include
	 it as part of the standard distribution.
	If you used Thumb 1.0, you may want to delete the VROBJ.DLL
	 and RXSOCK.DLL files from your /tcpip/bin directory if you
	 don't have other apps that use those files.
	You can now run Thumb from any directory (ie, from C:,
	 type "\thumb\thumb", and it will work).  It "knows"
	 where it's running from, and will find it's own .ini
	 file (whereas before it would just show no list and
	 wouldn't save changes).
	Cosmetic changes to this Thumb.TXT file.
	Different ZIP program used (2.0.1) to preserve HPFS
	 attributes (eg., now extracts to Thumb.EXE instead of
	 THUMB.EXE when using Info-ZIP 5.1 UNZIP).
	Slightly smaller default font (System VIO) used for
	 returned data.
	Fixed large returns of data, interpreting line-feed ""
	 character correctly.
	Focus now defaults to name field.
	New Thumb icon.
	The time stamp tells you the version number of the files
	 in your Thumb directory.
Thumb 1.2 released on 7/14/94
        RXSOCK put back into the distribution.  Also, 1.1 was
        taken out of from /pub/incoming for
        unknown reasons twice.