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The world of networking has seen a radical change in recent years. Just yesterday everyone was obsessed with plugging Ethernet cables into everything they possibly could. New houses had Ethernet jacks in every room while businesses looked at gigabit Ethernet with baited breath, just waiting for everyone else to buy in so the prices would drop. Some schools even went as far as installing Ethernet jacks at individual desks.

Of course, a few years later 802.11 exploded on the market and suddenly all those extra Ethernet jacks seemed really silly. Organizations everywhere started to roll out wireless, many without understanding the unique security problems that wirelesses technologies pose to their infrastructures. At first, users and management were tolerant of kinks in the wireless networks. They accepted that it was new and sexy, and of course, things were going to be a little rough.

Oh, how things have changed. These days, everyone believes that organizations not only should have wireless access but also it should be stable and secure. Now, in order to do that, these organizations must take proactive steps to secure their wireless networks, and that's where this book comes in to play. Hacking Exposed Wireless is targeted at anyone interested in the security of wireless networks. It covers a broad range of topics and speaks to a wide audience. It will take you from setting up secure home networks to establishing an industrial-strength enterprise WPA2 authentication and encryption mechanism using a RADIUS-based authentication server.

Of course, it wouldn't be Hacking Exposed if it didn't spend an equal amount of time explaining how to attack these networks as well. Covering security issues from both sides of the fence is what sets this series apart from the rest. You can be sure that the most up-to-date attacks and tools are covered within these pages, and we hope you find the following chapters to be both useful and entertaining.

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A standard tested and tried Hacking Exposed format is used throughout this book.

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