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Part III: Hacking Additional Wireless Technologies

Part III of this book includes detailed analysis of advanced techniques that are outside the scope of the other chapters. This includes detailed analysis of statistical attacks against WEP, techniques that are specifically applicable to hotspots, and other advanced attacks against 802.11. A chapter on Bluetooth provides a guided tour of using many Bluetooth-related utilities on Linux.

Chapter 9: Hacking Hotspots

Chapter 9 covers all of the 802.11 hacking techniques that are specifically applicable to a hotspot scenario. These include attacks against the hotspot billing system, as well as tunneling attacks to sneak through without paying.

Chapter 10: The Potential Threat of Bluetooth

Chapter 10 is devoted to currently available tools to attack Bluetooth. A brief introduction to the Bluetooth protocol is given, and then it's straight into using Bluetooth-related utilities. Tools covered include hcitool, sdptool, and carwhisperer, among others.

Chapter 11: Advanced Attacks

Chapter 11 covers advanced attacks against 802.11. These include advanced techniques to generate traffic on a wireless network, in-depth analysis of the statistical attacks against WEP/RC4, and a brief overview of current device driver fingerprinting techniques. A detailed walkthrough on how to install and configure Metasploit 3 to launch an 802.11 device driver exploit is also included.

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