NOTES ON "QUALIFIED VEHICLES" ````````````````````````````` References and important links: Canadian Clean Fuel Tax Deductions (actually they have it in reverse, by penalizing polluting cars: "Excise Tax on Fuel Inefficient Cars") Dear Green Upgrader, The documents attached here clearly demonstrate that the IRS will give you tax relief for clean-fuel burning vehicles, or hybrids that use clean fuel in part. On their website you will find a list of "qualified vehicles", all made by big automakers such Toyota, Honda and other famous hybrids. It may seem that if your model is NOT on the list, you're out of luck. But that's NOT what the actual IRS Code (IRS Law) says! It states in very clear words, as you can see from Chapter 12 of the Code (attached), what is defined BY THE IRS CODE to be "Qualified property": =============================================================== Your property must meet the following requirements to qualify for the deduction. 1. It must be acquired for your own use and not for resale. 2. Its original use must begin with you. 3. Either— a. The motor vehicle of which it is a part must satisfy any federal or state emissions standards that apply to each fuel by which the vehicle is designed to be propelled, or b. It must satisfy any federal and state emissions certification, testing, and warranty requirements that apply. =============================================================== Since THE HYDROGEN-OXYGEN PART of the hybrid emits only water and oxygen as its "emissions", it qualifies for THAT part. As for the regular, original engine, I assume you have maintained it properly and have passed the regular smog tests of your state. As for the water-based emissions, you don't have to invent the wheel, refer to well-documented scientific research as published on the Internet, US Patent Office and other scientific institutions. As far as I can predict the IRS may try to disqualify your submission and pooh-pooh the validity of its scientific background. The IRS is not the scientific arm of the government. It's the Patent Office and EPA as far as we're concerned. The Patent Office is in general agreement with water enhancers and other gas savers and emission reduction technologies. The EPA is against them and has not approved ANY add-on technology for saving gas and saving the environment. Popular Science has sweepingly pooh-poohed any and all such technologies just as well. These last two are obviously avid enemies of home-made improvements. Yet they are not the law. Insist that the IRS approves your submission. If you're not willing to fight, or are not sure of the validity of this technology, either assist yourself and arm yourself with before/after smog tests, or don't fight at all. You are using this IRS information, as the rest of the information we provide, totally at your own risk. But remember this: the more such submissions the IRS receives, the less they are likely to want to waste money and time fighting it. At a level of only 2% of the population, it will be accepted as "normal" and everybody will start doing it. This has been proven to be the only qualification for a new trend to "catch the wave" and boom real fast. It has happened with the penetration of cellphones, DVDs and many other technologies and trends. Two percent of the population is all it takes. And I say: Let's START the ball rolling! A snowball is unstoppable, but somebody got to start it sometime, somewhere. I give you my word here that, for 2007, I'm going to put my balls on the fireline and submit IRS Form 8910 with my taxes, for my home-made WATER HYBRID. Here, I started the snowball rolling! You with me? To a Free Earth!!! Ozzie Freedom Founder & CEO