The Phreak file courtesy of the Jolly Roger 202 282 3010 UNIV. OF D.C. 202 553 0229 PENTAGON T.A.C. 202 635 5710 CATHOLIC UNIV. OF AMERICA 202 893 0330 DEFENSE DATA NETWORK 202 893 0331 DEFENSE DATA NETWORK 202 965 2900 WATERGATE 203 771 4930 TELEPHONE PIONEERS 206 641 2381 VOICE OF CHESTER 212 526 1111 NEW YORK FEED LINE 212 557 4455 SEX HOT LINE 212 799 5017 ABC NY FEED LINE 212 934 9090 DIAL-AN-IDIOT 212 976 2727 P.D.A. 212 986 1660 STOCK QUOTES 213 541 2462 STOCK MARKET REPORTS 213 547 6801 NAVY SHIPS INFO 213 576 6061 " " 213 664 3321 NEWS FOR THE BLIND 301 393 1000 " " 301 667 4280 LOTTERY INFO 312 939 1600 " " 404 221 5519 NUCLEAR COMMISSION 408 248 8818 1ST NAT'L BANK 415 642 2160 EARTHQUAKE REPCRT 505 883 6828 " " 512 472 2181 " " 512 472 4263 WIERD RECORDING 512 472 9833 " " 512 472 9941 INSERT 25 CENTS 512 472 9941 SPECIAL RECORDING 512 870 2345 " " 516 794 1707 " " 619 748 0002 LOOP LINE 619 748 0003 " " 703 331 0057 MCI (5 DIGITS) 703 334 6831 WASH. POST 703 354 8723 COMPEL INC. 703 737 2051 METROPHONE (6 DIGITS) 703 835 0500 VALNET (5 DIGITS) 703 861 7000 SPRINT (6/8 DIGITS) 703 861 9181 SPRINT (6/8 DIGITS) 714 974 4020 CA. MAINFRAME 716 475 1072 N.Y. DEC-SYSTEM 800 222 0555 RESEARCH INSTITUTE 800 223 3312 CITIBANK 800 227 5576 EASTERN AIRLINES 800 248 0151 WHITE HOUSE PRESS 800 321 1424 FLIGHT PLANES 800 323 3026 TEL-TEC (6 GIGITS) 800 323 4756 MOTOROLA DITELL 800 323 7751 M.C.I. MAINFRAME 800 325 4112 EAsYLINK 800 325 6397 F.Y.I. 800 344 4000 MSG SYSTEM 800 368 6900 SKYLINE ORDER LINE 800 424 9090 RONALD REAGAN'S PRESS 800 424 9096 WHITE HOUSE SWITCH 800 438 9428 ITT CITY CALL SWITCHING 800 521 2255 AUTONET 800 521 8400 TRAVELNET (8 DIGITS) 800 526 3714 RCA MAINFRAME 800 527 1800 TYMNET 800 621 3026 SPECIAL OPERATOR 800 621 3028 " " 800 621 3030 " " 800 621 3035 " " 800 631 1146 VOICE STAT 800 821 2121 BELL TELEMARKETING 800 828 6321 XEROX $ 800 858 9313 RECORD-A-VOICE 800 882 1061 AT&T STOCK PRICES 914 997 1277 " " 916 445 2864 JERRY BROWN N/A 950 1000 SPRINT N/A 950 1022 MCI EXECUNET N/A 950 1033 US TELEPHONE N/A 950 1044 ALLNET (6 DIGITS) N/A 950 1066 LEXITEL N/A 950 1088 SKYLINE (6 DIGITS) ----------------------------------- PHONE # | DESCRIPTION/CODE ----------------------------------- 201-643-2227 | CODES:235199,235022 | AND 121270 | 800-325-4112 | WESTERN UNION | 800-547-1784 | CODES:101111,350009 | AND 350008 | 800-424-9098 | TOLL FREE WHITE HS. | 800-424-9099 | DEFENSE HOT LINE | 202-965-2900 | WATERGATE | 800-368-5693 | HOWARD BAKER HOTLN | 202-456-7639 | REAGANS SECRETARY | 202-545-6706 | PENTAGON | 202-694-0004 | PENTAGON MODEM | 201-932-3371 | RUTGERS | 800-325-2091 | PASSWORD: GAMES | 800-228-1111 | AMERICAN EXPRESS | 617-258-8313 | AFTER CONNECT | PRESS CTRL-C | 800-323-7751 | PASSWORD:REGISTER | 800-322-1415 | CODES:266891,411266 | AND 836566 | (USED BY SYSOP) ----------------------------------- The following 800 #'s have been collected however no codes have been found yet! if you hack any please let me know... ----------------------------------- phone # | codes: ----------------------------------- 800-321-3344 | ??????????? 800-323-3027 | ??????????? 800-323-3208 | ??????????? 800-323-3209 | ??????????? 800-325-7222 | ??????????? 800-327-9895 | ??????????? 800-327-9136 | ??????????? 800-343-1844 | ??????????? 800-547-1784 | ??????????? 800-547-6754 | ??????????? 800-654-8494 | ??????????? 800-682-4000 | ??????????? 800-858-9000 | ??????????? 800 #'s with carriers. 800-323-9007 800-323-9066 800-323-9073 800-321-4600 800-547-1784 1-800 numbers of the goverment. 800-321-1082:NAVY FINANCE CENTER. 800-424-5201:EXPORT IMPORT BANK. 800-523-0677:ALCOHOL TOBACCO AND. 800-532-1556:FED INFORMATION CNTR1-1082:NAVY FINANCE CENTER. 800-424-5201:EXPORT IMPORT BANK. 800-523-0677:ALCOHOL TOBACCO AND. 800-532-1556:FED INFORMATION CNTR. 800-325-4072:COMBAT & ARMS SERVICE. 800-325-4095:COMBAT SUPPORT BRANCH. 800-325-4890:ROPD USAR COMBAT ARMS. 800-432-3960:SOCIAL SECURITY. 800-426-5996:PUGET NAVAL SHIPYARD. Directory of toll free numbers. 800-432-3960:SOCIAL SECURITY. 800-426-5996:PUGET NAVAL SHIPYARD. Directory of toll free numbers. 301-234-0100:BALTIMORE ELECTRIC. 202-456-1414:WHITE HOUSE. 202-545-6706:PENTAGON. 202-343-1100:EPA. 714-891-1267:DIAL-A-GEEK. 714-897-5511:TIMELY. 213-571-6523:SATANIC MESSAGES. 213-664-7664:DIAL-A-SONG. 405-843-7396:SYNTHACER MUSIC. 213-765-1000:LIST OF MANY NUMBERS. 512-472-4263:WIERD. 512-472-9941:INSERT 25. 203-771-3930:PIONEERS. 213-254-4914:DIAL-A-ATHIEST. 212-586-0897:DIRTY. 213-840-3971:HOROWIERD 203-771-3930:PIONEERS 471-9420,345-9721,836-8962 836-3298,323-4139,836-5698 471-9440,471-9440,471-6952 476-6040,327-9772,471-9480 800-325-1693,800-325-4113 800-521-8400:VOICE ACTIVATED 213-992-8282:METROFONE ACCESS NUMBER 617-738-5051:PIRATE HARBOR 617-720-3600:TIMECOR #2 301-344-9156:N.A.S.A PASSWORD:GASET 318-233-6289:UNIVERSITY LOUISIANA 213-822-2112:213-822-3356 213-822-1924:213-822 3127 213-449-4040:TECH CENTER 213-937-3580:TELENET 1-800-842-8781 1-800-368-5676 1-800-345-3878 212-331-1433 213-892-7211 213-626-2400 713-237-1822 713-224-6098 713-225-1053 713-224-9417 818-992-8282 1-800-521-8400 After entering the sprint code,and, C+Destination number.Then enter this: number:"205#977#22",And the main tracer for sprint will be disabled. 215-561-3199/SPRINT LONG DISTANCE 202-456-1414/WHITE HOUSE 011-441-930-4832/QUEEN ELIZABETH 916-445-2864/JERRY BROWN 800-424-9090/RONALD REAGAN'S PRESS 212-799-5017/ABC NEW YORK FEED LINE 800-882-1061/AT & T STOCK PRICES 212-986-1660/STOCK QUOTES 213-935-1111/WIERD EFFECTS! 512-472-4263/WIERD RECORDING 212-976-2727/P.D.A. 619-748-0002/FONE CO. TESTING LINES 900-410-6272/SPACE SHUTTLE COMM. 201-221-6397/AMERICAN TELEPHONE 215-466-6680/BELL OF PENNSYLVANIA 202-347-0999/CHESAPEAKE TELEPHONE 213-829-0111/GENERAL TELEPHONE 808-533-4426/HAWAIIAN TELEPHONE 312-368-8000/ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE 317-265-8611/INDIANA BELL 313-223-7233/MICHIGAN BELL 313-223-7223/NEVADA BELL 207-955-1111/NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE 201-483-3800/NEW JERSEY BELL 212-395-2200/NEW YORK TELEPHONE 515-243-0890/NORTHWESTERN BELL 216-822-6980/OHIO BELL 206-345-2900/PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL 213-621-4141/PACIFIC TELEPHONE 205-321-2222/SOUTH CENTRAL BELL 404-391-2490/SOUTHERN BELL 203-771-4920/SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND 314-247-5511/SOUTHWESTERN BELL 414-678-3511/WISCONSIN TELEPHONE 800-327-6713/UNKNOWN ORIGIN 303-232-8555/HP3000 315-423-1313/DEC-10 313-577-0260/WAYNE STATE 512-474-5011/AUSTIN COMPUTERS 516-567-8013/LYRICS TIMESHARING 212-369-5114/RSTS/E 415-327-5220/NEC 713-795-1200/SHELL COMPUTERS 518-471-8111/CNA OF NY 800-327-6761/AUTONET 800-228-1111/VISA CREDIT CHECK 713-483-2700/NASUA 213-383-1115/COSMOS 408-280-1901/TRW 404-885-3460/SEARS CREDIT CHECK 414-289-9988/AARDVARK SOFTWARE 919-852-1482/ANDROMEDA INCORPORATED 213-985-2922/ARTSCI 714-627-9887/ASTAR INTERNATIONAL 415-964-8021/AUTOMATED SIMULATIONS 503-345-3043/AVANT GARDE CREATIONS 415-456-6424/BRODERBUND SOFTWARE 415-658-8141/BUDGE COMPANY 714-755-5392/CAVALIER COMPUTER 801-753-6990/COMPUTER DATA SYSTEMS 213-701-5161/DATASOFT INC. 213-366-7160/DATAMOST 716-442-8960/DYNACOMP 213-346-6783/EDU-WARE 800-631-0856/HAYDEN 919-983-1990/MED SYSTEMS SOFTWARE 312-433-7550/MICRO LAB 206-454-1315/MICROSOFT 301-659-7212/MUSE SOFTWARE 209-683-6858/ON-LINE SYSTEMS 203-661-8799/PROGRAM DESIGN (PDI) 213-344-6599/QUALITY SOFTWARE 303-925-9293/SENTIENT SOFTWARE 702-647-2673/SIERRA SOFTWARE 916-920-1939/SIRIUS SOFTWARE 215-393-2640/SIR-TECH 415-962-8911/SOFTWARE PUBLISHERS 415-964-1353/STRATEGIC SIMULATIONS 217-359-8482/SUBLOGIC COM. 206-226-3216/SYNERGISTIC SOFTWARE Here are a few tips on how not to get caught when using MCI or other such services: 1- Try not to use them for voice to voice personal calls. Try to use them for computer calls only. Here is why: MCI and those other services can't really trace the calls that come through the lines,they can just monitor them. They can listen in on your calls and from that,they can get your name and other information from the conversation. They can also call the number you called and ask your friend some questions. If you call terminals and BBS'S then it is much harder to get information. For one thing,most sysops won't give these dudes that call any info at all or they will act dumb because they PHREAK themselves! 2- Beware when using colored boxes! They are easy to find!!!!! 3- Try to find a sine-wave number. Then use an MCI or other service to call it. You will hear a tone that goes higher and lower. If the tone just stops,then that code is being monitored and you should beware when using it. ---------------------------------------- If you do get caught,then if you think you can,try to weasel out of it. I have heard many stories about people that have pleaded with the MCI guys and have been let off. You will get a call from a guy that has been monitoring you. Act nice. Act like you know it is now wrong to do this kind of thing.....just sound like you are sorry for what you did. (If you get a call,you probably will be a little sorry!) Otherwise,it is very dangerous!!!!!!! (Very with a capital V!) UpDated in '94........ -= RFLAGG =-