The Acrylic Box Brought to you by ---RFlagg--- Ok the purpose of this box is to get Three-Way-Calling, Call Waiting, programmable Call Forwarding, and an easier way of extended Bud Boxing ALL for FREE. Materials: 1) Wire stripers 2) Couple Feet Wire 3) AT&T/BELL Can 4) Hex Wrench Idea: Ok the idea of this box is to get all of the above features by stealing them from the fortunate ones on your block. Procedure: Step 1) Find AT&T/BELL Can that is being used to service you surrounding area. Step 2) Open can with Hex wrench. Step 3) Find your line and another persons line who has 3-way, Call (waiting/forwarding), if the # of all the lines are not listed in the box you will have to use your local ANI to find them. Step 4) Once you have found the lines then wire the (Black & Yellow) wires on the victims line to the (Black & Yellow) wires on you line (Be sure your phone at home uses all 4 wire as some of the cheap phones don't). Step 5) Then disconnect the victims (Black & Yellow) Wires, resulting the the loss of these features to their line ( you mat want to leave these wires connected, this may or may not cause problems I haven't tried it that may yet) .