Ways to send a car to Hell by The Jolly Roger There are 1001 ways to destroy a car but I am going to cover only the ones that are the most fun (for you), the most destructive (for them), and the hardest to trace (for the cops). - Place thermite on the hood, light it, and watch it burn all the way through the pavement! - Tape a CO2 bomb to the hood, axel, gas tank, wheel, muffler, etc.) - Put a tampon, dirt, sugar (this one is good!), a ping pong ball, or just about anything that will dissolve in the gas tank. Plastic deforms and dilutes into gas. The final result is much harder to inject into the engine, possibly causing valve replacement. - Put potatoes, rocks, banannas, or anything that will fit, into the tailpipe. Use a broom handle to stuff 'em up into the tailpipe. - Put a long rag into the gas tank and light it... - Steal a key, copy it, replace it, and then steal the stereo. - Break into the car. Cut a thin metal ruler into a shape like this: ÚÄÄ¿ (Revised ill. 4.14) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÚÙ ³ À¿ ÀÄÄÙ Slide it into the outside window and keep pulling it back up until you catch the lock cable which should unlock the door. This device is also called a SLIM JIM. Now get the stereo, equalizer, radar detector, etc. Now destroy the inside. (A sharp knife does wonders on the seats!) Have Fun! -= RFLAGG =-