World Tracker Mathematics Library

<Go back one page>
<DIR>  Algebra/03/15/13 19:52:13
<DIR>  Algebraic geometry/03/15/13 02:53:44
<DIR>  Algorithms/12/08/12 13:49:00
<DIR>  All MATLAB Books Collection/03/15/13 18:43:15
<DIR>  Ancient Mathematics/03/13/13 01:55:43
<DIR>  Applied mathematics/03/15/13 17:05:07
<DIR>  Calculus/03/15/13 16:29:12
<DIR>  Calculus I,II,III with Student's Guide/03/10/13 01:01:21
<DIR>  raremathematicao00hallrich/12/09/12 21:46:59
1.430.519  blondel.pdf08/24/04 04:29:48
12.901.458  Elementary Mathematical and Computational Tools for Electrical and Computer Engineers Using MATLAB.pdf04/05/07 20:18:02
3.617.286  Fractal.Geometry.Mathematical.Foundations.and.Applications.Second.Edition.eBook-EEn.pdf09/02/05 12:09:13
7.845.811  Fractals.pdf10/19/04 22:57:52
2.987.900  Modern.Algebra.with.Applications.Second.Edition.eBook-EEn.pdf09/02/05 23:47:28
7.845.092  Newnes.Mathematics.for.Electrical.Engineering.and.Computing.eBook-TLFeBOOK.pdf01/04/05 18:20:52
12.614.539  Nonlinear.Dynamics.and.Chaos.Where.Do.We.Go.From.Here.eBook-EEn.pdf08/19/05 00:53:58
8.153.645  Schaum's Outline of Advanced Calculus.pdf11/29/04 22:13:51

Directory contains 57.396.250 Bytes in 8 Files

Index of: Algebra/

<Up to the higher level directory>
14.007.137  A Computational Introduction To Number Theory And Algebra - Victor Shoups.pdf03/11/13 02:41:03
7.498.510  A course in computational algebraic number theory - Cohen.djvu03/11/13 02:41:03
5.211.103  A Course in Homological Algebra - P. Hilton, U. Stammbach.djvu03/11/13 02:06:32
1.263.993  A Course In Universal Algebra - S. Burris and H.P. Sankappanavar.pdf03/11/13 02:06:33
5.122.974  A First Course In Linear Algebra - Robert A. Beezer.pdf03/11/13 02:06:34
5.448.002  A First Course in Noncommutative Rings - T. Lam.djvu03/11/13 02:07:06
1.937.285  A Primer of Algebraic D-modules - S. Coutinho.djvu03/15/13 02:58:27
7.797.891  Abel's Theorem in Problems and Solutions - V.B. Alekseev.pdf03/10/13 01:36:28
2.292.711  Abstract Algebra - the Basic Graduate Year - R. Ash.djvu03/10/13 01:36:38
5.917.783  Advanced Modern Algebra - Joseph J. Rotman.pdf03/14/13 14:12:28
23.424.512  Algebra & Trigonometry Graphs & Models 3rd ed - Marvin L. Bittinger.pdf03/13/13 06:00:43
2.379.923  Algebra Abstract - Robert B. Ash.pdf03/13/13 06:12:35
1.671.146  Algebra Demystified - Rhonda Huettenmueller.pdf03/12/13 12:54:17
14.177.177  Algebra I Basic Notions Of Algebra - Kostrikin A I , Shafarevich I R.pdf03/09/13 06:16:57
2.724.278  Algebra Sucsess In 20 Minutes a Day - LearningExpress.pdf03/09/13 06:16:58
2.436.943  Algebraic D-modules - A. Borel et. al.djvu03/15/13 01:04:51
28.839.191  Algebraic Groups and Discontinuous Subgroups - A. Borel, G. Mostow.pdf03/11/13 13:23:18
2.978.968  Algebraic Surfaces and Holomorphic Vector Bundles - R. Friedman.djvu03/11/13 23:06:53
4.109.519  Algorithmic Algebra - B. Mishra.djvu03/14/13 20:42:47
4.920.992  Algorithms for Computer Algebra - K. Geddes, S. Czapor, G. Labahn.djvu03/14/13 20:44:51
1.925.972  An Elementary Approach to Homological Algebra - L. Vermani.djvu03/15/13 15:47:07
1.664.968  An Introduction To Linear Algebra - Kenneth Kuttler.djvu03/15/13 15:47:07
1.637.796  Applications of Abstract Algebra with MAPLE - R. Klima, N. Sigmon, E. Stitzinger.pdf03/15/13 15:47:08
1.736.174  Applied Linear Algebra And Matrix Analysis - Thomas S. Shores.pdf03/15/13 05:36:51
2.763.062  Applied Numerical Linear Algebra - James W. Demmel.djvu03/15/13 05:36:51
1.483.333  Bialgebraic Structures - W. Kandasamy.pdf03/15/13 05:36:52
368.690  Calculus approach to matrix eigenvalue algorithms - Hueper.pdf03/15/13 05:36:52
2.056.757  Commutative Algebra 2nd ed. - H. Matsumura.djvu03/15/13 05:36:52
4.599.519  Commutative Ring Theory - H. Matsumura.djvu03/12/13 06:47:17
1.631.498  Compact Numerical Methods for Computers Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation 2Ed - Adam Hilger.pdf03/12/13 06:47:18
1.592.690  Computational Commutative Algebra - Kreuzer and Robbiano.pdf03/12/13 06:47:18
3.058.054  Computer Algebra and Differential Equations - E. Tournier.djvu03/12/13 06:48:47
1.740.833  Determinants and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics - R. Vein, P. Dale.pdf03/12/13 21:27:42
2.734.725  Differential Galois Theory - M. van der Put, M. Singer.pdf03/12/13 21:27:43
1.299.569  Elementary Linear Algebra - K. R. MATTHEWS.pdf03/12/13 21:27:43
705.859  Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra - E. H. Connell.pdf03/12/13 21:28:14
565.412  Fileds and Galois Theory [jnl article] - J. Milne.pdf03/12/13 21:28:14
5.403.834  fundamental problems in algorithmic algebra - chee keng yap.pdf03/09/13 03:31:56
1.539.794  Galois Theory 2nd ed. - E. Artin.pdf03/09/13 03:31:57
4.478.707  Group Characters, Symmetric Functions and the Hecke Algebras - D. Goldschmidt.pdf03/09/13 03:32:37
12.462.469  Handbook of Algebra Vol 1 - M. Hazewinkel.djvu03/11/13 01:17:33
10.939.326  Handbook of Algebra Vol 2 - M. Hazewinkel.djvu03/14/13 18:38:47
2.658.936  Hankel and Toeplitz Matrices and Forms - I. Iohvidov.djvu03/14/13 18:38:47
1.425.277  Homotopical Algebra - D. Quillen.djvu03/14/13 18:38:47
1.245.676  Intro Abstract Algera - P.Garret.pdf03/14/13 18:40:15
1.244.564  Introduction to Commutative Algebra - M. Atiyah, I. Macdonald.djvu03/14/13 18:40:16
1.764.902  Invitation to Higher Local Feilds - I. Fesenko, M. Kurihara.pdf03/13/13 00:42:42
13.510.062  Lectures on Matrices - wedderburn.pdf03/13/13 00:42:42
4.392.055  Linear Algebra - Jim Hefferon.pdf03/14/13 14:25:55
2.737.132  Linear algebra 3ed - Greub, W.H.djvu03/15/13 12:55:25
16.877.162  Linear Algebra And Its Applications - David C Lay.pdf03/13/13 05:34:42
87.849.868  Linear Algebra and Its Applications 3e - Gilbert Strang.pdf03/09/13 03:10:56
918.240  Linear Algebra and Multidimensional Geometry - R. Sharipov.pdf03/15/13 19:52:12
1.193.422  LINEAR ALGEBRA and SMARANDACHE LINEAR ALGEBRA - w. b. vasantha kandasamy.pdf03/15/13 19:52:13
1.177.700  Linear Algebra Done Right, 2nd Ed - Sheldon Axler.pdf03/15/13 19:52:13
21.949.949  Linear Algebra Gateway to Mathematics - Robert Messer.djvu03/11/13 22:00:17
70.943.243  Linear Algebra with Applications 3rd Edition - Nicholson, W. Keith.pdf03/11/13 06:52:57
21.030.833  Linear Algebra, 2Nd Edition - Kenneth Hoffmann And Ray Kunze.pdf03/09/13 18:54:30
5.924.262  Linear algebraic groups 2ed - Borel A.djvu03/12/13 16:59:18
18.864.279  Logic and Boolean Algebra - Kathleen and Hilbert Levitz.pdf03/12/13 17:02:18
2.716.901  Matrices Over Commutative Rings - W. Brown.djvu03/13/13 20:50:42
1.197.679  Matrices theory and applications - Serre D..pdf03/13/13 20:50:43
7.220.480  Matrix Analysis & Applied Linear Algebra - Carl D Meyer.pdf03/12/13 13:25:17
592.430  Matrix Theory - [jnl article] - T. Banks.pdf03/12/13 13:25:18
3.487.045  Methods of Homological Algebra - S. Gelfand, Y. Manin.djvu03/12/13 13:25:18
1.998.155  Modern Algebra With Applications 2Ed - Gilbert, Nicholson.djvu03/12/13 13:26:21
10.030.350  Modern Computer Algebra - Von Zur Gathen, Gerhard.djvu03/12/13 20:20:04
4.848.814  Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics V1 2nd ed. - O. Bratelli.djv03/15/13 15:05:07
6.329.740  Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics V2 2nd ed. - O. Bratelli.djv03/12/13 13:00:17
1.948.755  Polynomials and Polynomial Inequalities.pdf03/12/13 13:03:18
2.793.956  Quadratic Forms and their Applications.pdf03/12/13 13:15:18
3.037.703  Ring of Quotients - Introduction to Methods of Ring Theory - Bo Stenstrom.djvu03/12/13 19:12:25
1.822.376  Schemes - D. Eisenbud, J. Harris.djvu03/12/13 09:54:36
3.021.823  SMARANDACHE FUZZY ALGEBRA - W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy.pdf03/12/13 09:54:36
553.584  Smarandache Loops - W. Kandasamy.pdf03/12/13 09:54:37
1.213.055  Smarandache Near-Rings - W. Kandasamy.pdf03/12/13 09:54:37
1.173.472  Smarandache Rings - W. Kandasamy.pdf03/12/13 09:54:37
727.130  Smarandache Semirings, Semifields,Semi Vector Spaces - W. Kandasamy.pdf03/15/13 18:46:50
41.317.288  Structure and Representation of Jordan Algebras - N. Jacobson.pdf03/11/13 18:22:17
2.917.900  The Algebraic Theory of Spinors and Clifford Algebras - C. Chevalley.djvu03/11/13 18:22:18
4.689.998  The Theory Of Algebraic Numbers 2nd ed. - H. Pollard, H. Diamond.djvu03/11/13 18:25:18
1.306.787  Toposes, Triples and Theories - M. Barr, W. Wells.pdf03/11/13 18:30:00
1.002.000  Treatise on Quantum Clifford Algebras - Fauser.pdf03/15/13 02:53:43
1.854.423  Vector Math for 3D Computer Graphics - Interactive Tutorial.pdf03/15/13 02:53:43
821.098  Workbook in Higher Algebra - David Surowski.pdf03/15/13 02:53:44

Directory contains 600.058.453 Bytes in 86 Files

Index of: Algebraic geometry/

<Up to the higher level directory>
2.643.098  Abelian Varieties - D. Mumford.djvu03/15/13 02:53:44
4.067.543  Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces - R. Miranda.djvu03/13/13 18:32:42
1.962.961  Algebraic Geometry - D. Bump.djvu03/13/13 18:36:24
1.334.069  Algebraic Geometry - Js Mine.pdf03/13/13 18:36:25
8.662.725  Algebraic Geometry - R. Hartshorne.djvu03/13/13 16:36:42
16.586.891  Algebraic geometry I-V - Shafarevich I.R.djvu03/11/13 12:38:07
1.446.978  Algebraic Geometry I. From Algebraic Varieties to Schemes - K. Ueno.djvu03/13/13 01:06:43
5.079.353  Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry - G. Ewald.djvu03/13/13 01:07:04
7.627.915  Commutative Algebra, with a View Toward Algebraic Geometry - D. Eisenbud.djvu03/14/13 15:18:47
4.218.271  Computational Algebraic Geometry - F. Eyssette, A. Galligo.djvu03/14/13 15:18:47
21.293.524  Current Trends in Arithmetical Algebraic Geometry - K. Ribet.pdf03/11/13 04:18:44
2.832.171  Geometric Algebra - E. Artin.djv03/14/13 20:09:47
1.027.470  Geometric Algebra and its Application to Mathematical Physics - C. Doran.pdf03/14/13 20:11:30
4.978.441  Geometry of Algebraic Curves (vol 1) - E. Arabello, M. Cornalba, P. Griffiths, J. Harris.djvu03/14/13 18:13:47
1.236.222  Introduction to Algebraic Geometry - Dolgachev.pdf03/14/13 18:13:47
7.110.167  Mirror Symmetry and Algebraic Geometry - D. Cox, S. Katz.djvu03/11/13 23:20:49
1.870.853  Moduli of Curves - J. Harris, I. Morrison.pdf03/11/13 23:20:50
3.669.245  Positivity In Algebraic Geometry - R. Lazarsfeld.djvu03/11/13 23:20:50
6.039.123  Real Algebraic Geometry - J. Bochnak, M. Coste, M. Roy.djvu03/13/13 17:11:42
1.825.363  Zeta Functions, Introduction to Algebraic Geometry - Thomas.djvu03/13/13 17:12:11

Directory contains 105.512.383 Bytes in 20 Files

Index of: Algorithms/

<Up to the higher level directory>
25.030  (ebook - HLP - Programming) Algorithm Design Manual.GID05/23/05 01:26:02
5.076.146  (ebook - HLP - Programming) Algorithm Design Manual.hlp03/18/00 00:06:50
7.556.994  0262011948.pdf06/13/05 02:07:26
11.674.220  0471469459.pdf06/06/05 18:19:38
4.795.246  Addison.Wesley.Algorithms..pdf01/26/04 20:23:00
4.385.293  Addison.Wesley.Algorithms.In.Java.3rd.Ed.Part5.Graph.Algorithms.eBook-LiB.chm01/18/04 20:15:36
125.245.947  az35_Algorithm Design For Networked Information Technology Systems (Springer-2004).pdf09/01/05 17:11:16
29.101.117  DrDobbsJournal10ClassicalAlgorithm.chm04/22/05 20:27:00
1.010.138  H.S.Wilf - Algorithm And Complexity.pdf04/20/05 01:30:14
1.743.296  Introduction to Algorithms(Instructor's Manual).pdf11/21/05 08:08:48
5.405.561  J.Bucknall - The Tomes of Delphi Algorithms and Data Structures.pdf01/21/05 03:38:22
17.523.776  Jones.And.Bartlett.Publishers.Foundations.Of.Algorithms.Using.Cpp.Pseudocode.3rd.Edition.eBook-LiB.chm11/11/03 22:12:36
2.939.037  Mcgraw Hill - Data Structures Demystified.chm09/04/05 17:26:21
13.119.033  McGraw Hill - Introduction To Algorithms, 2nd Edition.pdf11/21/05 08:09:54
2.467.545  poa.pdf08/25/02 06:47:08
13.119.033  T.H.Cormen & others - Introduction to Algorithms. 2nd Ed.pdf02/20/05 09:50:16
5.104.375  Wiley.Interscience.Practical.Genetic.Algorithms.May.2004.eBook-LinG.pdf05/05/05 10:46:00

Directory contains 250.291.787 Bytes in 17 Files

Index of: All MATLAB Books Collection/

<Up to the higher level directory>
7.832.493  A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users - Hunt Lipsman & Rosenberg.pdf03/10/13 06:02:37
10.384.165  A Guide to MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming - Andy H. Register.pdf03/10/13 06:06:45
2.592.631  Adaptive Filtering Primer with MATLAB - Poularikas and Ramadan.pdf03/14/13 12:46:17
6.207.275  Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB - Howard B. Wilson.pdf03/14/13 12:46:17
4.542.530  Algorithm Collections for Digital Signal Processing Applications using Matlab - E.S. Gopi.pdf03/14/13 12:46:18
2.860.260  An Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB - S.R. Otto & J.P. Denier.pdf03/15/13 18:43:15
7.937.398  Antenna and EM Modeling with MATLAB - Sergey N. Makarov (.m Files).rar03/13/13 22:04:42
9.758.200  Antenna and EM Modeling with MATLAB - Sergey N. Makarov.pdf03/11/13 01:19:57
3.557.487  Applied Numerical Methods Using MATLAB - Yang Cao Chung and Morris.pdf03/11/13 01:20:19
7.314.734  Applied Statistics Using SPSS, STATISTICA, MATLAB and R - Joaquim P. Marques.pdf03/14/13 11:55:47
1.050.900  Basics of MATLAB and Beyond - Andrew Knight (.m Files).zip03/14/13 11:55:47
3.535.807  Basics of MATLAB and Beyond - Andrew Knight.pdf03/14/13 11:55:47
4.431.299  Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB based Applications - John L. Semmlow.pdf03/14/13 11:58:15
6.184  Book List.nfo03/14/13 13:20:47
4.112.365  Business Economics & Finance with Matlab GIS and Simulation Models - Patrick L.Anderson.pdf03/14/13 13:20:47
1.301.136  Chemical Process Control a First Course with Matlab - P.C. Chau.pdf03/14/13 13:20:47
6.866.264  Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB - Steven T. Karris.pdf03/14/13 13:20:48
8.085.165  Classical Feedback Control with MATLAB - Boris J. Lurie and Paul J. Enright.djvu03/13/13 15:36:42
9.096.706  Classification Parameter Estimation & State Estimation An Engg Approach Using MATLAB.pdf03/13/13 15:57:43
1.978.048  Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB - Stephen Westland & Caterina Ripamonti.pdf03/15/13 02:25:40
6.931.973  Computational Mathematics Models Methods and Analysis with Matlab - Robert E. White.pdf03/14/13 21:12:47
478.810  Computational Statistics Handbook with MATLAB - Martinez & Martinez (.m Files).rar03/14/13 21:12:47
5.175.593  Computational Statistics Handbook with MATLAB - Martinez & Martinez.pdf03/10/13 03:04:28
6.804.880  Contemporary Communication Systems using Matlab - Proakis and Salehi.pdf03/10/13 03:04:39
13.390.679  Digital Circuit Analysis and Design with Simulink Modeling - Steven T. Karris.pdf03/12/13 19:31:25
40.246.371  Digital Image Processing Using Matlab - Gonzalez Woods & Eddins.pdf03/12/13 17:28:17
6.328.184  Digital Signal and Image Processing Using MATLAB - Gerard Blanchet & Maurice Charbit.pdf03/10/13 08:48:44
34.416.275  Digital Signal Processing - Computer Based Approach - Sanjit K. Mitra.pdf03/10/13 08:55:27
12.805.513  Digital Signal Processing Using Matlab V4 - Ingle and Proakis.pdf03/13/13 01:17:43
88.759.224  Dynamic Simulations of Electric Machinery - Chee Mun Ong.djvu03/08/13 22:32:22
6.998.120  Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Applications - Steven T. Karris.pdf03/08/13 22:38:23
4.313.754  Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB - John O. Attia.pdf03/12/13 12:19:31
9.610.990  Elem. Math. and Comp. Tools for Engineers using MATLAB - J. Manassah.pdf03/12/13 12:19:31
14.056.463  Embedded Control Systems in C C++ Using MATLAB - Jim Ledin.chm03/14/13 16:19:47
66.957.453  Embedded Image Processing with DSP Examples in MATLAB - Shehrzad Qureshi.pdf03/09/13 03:46:02
4.431.554  Engineering Analysis Interactive Methods and Programs with MATLAB - Y. C. Pao.pdf03/12/13 20:50:43
18.907.513  Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB - Sergey E. Lyshevski.pdf03/13/13 20:14:42
15.063.790  Environmental Modeling Using MATLAB - Ekkehard Holzbecher.pdf03/12/13 11:33:17
7.599.992  Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists - Brian D. Hahn & Daniel T. Valentine.pdf03/12/13 00:37:17
8.135.633  Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB - Martinez and Martinez.pdf03/12/13 00:37:18
10.494.301  Fundamentals of Electromagnetics with Matlab - Lonngren & Savov.pdf03/13/13 17:34:18
14.947.467  Graphics and GUIs with MATLAB - Patrick Marchand and O. Thomas Holland .pdf03/13/13 17:34:18
27.937.105  Introduction to Fuzzy Logic using MatLab - Sivanandam Sumathi and Deepa.pdf03/13/13 15:41:44
545.149  Introduction to MATLAB - Sikander M. Mirza.pdf03/13/13 15:41:45
9.040.838  Introduction to Simulink with Engineering Applications - Steven T. Karris.pdf03/13/13 15:41:45
60.252.102  Intuitive Probability and Random Processes Using MatLab - Steven M. Kay.pdf03/10/13 03:52:32
3.709.463  Kalman Filtering Theory and Practice Using MATLAB - Grewal and Andrews.pdf03/11/13 01:09:32
29.824.302  MathWorks Documentation - MATLAB V7 Function References.pdf03/11/13 01:09:33
39.756.025  MathWorks Documentation - MATLAB V7 Introductory and Programming.pdf03/12/13 05:16:17
22.255.814  MATLAB Guide - Desmond J. Higham & Nicholas J. Higham.djvu03/14/13 12:41:41
781.918  MATLAB Primer (6th Ed) - Kermit Sigmon & Timothy A. Davis.pdf03/15/13 14:02:50
1.874.969  MATLAB Primer (7th Ed) - Timothy A. Davis & Kermit Sigmon.pdf03/15/13 14:02:50
2.430.558  MATLAB Programming - David Kuncicky.pdf03/15/13 14:02:51
4.583.514  MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences - M.H.Trauth.pdf03/15/13 04:13:49
35.145.535  MATLAB Simulations for Radar Systems Design - Bassem R. Mahafza & Atef Z. Elsherbeni.pdf03/09/13 07:24:09
1.695.256  Mechanics of Composite Materials with MATLAB - George Z. Voyiadjis & Peter I. Kattan.pdf03/11/13 19:51:18
4.000.289  Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB and Excel - Steven T. Karris.pdf03/11/13 19:51:52
4.867.761  Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB and Spreadsheets - Steven T. Karris.pdf03/14/13 14:38:47
252.564  Numerical Computing with MATLAB - Cleve Moler (.m Files).rar03/14/13 14:38:47
4.279.941  Numerical Computing with MATLAB - Cleve Moler.pdf03/11/13 09:09:47
8.114.681  Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB - Jaan Kiusalaas.pdf03/11/13 09:30:18
34.567.900  Numerical Methods in Finance & Economics A MATLAB based Introduction - Paolo Brandimarte.pdf03/12/13 11:42:17
19.782.546  Numerical Methods using MATLAB - Mathews and Fink.pdf03/09/13 17:01:30
9.098.868  Numerical Techniques for Chemical & Biological Engineers Using MATLAB - Elnashaie & Uhlig.pdf03/09/13 17:19:30
8.328.880  Optical Scanning Holography with MATLAB - Ting Chung Poon.pdf03/12/13 21:59:05
1.870.297  Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation Routines in Matlab - H.J. Lee & W.E. Schiesser.pdf03/11/13 05:51:00
6.298.774  Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MatLab - Mahafza Bassem R.pdf03/11/13 05:51:00
6.036.077  Robust Control Design with Matlab - Gu Petkov and Konstantinov.pdf03/09/13 06:18:10
16.428.673  Scientific Computing with Matlab - Alfio Quarteroni & Fausto Saleri.djvu03/09/13 06:27:10
7.739.019  Scientific Computing with Matlab and Octave - Alfio Quarteroni & Fausto Saleri.pdf03/12/13 22:24:42
10.608.885  Signals and Systems with MATLAB Applications - Steven T. Karris.pdf03/10/13 06:19:36
7.092.934  Signals and Systems with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modeling - Steven T. Karris.pdf03/10/13 06:36:54
1.384.849  Solving ODEs with MATLAB - Shampine Gladwell Thompson.pdf03/14/13 23:17:54
557.328  Solving ODEs with Matlab Instructors Manual - L.F. Shampine (.m Files).rar03/14/13 23:19:26
288.670  Solving ODEs with Matlab Instructors Manual - L.F. Shampine.pdf03/14/13 23:19:26
3.298.801  Spectral Methods in MATLAB - Lloyd N. Trefethen.pdf03/08/13 20:15:22
30.173.321  The Finite Element Method using MATLAB - Kwon and Bang.pdf03/08/13 20:15:23
47  Torrent downloaded from 06:38:19
7.844.972  Vibration Simulation Using MATLAB and ANSYS - Michael R Hatch.pdf03/10/13 06:38:19

Directory contains 933.054.204 Bytes in 79 Files

Index of: Ancient Mathematics/

<Up to the higher level directory>
1.957.153  Routledge-Ancient Mathematics_0415164958.pdf03/13/13 01:55:43
47  Torrent downloaded from 01:55:43

Directory contains 1.957.200 Bytes in 2 Files

Index of: Applied mathematics/

<Up to the higher level directory>
2.116.606  (ebook-pdf) - Mathematics - An Introduction to Cybernetics.pdf03/13/13 01:55:43
5.264.063  Applied nonlinear analysis-Sequeira et al (2002).djv03/13/13 01:58:09
1.002.271  Doe J. - Structural Inference in Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Models.pdf03/15/13 17:05:07
5.420.179  Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps.pdf03/12/13 21:30:42
1.391.916  Harrison, Waldron - Mathematical Economics and Finance.pdf03/12/13 21:30:43
1.324.779  Kröse, Smagt - An Introduction to Neural Networks.pdf03/12/13 21:30:43
9.747.736  MultiGrid Methods.pdf03/12/13 21:30:43
4.840.168  Purser - Introduction to Error Correcting Codes.pdf03/13/13 17:49:43
13.610.944  Recent Advances in Applied Probability.pdf03/13/13 17:52:23
410.686  Shannon - A Mathematical Theory of Communication.pdf03/15/13 13:19:36
40.744.613  Springer Verlag - 2002 - J.D. Murray - Mathematical Biology. An Introduction - Third Edition - ISBN 0387952233 - 576s - EEn.pdf03/09/13 08:25:55
2.886.012  Traveling Wave Solutions of Parabolic Systems-Volpert A.I., Volpert V.A. (1994).pdf03/15/13 14:41:52
3.125.045  Volpert, Volpert, Volpert - Traveling Wave Solutions of Parabolic Systems.pdf03/12/13 23:01:42
18.843.413  Watkinson - An Introduction to Digital Audio.pdf03/12/13 23:01:43

Directory contains 110.728.431 Bytes in 14 Files

Index of: Calculus/

<Up to the higher level directory>
838.008  (ebook - pdf) mathematics - advanced calculus and analysis.pdf03/15/13 15:33:07
1.233.429  (eBook) - Math Calculus Bible.pdf03/15/13 15:33:08
804.199  (ebook-pdf) - Mathematics - Advanced determinant calculus.pdf03/15/13 15:33:08
1.131.809  (ebook-pdf) - Mathematics - Alder - Multivariate Calculus.pdf03/15/13 15:33:08
1.634.725  (ebook-pdf) - Mathematics - Foundations Of Calculus.pdf03/15/13 15:33:08
1.251.636  (ebook-pdf) - Mathematics - Stochastic Calculus and Finance.pdf03/14/13 14:32:47
264.530  Advanced calculus.pdf03/14/13 14:32:47
1.393.779  Algebra Demystified.rar03/14/13 14:32:47
311.180  Differential Forms in Geometric calculus.pdf03/14/13 14:32:47
23.946.830  Elementary calculus.pdf03/11/13 21:10:17
406.164  Fourier Theory.pdf03/15/13 16:29:11
94.261  infinate series.pdf03/15/13 16:29:11
97.009  integral_transforms.pdf03/15/13 16:29:12
3.503.552  Intro to Tensor Calculus.pdf03/15/13 16:29:12
36.680.782  Math - Calculus of Finite Differences.pdf03/11/13 00:44:33
7.888.896  Mathematics - Calculus, Volume 1.pdf03/13/13 17:55:27
3.574.999  Mathematics - Introduction To Tensor Calculus.pdf03/13/13 17:55:28
1.805.982  Mathematics - McGraw-Hill-CalculusDemystified.rar03/15/13 00:29:26
16.793.901  Mathematics - Tom M Apostol - Calculus vol. 1.pdf03/11/13 01:37:17
13.649.831  Mathematics - Tom M Apostol - Calculus vol. 2.pdf03/09/13 08:22:09
20.008.762  Monotona Operators and Nonlinear PDE's.pdf03/09/13 08:22:09
291.743  Noncommutative reimann integration.pdf03/13/13 17:32:55
79.096  Residue Calculus Evaluation of Infinite Integrals.pdf03/13/13 17:32:55
929.524  riemann.pdf03/13/13 17:32:55
47  Torrent downloaded from 17:32:55

Directory contains 138.614.674 Bytes in 25 Files

Index of: Calculus I,II,III with Student's Guide/

<Up to the higher level directory>
<DIR>  Calculus I/03/11/13 00:39:41
<DIR>  Calculus II/03/14/13 15:28:47
<DIR>  Calculus III/03/10/13 01:01:25
47  Torrent downloaded from 15:33:07

Directory contains 47 Bytes in 1 Files

Index of: raremathematicao00hallrich/

<Up to the higher level directory>
4.999.207  raremathematicao00hallrich.djvu12/09/12 21:24:01
300.368  raremathematicao00hallrich.epub12/09/12 21:42:17
318.448  raremathematicao00hallrich.gif12/09/12 21:46:59
8.015.860  raremathematicao00hallrich.pdf12/09/12 21:29:16
2.694.466  raremathematicao00hallrich_abbyy.gz12/09/12 21:25:10
5.574.654  raremathematicao00hallrich_bw.pdf12/09/12 21:40:16
2.070  raremathematicao00hallrich_dc.xml12/09/12 21:40:17
174.074  raremathematicao00hallrich_djvu.txt12/09/12 21:37:09
1.559.857  raremathematicao00hallrich_djvu.xml12/09/12 21:37:56
84.492.741  raremathematicao00hallrich_jp2.zip12/09/12 21:25:37
4.582  raremathematicao00hallrich_marc.xml12/09/12 21:40:17
2.187  raremathematicao00hallrich_meta.mrc12/09/12 21:40:17
3.716  raremathematicao00hallrich_meta.xml12/09/12 21:40:17
414  raremathematicao00hallrich_metasource.xml12/09/12 21:40:17
53.466.317  scandata.zip12/09/12 21:20:33

Directory contains 161.608.961 Bytes in 15 Files

Index of: Calculus I,II,III with Student's Guide/Calculus I/

<Up to the higher level directory>
<DIR>  Calculus I (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)/03/11/13 00:39:40
<DIR>  Student's Guide to Calculus by J. Marsden and A. Weinstein, Volume I/03/11/13 00:39:41

Directory contains 0 Bytes in 0 Files

Index of: Calculus I,II,III with Student's Guide/Calculus II/

<Up to the higher level directory>
<DIR>  Calculus II (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)/03/13/13 20:38:42
<DIR>  Student's Guide to Caclulus by J. Marsden and A. Weinstein, Volume II/03/14/13 15:28:47

Directory contains 0 Bytes in 0 Files

Index of: Calculus I,II,III with Student's Guide/Calculus III/

<Up to the higher level directory>
<DIR>  Calculus III (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)/03/10/13 01:01:21
<DIR>  Student's Guide to Calculus by J. Marsden and A. Weinstein, Volume III/03/15/13 15:33:07

Directory contains 0 Bytes in 0 Files

Index of: Calculus I,II,III with Student's Guide/Calculus I/Calculus I (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)/

<Up to the higher level directory>
18.665.734  0387909745_MarsdenJ_Calculus_I_2nd_Springer1985.pdf03/08/13 19:51:22
474.807  Calculus I (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics).mht03/10/13 23:41:22
4.158.443  Marsden J., Weinstein A. Calculus 1 (Springer, 1985)(ISBN 0387909745)(T)(399s)_MCet_.djvu03/11/13 00:39:40

Directory contains 23.298.984 Bytes in 3 Files

Index of: Calculus I,II,III with Student's Guide/Calculus I/Student's Guide to Calculus by J. Marsden and A. Weinstein, Volume I/

<Up to the higher level directory>
8.736.525  B000KYC5D6_SoonF_Students_Guide_to_JMarsdens_Calculus_I_Springer1985.pdf03/11/13 00:39:41
477.229  Student's Guide to Calculus By J_ Marsden and A_ Weinstein, Volume 1.mht03/11/13 20:37:02

Directory contains 9.213.754 Bytes in 2 Files

Index of: Calculus I,II,III with Student's Guide/Calculus II/Calculus II (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)/

<Up to the higher level directory>
472.725  Calculus II (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics).mht03/11/13 20:37:03
3.631.670  Marsden J., Weinstein A. Calculus 2 (Springer, 1984)(ISBN 0387909753)(T)(367s)_MCet_.djvu03/11/13 20:37:03
16.695.510  Marsden,Weinstein Calculus II (Springer).pdf03/13/13 20:38:42

Directory contains 20.799.905 Bytes in 3 Files

Index of: Calculus I,II,III with Student's Guide/Calculus II/Student's Guide to Caclulus by J. Marsden and A. Weinstein, Volume II/

<Up to the higher level directory>
6.237.837  Soon Student's Guide to Calculus by J. Marsden and A. Weinstein - Volume II (Springer).pdf03/14/13 15:28:47
474.407  Student's Guide to CALCULUS by J_ Marsden and A_ Weinstein volume II.mht03/14/13 15:28:47

Directory contains 6.712.244 Bytes in 2 Files

Index of: Calculus I,II,III with Student's Guide/Calculus III/Calculus III (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)/

<Up to the higher level directory>
475.669  Calculus III (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics).mht03/14/13 15:28:47
18.030.900  Marsden,Weinstein Calculus III (Springer).pdf03/10/13 01:01:21

Directory contains 18.506.569 Bytes in 2 Files

Index of: Calculus I,II,III with Student's Guide/Calculus III/Student's Guide to Calculus by J. Marsden and A. Weinstein, Volume III/

<Up to the higher level directory>
7.232.389  Soon Student's Guide to Calculus by J. Marsden and A. Weinstein Volume III.pdf03/10/13 01:01:25
474.127  Student's Guide to Calculus by J_ Marsden and A_ Weinstein Volume III.mht03/15/13 15:33:07

Directory contains 7.706.516 Bytes in 2 Files

Total: 2.445.460.362 Bytes in 281 Files

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