Legends and Sagas
The Works of William Morris
This page indexes resources at this site relating to the
English artist and writer William Morris.
The Earthly Paradise, (March-August)
by William Morris [1868]
William Morris' epic-length poetry cycle set in the worlds of Classical mythology and the fairytale.
The Earthly Paradise, (September-November)
by William Morris [1870]
This part of Morris' epic includes a lengthly retelling of an incident from the Icelandic Laxdaela Saga, the Lovers of Gudrun, which some consider among Morris' best poetry.
The Earthly Paradise, (December-February)
by William Morris [1870]
The conclusion of Morris' epic work, including the tale of Hercules and the Golden Apples; Aslaug, the daughter of Sigurd and Brynhild; Bellerophon; and two tales of the Goddess Venus.
The Wood Beyond the World
by William Morris [1895]
The Wood Beyond the World is one of Morris' masterpieces which he originally published using hand-set type.
The Story of the Volsungs
by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson [1888]
includes extracts from the Poetic Edda.
The Story of Grettir the Strong
translated by Eirikr Magnusson and William Morris [1869].
News from Nowhere
by William Morris [1891]
William Morris' vision of a socialist England.