Final Words

It all began after a young mage girl robbed
a bandit gang for gold so she could buy food.
She accidentally steals the wrong item and soon
meets a traveling swordsman who thinks shes a
kid. Once he realizes how powerfull she is they
fall in together and have traveled together

Soon they were chased by a angry man
who blamed the red priest for his troubles.
He eventually turned to help them and became
a powerfull ally. They together defeated the
dark lord and killed Rezzo. Still Zell was not
happy. He still wanted a cure for his looks..

Then Lina and Gourry were back together
traveling the country side. After a few trips they
met a princess named Amelia who wanted to
train with Lina. They traveled together following
some bounty hunters who were after them.
Later on Zell joined up and they went to fight
Copy Rezzo. In the town where they fought
copy Rezzo Gourry met an old girl that knew
him named Syphell. Lina and her did not get along
to well. Finally Copy Rezzo was killed and everyone
went home.... Lina and Gourry went on to travel the world..

In the second season. Lina and Gourry are looking for
the Claire Bible. They meet Amelia who is on  a
kingdom duty to make peace with Martinas kingdom.
They learn that Zell is there tring to get the book too,
so he can become a human again. They reunite and
go looking for it only to find a mysterious man named
xellos. After many dead ends and adventures they go
to fight Gavv the deamon dragon king who they think
is behind all of the things going on. But when
confronted we learn that Hellmaster is the main one
behind all of the deception and Xellos is his monster.
Lina stops Hellmaster form destroying the universe
Martina marries the second best swordsman in the
world Zang. At the end Lina, Gourry, Amelia, Zell,
and Syphell all run off looking for adventure....
Will it ever end? (Slayers Try soon to come on
english video)

I can only hope for an ending to all the ideas and
what each character will do in the end. I hope
there is no "Keep on adventuring" thing because
the series ended in japan in 1997 so that means
its over. There will be no more after Try.

I just watched Try and its not a good series but its ends the whole thing, not well mind you. There are still questions such as who is the woman in the end talking to Xellos? and Will Zell ever become human?. The journey never ends lina and gourry walk off together in search of something new, but together.