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Greetings and welcome to the revolution.
These ARE my parents.
The Calm Before The Storm:  A word from Chief Editor Kimiko Habiki

Everything was going fine at the Broken Works Company.  Broken was doing his usualy...nothing.  J-Hunt was sitting there drinking his coffee, which I had to fix, fussing at the rest of the staff for being lazy while not doing any work himself.  I myself was busy at work..which really meant the staff kept sending me on endless errands with the hopes that one day I would actually become a writer on the staff.  Ranko was...well I don't know what she was doing.  She had been mysteriously absent the last few days. (One reason Broken was sitting there doing nothing...he had no one to make out with.)

In fact no one new where Ranko was...no one had talked to her for days.  Little did we know what was to happen next.
Wanna talk to one of our staff?  Just point and click below.


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The Rebellion:

Whoever would have guessed it...Ranko finally went over the edge.  Poor little thing.  She got so fed up with her Fiance and the other staff members being so lazy she took things into her own hands...she rallied her troops....*laughs* hmmm let me word this a little better.  She stormed into the office made her demands and in effect took over until those demands are met.  So I would like to be the first...*looks up to the top of the page* or the second rather to welcome you to the Ranko Works Company...atleast that's what is is until Broken gets off his butt and writes something...and actually finishes it!

Ranko did you really have to gag J-Hunt, tie him up, and throw him in the closet? I am sure he's not going to help Broken...I sure as hell aint. ^_^
Our Fanfics.
Unexpected Results     A love potion of Shampoo's goes wrong and has some unexpected  
                                  results on Ranma's life. (Serious)

Helping Hands        Nabiki Tendo, Lord of Darkness.  See Akane Tendo Demon  
                              Masher. See Ranma get headeache after headache. (Comedy)

Chaos Cross               The title of this crossover says it all folks. (Crossover/Comedy)

The Path We Follow     Fussion of sorts that blends the DBZ world into the Ranma
                                  wackiness.  Hopefully a good story.

Children of the Ghost   ON hold

More Than One         Ranma strikes a deal with the girl of his dreams.....

Legacy Of the Past