A Sea Full of Memories

A Sea Full of Memories

My Happy Thoughts

View my (August '98-August 99)ninth grade "Happy Thoughts"

Late one night I was thinking about the problems that my group of friends was having at the time. They must have been minuscule things because now none of us can remember what people were arguing about. On the night of November 21, 1999 I sat down and began to type something that changed all of our lives. I sent as an email to seven of my friends with the subject "Happy Email : ) (not a chain letter I promise)". The e-mail was a just a bunch of memories from things that we had done since the beginning of the school year when I had met them all. Things like movies we had gone to and stories from sleepovers. Everyone wrote me e-mails saying how much they loved them and that they were going to start writing their own "Happy Thoughts". And every since then that’s what we have called them. While they didn’t mend all of the problems we had going on they helped and they continue to help all of us to this day. When one of us are said we’ll read each other happy thoughts or just tell each other to think Happy Thoughts. But they’ve done a lot more then just help us be happy when we’re sad. They’ve helped us to become more grateful for what we have. I know that I personally have at times actually felt guilty for all that I have. My advice is sit down once a week or so and just right down your own happy thoughts. They can be things that you’ve done that are happy memories or just things that when you thing about that are happy memories. Everyone has there own style for writing them and you can personalize them in your own way. One thing that I like to do is to put the date next to the event so I can remember when it happened. Another thing that’s fun to do is to but a special journal to write them all down in. One of my friends even found one that said happy all over it. But if you cant’ buy a special journal a plain notebook or even a blank sheet of paper or a napkin will do. You can write them down anytime anyplace. I was on a trip in Arizona once and I wrote down Happy thoughts on the airplane and in the car while driving through the desert. Happy Thoughts can be things that only you will understand, or that only a couple of your friends will understand. They can be organized or random. You can add pictures or doodles. You can type them, print them, write them in cursive, or even write them in a secret code. You can make your Happy Thoughts can be however you want them to be. The point is write them down in somehow because it makes you feel so good.

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Last Updated June 25, 2002