
T H E   C O S M I C   G R A N D
D E C E P T I O N  
Part Two

    The "human" occupants of various disk-craft would also
include pilots of top-secret aerial devices constructed by
different governments, of which the average citizen is not
generally aware.  There is evidence that such do exist - but we
will not deal with aspect until later 'Files', but instead at
this point concentrate on the NON-HUMAN occupants which are
often described and which, as we've said, apparently make up a
large percentage or perhaps even the MAJORITY of entities
described by witnesses.  These are the so-called "grays"
described in the movie COMMUNION (which depicts the 'entities' in
a somewhat misrepresentative manner) and in the TV mini-series
INTRUDERS, and elsewhere.
     In this report we will relate several accounts which, we
believe, support the following two basic assumptions concerning
the origin and nature of the majority of the UFO's and their non-
human occupants:
     1) The majority of the UFO's are piloted by beings of
hominoid form, yet definitely not human.  "They" are often
referred to as the "grays", being generally 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 ft.
tall, possessing REPTILIAN skin and features, are extremely
intelligent yet unimaginably evil and dangerous, a nature which
is hidden behind facades of false "benevolence".  Creatures which
have fed upon the very souls of men throughout the ages and which
have influenced human history in an extremely destructive way
while at the same time remaining just outside the range of human
detection, and which are the most extreme threat ever to face
humanity - a threat which is magnified by their extremely elusive
and "chameleon" nature.
     2) The centuries-old ORIGINAL abode of these creatures lies
miles beneath the surface of this planet within a global network
of hydrothermal and geothermal caverns and artificially-excavated
tunnels of both antediluvian and postdiluvian origin; cavernous
chambers of various sizes from small to enormous and which exist
throughout the crust from the surface to the moho.  This ancient
domain is nothing less than an entire "world" which has to a
large extent been kept hidden from those on the surface via
occult influences which are intentionally projected towards those
who would otherwise discover the truth about these nether
regions.  These subterranean regions have been the abode of both
human and reptilian entities that have been in conflict with the
other for untold centuries.  Many of these subsurface regions are
being utilized by these draconian powers of darkness as centers
of operation in THEIR ages-old war against the Creator and the
souls of men.
     These two assumptions, admittedly, may sound rather
unbelievable to those who may not be familiar with them.  However
from one point of view the most incredible thing of all is not
that these "aliens" exist, but rather the fact that man has
remained oblivious to what is actually taking place in this
universe and has in essence lost touch with reality.  For those
who doubt the possibility of the existence of such an "alien"
race of intelligent yet non-human creatures, whether for
religious or secular reasons, we would ask them to consider the

In 1967, UFO researcher Brad Steiger co-authored (with Joan
Whritenour) a book titled: FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE.  Regarding
the intentions of many of the occupants behind the phenomena,
Steiger and Whritenour stated:
     "Certain saucer cultists, who have been expecting space
brethren to bring along some pie in the sky, continue to deliver
saucer-inspired sermons on the theme that the saucers come to
bring starry salvation to a troubled world.  The self-appointed
ministers who preach this extraordinary brand of evangelism
ignore the fact that not ALL "saucers" can be considered
friendly.  Many give evidence of hostile actions.  There is a
wealth of well-documented evidence that UFO's have been
responsible for murders, assaults, burning by direct-ray focus,
radiation sickness, kidnappings, pursuits of automobiles, attacks
on homes, disruption of power sources, paralysis, mysterious
cremations, and destructions of aircraft.  Dozens of reputable
eye-witnesses claim to have seen alien personnel loading their
space vehicles with specimens from earth, including animals, soil
and rocks, water, and struggling human beings."
     Steiger (who also wrote two other books: FLYING SAUCER
several others) also believed that the entities most encountered
are not only hostile, as indicated by the above quote, but non-
human and in fact REPTILIAN or SAURIAN in nature.  In relation to
this, there is the following statement which was recently made by
Steiger in his popular video film "THE TRUTH ABOUT UFO'S".
Steiger has, to some extent, in his video "changed his tune"
concerning the nature of these reptilian beings - supposing now
that they aren't as evil as he made them out to be in earlier
years.  However, the facts just don't support this conclusion,
and the only explanation which we can offer to this change of
attitude would be the fact (as mentioned by a number of sources)
that these creatures have the ability to manipulate from a
distance the minds, emotions and spirits of humans through
occult-technological or supernatural means, and that they would
undoubtedly use this power to de-sensitize humanity to their
actual nature.  Certainly, if their true nature were widely known
their operations and even their very existence might be
threatened.  There are some who believe that the many movies,
animated programs, etc., which depict reptilian-like "alien"
beings in a "benevolent" fashion - are de-sensitizing America's
young people away from their natural enmity of these ancient,
though elusive, enemies of mankind.  Steiger, who is considered
one of the foremost writers on UFO's and related subjects, said
the following:

    "In the late 1960's I presented my hypothesis that the
reason why the most frequently reported UFOnauts resemble
REPTILIAN or AMPHIBIAN humanoids may be because that is exactly
what they are, highly evolved members of a serpentine or semi-
aquatic species.  A provocative theory is that the dinosaurs
didn't really vanish, they "evolved" into a humanoid creature
that eventually ran it's course, or was destroyed in an Atlantis-
type catastrophe (i.e. such as the Great Deluge - Although
Steiger and others may hold to an "evolutionary" hypothesis, this
may not necessarily be the case, especially when the 2nd Law of
Thermodynamics and the laws of entropy are brought to bear.
Instead of "evolving" from a far less complex form, it is in fact
far more likely that the serpent race MUTATED via atrophication,
natural selection, environmental adaptation, etc., into it's
various known and unknown branches, from a complex single species
which originally inhabited the earth in ancient times - Branton).
     "...I had developed this hypothesis considerably," Steiger
continues, "...so I was delighted when I received word that Dale
Russell and Ron Seguen of Canada's "National Museum of Natural
Sciences" of Ottawa, had fashioned a model of a humanoid dinosaur
using Stenonychosaurus and Equallus as their inspiration.
Stenonychosaurus, according to Russell, had a rather large brain
and eyes with over-lapping visual fields.  The 90 pound dinosaur
also walked on two legs, and it appears to have had a
particularly OPPOSABLE THUMB on it's three-clawed hand.  The
result of such scientific speculation was an astonishingly human-
like creature that Russell terms a "Dinosauroid".  The creature
stands four-and-a-half feet tall, has a large, domed head, green
skin, and yellow reptilian eyes.  It should probably have had
ears, Russell conceded, but the effect would have made it appear
too human.  As it is, the dinosaur on display at Canada's
"National Museum of Natural Sciences" almost exactly fits the
descriptions of UFOnauts provided by THOUSANDS of men and women
throughout the planet who have reported close encounters..."

    In his book 'THE UFO ABDUCTORS' (1988., Berkley Books.,
N.Y.), pp 5-6, Steiger adds: "In the greatest number of alien
encounters, the UFOnauts were described as standing about five
feet tall and dressed in one-piece, tight-fitting jumpsuits.
Their skin was gray, or grayish-green, and hairless.  Their faces
were dominated by large eyes, VERY OFTEN WITH SNAKELIKE, SLIT
PUPILS.  They had no discernible lips, just straight lines for
mouths.  They seldom were described as having noses, just little
snubs if at all; but usually the witnesses saw only nostrils
nearly flush against the smooth face.  Sometimes a percipient
mentioned pointed ears but on many occasions commented on the
absence of noticeable ears on the large, round head.   And,
     The annual "NEVADA AERIAL RESEARCH JOURNAL" for Summer, 1989
confirmed Mr. Steiger's claims by re-printing a UPI news item
which appeared in a Berkley, California newspaper.  The article
     "Dale Russell, curator of fossil vertebrates at the National
Museums of Canada in Ottawa, has developed a theory that
intelligent life forms could have developed from the large
reptiles that roamed the earth (in ancient times).
     "Russell calls his imaginary creature a 'Dinosauroid' which
would look like a hairless, green-skinned reptile with a bulging
skull, luminous cat-like eyes and three-fingered hands...
     "The amphibians evolved into a humanoid species that
eventually developed a culture that ran its course or was
destroyed in an Atlantis-like catastrophe--just after they had
begun exploring extraterrestrial frontiers.  Certain UFOnauts,
then, may be the descendants of the survivors of that amphibian
culture RETURNING from their space colony to monitor the present
dominant species on the HOME planet."
     This is one possibility which was given in the article.
According to certain sources the "winged serpent" that is
emblemed on the 'alien' uniforms represents another reptilian
mutation which is near the very top of the alien or reptilian
hierarchy, entities which have been referred as the
pterodactyloids, the mothmen, or the winged draco.  These have
allegedly been seen on rare occasions and have even been the
subject of an entire book by UFO researcher John A.


Part Three

Part One


