
The New World Order
Global Database

Global Database, Citizen Identification & Tracking
National Identification, Global Database:
God Save the Children

The Congress (while actively promoting birth control and abortions) is saving the children from "deadbeat dads."

How? By requiring that every man, woman, and child's Social Security number is registered in a national database before that individual is allowed to work and earn a living.

The Congress (while actively promoting birth control and abortions) is saving the children from the heartache of having lowdown, lying parents who might claim non-existent children on their income tax returns.

How? By passing legislation to require that every child is stamped-at-birth--with a Social Security number.

The Congress (while actively promoting birth control and abortions) is saving the children from having their parents become impoverished by burdensome taxes.

How? By repealing the oppressive and unconstitutional income tax? Don't be silly. They are doing it in a much better way: by helping the parents with a "tax credit" for each child--as long as the child is properly stamped with a Social Security number. Otherwise, the so-called "child" does not exist, and no credit will be bestowed on the ungrateful parents.

The United Nations (while actively promoting birth control and abortions) is saving the children from awful diseases, poverty and famine.

How? By insisting that every child in every nation in the world be registered with a Social Security program, and thereby stamped at birth with a unique, trackable number.

The Federal Reserve, The Bundesbank, The World Bank, The International Monetary Fund, The Bank of England, and the powerful Bank for International Settlements are saving the children from all the terrible things this cruel world can throw at a child.

How? By being the financial sponsors of all of these heart-wrenching efforts to save the children using national ID numbers, and by financially exiling or ruining any nation, leader, or politician who won't "get with the program." (The child-hater would probably call this "extortion" or "blackmail," but those who really love and care about children know that this is "hard love.")

Yes, these pillars of our society and of our world, these bastions of tender, loving mercies are saving the children.

And they, in their infinite wisdom--recognizing the criminality, the stupidity, the incompetence, and the generally worthless nature of run-of-the-mill parents, communities, religious leaders, and local governments--KNOW that the ONLY way to save the children is to number them and to track them from their first breath to their last; to meticulously record every intimate detail of their lives; to regulate their right to travel; to regulate their finances; to regulate their parents; to regulate and control their marriages; to regulate the right to do business; to require a state-issued license for every natural god-given right and freedom, and then demand a national or international ID number for the "privelege" of the "license."

But who will save the children from being numbered?

Who will save the children from being tracked?

Who will save the children from being state-owned and state-controlled?

The New World Order


Nasa Cover Up


