Other DC Fiction

Two Bullets
Oracle reflects on one man's fate.
This story was nominated in the CFAN 2000 Comic Book Fan-Fiction Awards for Best DC Story of 1999.

A Pause, Before...
In my head, the fictives gathered.... A Subreal story.

Truth from the Edge of Armageddon
A quick reaction-fic to JLA #41; Bruce and Clark think about what was said. Cautions: m/m slash implied.

Waiting For...
Carmen has this whole Kyle/Connor series in her *head,* see. So for her birthday I wrote her this, trying to get it out. *g* Cautions: m/m slash implied.

These Vicious Things
Written after reading Batman: Fortunate Son. Bruce remembers something he'd rather forget. Cautions: m/m slash implied. DarkFic.
This story was nominated in the CFAN 2002 Comic Book Fan-Fiction Awards for Best DC Story of 2001.

Bruce gets something he needs. Cautions: m/m sex.

The DCU Woke Up Gay
Everybody's doing it--waking up gay, that is! Sillyfic.

Drabble, 150 words
Written for the Batslash challenge. Cautions: m/m slash implied.

"In Brightest Day..." Part One.
Barbara Gordon, a ring, a decision, and a legacy to uphold. The first part of what's turning out to be an ongoing story, and one that I want to get right.

"In Brightest Day..." Part Two.
Telling the world.

Comme si, Comme ça
Exploring two possibilities for the Batman's divided psyche. Cautions: m/m slash implied, adult themes.

Oracle: Six Stories
Based on Darklady's challenge: 150-200 word fic, Barbara Gordon, romance, NOT Dick Grayson.

Two, Divided by Zero
During Zero Hour, Oracle encounters someone she knows too well.

K/C Challenge Fic
Darklady posted a challenge: write two characters NOT having sex. These poor boys.... Cautions: m/m slash implied.

Needs Must: April 1946
Doctor Mid-Nite I/Wildcat. Sometimes need takes you to strange places. Cautions: m/m slash.

Needs Must: Prologue
Doctor Mid-Nite I/Wildcat. How it began. Cautions: m/m slash.

Sacrifice (Paula)
Paula Brooks and Joan Dale, set during James Robinson's "The Golden Age". For Joan's pov: Sacrifice (Joan) by Carmen.

Feedback and comments gladly received.


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