So this is my little spot where I tell you a little more about myself...
My name is Jennifer, but online I'm known as Starlight or Starlightrya.  You can tell your talking to me by asking me to spell 'tomarrow' because I always spell it wrong, at first it was because thought it was right, but now it's a trademark.

I prefer Fall over the other seasons, Dusk over Dawn, Anger over Tears, I hate roses, but love Calla Lillys and Morning Glorys, and I love storms.  I think it would be wonderful to lay in the grass during a storm, looking to the sky while the rain beats down on your clothes and face, lightning streaking across the sky ...

I honestly believe that everyone in life has/had or will have a
true love and or soul mate, it's just a matter of finding that person.  Now I won't disagree that some people will probably never find that person in thier lifetime,

Well thats probably more then you have ever wanted to know about me so I'll get on with the good stuff...
You might get to know me better if you visited:
Pictures of me and others...
leplaying... learn more about roleplaying... I LOVE SAILORMOON... - some good pictures some bad pictures

And if you have any comments, suggestions or overall nice things to say email me at:
If you have any gripes, complaints or overall mean things to say you can email me at...wait...dont email me.