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"The X-Files" "X-Files" "The X-Files: Fight the Future" and all associated pictures, logos and names © TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX BROADCASTING LIMITED and TEN-THIRTEEN PRODUCTIONS.
The Project, UKXF and any pages within our sites are NOT associated in ANY WAY whatsoever to the said organisations. The Project is a totally unofficial, non-profit making website.
We are not responsible for the content of any site we link to. Please refer to our celebrity privacy policy page [here] for other exceptions.

If there are any problems with this we will be happy to rectify them - please e-mail as soon as possible.

The Project - the ultimate resource for X-Philes.

It seems that every time I go through my bookmarks another of my favourite X-Files sites has gone.
Maybe it's a sign of the times. I suppose we have all come to term with the fact that the X-Files simply does not have the amazing fan base it used to have, particularly online.
I am pleased that I experienced that online dedication at its finest hour. I remember spending hours on the net in the run up to the movie, and the seasons before and following it.

The X-Files truly has been a television phenomenon, and I am pleased to have been a part of the fan base that really did make our show what it was, and still is.

I am still a fan of this show, a big fan, and I am still happy to say it is my favourite TV show. i still check the big sites every day, look forward to new episodes and enjoy the shocks of spoilers and the adventures of fanfic.

The Project has been running for three years now. I've enjoyed every day of it, from the great feedback you send me to the amazing number of participants in our contests and charity campaigns.

However, The Project will be closing in the last week of February.
The reason is that I simply do not have the time to update the site as much as I used to. As you have probably noticed updates have been sparse over the last few months so I think this is a good time to end the site in its current form.
I would rather do this than simply abandon the site and not update it any more.

In a way this is quite sad for me, after seeing the site grow and gain more and more regular visitors, and read the great comments you e-mail and leave in the guestbook.

Until the site goes offline, please do feel free to use any of the stuff from the pages on the site.
After the site goes down, I have a plan for a much more permanent but smaller charity project, still involving The X Files, that this page will be used for, so please check by often.

Thanks for making the site such a success. 
I hope you enjoyed the ride.

I'd love to hear from you about The Project!
Drop me a note here

I'd like to take this chance to say thank you to a few people who have made this site such a success...

Hillary Robson our mailing list manager, who has spent many hours writing updates and reading fanfic! The list will stay open so join now! Thank You.

Gertie, of DuchovnyNet, who has supported me all the way, and has really helped promote the site and our joint online store. Thank You.

Amy of The (new-look!) Haven, who again has supported me a lot and also helped me deal with Requiem-related crises! Thank You.

And all the following, who ahve helped and supported The Project all the way:
Jenny, of Jenny's X-Files
Jacie Caras, my long-lasting online buddy!
The residents of Ryan's Board, new and old
My real-life friends and family
Keri, aka WahooGirl
The participants of FanFic Challenge 99 and FanFic 2000
The sites who displayed Hungersite/XF appeal banners last year
The 8000+ visitors of The Project
Dean Haglund
Yahoo Geocities, for their lovely sparkly web space :-)
and of course the cast and crew of The X-Files.
and many, many more...

Remember, wherever you are, whatever you do:
The Truth Will Always Be Out There!



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