Art Gallery

Blue Da Ba Dee

Amy by Hinote. This is a nice drawing of Amy/Sailor Mercury, in water color, it's a bit messed up though.

J.T Maxwell by Hinote. This is a SUPER cool drawing of my original Gundam Wing character, I love the way I did it. I just plain love it, maybe you will too! It's my favorite!

Lita by Hinote. A black and white drawing of Lita/Makoto/Sailor Jupiter smiling at you.

Sailor Mars by Hinote. A black and white drawing of Sailor Mars, I drew for a veryvery good friend of mine who really likes Sailor Mars.

Sailor Neptune by Hinote. This is one of my early CGIs, it was mouse drawing took me a while to figure out CGI drawings were easier than I thought LOL.

Zelgadisby Hinote. This is another one of my fave sketchings, it's Zelgadis from The Slayers. Though I've never seen the Slayers I still like it. I love that expression on Zel-chan's face!

Athenaby Hinote. Here's a drawing of a very anime-ish Athena, the goddess of wisdom with that crazy owl of her's.

Eternal Sailor Moon By Hinote. Yet another Sailor Moon pic, it's alright 'cept for the pose, it's...well...dull.

Fuu By Hinote, Fuu from Magic Knight Rayearth flying in her new armor, I only copied it off a pic I (ia was having one of those day where I couldn't do anything 'cept copy off pics).

Sailor V by Hinote. one of my fave drawings of them all, Sailor V.

Chibi Chibi by Hinote. Kinda deformed, I might admit. I couldn't draw that day. Anyways, it was a poster drawing for my room (ya ain't gonna believe what I'm doing to my room ^_^;;).

Goku by Rubeus. Hinote: Ya know it about time someone sends me a drawing, thanks you Ruby-chan. Rubeus: Heh, no prob.

Sailor Leo B & W by Hinote (obviously). Well, it's not much, just a black and white pic of sailor Leo,done out of boredom.

Sailor Leo in color by Hinote. A much better pic of Sailor Leo in water color, it came out better than I thought, and Rubeus and Noisshi thought I couldn't do it. Just goes to show how much THEY know LOL.

Metal Mewtwo by Hinote. I really love this pic of Mewtwo, he looks weird, I tried making him as metallic as possible, does anyone know how to make those "metal effects" in CGI programs?

Sailor Moon by Hinote. A very nice CGI of Sailor moon, the new locket is real weird, oh well. But still it's nice, I love the new effects I'm trying out for light and shade.

Sleepy Mew by Hinote. This is one of my very best CGI's yet! Mew looks so cute and cuddly!

StarIce by Hinote. It's just a portrait of RPG StarIce, I just can't give up being StarIce for some reason. This is just a human version of her, she was originally a dragon, then griffin (I doubt it you remember back when I was StarIce :p ).

Sailor Jupiter by Hinote well it's just a sketching of Sailor Jupiter when she's going to use Supreme Thunder is Sailor Moon R the movie.

Sailor Pluto By Hinote. Very nice CGI of Sailor Pluto. It took me two weeks to make, basketball takes more time than I realized. I finally got a program that has more stuff for making CGI, Lens flare, the airbrushes...Hinote happy at last.... :)

At the Cafe By Hinote, it's just Tsunami, hanging out, having some tea, dressed like a human. It's in black and white, very elegent, though I don't know why my dad was complaining that the letter were backwards...had to explain 5 times LOL.

Tsunami Dressed Like a Human by Hinote. Tsunami looks like she's having an identity problem o_O LOL. But actually she just does this to hang out in the human world. It's not everyday when you see a pokemon eating and MacDonalds or in school is it? LOL. Colored with water colors, very nice, her cap's messed up though :p.

Tsunami by Hinote. a beautiful CGI of Tsumami, the mewtwo. She sure looks mean like mewtwo did when he first woke up. This pic sure look better than the other attempt on Tsunami, I'd rather not show that pic, it just dosen't look to good, but this one here does :)

Koori by Hinote. This is Koori my DBZ character. She's Zarbon's daughter, just incase you got a little confused there ^_^. I just love the way I colored her hair, for a minute there I thought it wasn't gonna looks as good as it does!

JT Maxwell 2 by Hinote. I know what you're thinking! "How come dat girl looks like Duo from Gundam Wing?" Well, could it be because she's his twin sister? YES! LOL Very elegant, I know her hair looks like an octopus. What am I doing criticizing and insulting myself? LOL

Twins of Death by Hinote. Not it's not Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. It's Duo and J.T, this is the first time I've done a pic of them together.

Griff By Hinote: This is Griff my Megaman character, cute isn't she? Yeah I know...I'm good ^_^ Rubeus: .... o.O

Gundam 06 Death Angel by Hinote. After so many attepmts. I think I finally got JT's gundam, ok, so it's kinda messed up, but I'm still working on it.

Jt's little problem by Hinote. Jt's having a problem, it's not a personal problem, it's about not having something to tie her long braid with. Very beautifully colored with Prismacolor (finally, some decent coloring pencils). This is based on a situation when a teammate from basketball went around asking for a scrunchie.

Torn Apart by Hinote. An absolutely beautiful skecthing of my first GW fanfic 'Torn Apart'. After so many attempts I finally got it! WOO-HOO!

06 custom's bird more by Hinote. In the RPG JT gets a new gundam after Duo destroyed hers...and she gets serious pay back by destroying his gundam! Talk about sibling rivalry **looks at Noisshi and Rubeus fighting over the T.V remote -_-;;;*

Sailor Chibi Moon by Hinote. This was a request pic from my math teacher....really it was!

JT Riding Epona by Hinote. This is what happens when you play too much Zelda: Ocarina of Time and watch too much gundam wing (along with RPing in it). Anyways Jt's riding Link's horse. only Epona looks good there JT is really messed up...note to myself: learn to draw people horseback riding.

JT dressed as Aeris by Hinote. Ok I've gone overboard with this one. Jt here just dressed up as Aeris for Halloween, poor kid didn't get to go trick or treating, thanks a lot Oz for ruining this!!! Jt just felt like wearing this, why wasted a perfectly good costume? It's very cute, I love the colors ^_^

Sasami by Hinote. I thought I'd never get this one up! It's absolutely cute! This is my first attempt on Sasami from Tenchi Muyo.

Gundam 06 Custom by Hinote. Eversince I saw Endless Waltz, I've been re-designing 06 to 06 cu, it's a tough job but it was pretty fun.

Aeris by Hinote. The lovely Aeris from FF7, I tried drawing her in a anime-ish way, but it didn't turn out like I wanted, I'm still trying to get her to look right.

06 Custom 2 by Hinote. See what I mean? I'm still working on the design still, I like how both 06 drawings came out.

Jt you Cloud Wanna be! by Hinote If you thought the JT as Aeris was bad check this out! I've been playing too much FF7 and been watching too much Gundam wing, that's all I can say LOL.

Isn't she lovely? by Hinote. A gorgeos pic of JT in her gown, she went to a suprise party on Earth with the G-boys in the RPG, that was so romantic! Well sort of, either way, it's a nice pic.

Fire Bird by Hinote. This is 06 custom's pheonix mode, it's just so BEAUTIFUL. The background was my sister's idea, my little sis is going to be an artist just like her big sis! *Sniff sniff*

JT Maxwell The One by Hinote. Another JT pic, here she looks older, around 18, 19, or 20. This was just an idea I had for the RPG, making some of the pilots Ancients/Cetra (ok I HAVE been playing too much FF7).

JT as Cloud by Hinote. Been a while since I've done CG...well 2 or 3 months, but it still looks beautiful! I just LOVE the expression on JT's face, it is obvious I've been playing too much FF, watching too much Gundam Wing and playing it.

Fallen Warrior by Hinote. Ok so it's not a warrior, it's the real-world me anime form. I drew this to show how sad I felt when I was cut from the basketball team...that's one day I'll never forget :(

Jt Maxwell The One by Hinote. The one who will bring peace to Earth...'course she's not the only 'one' who will, 3 other 'ones' will help...but I'm not about to spoil it! She looks real cool here!

Jt as a kitty by Hinote. Well I just felt bored in my Life Skills class, and needed to draw something, later I felt like coloring it, and here's the result! Cute ne?

Dragon Ball Z Poster by Sailor DragonBall. A very beautiful drawing Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks, they were put together very nicely. I love the expressions on their faces!

Matrix by Hinote. No not THE Matrix, just Matrix. I felt like drawing something with wings, and I somehow came up with this winged panther named Matrix (I was watching The Matrix when I came up with the name). Everyone though I was drawing Red XIII LOL, good guess ppl LOL.

Ookamino by Hinote. Look! Ooka-chan!! **Watches Ookamino run away screaming** Oh it's not that pic where we're at McDonald's and your mouth is wide open! But I'll be happy to post that! LOL **watches Ookamino having a heart attack** I was only kidding... o.O.

Tears of a soldier by Hinote. Another JT pic *yawn*. She's upset because of her loss of memory in the RPG...and barely remembers Rick and Wufei. That's about it :p .

Sailor V to the rescue! by Sailor Dragonball. This is one of my faves from Sailor DragonBall, very nice detailing, and the pose very cool. It's just absolutely beautiful! Great job Sailor Dragonball!

Chang Wufei the solitary dragon by Hinote. Hey look everyone! It's justice-boy! LOL. This was a request pic from my cousin, he wanted to see how I could draw using the techniques I use all the time (shown in the tutorals). I gotta admit, Wufei (A.K.A Justice-boy) looks really good everyone once in a while, reow reow ;) LOL.

Reflections by Hinote. This is my Robotech character Yuffie Takahashi, here she's looking at herself in the mirror thinking (though she's the action-first-talk-later type lol) along with some of the lyrics from Reflection from Mulan (it suits the pic so well I just HAD to put it there!)

Yuffie Takahashi's attack by Hinote, Yuffie about to get into battle, drawn comepletely in pen, pretty cool huh??

Ha! Gotcha! by Hinote. Ok when Yuffie (Takahashi) has that look on her face it means you've been had! Most likely she stole something from you ^_^.

Shadoroth by Hinote. This is my split personality (hey! I don't have to take off my glasses to get her out do I? Right Lady Une ^_^ LOL). I can act like Sephiroth a lot of the time (though I don't have clones of myself running all over the place LOL). Hey Chiro you've not the only Sephiroth obsessed person LOL.

Yuffie Takahashi upclose by Hinote. Sure just 'cuz she's a little ninja theif clearly doesn't mean that she dosen't have a sweet side (SHE DOES?!) This was just a character sketch of Yuffie, I know she looks like the Yuffie from FF7 but I just kinda wanted her design and name for the upcomming Robotech/Macross RPG.

Easy.jpg">Easy...I just did...By Hinote. This is my fave sketching so far, done COMEPLETELY in pen. J.T is in a battle against Diablo, and here she is mocking him, in the RPG. I love this one!

Phoenix Gundam by Hinote, a beautiful CG of J.T's gundam in pheonix mode, I got the pose from FF7 Phoenix, mine dosen't look as good, but hey, I tried.

Adela by DemonessAdelayeda. A wonderful pic sent in my friend Adela, this is her character from the Final Fantasy Gundam RPG, dude no wonder Stalker goes crazy around her! LOL. Note that this isn't Adel from FF8, but there is an intresting fact on their names!

Adleaosaki By DemonessAdelayeda. This is Adela's only friend Adleaosaki, a complete cutie! Note that he's thinking about roast owl LOL (he ate the owl J.T was taking care of). But this little dude is way stronger than he looks!

Heartbroken J.T by Hinote. Aww poor J.T she's very heart broken in the pic, she thinks Cykoroth dosen't love her anymore, she was so suicidal in that RPG, that was so sad *sniff sniff*. Anyways the original pic was way more detailed than this...stupid scanner totally killed it!

Winged Warrior by Hinote. I have no idea where this came from, all I know is that I was listening to FF7 Techno Remix, and there I picture J.T like this. But one thing I don't like about this pic is that the wings go off the paper, I always make them too big, grrr...

Winged Warrior (colored) by Hinote. This is just a colored version of the previous pic, very, very kool.

Chibi Sephiroth by Hinote, this is my first attempt on Chibi Sephiroth, dosen't he look adorable (when dosen't he?). Kinda makes me wanna pick him up and hug him tightly until he pops ROTFLOL.

Face to Face by Hinote, this is my first attempt on Cykoroth (copyright of PsychoCheese) and J.T together, this is scene when they went to the beach and watch the sunset, h that was so romantic! By the way if you can't read the qoute it says "Right now, face to face, all my fears, pushed aside, and right now, I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you..." these are lyrics from 'Crazy For This Girl' By Evan and Jaron (who are those guys? j/k LOL).

Everyone's Forgotten my name! by Hinote. Another scene from the rpg when J.T is talking to Itzel (copyright of Adela), and is VERY annoyed with everyone calling her 'Girl'. You'd be pretty annoyed to if someone called you 'Boy' or 'Girl' and you keep trying to remind them you have a name, wouldn't you?

How Cute by Hinote. Another adorable pic of Cykoroth and J.T together, they are SOOOO cute! Hard to believe these two were enemies, and he was trying to kill her.

Sephiroth and Shadoroth by Hinote, a little comic I made with my otherself scared of a Chocobo, I got the idea to do this pic after watching a ep of Rugrats with my sis. I couldn't stop laughing a few minutes later, after drawing it.

Cykoroth close-up by PsychoCheese. Awsome pic of his character from the Final Fantasy Gundam RPG. I really like the shading on this pic. He's got this crazy look in his eyes, and that crazy smile, this dude is most definetly like his ancestor (would have summoned Meteor also if he hadn't had a crush on a certain someone ;) ).

Cykoroth full body by PsychoCheese. Another great pic by him. Cykoroth looks a lot like Sephiroth, actually this guy wasn't always Cykoroth, he was Psycho until he fused with Sephiroth. This another scene from the RPG where he attacks J.T (before they became lovebirds ^_^ ). Dude he looks so cool in this pic no wonder J.T geos a little crazy around him! (Hey Stalker's no the only one who goes crazy around the person he likes LOL).

Sadness By Hinote. Awww...JT's always sad isn't she? And she's supposed to be the cheery, happy-go-lucky one like her brother Duo. Well you'd be upset to if the one you cared about was being controlled by the Black Armor, wouldn't you? Well this is what happened to JT. She thinks it's her fault Rick's being controlled by the armor, but when it's actually his own fault from his own jealousy.

The Goddess J.T By Hinote. Well believe it or not, J.T was made into a goddess by Darien (not SM Darien). I just drew this out of boredom, besides I wanted to test out my wing-drawing skills. Cool isn't it? Too bad the scanner killed it all.

Aldranon by Hinote. Whoa, not bad for someone who hasn't drawn a dragon for a long time! This is Aldranon JT's dragon, this guy was a gift from Tatsu (copyright of Red_Fang18), after JT wish to be a dragon rider (I've been reading Dragonriders of Pern too much, I just love those!!!).

The Angel By Hinote. Well the boredom monster attacked me again. I don't know why but I just like drawing JT as an angel, I guess it really suits her well, besides I wanted to see if I could draw a pose without the manakin.

Black Winged Angel by Hinote. This is my Beast Machines (I consider it anime though I know it's not from Japan) character Himei. Apperently I've been listening to One Winged Angel too much, so I've made my type of angel. Himei, the black winged angel, kinda suits with her dosen't it? Besides I was asking hown to draw wings at Bottalk on how to draw wings, and I kinda figured out the style. I drew this in a hurry that's why it looks kinda weird.

Sephiroth by Hinote. I love Sephiroth so much! He's very hard to draw anyone that can draw Sephiroth with not too much trouble, I'll consider them a legend. I've been trying to test out some styles to drawing Seph-sama, this looks pretty good dosen't it? Kudos for me LOL.

Casting Dragon Slave by Hinote, another angel JT pic. Here she's casting Dragon Slave on who ever the unlucky person is hehehehehehehe. I know...too much Slayers...hey I've been sugar-high all week!

Chibi JT VS. Chibi Wufei, and poor Heero as the Ref by Hinote. This is so funny, I must have been a little past my normal sugar-high level. This just shows just how well JT and Wufei get along in the fics LOL. Poor Heero is ALWAYS having to break up their fights. I really messed up on Heero, but I wouldn't have this kinda probem if SOMEONE didn't kick me out the desk so often....

Cykoroth Thinking by Hinote. I just love drawing Cykoroth he's so much fun. Poor guy is thinking about his true identity, and wonders if his old self will comeback and will try to hurt JT, and if she'll still care about him if he told her. All we can do now is wait...

Cykoroth Wondering I wanted to add something to my portfolio to show my uncle, and Cykoroth was the only thing I could think of, I say this look pretty good.

The Sorceress JT close-up by Hinote. A beautiful CG of the Sorcress JT...well actually it's JT being possesed by an evil sorceress after tricked into believing the sorceress was trying help her in her fight when actually the sorceress had her own agenda. Dude I love that fiery glow in her eyes.

DarkSphere by Red_Fang18 . Dude I thought I'd never get this pic up. This is Darksphere, this dark creature can convert into 4 different swords, not only that he can eat souls too! Too bad Treize and Mariemaia were the first victims of it's dark power. This look pretty cool, not bad, I like the impression it gave me when I first saw it!

Videl by DemonessAdelayeda. I think this is Videl at least. Oh well, it's another great pic by my best friend Adela...I don't think she knows who she drew either LOL, I love it when there's some confusion over a pic.

If Cykoroth were a doll by Hinote. Again I was a little sugar high on this one. Well this is what would happen if Cykoroth became a doll in JT's can tell by the expression on his face that he's just GLAD HE'S not the doll LOL.

HeavyArms by Hinote. This is my first attempt on Trowa's gundam, not bad eh? I'm gonna put this on my wall! Yay!

Jt and Wufei by Hinote, yet another pic of just how well J.T and Wufei get along in the fanfics LOL. J.T must be suicidal if she's teasing Wufei, and a good reason why these two fight a lot ;).

Julie Dawson close-up by Hinote. This is a close-up pic of my new character Julie Dawson for the up-comming Macross/Robotech rpg. Dosen't she look cool? In my opinion I think she has the coolest hair of all the characters (except for Rick and Miriya, theirs is cool too). Once again the scanner kills the pic...

Julie Dawson Full body by Hinote. Just a character sketch of Julie, I was trying to decide what she would be wearing for the RPG, she looks real good in black, dude I wish I had that dress.

Julie Side another Character sketch of Julie in side view, wow for the first time I think I got side view right!!! YAY!

Look she's smiling! by Hinote. This was just to show Julie DOES have SOME emotion, though in her other pics she dosen't look like she has any :p.

Julie in her space suit by Hinote I wanted to see how well I could do with the poses when I used the manakin, turns out I can do a lot better with it! Once I was half way there I couldn't help but finish the sketching with Julie.

The Goddess JT close-up by Hinote. I was desparate to work on a CG and this is the first thing I could think of.

The Goddess JT in ink by Hinote. I just felt like drawing something in pen for my portfoliio, nothing special.

Sephiroth/Cykoroth by Hinote, Cykoroth and his ancestor Sephiroth. I can't believe how similar those two are (excpet for differences in appearance, and a bit in personality).

Shadoroth Close-up by Hinote. My otherself, in Sephiroth's coat, everytime I start thinking about wanting revenge on the girl's basketball coach, I start getting all evil, and draw Shadoroth to calm me down.

Shadoroth close-up in ink by Hinote. I lost my pencil, and I was desprarate to draw something, so I just grabbed my pen and drew my otherself (this also happens when I get real mad).

Side View Sephirothby Hinote. I absolutely love this pic, I wanted to put up some Sephiroth drawings on my wall (I'm finally going to get my own room! YAY!).

Somewhere, Someday by Hinote, I was listening to 'Somewhere Some day' by N`SYNC in Pokemon the first movie soundtrack, and I just pictured J.T as an angel running. Plus I just added a little quote from the song, it really suits the pic.

Steel Tech Dragon by Hinote, I was in my science class when all of a sudden I start getting this want to draw some steel tech, I figured a steel tech dragon would be cool, don't you think so?

Steel Tech Heavy Arms by Hinote. I got a little obsessed with drawing that pic of HeavyArms, it's the same pic as the first one, only it's steel tech, another great addition to my portfolio!

"I Saw Grandma Kissing Sephiroth Last Night!" by Hinote. I know I had a little too much sugar. This is a little joke based on 'I saw mommy kissing santa claus last night' there was this scene in the RPG where Aeris gives Seph a little kiss on the cheek, and here's the reaction of their 'grandkids' (descendants actually), I love Sephy's expression.

This Means War by Hinote, Geocities was giving me probs while I was working on the anime tutorals, it can be SUCH a pain!

Trowa Barton by Hinote. My first attempt on Trowa. The pic looks better than this, but the scanner TOTALLY killed it! Omae o korosu scanner no baka! **watches her scanner run away** ¬_¬;;

Saga Frontier 2 by Hinote. I have no idea who this dude this, but all I know is that he's cute ^_^. I was looking at the mini-walk through thing from FF8 and I saw this dude so I decided to draw him. The pic came out way better than I thought! YAY!


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