Think Back to Qui-Gon Jinn. He was a teacher in the Living Force, instructing his young Padawans to focus on the here and now, rather than on the future or the past. But this focus was not the popular methodolgy among the Jedi, and even Obi-Wan beleived his master's methods foolish. The Living Force lent Qui-Gon strength and insight beyond his brethren, though his ability to see future events or learn from the past was lessened. He himself would admit that he needed more focus on the past and future: the Unifying Force that the Jedi Council Symbolized.
The Living Force is an elite, powerful walk that is taught very rarely, for few wish to learn it. Those who do learn the Path of the Living Force, often as not, are viewed as Rogues by their comrades on the Jedi Council, and as such, often go off alone, or with a Padawan and some other companions, as Lone Jedi Masters, who valiently attempt to right all the wrongs of the galaxy, no matter the cost. The Jedi Council rules the Jedi Order with an iron fist. Uniformity and Solidarity are their ways. Tradition and Strict Adherence to the Jedi Code have kept the Order strong throughout the centuries and millennia, and variance and spontanaeity are frowned upon here. Only the "Rogue" Jedi Masters who favor the Living Force over the Unifying Force defy the Council's edicts, often at their own peril.
Those who follow the living Force look at every life, no matter its size or importance in the grand scheme, as just as valuable and important as all the other lives in the galaxy combined. The good of the few is just as important to the Living Force's Followers as the Good of the Many. Such a view often brings followers of the Living Force into conflict with the Jedi Council. The Jedi Council symbolizes the Unifying Force. To them, more than any other group, EVEN the Galactic Senate of the New Republic, is left the questions of morality and duty when weighing life against life. To them, grievous thought it can sometimes be, The good of the larger number of people outweighs that of the fewer numbers. This allows them to deal effectively with every situation they are faced with.
The Living Force gives its adherents a clairity of thought and concentration and vision, unmatched in all other Force-disciplines. This is the advantage I listed above in the "Balance of the Force." It is such incredible co-ordination and speed that make the jedi Knight the most feared warrior in the galaxy. Though lacking the ability to center in so completely on the Moment that those who follow the living Force posses, the followers of the Unifying Force can can drop into a deep meditation in which they are at one with all other Jedi in the area, sharing senses at will, and gaining one prep defensively each Jedi as their collective powers strengthen.
As followers of the Living Force, these Jedi always remain super-charged, as they are deeply in touch with all living things, and with the life-force itself. With the power of the Unifying Force, the Jedi Council and the Jedi Order can stand together, and in combat, have the ability to bestow on one of their comrades one prep, one time, no matter when or where.
One of the possible failings of the Living Force's Adherents is their immense compassion for all things. This compassion and caring is a great weakness when confronted with the Dark Side, for the Dark Side will latch on to any and all emotions, and in this case, the followers of the Living Force are more likely than their companions on the Council and in the Order to fall to the temptation of using Dark Powers to help others. In contrast, those Jedi who adhere to the Unifying Force are much more able to control their emotions, focusing always on the larger picture than on the lives of individuals, and though to some these Jedi may seem cold or even cruel, it is this constant control of emotion that keeps the followers of the Unifying Force safer from the temptations of forbidden power than their Living Force friends and colleagues
Only Masters of the Living Force May Become "One With the Force." and the ability to move at impossible speeds, and acheive co-ordination above even most other Force Users. Attuning to the Unifying Force provides ALL Jedi within the room This power is known as the Jedi power of "Force Harmony."