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It was an honor and a privladge to share the joys of swing dancing with such an enthusiastic and welcoming crowd.  Thanks to all those who helped in sharing with these people, and I hope you took full advantage of all the complimentary benifits extended to us.
Delmar Gardens before the big celebration, a little more than I expected. Though I was told that we would be performing to a crowd of roughly two-thousand
The petting zoo provided by the St. Louis zoo was but one of the activities the children had to engage their time.
  Also included were face paintings, burro rides, ice cream. charicature drawings, games, carriage rides, and an awsome fireworks disply to mention a few.
I don't think many of us had time for the commplimentary carrage rides with so much activity going on around us. Most of our time was spent dancing to the music of Hudson and the HooDooCats, of enjoying the other scheduled entertainment, or feasting on the large spread of food provided for everybody.
Dancing into the night, just before the fireworks diplay, I'm sure we all wished the night would hold on for just a little longer due to all the fun and good company we were enjoying.
  Oh, and there's Mac in the foreground (sorry about cutting you off), for more picks check out his Spiffnet site.
Alex, Carol. and Ehab taking a break from dancing
One of the tap dancers who put on quite a show.  They had the entire audiance enthralled with their skills, and had the good nature to share the stage with a number of children, who they showed basic tap dancing skills, in addition to singining to the crowd.