Swing Dancers Resource Pages
The swing dancers guide to news, events, and much more in the metro St. Louis area
Calender of Events
Local Bands & Entertainers
St. Louis Hot Spots
Swingin' News :
Welcome 2002, and what a welcome sight you are. I've been out of it lately due to injuries sustained during a rock climbing expidition, and other personal adversitys, but that's behind now. Thank you once again to those who provided support during my time of need.
  What's going on? Well, first off, Stardance will be holding a cast party for the Swing production performing at the Fox Theatre, this party will be held at Stardance Studio, and from what I understand it's expected to be a sellout, so don't stall on obtaining your tickets. Also, Stardance is well on its way in producing it's second swing camp, this time at Union Station called
Swing Talk
Movers & Shakers in Swing
History / Scrapbook
Dance Clubs & Lessons
Editorial :
The events in and around town, including activities of long time favorates, new artists, and special treats which pass through town from time to time.
Information on local swing and rockabilly bands in St. Louis.
A virtual smorgisborg  of places to be entertained in St. Louis.
People who have influenced Swing dancing in St. Louis. These are the people we owe many thanks for getting swing going, and keeping it alive.
O.K. now I know who's playing where, but where is the really hot spot tonight ? Talk to the other dancers and plan an evening of fun.
Excerts from my personal journal, memories, photos and more. Feel free to add your input.
Sounds like fun, but just getting started,
give some of these places a try.
In the light of the September 11th attacks, while devistatingly filled with emotions of loss and anger, to look upon the undeniable qualitys this event has called up, not only amung our fellow Americans, but througout the world. It has streangthened our sence of community, and shown us the true nature of heroism. From the passengers struggle with the terrorists, the rescue workers commitment despite the dangers that claimed so manny of their lives, the storys of individual citizens providing care and comfort in such a demonstrative setting, and to all the families who must carry on with that emptiness of their loved ones absence.  Many who could not help directly did what they could, giving blood, donations, forming relief efforts, and even going as far as seeing that the victoms of that forein land were fed and cared for to the best of our ability, given the circumstances.  Let us remember this about September 11th, let us remenber strength in the face of adversity, charity, compassion, and the love for our fellow human beings.

Weather Report:
Check the conditions for outdoor activities.
Temp Photo Postings
Photo postings of recent events, If you have photos you wish to share, get them to me , I'll scan them in and post them. Thank you Jill for the idea.
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Vargas at Mt. Pleasant, Tiffany's B-day
click here to go off the Deep End
For more great cartoons visit the Deep End
The Deep End
Delmar Gardens exhibition
Calender update 1/11/02
"The future's so bright...I gotta wear shades."
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