OverPowerLand Hero Reviews


Hero Reviews:

Scarlet Witch
Wonder Woman
Beast and Dark Beast


Scarlet Witch 7-3-2-5

The grid is great. She has a seven (always helpful), and a five as a backup, which although it is not as good as a six, can usually get the job done, and all this for 17 points! Her tertiary skills leave everytihng to be desires, she is almost never used in Energy-Fighting or Energy-Strength Decks, unless an artifact is close at hand.

Inherent Ability: Opponent -5 to Venture Total when KO'ed.

OUCH! Loosing five venture points is never fun, so expect your oppoent to really let loose on you in the hand when he goes after the Scarlet Witch. As soon as you see him aiming for her, make sure your defense doubles.


Change Outcome (AO)
Negates the effect of any 1 Special card played by opponent.

Negates the effect of one special. Any special. Any time. A magical little card. I love it. Use two or three.

Hex Power (AQ) [OPD]
Acts as a level 8 Energy, Strength or Fighting attack.

How can you go wrong? An 8M that doesn't apply to the fusion rule and can be in either of her two low skills! YAY! Use it.

Improbability Hex (HL)
Opponent's team may not use Strength Power cards level 6 through 8 to attack for remainder of battle.

Requires your opponent to be using a strength deck. Far too selective. I've never used it.

Mutant Magic (BT)
Opponent's Strength Power cards do not count in the Venture total for this battle.

Once again, too selective of Strength Cards. She has too many other useable specials to including this.

Sorceress Slam (AR)
Acts as a level 6 Strength attack.

She can't do it on her own, however, this raises an interesting point. You can't overload her with specials, and a Sontaneous Combustion (see below) could more effetively cripple your opponents offense than this if you use it to discard a teamwork card. I do not recommend this one unless you need the Strength attack.

Spell of Destruction (DR)
Opponent must draw one card from Draw pile. Drawn card and any duplicate of it, placed or in hand, must be discarded.

HA HA HA HA HA! This special is so impractical it's almost funny. He draws a card for a KOed hero, thanks you, and discards it. There goes that one. Never.

Spontaneous Combustion(AI)
Opponent must discard 1 placed card of Scarlet Witch's choice.

Another one of my favs. Your opponent has ever so cleverly placed his 11M Special card, expectying to save it for when he is down on Venture, or when it is the last turn of the battle (afterall, it's stupid to play an 11M first thing in the battle). Dicard! Bye bye 11M. This can also be used on Power Card, Teamworks Cards, and unplayed but placed Artifact Cards. I always use two.

Witchcraft (AD)
Scarlet Witch may avoid any numerical attack.

Again, like Sorceress Slam, you're already including five or six specials for an oft targetted character. It's a great special, but it's just too much.

Witchblade 7-7-3-4

The dual skill is always useful, even at the expense of 21 points. She'll make up for hte semi-hefty point total in specials.

Specials: Biomech Tendrils (LZ)
Acts as a level 4 Strength attack. May be used against Reserve, who may defend. If successful against Reserve, Witchblade may attack Reserve for remainder of game.

Well, for starters, it's a 4S, which is more than she can do herself. To make it better, you can use it against the reserve, which is always fun becasue you want him as weak as possible when he first comes in. (I usually select a reserve who has one or two killer specials to make up for losing a hero). And to boot, if you successfully attack the reserve, you can do it for the rest of the game! So you can move from using a 4S to a 7E or 7F powr car, or perhaps one of her larger specials. I definitely recommend.

The Chosen (NB) [OPD]
Acts as a level 11 Fighting attack. Witchblade's teammates may not attack for remainder of battle.

Beautiful. The only word for it. An ELEVEN attack.Even in her dual skill, and regardless of the fact that it paralyzes her teammates, it's an ELEVEN. I recommend it highly.(For those who haven't noticed already from specials like master of Magnetism, Binary, and High Speed Impact, 11's are hard to defend, especially if your hero doesn't have a defensive specials.) For best results, flood out your opponents defensive specials with high power cards before using The Chosen.

Energy Wrath (AS) [OPD]
Acts as a level 8 Energy attack +1 for each Hit on Witchblade's Permanent Record.

Again, she can't make an 8E attack on her own, and if you wiat for her to have a hit or two from the first battle than it's that mcuh harder to defend. It's just too bad that this wasn't a 9E attack, or you could have a two hit KO against one of your opponent's heroes. Oh well. use this one.

Forensic Science (NC)
If Witchblade's team won Venture Total last battle, add 2 to Venture Total this battle. If Witchblade's team lost Venture Total last battle, add 4 to Venture Total this battle.

I don't like Venture specials, except for the -/+6 ones. Little ones, like the +2 and +/-3 ones are better replaced by power cards which can be used to defend. This one is is +2 if you're winning, and +4 if you're losing. Not enough to get my seal of apporval.

NYPD Instinct (AE)
Acts as a level 3 Fighting attack. May combine with 1 MultiPower Power card for a single attack.

Yes! Too hits toward Spectrum in a special that allows for a hit as high as 8. I like it. I like it alot. Although I am quite sure that I have never seen a NYPD officer use a multipower card...

Protective Drive (LU)
Target Character's Tactic: Artifact cards may not be removed from play for remainder of game.

Let's review. There is one artifact that removes all artifacts from play: The Ultimate Nullifier. This special protects you from the aforementioned Nullifier, HOWEVER, I have never seen anyone play with the nullifier. A failed attempt to make Artifacts seem more important that they really are.

Wonder Woman 1-8-6-5

Well, putting aside the fact that a military strategistic as brilliant as Diana desrves a 6I, and at leas a 7S (she is as strong as Superman), I'm pretty happy with this grid. the dual skill is ALWAYS useful, and everyone loves F/S heroes. Except your opponent, of course. Let's get to the specials.

SPECIALS:Amazon Might (JN) [OPD]
Acts as a level 1 Strength attack, +1 for each card in Wonder Woman's hand. If successful, acts as a level 5 Energy or Intellect Power card.

This card is like a train wreck: You don't want to look, heck, you probably shouldn't look, but you do. And rightfully so. From a strategic point o view, you play it right away or place it for next battle. if you didn't place, you'll have seven other cards in hand. That'll make this an 8 to defend, which, although not incredibly hard, is still better than many heores can do.Against the X-Babies and Marauders, it'll be moved to Heroes for Hire, who will have to use their 8S PC to defend, which messes up their Black Knight. not a bad one, IMHO, but their might be enough better ones to ignore it. Let's check.

Blessed by the Gods(BG)->(BQ) [OPD]
On her turn, Wonder Woman may exchange this card for any 1 card in Dead Pile and play it immediately.

This is a no-brainer. It's Web Headed Wizard, except Wonder Woman style. Use it. Don't question it, just use it.

Bullets and Braclets (AD)
Wonder Woman may avoid any numerical attack.

Wonder may avoid any numerical attack. That's a power card, a teamwork, a doubleshot, an ally, or a numerical special. Only thing left; non-numerical specials. Use this one, definitely, the pros outway the cons too well not to.

Gift of Flight (AG)->(AD)
Teammate may avoid 1 attack of 9 or less.

There is only one Wonder Woman. Well, two, I suppose, but only one in OverPower. She has two active frontline teammates who are vulnerable to attack. All power cards and most specials are nine or less. Go for it.

Lasso of Truth (BZ) [OPD]
Opponent must reveal hand and play open handed for remainder of battle.

IMPORTANT: There are two kinds of strategy: tactile strategy, and ventural strategy. This fits under tactile strategy. You don't win any venture points for lassoing your opponent, but you do get information. You can see his entire hand. That's good. This card uses a turn to play. That's bad. In the end, it's your call. I would be happy with a Blessed by the Gods, a Bullets and Bracelets or two, and at least two Gifts of Flight, with a possibility of either this or Amazon Might.

Grunge 6-5-4-2

His grid is, to put it mildly, so-so. A six and a five, but a low total. Nothing too exciting. Yet.

Inherent Ability:Must have a MultiPower card Hit to be KO'd.

HELLO! Step aside X-Babies, so long Grifter, we have a new BEST inherent ability. Why, you wonder? Well, Multipower cards run from one through five. His highest stat is a six. Six is bigger than five, therefore, he can defend any multipower power card, and, as we'll see late,r most multi-power specials, too.

Danger Seeker (KC) [OPD]
All attacks by Opponent's team must be made against Grunge, at -2, until Grunge is KO'd or cannot be attacked.

I've never tried this one. I don't peticularly like it, actually. I find Grunge to be much more helpful when he's the only one left, so he can just tkae hit after hit and you don't have to worry about it.

Dense (LO)
Avoid 1 attack with an Intellect icon. Grunge may draw 1 card from the top of the Draw Pile. Discard duplicates.

As I mentioned earlier, he can defend against most multipower attacks. This is why. I use three or four of these AT LEAST. Not only do you avoid, but you get a card. And, just for good measur,e it has the funiest picture in OverPower.

Gen-Active (MQ)
Play during battle. Grunge may defend any Front Line teammate that also has a "Gen-Active" Special in play for remainder of game.

One other hero has Gen-Active: Fairchild. I like Fairchild, but I woudn't use her with Grunge at the same time, they just don't go together.

Lover Boy (MD)
Add 3 to Venture Total for this battle. Grunge may play with Intellect or MultiPower Power card usable by Grunge. Value of Power Card is also added to Venture Total for this battle.

Now this is a good special. Unlike your average +/-3s, you can make this one bigger. If he were on a team with Professor X, Magneto, and Scarlet Witch (ie- buh bye, Invisible Woman), I'd slip in a Book of Darkhold and make this a possible 9 or 10 to venture. I recommend using one.

Martial Arts Training (JC)
Acts as a level 3 Strength attack. Grunge may make 1 additional attack with a Teammate's Special card.

Martial Arts Training acts as a strength attack? Whatever. Anyway, it's a useful special, epsecially if it comes up later on after a teammate has been KOed. You ARE allowed to keep the teammate's special if he's KOed or in reserve with this card. Two thumbs up!

Molecular Assimilation (DY) [OPD]
This Special acts identical to any Hit in Grunge's Hits from the Current Battle or Permanent Record.

Remember how i recommended not using Danger Seeker? This why. This psecial is notorious for coming up early. Place it immediately. Your opponent, when he notices you only have Grunge left, will undoubtedly start to attack Grunge. Let him hit with a level 10 or 11 single power attack, and then laugh at his as Molecular Assimilation comes back and bites him.

Nightwing 2-6-4-6

He was trianed by Batman to be a master detective (although as we'll see later, he's not much of a sleuth) and a peak physical specimen. so he gets a couple of sixes. the sad part: The worst is yet to come. The rest of this review is not for the faint of heart.

Circus Acrobat (AH)
No cards with a Strength icon may be played against Nightwing for remainder of battle.

This special isn't THAT bad. It's not good, but it's not THAT bad. It's a not-so-bad defensive card. I would sya use it, but then you'd be using Nightwing, and well...

Escrima Sticks (AB)
Acts as a level 4 Strength attack. May make 1 additional Strength attack.

For tohse who don't know, Escrima sticks are those nifty little foot and a half long poles he carries around and beats people up with. Somehow, they became a sad little AB special. The shamefest continues.

Expert Sleuth (AJ)
Opponent must reveal any Power cards currently held in hand.

Honestly, have you ever used this card for anyone who has it? If so did it prove useful to find out that, as one might suspect, an energy team had energy power cards ot a strength team had strength power cards? I don't think so.

Glider Wings (AD)
Avoid 1 Strength attack.

At this point, I would like to declare cards as being "insult to injury," starting with this sad little AD special. Other notable Ads include "Avoid any numerical attack" and "teammate may avoid one attack." This one allows Nightwing to avoid a strength attack, but if your using Circus Acrobat, this one is USELESS!

Ties That Bind (HU)
Nightwing may Place and play Robin "Loyal Partner" and Batman "The Dark Knight" Special cards for remainder of game.

Not only does this one allow you to use psecials for characters who MUST be on your team, but it allows you to use USELESS specials for characters who must be on your team. If you're still looking for a good reason to use Nightwing, well, this ain't it.

Titans Founder (AF)
Add 3 to Venture total for this battle.

Well, this is a sad little end to a sad little hero. No OPDs, no useful specials. Just a sad little hero and sad little specials. I'm done.

Beast 2-5-6-7

Not bad. Not great, but not bad. 20 points for a dual skill isn't too hefty, and I can almost always blend an extra point in their somplace. Of course, there is another side to the Beast, a darker side, one from another reality all together. We like to call him:

Dark Beast 1-6-5-7

The stat difference (6-5 as opposed to 5-6) is PROBABLY do to the weaker nature but sharper honed reflexes of the Dark Beast. At 19 points he should fit everywhere, and is a staple of many fighting-intellect or simply intellect decks.

Acrobatics (CD)
Only attacks made with Universe cards may be played against Beast for remainder of battle.

This is a defensive special, and a good one. Use it. When? Whenever your Beast of Choice is under heavy fire with specials after you've used your negate, or right away to ensure you can use other defensive cards to avoid the universe attacks.

Ambidexterity (HC)
Beast may combine multiple Basic Universe cards with each Power card attack for remainder of battle.

I have never used basic Universe Cards. Ever. Period. This, however, allows you to take multiple basics and use them all at once with an attack. So if I whip out my DC cards and use a 7 intellect attack, it can be as high 19 for defense. Only problem, you just used six universe cards, plus this special, plus a power card to make a 7I hit. Don't use this card. Ever.

Analyze (AO)
Negates the effect of any 1 Special card played by opponent

I like negates. They're versatile. Use two or three.br>

Animal Dexterity (AD)
Avoid 1 Fighting attack

Well, we all have our weak points, and this is theirs. It stinks. It's a monoskilled defensive card which scarcely proves useful. Ever. Don't use it.

Beastial Brawn (AA)
Acts as a level 4 Strength attack, may make 1 additional attack against a different opponent

Admittedly, I like AAs, especially if they're offskill. This one isn't, and it's made truly unacceptable by the "against a different opponent" clause. Don't use it.

Boichemist (AL)
Remove 1 hit from the permanent record of any 1 teammate

I don't like removes. Some people do. If YOU do, use it. I wouldn't, though.

Brilliant Deduction (HB)
Sort through opponent's Power Pack and remove any 3 cards of Beast's choice. Discard chosen cards into Dead Pile. Reshuffle Power Pack.

Ironically, I'd rather this card allowed me to go into my own power pack. Think aobut it for a moment: You discard a duplicate 8I in the first battle. In the next two, you use your other two just as your last 8I hero is KOed, but you have enough defense left to tough it out. The last thing you want is four those durned 8Is to bog you down even further. Don't use.

Drop Kick (AS) [OPD]
Acts as a level 9 Fighting attack

It's simple, it's powerful, in a word, it's a nine. Use it. Why? Well, whip out your level nine fighting power card... oh wait...

Spawn 8-7-3-3

Spawn. You know Spawn. We all know Spawn. If oyu don't play him, you play against him, and if you don't play against him, you probably don't play. An 8 and a 7, which isn't too shabby for 21 points. We're doing pretty well so far, but wait until we get to the good stuff-- Spawn specials.

CIA Training (LZ)
Acts as a level 4 Intellect attack. May be used against Reserve, who may defend. If successful against Reserve, Spawn may attack Reserve for remainder of game.

Not bad. Spawn is only a 3 intellect, and this is a four, and it can be aimed at the reserve, but I'd say he has too many other good specials to play this one. You'll see.

Finite Power (ZY) [OPD]
Play on Target Character as an attack. For remainder of battle, Target Character may not attack unless Opponent also discards 2 cards per attack. Cards may be Placed or in Hand.

My favorite Spawn special. Ideally, this would be playedagain your opponents final hero in the venture deciding round. Realistically, Spawn won't last that long. But it's still useful. Play it against any major opponent to make sure that you don't receive too much trouble. Remember, Spawn, Starjammers, and Heroes for Hire don't have any AG specials among them. A must use.

Heavy Weapons (AR)
Acts as a level 7 Strength attack.

Use two. I love this card. It's a seven, and in a non-ability.

Living Costume (MF) [OPD]
Target Teammate may play any Spawn Special cards for remainder of game.

Spawn is a big target. This special will keep his legacy going, but be careful where ya play. It is a genuinely poor idea to play Living Costume to someone like Marauders or Starjammers. Keep in on your (hopefully weaker) third frontliner. i say use it, unless you can definitely keep Spawn in the game.

Magickal Chains (LV)
Choose one Tactic: Artifact card from Draw pile and place in hand. Cannot be a duplicate. Reshuffle Draw pile.

A judgement call. I usually only play with one artifact in my deck (something to even out the playing field.I say your better off waiting for your artifact to come up, rather than useing a turn and a card in your deck to fish it out, but some people use a ton of image inducers, and disagree. Go with your deck on this one.

Preternatural Powers (GJ)
Acts as a level 4 Energy, Strength, Fighting, or Intellect attack. Maymake 1 additional attack.

If an AA special were a small child, this would be its big football playing brother who beat up the kids that made fun of it. It's a 4M, which is good, with a followup, which is great. I definitely recommend.

Protector of the Innocent (AD)
Spawn or teammate may avoid 1 attack of 9 or less.

The special that made Spawn a start. Anyone on your team can avoid ALMOST any attack. It's a must have for any deck. I use 3 or 4. I'm sure you release by now I've recommended you use eight specials for Spawn (Heavy Weapons x2, Finite Power, Living Costume, Pternatural Powers, and 3 Protectors). I use eight. I play 6, on average. If you'd like to adjust this, go right ahead, but it works. That's all for today, folks.