Some Tips for Duris and Basternae

Improving Skills

On MUD's like Basternae and Duris, the best ways to notch skills is to use them. Now, since most skills are level based (i.e. bash, backstab) its silly to practice bash at level 1. The notched are slow and far between. On Basternae I didn't even use bash until i was over level 25. The notched came really fast and I practiced them on just small mobs in town.

Another great way to practice your weapon skills (1h bludgeon, 2h bludgeon, 1h piercing, 2h piercing, 1h misc, 2h misc) is to use them a lot. The way I did this was going to a room full of mobs (i.e. mines in gnomes) and do a hitall all and killing massive amounts of low level mobs. Its not how big the mob you kill, its the size. Remember, you can get exp by notching skills too so this is also beneficial to your leveling. A player who has mastered 16 skills will be more deadly than a character that has only mastered 3 or 4.

Doing EXP

Exp, at low levels, is really easy. It doesn't make any sense to try to solo mobs that are bigger than you, spam killing is the fastest and most effective way. Killing 10 level 1 mobs is better than killing 1 level 4 mob. Spam the kills especially if you are a warrior type. When you get bigger, the same thing holds true to a point, you still have to kill mobs of decent level, but maybe just at con easy. This way you can exp safer and more effectively (no long mems).

The Sit/Stand Rescue Trick

Until you notch your rescue skill up to master, its almost a crap shoot to get it to work. Low levels often need to rescue their casters because the mobs will switch to the weaker engaged players. One method you can use to rescue without actually rescuing is the sit stand trick. All you have to do is sit down until the mobs switches onto you (if you are the tank of course) and then stand up. It won't work on a blinded mob though so use your head. Your casters will thank you.


If you are a Basternae player and Basternae happens to be down, don't worry. You can still always go to that "other MUD". I admit it, I play Duris but not like I would play Basternae 2. I go to Duris and play a Necromancer. The benefit to playing a necromancer is this: You don't need a group. Getting a group on Duris sucks ass, it's hard and you hardly ever know anyone. Playing a necro lets you still MUD and practice your mudding skills but you don't have to depend on other people. Pharr Valley is a great place to exp as a necro, i got up to level 17 easily just using chill touch and undead.