Allow me to introduce myself. I am Trevor Taylor, Daemoniac Flesheater to my friends on ICQ (6585112). I started this page to get my stories out to a larger audience than what I was getting at school. I have been told about the quality of my writings, but I wanted to find out what more people thought. I do hope that you enjoy your stay at this page, crude as it may be.

Here's a lesson in navigation.

If you would like to link to this page, make sure that the link goes to the index page. Use the following graphic.

The fonts I use on this page are: Dauphin and CasablancaAntique. You can download them here: Fonts

All graphics, text, and coding are © of Trevor Taylor, Dæmoniac Flesheater Productions, and Vulcan Data Services with the exception of links and awards. This page is best viewed using Internet Explorer 4.0 and up with a display setting of at least 1024 x 768. I highly suggest that you download the fonts provided to properly get the full effect of the page.