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Dynamis - Windurst

Monster NameType JobAbility & Magic
Avatar IconStatue  
Manifest Icon Statue Dispelga, Slowga, Paralyzga, Sleepga II
Vanguard Skirmisher YagudoWar Mighty Strikes
Vanguard Sentinel YagudoMnk Hundred Fists
Vanguard Priest YagudoWhm Benediction
Vanguard Prelate YagudoBlm 
Vanguard Visionary YagudoRdm 
Vanguard Liberator YagudoThf Perfect Dodge
Vanguard Exemplar YagudoPld Invincible
Vanguard Inciter YagudoDrk Blood Weapon
Vanguard Chanter YagudoBrd 
Vanguard Salvager YagudoRng 
Vanguard Assassin YagudoNin Mijin Gakure
Vanguard Persecutor YagudoSam Meikyo Shisui
Vanguard Partisan YagudoDrg Call Wyvern
Vanguard's Wyvern Wyvern 
Vanguard Ogresoother YagudoBst Familiar
Vanguard's Crow Bird Silencega
Vanguard Oracle YagudoSmn Astral Flow
Vanguard's Avatar Avatar 
Avatar IdolStatue  
Xoo Kaza the Solemn YagudoBlm 
Wuu Qoho the Razorclaw YagudoMnk Hundred Fists
Haa Pevi the Stentorian YagudoSmn Astral Flow
Loo Hepe the Eyepiercer YagudoRdm Chainspell
Muu Febi the Steadfast YagudoPld Invincible
Maa Febi the Steadfast YagudoPld Invincible
Tzee Xciu Idol Statue  Death

□Boss' Trigger condition
・Defeat the NMs popped by Avatar Idols in front of Yoran-Oran's House, Consulate of Jeuno, House of Heroes
 (This triggers the Avatar Idol to pop at the base of Heavens Tower)
・Kill Loo Hepe the Eyepiercer, popped from the Avatar Idol at Heavens Tower

□Time Extensions

・(F-13) Manifest Icon 20min
・(I-12) Statue near AH  20min
・(I-10) Statue in center of Bridge  10min
・(F-9) Statue at the circle thing in middle of bridge 10min
・(K-7) Statue near Shantoto's House 20min
・(F-7) Statue near the bridge 20min
・(H-3) Statue near the Door 20min

□Key Points
The statue that patrols (H-10)~(I-12) summons other statues.
Statue to the left of AH summons SMN x2 + BLM
Statues near I-12 pretty much will all link
Because this is the Boss pop point, and there's a time extension, clearing this area is advised.

・Going left
Statue at (F-9) summons BST x2 + Statue x2 BEHIND. Watch out for Manifest Icon's Sleepga and Paralyzga.
3 statues ahead will all link to each other, caution is advised...

・Going Right
Center of bridge at (I-10), the statue pops THF x2 and behind them pops SMN x1
Statue on the back-left corner at (I-9) pops BST x2
Statue near (J-9) will trigger other statues to pop
Statue in front of Shantoto's House pops Smn x1 + Whm x2 and a roof top pop of BLM

・Consulate of Jeuno
Wuu Qoho the Razorclaw and 2 Green-Eyed Statues. There's also 2 BLM-type Yagudo.

(I-4〜5) has 4 statues in the middle circular area. Summons at least 2 BLMs among others. Watch for Sleepga.

・Heroes' House
Most difficult part. Pulling Avatar Idol will summon Haa Pevi (SMN) +Oracle (SMN)x2, and WHM+4 SMN downstairs.

Next to the bridge is time extension, which you kill by standing on the bridge.
Although it summons BLM+SMN among others, if you pull normally it wouldn't link others.

・Yoran-Oran's House
Back of the 2F there's a Avatar Idol. There's also an Avatar Icon, which pops statues and others downstairs.
If you can't kill it fast, it will link with the Idol and BLM NM (although you can silence it well).

Mages need Echo Drops. Necessity.
Nothing is initially near Heavens Towers. Each NM defeated will place 2 Statue on the bridge next to the tower.
Avatar Idol has more defense than Avatar Statues
Avatar Idol summons Named NMs
Statue in Windurst takes about 50% less magical damage compared to others.
 →But Physical and Ranged Defense is still high so you shouldn't melee unless necessary
Manifest Icon's Slowga overwrites Haste.

・Seizmostump AoE Physical DMG + Stun
・災いの睥睨  AoE Curse (Gaze attack)

NM Yagudo's TP move:
・Doom 10sec countdown before instant death. (Cursna and Erase doesn't take it off) HOLY WATER does

Last updated 2005/09/06(Tue) 23:58