General Tips:
<^> Launch the rockets at their feet to send them flying and make them fall down. Do this because the explosion from the rocket hitting to floor will actually hit the target rather than missing the torso. Always do that unless there is a wall or something behind them. Rockets are quite slow so remember.
<^> REload regularly for you can only fire to rcokets at a time, and once you have none it takes a long time to reload them all.
<^> Rocket jump when needed. And learn it manually incase the alias you have isn't lag proof.
Defensive Tips:
<^> Stay in narrow passages so you rockets are easier to aim and more likely to hit.
Offensive Tips:
<^> Rocket jump into the enemy base to kill some snipers or to get to a high place.
<^> Time your rockets to go where you victim (lol) will go not where it is.
<^> Toss grens while reloading or just run around something when being chased.
<^> Use you nail grenades to clear rooms out.
It's very easy to do. All you have to do is run while aiming down and then when you think it's the proper time, shoot a rocket and jump. THen boom you fly.