Everyone: Hello! What's up? This is my friends page! If I forget you, don't hurt me. Just call me or send me a death threat or something. OK. . . here we go!
Let's start with Vanessa: Hello my fellow mall rat! Bunnies rock! How is it sitting behind Joe in science class? Great I bet! How are your 3 guys? Found any Pokemon yet? He he he. . .
Colleen: Ah yes! My wonderful hippy friend! How are your 3? You are the almighty Colleen, and IT IS GOOD! Keep smiling gal!
Sarah: Heeeeeeeeeeeey! You nut! Where should I start? Maybe I shouldn't even start. . . how's that? La la la! Shake your Bon-Bon!
Little Dan: Fwa! OK, you know what? You're not that short, happy now? But you're shorter than me, so I can still call you short. 'k? K. Say hi to other Dan for me.
Other Dan: Hi! We need some classes together, huh? Ignore Little Dan. He ran into his garage too may times to make sense any more.
Meg P: What's up? Too much to say. Stuff changes too fast. Besides, don't you have enough of these notes from me in like. . . what is this, our 10th year book now? Blah blah blah. . .
Chris: I think I'm still in shock from Social Studies last year! He he. So, when's the Hay-Day?
Cait: Hey Baby! Have fun at the party? I know I did! XOXO
Adam, Barret, and Kevin: Yeah, I probably scared you, didn't I? Hey, it's all good!
Sage: Dude, calm down!
Ange: What's up? Parlez-vous francais? Poisson, Poission. Plant girl still lives! Sure, why not? See ya in class!
Meg K: Hey there gal! Boy, isn't seeing each other before school fun? Man, I wish there weren't 1,800 kids in the school, maybe we'd see each other then. Hey, it's all good.
John (Dan's John): You weren't kidding! You can break dance!! Pika-pika!
Kev: Thanks for the advice on the web page! It was a big help. Happy New Year! See ya in Poconos 2000.
Now for Gretchen: Hey there. . . you didn't call me last night. . . wink wink! So. . . are you busy this Friday? Maybe we could do something. . . Don't tell John, he'll get jealous.
John (Gretchens John): I swear I'm not a lesbian. I swear I swear I swear. He he he.
Gretchen again: Thank's for being there for me man! You're the level headed one. Hold on to John, he's a keeper.
Jesse: Hey there! Think we'll survive Harkins this year? I hope so!
Calvin (AKA: Wiseman from the locker): Stay cool man! And organize that back pack!
Everyone: Read your own message! Stop reading everyone else's! So there!