Number Four: Random randOMNess

Cue theme music: “Return to Innocence”, Enigma

Debugging a program is like trying to untangle a huge mess of string. You start with one end and start to follow it. Then you realize you can’t get anywhere without also knowing where this other string goes. Following that string requires knowledge of another one, and so on. Pretty soon, you have a string around every finger and can’t remember where you were going with this or what you were trying to find and have to start over.

June 21, 2001. Today has been a day of twilight. The high overcast has lent a pink tinge to the air and filtered every ray of sunshine to a diffuse glow. If this is what Brust’s Dragaeran Empire is like all the time, remind me never to move there. It’s rather unsettling and I would fall victim to seasonal depression quite quickly. I love rain and I love sunshine, I romp in snow and find fog amusing, and I have survived Michigan’s “grey and gloomy” winters for twenty years, and still today is disturbing me. After all, the first total eclipse of the millennium happened this morning in Africa: nowhere near here and now. Ah, now it is misting, which will shortly turn to rain. This, I can handle.