This story is based on a love story on the show that I have never seen. I hope that I have been faithful to the characters but I have only transcripts to base these stories on. Where appropiate, I have added pieces of the transcripts to fill in the story.
Choices Part I

Story Background

This story starts after Brenda was released from the psyche ward and fast forwards to when she and her mother drive off the cliff. It slows down after. Everyone in Port Charles is unaware that Brenda has survived the crash.

When everyone heard Brenda was dead, they were all shocked. Except for those close to Brenda, nothing changed. Tonny kidnaped Micheal and Robin and was shot when Jason rescued them, Bobbie is dating Jerry, Carley marries A.J., Nikolas' parentage is revealed at Stefan's murder trial, Liz is raped, and Lucky is kidnaped. The major storylines stay the same.

I will interject changes when my story differs from General Hospital's. One important change is the deletion of Hannah from this story. I like her character; in fact, I think she can give Sonny a run for his money; but, I want Sonny to grieve alone. Chloe does come to town but, she and Jax do not see each other romantically since he and Alexis have grown closer since the crash. Alexis and Ned are not in love with each other, they like each other but their feelings don't move beyond that point. Don't worry about Ned though, he gets an unexpected visitor that leaves him far from lonely.

Part I

After Brenda was released from the mental institution, she decided to live her life single for awhile. She had faced many things in her talks with Kevin. One of her biggest problems was that she felt that she needed a man to make her feel whole. She knew now that that wasn't the case. She needed time to herself away from Jax, Sonny, and anyone else that wanted anything from her other than friendship.

She decided to take over the head reins of L & B Records when Lois left Port Charles with Brooke. Robin helped her when she wasn't busy with med. school. (Robin didn't leave Port Charles to go to Paris. She and Jason did separate so they could examine their feelings. She went back to him six months later.)

Brenda realizes, in her heart, that Jason didn't tell her the true reason Sonny left. She knows Sonny love her and he must have had a good reason for leaving her. She asked Jason about it but, he wouldn't change his story. Sonny came back to town in May of '99 and Brenda is torn about whether she should go to him or stay away. She talks to Robin and her little sister tells her to follow her heart.

Brenda goes to see Sonny and got him to tell her why he really left. She told him about the breakdown and started to cry. Sonny comforted her and they ended up sleeping with each other.

Brenda woke and looked beside her, Sonny was sleeping peacefully and had a slight smile on his face. She kissed his forehead lightly and slowly left the shelter of his arms. He stirred lightly and turned over onto his back. He threw a muscular arm over his eyes and slept on, oblivious to the world and its troubles. She smiled at the vision he made. The blanket had fallen to the floor the night before and the sheet lay softly against the base of his stomach. The morning sunlight kissed his brown skin and defined every muscle of his fit body. She noticed his face, though relaxed, bore new wrinkles around his eyes and at the corner of his mouth.

She dressed quickly and stood looking out the window. She wondered what she could tell Sonny. She did love him and wanted to be with him, but she needed time to know what was best for her.

Sonny moved his arm and opened his eyes. He looked around quickly, afraid last night had been some drunk fantasy. He smiled when he saw Brenda. He had not slept so well since he left, he missed the feeling of waking up beside her, happy and ready for whatever may come. He swung his feet out of bed and they made no sound when they hit the floor. He noticed that Brenda had not moved and assumed she must not know he was awake. I'll just surprise her.

He pulled on his pants and stretched. His dreams had been of a future with Brenda. As always, he dreamed of their wedding day, but no gunman was in this dream turning it into a nightmare. The dream included a glimpse of a son between them. A little boy that would smile whenever he saw Sonny and he wanted so much for that to be a reality. Maybe after last night it was possible.

Brenda was still looking out the window when Sonny came up and slipped his arms around her waist, holding her tight. She smiled when she felt him place a kiss at the base of her throat. He laid his head on her shoulder and looked out the window imagining a possible future with the woman who had captured all of his heart.

'Did you sleep well?' Brenda asked. She knew this conversation needed to take place. She couldn't ignore her fears.

'I always sleep well with you by my side. You have no idea how much I missed it.'

Brenda laid her hand on his arm. 'I missed it too.'

'What's wrong Brenda? I need you to be honest with me.' Brenda sighed, what could she say. 'Don't even think this was a mistake.' Sonny was getting worried and he turned Brenda around in his arms to look at her.

'It was not a mistake Sonny. I don't regret sleeping with you . . . I just regret what I have to say to you.'

'Brenda, look at me.' Brenda looked straight into his eyes. She could see the determination there, 'I want you to listen to me. I love you, and I never stopped. I missed you so much when I had to leave. I spent every night wishing you were by my side.' Sonny stops to wipe the tears from Brenda's face. He was making it so much harder for her to say what she had to. 'I want you to know that you can tell me anything. I will always be here for you.'

Brenda smiled. 'I love you Sonny. Last night wouldn't have happened if I didn't. But, I need time. I can't just rush back into a relationship with you after all that has happened. I have known for a long time that you loved me, even when you had to leave . . . Don't worry, Jason never told me anything other than what you asked him to.' Brenda made her last statement when Sonny looked worried after she said she had known the truth.

Sonny moved his hands from her waist and held her face, 'You take however long you need.'

Brenda kissed him and left.

She continued running L&B. With Robin's help, they turned the small company into a major local business in the two years before Brenda's death. Brenda was CEO of LBR Enterprises and Robin was acting president in Lois' absence. Shortly after establishing the business as a corporation, Veronica Barrett came to town. It took Brenda some time to get over the fact that her mother was still alive, but, eventually, she agreed to leave Port Charles. On the way out of town, the car goes off a cliff.

Part II
