Other Branton and the 'Group' Files

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     This is being written on behalf of a group of people,
approximately a dozen in all, who have a story to tell.  This
story involves experiences which we collectively shared while
involved in what has become popularly known as the NEW AGE
     Most of us became heavily involved in this movement in the
early 1980's when it was gaining in it's momentum, yet at that
time it was not yet widely known for the movement that it was
among the general public.
     In the mid-1980's we agreed to work together in order to
discover just what this movement was all about, and share our
personal knowledge and experiences with each other.  Much to our
surprise, as we traveled down the primrose path where this
movement was leading us--it became obvious to most of us--the
outward beauty and trappings began to fade and wither.  
     As we pried deeper into the forbidden depths of this
movement, not content to wait for the 'revelations' of which only
the chosen 'initiates' were worthy, we dared to pry from those
people who were 'in the know' the secrets which they themselves
had been forbidden by oath to tell.  We came across many
'insiders' who had become disillusioned, and it was only because
of this that they agreed to open up little by little.  After
piecing together what these brave souls revealed to us
(unfortunately in some cases at the cost of their very lives), we
began to see that the 'primrose path' was slowly beginning to
turn into a very dark tunnel which led into still further and
darker dungeons into which we ourselves did not dare to go.  In
fact what we saw in these 'dungeons', so to speak, was what
motivated the majority of us to leave the 'New Age Movement'.
     We don't say all this to boast--in fact many of us in our
'group' made it known that part of them would rather not have
known what was going on, and therefore be free from the burden of
     Suffice it to say that only about two-thirds of our group
made it 'out' safely after discovering some of the things that
were going on, and after learning of the 'Horrible Truth'.  A few
others in our group died under strange circumstances, but whether
it was because of what they knew, or from natural causes we are
not certain.  The initials of the central figures in "the group"
are as follows: TL, WH, MS, PK, MD, CH, RT, EO, MB, and the late
GB, JO, and CM.

     Those of us who remained continued to investigate and
compare our findings, and the MOJAVE file is the result of our
combined research.
     It would not be too far from the truth to say that, as a
'group', gathering the research necessary and putting these files
together was for us equivalent to pulling dragons teeth in hades.
In other words it was VERY painful, and even though it took great
SACRIFICE on all of our parts we felt compelled that the release
of this information was VITAL, if not for ourselves then for the
countless millions whose lives have been and are being adversely
affected because of their ignorance of those things which are
exposed in these documents or files; those very truths which are
intentionally being kept from the multitudes by powers intent on
controlling the masses--control which the enemies of men's
souls gain by keeping them from the truth.  For 'they' know that
the truth is the only thing that can set men free, and therefore
'they' do all in their power to prevent men from finding the
truth, or twisting the truth beyond recognition if it is found.
     As for this project itself, many of us were inclined to
sacrifice our time, money, careers, social lives and general
physical comfort in an effort to bring this information out into
the open.  Many times the oppression from those influences (those
which have the most to lose from these exposures) became so
severe during the research and compilation of this File(s), that
we often felt as if we would surely die or go insane. 
Unfortunately at the time there were few people whom we could
confide in to help us, or who had the background or knowledge
necessary to empathize with us. 
     As time passes, and as the information is continuously
delivered into the hands of others (there are hundreds, maybe
thousands, who now have access to this information at this
writing), it seems as if our group is not being singled out by
the "evil powers that be" as much as they had been in the past,
and therefore the oppressive attacks have lightened up slightly,
although they are still very much there, and some of the inner
'wounds' which were received after our 'defection' from the New
Age Movement may never heal any time soon.  
     We all felt absolutely driven nevertheless by the urgency of
the information.  We all agree that this information must be
released in some manner, and that in fact the very lives and
destinies of possibly countless souls depend on it.  Not so much
on the information itself, but more on what OTHERS choose to do
with the information, as God Almighty directs.  
     When you have completed reading the File(s) you will have a
much greater awareness (probably even more than some would care
to have) of what the Bible means when it speaks of the enemies of
men's souls as being subject to the "prince of the power of the
air," those powers which engage in warfare against the souls of
men from their "high places".  You will also be aware of the
heinous determination of the evil one himself when you realize
just to what extremes 'he' has gone to fulfill his ancient
obsession to conquer the very heavens and undermine the very
throne of God, motivated by the raging consuming desire which
became apparent when he spoke these words unknown eons ago:

          "...I will ascend into HEAVEN, I will exalt my throne
     above the STARS of God: I will sit also upon the mount of
     the congregation in the sides of the NORTH:
          "I will ascend above the HEIGHTS of the clouds; I will
     be like the Most High." -- Isaiah 14:13-14

     There is in fact a warfare going on in this world, and the
expositions within these documents describe exactly what is
happening at the very FRONT LINES of this warfare.  We would
encourage those who would read this to seek a close connection
with God, for we know all too well that fighting on the 'Front
Lines' in this battle is not for the weak.  However, the more
people there are who do take up the challenge to battle in that
realm, the easier it will be for all concerned.  There is a very
real enemy in the process of breaking down the gates of this once
powerful Christian Nation of America.  We ask the question: Who
is going to accept the challenge and join the vanguard at the
gates of our nation to defend it from the enemy without, as well
as the growing enemy within? 
     Because of the former involvement in the "New Age Movement"
which many of us in "the group" had experienced before our
"defection", we have been able to expose the weapons and the
strategies of the enemy of men's souls in a way that has never
been done before.  But please do not give anyone in "the group"
any credit for these revelations, for it was ONLY the light of
the Word of God itself which pierced the darkness that had taken
us prisoner, broke up that darkness, and shown us the way out of
the dark and labyrinthine maze in which we had become lost.
     As we have said, those in "the group" who discovered the
"Horrible Truth" (as some of us now refer to it) would have
preferred at times to have had nothing to do with this battle,
for our own sakes and our own happiness.  This is especially true
because of our relatively few numbers in the beginning, making us
major 'targets' in this often unseen but nevertheless tangible
war.  Again we do not say this in boasting, but as a matter of
fact.  However, because of the secrets we had seen while in the
New Age, it was either a sink or swim situation and many of us in
the group realized that the best defense against 'the enemy' was
a good offense, so we in this sense were forced into this
situation.  This information was gathered at great personal cost,
so please do not take it lightly.  
     The MOJAVE files are merely a brief 'synopsis' of all of the
reams of documentation that we have as a group accumulated.  We
not only compiled the information to PROVE that what we have gone
through is real, but also as we've said, so that those who are
still prisoners of ignorance, as we once were, can be made 'free'
by the truth. 
     Some of the wording in these files are written in a "New
Ageish" style or language.  This was done as a condescending
gesture so that New Agers could more easily identity with the
     God tells us not to have fellowship with the unfruitful
works of darkness, but rather to REPROVE (or EXPOSE) them, and to
be a WATCHMAN so that one can warn others when the 'enemy' is
approaching.  We realize that exposing the strategies of
the enemy must be balanced with a revealing of the will of God
for our personal lives as well as for our nation, through HIS
WORD, that very Word which motivated the founding fathers of this
great American Republic and inspired that supreme document of
liberty, equality and justice known as the Constitution of the
United States.
     Also, there are MANY, MANY people who are suffering because
of the evils that are exposed in the Mojave File--and the more
lengthy 'Coscon' files from which the Mojave file was taken and
condensed, some of the more significant of which we quote in full
under the 'Coscon' section.  The only way that 'we' can see that
these souls can be helped is (for those who are in the position 
to help them) to know what their situation is, how they are being
abused or enslaved by the 'enemy' of mens souls, and 
what can be done to set them free in Christ.
     We only ask that whoever reads this believe ONLY those
things within the File that can be backed up one-hundred-percent
by the WORD OF GOD.  Undoubtedly much of the information in the
MOJAVE document is factual, however some of it may be mere
legend, half-truth or even in a few cases subtle deception
designed to confuse and lead astray.  One must learn for
themselves how to discern from truth and error, or in essence eat
the 'meat' and discard the 'bones', since some of the sources of
our information may be half-truths containing a mixture of both. 
But one who has lived in this world for any length of time should
be well aware that life itself involves a constant effort to
discern and separate truth and light from error and darkness.  As
they say however, one should not 'throw the baby out with the
bathwater'.  Therefore it remains up to the reader to determine
for themselves just how much of the information should be trusted
as accurate, and how much should be regarded with suspicion, and
it is up to them to take responsibility not only for such
determinations, but also for their own responses to their
convictions.  Keep in mind however that it is impossible for
truth to contradict itself!  
     Although a little over half-a-dozen of us were responsible
for compiling and editing the information, the information itself
was gathered from HUNDREDS of different persons who themselves
possessed some of the puzzle or learned important facts from
still others "in the know".  Although some within "the group" are
confessed Christians, some are not, although most of these have
nothing more to do with the so-called New Age Movement.  This
also holds true with many of the various 'contacts' or 'sources'
which several members of the group have contact with, or have had
contact with in the past.

     For those who believe in the Judeo-Christian path, we have
provided below a list of scriptural passages which can be
referred to as one reads through the documentation which follows.
We believe that these passages serve to substantiate the
documentation contained within the MOJAVE File.  
     Also, we would WARN the reader that the information
contained in these documents is very intense, and concentrated. 
It may be unwise to read the information through in one sitting
(unless your absolutely sure you are up to it).  We would instead
recommend that you read each 'section' through, then allow
yourself to 'digest' what you have read before going on to the
next one.  The enemies of men's souls (as WE well know) do not
give up their secrets easily, and will attempt to interfere with
the dissemination of information destructive to their cause.  So
if, when reading these manuscripts, you feel any oppressive
influences or a sense of 'heaviness' (for want of a better term),
we would suggest that you take a break, recharge and possibly
even take comfort in the Psalms before continuing.

-- "Branton"

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