Welcome, my son, to a profile of the Intrepid Class Starship. Here you will recieve comprehensive, techincal briefings including weapon systems, engine operations, and other things that make an Intrepid Class possible.

General Schematics:

Wieght: 70,000 Tons

Legnth: 1130 Meters

Width: Estimated, 830 Meters

Decks: 15

General Information: The U.S.S. Intrepid NX-15443 was the first Intrepid Class Starship built by the United Federation Of Planets and was launched from Utopia Planitia Shipyards in 2371. Other ships include, the U.S.S. James T. Kirk, the U.S.S. Bolarithar, and the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656. Initially the Intrepid Class was meant as a scout vessel.

Engineering Systems: The Intrepid Class can go up to three years without refueling. It can also have a maximum sustainable speed of Warp 9.975 which qualifies it as one of the fastest ships used by the Federation. A an advancement in warp technology, the warp nacelles of an Intrepid 'flex' upwards to create a more stable warp field allowing greater speeds if desired.

Weapon System: Intrepid Class Starships are equipped with fourty type-six photon torpedoes. The ship has two photon launchers locate above the deflector array and two located aft above the Main Shuttle Bay. It is also armed with Standard Phasers with arrays located throught the ship. Shield output is normal, as well a weapons. It has been rumored that certain Intrepid Ships like the Bolarithar and the Intrepid have been equipped with Quantum Torpedoes due to the Federation/Dominion War.

Bio-Nueral Gel Packs: As a part of the advancement is computer technology, the Bio-Neural Gel Packs are now being fitted on Intrepid, Soveriegn, and Akira Class Vessels. They passed the experimental stages in 2371. Their function is to respond faster to computer operations than Isolinear components would. However, they are highly suseptible to viruses and bacterial agents. Each ship is normally equipped with about sixty-five or so, extra packs, depending on ship size, if they are needed. They can not be replicated if spares run out.

Living Conditions: Living conditions aboard an Intrepid Class are noted as some of the best on starships. Crew compliments are at a standard number of 150 officers. Civilians are normally not allowed aboard. There are three holodecks, science labs, and it has been noted that crew quarters do offer a larger living space than those of a Defiant Class or Sabre.

Medical Bay: The Medical Bay of an Intrepid Class Starship is more comfortable and larger than others. Its design has also been integrated aboard Soveriegn, and Yaeger Class Starships. There are extra bio-labs, and a larger officer for the Chief Medical Officer. Medical officer compliment is really small because there is normally one doctor and nurse on duty.

New technology has also been integrated. An Emergency Medical Holographic Program (EMH) has been designed for short term use just incase an extra doctor is needed or the CMO is unavailable. The EMH is commonly being seen aboard almost all Starship Classes (except for Defiant and Soyuz). The hologram is programmed with the knowledge of every Federation world and many other non allined planets (Klingons, Breen, Borg). Refits intervals run from about every two to four years. Refits include the addition of new medical knowledge, technical upgrades, ect. The last refit in 2374 included using a new medical officer for the new holographic template (name: Unknown). It was also renamed to the Long-Term Emergency Medical Holographics Program (LMH). They are to be used on ships that go on long range exploratory missions.

Other Misselanious Information: The Intrepid Class is the only enlisted class besides Danube that has planetary take-off and landing capabilities. It's weapons system suggests that battle is not one of its strengths. Refit intervals are unclear but it is safe to speculate that it is the same as the other classes which have refits every fifteen to twenty years.
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The Delta Flyer is the latest vessel to origionate from Voyager. It was launched in 2375 to retreave a lost Voyager probe on the verge of capture by the Malon Soverty. The Delta Flyer is a combination of Federation and Borg technology. It is a multi-purpose vessel that is a little larger than a Danube Class Runabout. Its maximum speed is unknown, but its weapons systems consist of Borg Photonic Charges. Living conditions are most comfotable. A larger living space has also been included n the aft corridors.

Well, my son, I hope you have enjoyed your tour of your basic Intrepid Class Starship as well as the Delta Flyer. You may now return to the Homepage for further data.
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