Title - Meant To Be
Author - Marianne Dubitsky (Agent Dubie)
E-Mail address - dubie910@hotmail.com (come on, give a shout out!)
Rating - PG
Category - Well, story with ansgt and romance and blood.
Spoilers - FTF (and I hope you've seen ER)
Keywords - MSR, Crossover with ER
Summary - Mulder and Scully get separated and she ends up in Chicago.
Disclaimer - Mulder and Scully belong to a hole assload of people 
including Davie and Gillie, Chris "the closet shipper boy" Carter, the 
dipshits at Fox and 1013 and Ruperet Murdoch who owns the whole god damn 
corporation. Basically they can all kiss my ass! But I digress.

Just read the damn story ok? (I'm sorry come back, I didn't mean that! 
(yeah I did))

Meant To Be - by Marianne

     Dana Scully walked slowly back to her desk across from Mulder and 
solemnly sat down. He breathe caught in her throat as she looked up to 
meet Mulder's expectant gaze. Her bottom lip quivered and tears 
threatened to spill over the brim of her eyelashes. Emotion overcame her 
and she collapsed into a sobbing heap at her desk. 

     Mulder rushed over to her and squatted next to her chair. He 
tenderly placed his hand on her knee and quietly asked, "What happened?"

     Scully lifted her head to show he tear stained face and whispered, 
"It's over."

     Mulder's eyes widened in recognition of what her words meant. He 
shook his head and said, "We can fight this. They have no grounds for 
termination. You haven't done anything wrong. They can't do this. They 
can't do this to us."

     Scully sat up and wiped her eyes with a tissue, "They have done 
this. It's over, it's done. There's nothing we can do."

     "No Scully, I won't let you give up. I need you here with me. We 
can only do this together. We can't let them win," Mulder spoke 
convincingly. He couldn't believe what had just happened. Scully had 
been fired because of him. There was nothing she had done to deserve 
this. It was a plot against him. They were trying their hardest to beat 
him and now they had come the closest.

     "Don't you see Mulder? They have won. They won a long time ago. 
It's bigger than just you and me. It's been a great six years, but it's 
over now. I need to go," Scully announced as her tears subsided. She 
squeezed his hand as she stood up. All he could do was stare at her as 
his world crumbled around him. She placed her now empty holster and 
cellphone on her desk, grabbed her coat and walked through the doors.

    Mulder stared at her defeated frame as she walked down the hall. By 
the time he realized what had just happened, she was gone. 


     Mulder took a deep breath as he stopped outside of Scully's 
apartment door. He shifted the cardboard box he was carrying to his left 
hip and knocked on the door. He sighed as he heard her soft footsteps 
coming closer. He glanced down at the box he was holding. It was the 
hardest thing he had ever done. Six years of memories all came down to a 
cardboard box with little more than a few items in it. 

    He heard her unlock the deadbolt and slowly crack open the door. His 
heart sank as he saw her standing in the doorway with her hair pulled 
back in a ponytail, wearing faded jeans and a T-shirt. "I, um. I brought 
you your stuff," he stuttered as he remembered his reason for going 

     "You didn't have to Mulder. There was nothing I wanted there," she 
said coldly.

     Her words stung him painfully. He couldn't believe how she could 
just throw away everything they had been through. Didn't a part of him 
mean anything to her? He looked down at the box and said, "Scully, I'm 
sorry. I'm sorry for everything."

     "It's not your fault. It happens. I was assigned to you to shut you 
down and I failed. That's why I was fired. You had nothing to do with 
it. Thank you for bringing my stuff though," she replied with just as 
little feeling as before.

     Mulder looked up, but she would not meet his gaze. She just stood, 
blocking the doorway, as if hiding something. He looked over her and saw 
cardboard boxes stacked in the corner. The room behind her looked empty. 
His eyes filled with hurt and anger took over. He dropped the box on the 
floor and yelled, "So that's it? Six years and that's it? You can just 
walk away? Were you even going to tell me you were leaving?"

     "I'm sorry Mulder. I didn't want you to come after me like the last 
time. Yes, I'm leaving. I got a job offer in Chicago and I'm leaving on 
Friday. No one's going to keep me here this time," she replied, still 
keeping her eyes away from his. 

     "I've called you at least twenty times a day since you left and you 
refuse to answer the phone. So this is why? Because you decided to 
leave. You decided to run out on me? On everything we've been through? 
Were you even going to say goodbye?" he questioned harshly.

     "I think you need to leave," she answered.

     "Fine, fuck you. Have a nice life," Mulder hollered as he stormed 
down the hallway. He slammed his car door, gunned the engine and roared 
off with tears streaming down his face. 

     Scully watched him drive out of her life. As soon as his car turned 
the corner, painful sobs of desperation rocked her body. She couldn't 
believe how heartless she had been to him. She had convinced herself 
that it was for the best. She knew that he would come over, but she 
wished he hadn't. Leaving was hard enough without the thought of losing 
him forever. She knew she would never get her job back. Nothing could 
ever be the same. They couldn't work in the outside world. She loved him 
more than life itself, but she had to let him go. It was for the best, 
but it was the most painful thing she had ever done.  


     "American Airlines Flight 927 to Chicago now boarding at Gate 31. 
Those with first class tickets…" The loudspeaker announced. 

     "Well, Mom, I guess this is it," Scully announced as she gathered 
her carry-on bags in anticipation.

     "Goodbye Dana and good luck in Chicago. Remember that I am very 
proud of you and your father would be too. I'm just sorry that Fox isn't 
here. Did you two have a fight?" Maggie asked with concern.

     "I know. I guess you could say that we had a fight. Whatever it 
was, it wasn't pretty and I didn't said goodbye," she explained grimly. 
She lowered her head and sighed.

     "Oh, it's going to be alright. Life goes on. You will find what 
you're looking for in Chicago, I know it. Stop it or you're going to 
make me start too. Now go get in line," Maggie said convincingly. She 
wiped away the tear that had escaped from behind the emotional wall that 
was her daughter Dana Scully.

     Hugging her mother goodbye she said, "Bye Mom, I'll call you as 
soon as I get there. I promise."

     Mulder watched the exchange between the two Scully women from 
behind his newspaper. He couldn't just let her leave like that. He had 
to have some closure, but he did not want her to see how much her 
leaving tore him apart. So there he sat watching her leave six years 
behind, with her head held high and nothing to hold her back. 

     Scully shouldered her bags and got in line. She handed her boarding 
pass to the woman at the podium and turned to wave to her mother. Her 
eyes drifted over to a row of chairs on the other side of the terminal. 
Mulder looked up at her and their eyes met. A silent exchange of passion 
passed between them. Scully sighed and headed towards the plane. Mulder 
sat defeated with his head in his hands.

     Maggie Scully walked over to Mulder and sat down next to him, 
"Thank you for coming Fox. I know Dana appreciated it."

     "How could I have just let her leave like that?" he asked, without 
looking up.

     "It was what she wanted. That was the only way she could leave you, 
Fox. If you had rushed over to her, she wouldn't have gotten on the 
plane," she explained to the heartbroken little boy next to her.

     "But I love her. I love her so much and I never want to be without 
her," he argued.

     "I know, and she knows. But you have to let her go. It's time for 
her to start over. Now come with me and watch the plane leave." Maggie 
ordered, leading him by the hand to the window by Gate 31. She knew that 
her daughter had loved him and she knew that if she saw him broken like 
this, it would have broken her too. 

    Mulder followed her and watched as her plane pulled away from the 
gate and taxied to the runway. The plane gained speed and just like 
that, she was gone. Out of his life forever. He collapsed into a nearby 
chair and sat motionless until Maggie took his hand and led him out of 
the terminal.

     Scully looked out of the window one last time. She quickly dabbed 
her eyes, so not to make a scene, no matter how bad she wanted to. She 
mentally kicked herself for not saying goodbye, for not telling him how 
much she loved him. She just hoped he would move on without her. The 
look he had given her in the airport had rocked her soul. Anger mixed 
with love and admiration shown in his hazel eyes. How could she have 
done this to him?


     "Good afternoon Dana," the nurse greeted her as Scully stepped 
through the doors of Cook County General. She smiled as a reply and 
opened the door to the lounge. She opened her locker and grabbed her lab 
coat. She paused for a moment and sighed. This was her before work 
ritual. Nine months of looking at the nameplate on her locker and 
wishing it could all be different. She had tried to call him, but hung 
up every time she heard his voice. It still hurt to think about him.

     "Hey Dana," Doug Ross greeted as he came into the lounge for a 

     "Afternoon Doug, anything exciting today?" she asked.

     "Not really, just same old thing. Hey when do you get off tonight?" 
he replied.

     "Not till ten," she answered.

     "Well, if you feel like it, Carol and I are having a little 
birthday party for Mark tonight. Why don't you come?" he told her.

     Scully smiled and said, "I'll see if I can make it."

     "Great," he replied as he walked out of the lounge. 

     She shook the thoughts of Mulder out of her head and followed him. 

     "Hi Dana, I didn't know you were working today," Wendy said as she 
emerged from the room. 

     "Yeah Wendy. I got lucky right?" she answered.

     "You sure did. It's been about as exciting as a Bears game around 
here today," Lydia cut in.
     "That eventful huh? Got anything for me?" Scully inquired.

     Carol handed her two charts with a smile and proclaimed, "There's a 
bike accident in two and a dog bite in three. Take your pick."

     She rolled her eyes and grabbed a chart, "Thanks." This was looking 
like one of those days in the ER.


     "What do you think her deal is lately?" Lydia asked as Scully 
walked to curtain two. 

     "I think it's a man," Haleh replied with certainty.

     "Correction, it was a man," Carol said confidently.

     "How do you know?" Lydia questioned.

     "Because I know. I called it with Susan and Mark remember?" Carol 
shot back with a smile.

     "And we called it with you and Doug, so what?" Haleh retorted.

     "Well, I found out that she used to have this partner in the FBI. 
She got fired and left him there," Carol replied.

     "Uh huh and?" Lydia pressed.

     "And she loved him," Carol finished.

     "That's it?" Haleh asked.

     "Well, yeah," Carol answered.

     "Girl that is old news. This time of the year must have some kind 
of significance or something for her to be acting like this. Ten dollars 
to the one who finds out," Haleh proposed.

     "I'm in," the others echoed.


     Scully cracked her neck and sighed. Two hours until she got off. 
The day had already been long and relatively uneventful. Today was 
especially hard because it had been exactly two years since Mulder had 
found the cure for her cancer. She was so grateful to him for saving her 
life, but had never really told him that. 

    The radio came on and Carol shouted, "We got a gunshot wound to the 
chest coming in. ETA three minutes." The ER sprang into action. Scully 
hoped this would take her mind off Mulder for a while.

     Three minutes later the paramedics burst through the doors with a 
man on the stretcher. Mark Greene yelled, "What do we got?"

     "Male approximately in his thirties, gun shot wound to the chest, 
his pulse/ox is…" the EMT told him.

     Scully caught up with the stretcher as they entered the emergency 
room and looked at the man's face, "Oh my God!!"

     "Dana what is it?" Carol asked urgently.

     Scully turned white as she realized that it was indeed him. "Dana, 
get in here. Bag him!" Mark yelled to her in between orders. She snapped 
back to reality and rushed to do her job. 

     She winced as she shoved the tube down his throat and announced, 
"I'm in." She hooked up the bag and began compressions. She silently 
prayed that he would make it out of this. 

     The heart monitor went dead and Mark yelled, "He's in V-Fib, get 
the kit." Carol followed his orders. "Two-hundred… Clear!" Scully 
stepped back as Mark applied the paddles to Mulder's bloody chest. His 
body bounced, but it had no effect. "Two-fifty… Clear!" Mark tried 
again, but nothing. "Come on, three-hundred… Clear!" he ordered again 
and again, there was no effect. "Again… Clear!" 

     "Come on Mulder, come on," Scully begged. Carol looked at her and 
realized who they were dealing with. 

     "Alright, call it," Mark announced solemnly.

     "No, he can't die on me," Scully yelled as she pushed past Mark and 
grabbed the paddles. "Three-fifty," Carol looked to Mark, but charged it 
anyway. "Clear!" Scully yelled as she applied the paddles to Mulder's 
chest again. "Come on Mulder, come on," she pleaded. "One more time… 
Clear!" she tried one last time. His body bounced on the table and 
Scully waited almost expectantly to hear the beep of the machine.

     Mulder's heart sprang back to life and Scully dropped the paddles. 
Mark moved in and ordered, "Call the OR, tell them we got a gunshot 
wound to the chest on the way. Carter, take the bag," They wheeled him 
out and towards the elevator as Scully stood in a daze with his blood on 
her hands. 

     Carol saw the pain on her face and said, "You saved him Dana. He's 
going to live because of you."

     Scully knew this wasn't exactly true. Mulder wasn't out of the 
woods by a long shot. "He was, he was my," Scully began.

     Carol cut in, "He was your partner, I know. There's nothing you can 
do for him right now. They are going to take good care of him in the 

     "But I love him and he doesn't know. He can't die on me, he can't," 
she replied, still very much in shock.

     "I know. Come on, let's get out of here," Carol persuaded.


     Mulder stirred a little and took a deep breath. He slowly opened 
his eyes. The first thing he saw was the face of an angel. His angel. 
She smiled down on him with tears of joy in her eyes.
     He tried to speak, but something was constricting him. "Hold on, 
you've got a tube in your throat. Blow as I pulled it out," she ordered 
as she slowly extracted the tube from his throat.

     Mulder coughed and then smiled at her. "I always knew you were my 
guardian angel," he whispered.

     Scully smiled back and said, "Never forget that. Now lay down and 
get some rest."

     "But I've been resting this whole time," he replied. He grabbed her 
hand and said, "God I've missed you."

     Scully could feel the tears welling up in her eyes, but pushed them 
back, "I missed you too."

     With that Mulder just smiled and closed his eyes. Scully kissed his 
hand and turned to leave.

     "Scully, don't leave me again," Mulder muttered as he felt her 
release his hand. His eyes fluttered open again and pleaded with her.

     Scully bit her lower lip and pulled a chair up to his bed. She took 
his hand again and reassured him, "I won't Mulder, I promise."

     "Yeah, but you said that last time," his words turned bitter.

     "I know. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Mulder. I'm so sorry I hurt 
you," she replied softly. 

     "I don't know how I've lived without you. Every morning I had to 
remind myself to breathe. I had to convince myself that you wanted me to 
keep going. I thought about you every second of everyday. How could you 
have just left without saying goodbye?" Mulder confessed to her softly. 
She could see how much she had hurt him. It was more than she could have 
ever expected.

     "I never would have been able to say goodbye. I never could have 
left," she answered simply.

     "Then why didn't you stay with me?" he asked.

     "Because Mulder. I needed to start over, I needed to get on with my 
life. It was my time to go be a doctor," she replied earnestly. 

     "I know. I understand. It's just that I never thought I'd see you 
again. Even when I was sent out here on a case, I never thought our 
paths would cross. I don't think I even wanted them to," he told her.

     "Mulder, when I saw you lying on that gurney, my world fell apart. 
When your heart stopped mine stopped with it. I couldn't give up, I 
wouldn't let you die on me. As you were lying, bleeding, I realized that 
I could never let you go again," Scully professed. The tears she tried 
so hard to hold back started to fall. 

     Mulder smiled again and said, "Thank you. Thank you for saving my 

     "Don't thank me Mulder, it's my job. I should be thanking you for 
all the times you saved my life. I don't know what I would have done if 
you had died. I…I," she stammered in between the tears that kept 
falling. He just looked at her through shinning eyes of his own. The 
love in his eyes gave her the courage to say what she should have said a 
long time ago, "Mulder, I love you."

     "Scully, that's all I've ever wanted to hear from you. But I should 
have told you that a long time ago because I love you more than you 
could ever know. I fell in love with you the second you walked into my 
life. Now I'm never going to let you go," he admitted. She smiled back 
at him and he tugged on her arm. "This is something else I should have 
done a long time ago," he whispered as he pulled her towards him. He 
lifted his head and kissed her tenderly. 

     Scully emotionally melted. Neither thought that this could ever 
happen. She pulled back slowly and looked into his deep hazel eyes, "You 
need to rest."

     He smiled and replied, "Yes ma'am Dr. Scully, but only if you rest 
with me." She nodded and he slowly moved over to make room for her. She 
laid down next to him and gingerly rested her head on his should, so not 
to hurt him. He wrapped his arms around her in a soft embrace and kissed 
the top of her head, "I let you go and you came back to me…"

     "So we were meant to be," she finished for him and closed her eyes. 
Somehow Mulder had found her. They had been brought back together and 
there was no tearing them apart. She did not know what the future held, 
but Scully was sure that Mulder was a part of hers.


     Haleh stood looking through the window at the former partners. She 
had a feeling that Dana would not be with them for much longer. She 
smiled at the sight before her.

     "Haleh, has Mr. Mulder woken up yet?" Peter Benton asked her, 
reviewing a chart.

     His words snapped her back into reality and she replied, "Yeah, 
Dana is handling it."

     "What do you mean Dana is handling it, he's my patient. He needs to 
have his dressings changed and it's time for another dose of meds," he 
argued, still looking at the chart.

     "Peter, would you just leave them the hell alone?" Haleh said 
scolding him.

     Benton looked up at her quizzically and she gave him an evil look. 
He glanced through the window and saw that Dana was monitoring Mr. 
Mulder very closely. He coughed in embarrassment and proclaimed, "Well, 
you know, I think she's handling it and I can wait."

     "That's what I thought, now let's give them some privacy. Anyway, I 
have some money to collect," Haleh replied with a smile as she led 
Benton away from Mulder's room.

The End

Ok, so yeah, that's all. What did you think? Did it suck or was 
it cool? I'd love to know what you thought! That would be super 
dope! I'm sorry, mushy at the end again. I try really I do, but
it just doesn't happen. So take a seat and stay a while! Later!