Title - Tourist Attraction
Author - Marianne Dubitsky (Agent Dubie)
E-Mail address - dubie910@hotmail (all comments accepted!)
Rating - PG
Category - Story, Romance, a tad Angsty
Spoilers - None whatsoever, although a teeny tiny FTF reference
Keywords - MSR
Summary - Scully's pissed and annoyed with Mulder.
Disclaimer - Let's make this short: M&S = not mine. M&S = CC, FOX, 
1013. Just borrowing for a shitty story, leave me the hell alone ok? 
thanks a bunch, I appreciate. Plus, if you did sue, you wouldn't get 
shit. Especially not my car Beeyotch!

Ready? Here we go, but don't expect much:

Tourist Attraction
 By, Marianne Dubitsky

     "Oh God," Scully moaned as she popped another set of Excedrin. 
She washed it down with flat Diet Coke and moaned in pain again. She 
closed her eyes and rubbed her temples, trying in vain to alleviate 
the throbbing pain centered in her forehead.

     "Is there anything I can do for you?" Mulder asked out of 
courtesy, not even looking up from his stack of papers.

     Scully shot him a quick look of hatred and snapped, "No Mulder, 
you've done enough."

     At this, Mulder threw down his pen and yelled, "What the hell did 
I do?" 

     She looked up again and glared at him, "Just shut up Mulder, 
don't even get me started."

     "No, tell me. You have been pissed off ever since you walked in 
this morning. Would you just tell me what in the hell your god damn 
problem is?" he replied, jumping out of his chair.

     "The birds were chirping this morning when I woke up. I knew as 
soon as I heard the damn birds chirping that this would turn out to be 
a shitty day and you're just making it worse, so would you please just 
sit down and shut the hell up?" she growled.

     "Just because we got our asses chewed by Skinner once again 
doesn't mean you have to take it out on me," he defended himself.

     "Oh but it does! Especially when it's your fault. First you drag 
me out to some random place, get our luggage and our car stolen and 
manage to piss off Skinner in the process. I had nothing to do with 
any of it, but I still get my ass chewed for not babysitting you. Then 
because I haven't eaten or slept for three days, I have a pounding 
headache and I feel like shit. But of course, it's not your fault 
because it never is and as we all know, Spooky can do no wrong," 
Scully responded sarcastically as she gathered her coat and her purse.

     "Where the hell are you going?" Mulder asked stepping in front of 

     "Get out of my way Mulder," she said as she pushed past him.

     "You can't just leave. What about our report?" he yelled after 
her in the hall.

     Scully spun around and glared at him, "Gee Mulder, you're a big 
boy, you figure it out. And as for leaving, watch me. I'll see you 

     "Shit!" Mulder exclaimed as he slammed the office door.

     "This is Dana Scully, I'm not home right now so leave a message 
and I'll call you back. Beep!" the answering machine picked up for the 
fifth time that day.

     "Hey Scully, it's me. It's around 10:00 Monday morning. Skinner 
told me you called in sick. I just wanted to make sure you're ok. I 
know this is like the fifth time I called, but I just wanted to check 
up and make sure everything was alright. I guess I'll call back in a 
little while. If you hear this, call me, I'm at work. Bye," Mulder 
mumbled  into the phone.

     Scully sighed as she pushed delete on the answering machine 
without listening to his message again. "Shit," she whispered as she 
plopped down on the couch. "What am I going to do?"


     Mulder stood at Scully's apartment door and cracked his neck. He 
hoped this was a good idea. "Of course this isn't a good idea, going 
over Scully's is never a good idea," the said to himself. He took a 
deep breath and knocked on her door.

     Scully sprang up from the couch and rushed to the door. Her heart 
pounded in her chest as she realized that it could only be one person 
on the other side of the door. "Shit" she thought as she confirmed it 
was him through the peephole. She took a deep breath, adjusted her 
shirt and ran her hands through her hair nervously before she opened 
the door. "What do you want?" she immediately accosted him.

     "I, um, just stopped by to make sure you were ok. I was, uh, 
worried when I heard you called in sick," he stammered tensely.

     "Well, I'm fine," she replied, still blocking the entrance into 
her apartment. 

     "Um, good. Uh, can I come in?" he asked looking past her into her 

     "Fine," Scully sighed as she held the door open for him. "What 
are you doing here Mulder?" she pressed as he moved past her in her 

     He took another deep breath and answered, "I just wanted to 
apologize for being such an asshole on Friday."

     "Well, that's a first. Apology accepted, now is that it?" she 
snapped, crossing her arms in annoyance.

     "Ok, Scully, what's wrong. I tried to come over here and be nice 
and apologize. Now what is with you lately?" he inquired.

     "Nothing is 'with me'. I don't feel particularly well and you 
don't seem to be making it any easier," she replied coldly. She walked 
over to the sink and poured a glass of water for herself without 
offering anything to him.

     Mulder followed her into the kitchen and put his hands on the 
counter, "Come on Scully. I've known you for six years. I know when 
something is bothering you. Would you just tell me?"

     "Nothing is wrong. I'm fine. I just feel like crap and you aren't 
helping," she replied, avoiding eye contact with him. 

     "You said that already and it's totally bullshit. I know it's not 
your time of the month, so what the hell is wrong?" he responded in 

     Hearing this only set her off, "If you claim to know me so well, 
then you tell me what the hell my problem is!"

     "Damn it Scully, I don't know, that's why I'm asking you!" he 
shot back.

     "Ok, fine, you want to know what me problem is?" she asked him 
setting down her glass.

     "I think that's why I asked," he replied sarcastically.

     She scurried around the counter and faced him. "You are my 
fucking problem. It's all you. You do the dumbest god damned things 
and it just pisses me off. I've tried to hold it in for six years and 
now it just all piled up. I can't take it anymore. I really can't. I'm 
losing my mind and it's all because of you. I was fine before I met 
you. I was perfectly happy with my normal life and then you had to 
come into it and fuck it all up. You turned it all upside down, now I 
can't even think straight without you somehow getting in the way."

     Mulder seized the opportunity to speak while she paused to 
breathe, "But I-"

     Scully quickly cut him off, " But you what? Had nothing to do 
with it? That is total bullshit. You have fucked up the entire my 
plan. I always thought I would be a doctor, marry a nice guy and have 
at least one kid by thirty. Shit, now look at me? A damn FBI Agent 
with no man and no kids chasing aliens and ghosts and whatever the 
hell else that you find in the most random places. Staying in motels 
and living out of a suitcase with only a lunatic for company. And you 
actually convinced me to stick with this job. I just can't get away 
from you. Everything in my life revolves around you."

     "Scully, if you don't-" he tried to cut in again.

     She was on a roll and lost all perspective on what she was 
spewing forth out of confusion, "God Mulder, don't you see it. You 
have taken over my life. You have taken over my entire life. Jesus, I 
tried to go on a date the other night with some guy my mother set me 
up with. He was a perfectly nice guy and I couldn't like him. Do you 
know why? Because all I could think about was you and how much you 
pissed me off. The entire time I was thinking about you and what I 
would say to you when I saw you next and what you would be wearing and 
how you smelled because you have that damn smell that I can seem to 
alleviate from my memory no matter how hard I try. I totally blew this 
guy off because I didn't like him because I am so confused about you 
and all of you shit and my life and my feelings and my mind is just 
torn in a hundred different ways because I can't figure you out. I 
don't know whether I want to hate you or love you or hit you or kiss 
you or what. And I'm so confused and I need my space and you need to 
go because I'm totally losing my mind all because of you and I wanted 
to have a good time with that guy, but damn it, all of a sudden it 
just hit me that I'm-" She stopped in mid sentence, as she realized 
exactly what she was saying. 

    Mulder just looked at her with a puzzled look on his face. 
"Scully, you're what?" he urged her on.

     "Oh god, I have to go!" she exclaimed as she grabbed her keys and 
raced out the door. 
Mulder was frozen where he stood, thoroughly confused by the scene 
that had just taken place in front of him. 

     He suddenly snapped out of his trance and raced after her, 

     Scully hopped in her car and sped away, not knowing where exactly 
to go. "Shit, shit, shit! What have I done? Oh god, get me out of 
this," she prayed as she raced away from her apartment. 

     Mulder jumped into his car and took off after her. His mind 
raced. He desperately wanted to know what she was going to tell him. 
She had never opened up to him about anything and the one time she was 
finally going to, he had scared her off. He had gone over to her house 
to apologize and if he had worked up the nerve, tell her a little bit 
about how he felt. She never gave him the chance and now he had to 
find her before his feelings burned a whole though his heart.

     She headed into downtown DC. Mulder had an idea where she might 
end up. He turned right, taking a short cut, hoping that he could get 
to her before he lost her completely.

     Scully walked up the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and tried to 
blend into the crowd. She hoped that Abe could help her stay away from 
Mulder for a while. Right now, having to talk to him was the last 
think she wanted to do. She mentally kicked herself for losing control 
and practically telling him what she had wanted to for as long as she 
had known him.

     "Scully!" Mulder yelled as he bounded up the stairs of the 
Lincoln Memorial. 

     She froze as she heard her name being yelled by his voice. Shit! 
She sighed and hung her head in defeat.

     He put his hand on her shoulder and gently spun her around. She 
refused to make eye contact with him and he smiled at her 
stubbornness. "You're what?" he asked softly.

     She looked up at him and put her hands on her hips, "Could you 
not tell that I was trying to get away from you?"

     "Yes, and that's why I followed you. Now what were you going to 
say?" he pressed, with his hands on her shoulders, leaning towards her 
very slightly.

     "I don't know. I was just rambling. I have no idea what I was 
going to say, really I don't. Now would you just leave me alone?" she 
replied coldly.

     "Cut the bullshit Scully. Say it, come on, say it! I know you 
want to. Just say it. Let it out. Come on, tell me how you really 
feel!" he tried desperately to coerce her into telling him what he 
already knew. 

     "Let me go Mulder!" she pulled away from him. Her heart pounded 
in her chest as she quickly bounded down the steps.

     "You love me! Admit it! You love me, but you're just too damn 
scared to say it!" he yelled after her. 

     She stopped dead in her tracks, but refused to turn around. A 
grin appeared on Mulder's face and he screamed, "I knew it! You love 
me! Come on! Jesus Scully, just say it! You love me!" 

     At this latest outburst, Scully spun around and yelled, "Is that 
what you want to hear? Is that all? If you're so sure about yourself 
than why do you need to me say it?"

     "Because you can't say it! You won't say it! You're too damn 
scared!" he shouted his reply. The majority of the tourists in the 
area had drawn there attention towards the yelling match between these 
two people. Many talked in hushed voices and speculated about the 
crazy couple on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

     Scully's temper flared as she realized what a scene he was making 
and replied loudly, "Then why don't you say it? If you're such a big 
man, you say it!"

     "Fine!" Mulder yelled. "I love you! You hear that? I love you! I, 
Fox William Mulder, am in love with you, Dana Katherine Scully!! I 
want to spend every moment of the rest of my life with you! Hear that? 
I love everything about you! You're stubbornness, your temper, and 
your damn sarcasm! I love it all! Every god damned part of you! Now 
can you say it?"

     "Fine!" she replied, not to be outdone. "Damn it! I admit it! I 
love you! And I've been in love with you as long as I've known you! 
And I hate loving you because you drive me crazy and I can't seem to 
do anything about it because I'm in love with you! Are you happy now?"

     Mulder ran down the steps that separated them and stopped to face 
her. "I knew you couldn't say it first," he teased.

     "I still hate you," she replied.

     "Yeah, but you still love me," he said playfully, as he grabbed 
her arm and slowly pulled her in for their first kiss. They were too 
lost in each other to hear the applause coming from the tourists that 
were still gathered at the top of the steps to observe their little 
     Mulder and Scully broke apart when they both became painfully 
aware of the spectacle they had made of themselves. They made eye 
contact and laughed, still holding onto one another, not ready to let 

     He took her by the hand and proclaimed, "Let's go."

     "Where?" she asked as they wade their way back to the street. 

     He stopped and looked at her, "You know, I don't know, just as 
long as we're together." 
     "Good answer," she smiled and pulled him in for a more private 
kiss. The world seemed to stand still as theirs had just come together 
and for a single moment, everything was perfect.

The End

I know, it's been a while. I was fed up and bored and thought the 
people deserved a little something for their loyalty. Thanks to all 
those who complained to get my sorry ass a moving! Love ya lots! 