Frequently Asked Questions

Why are Ouija Boards called Witchboards?

To capitalize on the Ouija's reputation of conjuring spirits, some talking board manufacturers added witches to their designs starting in the early 1900's. Swamis were also a popular design. They were called oddly enough, Swami boards.

Do Witches use Ouija boards?

Ouijas are non-denominational. Anyone can use a Ouija board.

Is a special ritual needed to avoid demonic influences?

This is a popular, rather recent idea. For further study on this we recommend exploring some of the new age newsgroups.

Do I need special training to use a Ouija board?

The instructions on the box have always worked fine for us.

Sometimes it is hard to find partners. Is it OK to use the Ouija board alone?

Absolutely. Many people have great success using the Ouija by themselves.

I'm a Kardecian Spiritist. Nowhere at the Museum of Talking Boards do you mention the different types of spirits or how to be a medium. Why is this?

We are fully versed in the different schools of Spiritualism/Spiritism, know the differences, and respect them all. We felt, when creating our website, that it should not be about Spiritualism/Spiritism or mediumship directly. This is not out of disrespect. There are so many different spiritual beliefs that it would be difficult to elaborate on one without slighting the others. A comprehensive study of the subject would be beyond the scope of the Museum of Talking Boards.

The Ouija board is a tool of the Devil. Absolutely no good can come from its use, only eternal damnation.

We understand your position and suggest that you never use a Ouija board. We would never argue with you since we realize that the Ouija has a reputation to maintain.

It really freaks me out to use my Ouija board.

Well, stop using it then. You shouldn't do anything that distresses you. I'm surprised that

we have to tell you this.

What is the proper way to dispose of my Ouija board? Should I break it into seven pieces, say the Lord's Prayer, sprinkle it with Holy Water, then burn it? What?

You may donate it to The Museum of Talking Boards. We will send you our special

Museum of Talking Boards Karma Korrector. Under no circumstances should you burn

your Ouija. People can be injured when proper fire precautions are ignored.

What in the world is a psychograph?

A psychograph is a mentally unstable talking board that will kill you if you use it. Just

kidding! It's really a talking board with letters, numbers, and symbols. The symbols

usually are of the fortune telling type.

What are the three things to NEVER ask a Ouija board?

One of them is: "Am I fat?" Sorry. A little more Ouija humor there. See our extensive list

of things not to do, and the possible dire consequences. Go to Ouijastitions.

What does ideomotor response mean?

Ideomotor response is the fancy-schmancy term scientists use to say that you moved the

message indicator yourself without knowing what you were doing.

The Ouija Board won't work for me. Am I doing something wrong?

Like many things in life, people sometimes have better luck with the Ouija when working

with a partner. Then again, some may have no luck at all.

OK, so I got a partner and it still didn't work, now what?

Look, you wouldn't go to someone's door and just stand there and do nothing, would you?

You have to knock and ask, "Is anyone there?"

I knocked. I asked. It still didn't work. What's the problem now?

The Ouija is a great mystery and we do not presume to know all the answers. It does not

work for everyone.

What is the marker thingie called?

The proper name is planchette (plan-'shet) after the French word for "little plank." Some

believe that the actual inventor's name was Planchette. Wouldn't that be a coincidence? If

French is hard for you, call it a message indicator. Under no circumstances call it a

carriage, center dome, cursor, do-hickey, doo-dad, eye, glide, glider, guide, heart, letter

finder, locator, marker thingie, marker, mover, paddle, palmier, plachet, plaque,

planchard, platent, plinth, pointer, receptor, shuttle, slider, spade, speaker, stylist, stylus,

triangle, or trivet. This is considered very bad form. On second thought, call it anything

you please. If it sounds interesting and enough people use it, we will eventually list it here.

The message indicator keeps spelling out: "CTHULHU R LYEH WGAH NAGL FHTAGN." Can you tell me what this means?

Gosh, no. We have absolutely no idea. You will have to trust your instincts on this one.

What will you pay me for my old Ouija board?

As collectors, we are always looking for old Ouijas, talking boards, and message

indicators. What we pay depends on your particular talking board. If you have one that

you would just like appraised, we will do that free of charge, time permitting. Please send

us a complete description of the board and original box and message indicator if you

should have them.

What if I don't believe in Ouija boards?

That is perfectly all right. We don't believe in you either.

Since using my Ouija board I have been hearing voices and seeing weird things. What shouldI do?

Stop using your Ouija immediately! You KNOW who you must see. Go pronto!

How do you pronounce the word "Ouija?"

The proper pronunciation is 'wE-ja, but you may also use the more colloquial 'wE-jE.

Totally inappropriate are: oh-jee, oh-ja, oh-jar and hoo-jee.

Ouija is a combination of the French and German words for "Yes" right?

The answer to this question is "YESYES" and "NONO."

Should I light candles before using a Ouija Board?

We are all for the proper atmosphere. Dress in black too, but remember to observe

proper fire precautions. Have an extinguisher handy and never indulge in alcoholic

beverages or mind altering substances while using matches.
