SeaKing Investigations Price List
We can locate just about anyone for you in the United States! Find old school friends, long lost relatives, love interests, deadbeat dad’s, persons for litigation, background checks on employee’s, co-workers or your child-care provider - just about anyone! We locate current & former addresses, listed phone numbers, age/DOB, AKA’s, SSN info & much more. We access systems that police, attorney’s, banks & collection agencies now use. Were so confident we’ll find the information for you; we will refund your money if we can’t find any data on your subject. Just give us as much information on your search subject as possible, i.e., name, age or DOB, last known city/state or just a SSN & let us find your subject! We’ve been able to locate people who were missing or hiding for decades, as well as finding relatives and even blood parents (living or not!). If you’re serious about locating someone or need information on someone fast, you need to call us! Don't confuse us with those books or CD's that others offer, which just send you to pay sites that cost you more and give you less. With us, you get the services of an actual investigator with over 28 years of experience. Think about all the people you’d like to find, or find out about! Only $13.95

OPTIONAL SEARCHES - available in most areas!
(additional fee's)

$ 9.95  Criminal Convictions
$ 8.50  Possible relatives (per level)
$ 7.50  Possible Associates
$ 9.50  Property Assessments
$ 9.50  Corporate Affillations
$ 9.50  Driver License data
$ 9.50  Vehicle Registration
$ 8.95  Bankruptcies
$ 9.95  Professional Licenses
$ 8.95  Possible Employer's

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