What stands before you is a very handsome, rather charming teen male wolfie of medium-muscular build. He stands at 6'1" and weighs about 200 lbs. He looks like he's just about fully developed, 16 or 17 years of age, at his prime. He smiles and nods hello, his smile and posture exuding confidence and friendliness. His fur is a medium gray on most of his body, and white fur runs down the chin, the chest, the tummy, the insides of his thighs and upper arms. His face and hair are just as attractive as the rest of his body. His blonde hair is short-medium in length, and neatlycombed, a couple of locks dangling down over his forehead. His eyes are soothing, gentle blue-green. He is bare chested, preferring to show his nice, soft-furred, lupine chest to all. His pecks are nice and a bit chiseled, but not like a champion bodybuilder. Down below his sexy chest is a nice six-pack, visible even through the white,fluffy fur. Seems he works out a lot, but not THAT much. Just enough to be considered a hunky stud. His beautiful tail is about 2- 2 1/2 feet long, fluffy and swishing warmly back and forth. His bottom is covered by a loincloth which comes down to about an inch or two above his knees, and is a simple beige all around. A simple attire, making it easy for him to go potty, or to get a blowjob or a quick yiff. It also makes any arousal he experiences (which is often) very obvious.