This is the main table for currency exchange rates in Reavers' Deep.
All exchange rates are in relation to the Imperial Credit, a TL15 Starport
A credit.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Planet/Polity | Unit of Currency | 1120 | 1125 | Notes |
Federation of Daibei |
Credit | .97 | .82 | 1 |
Solomani Confederation |
Basic Unit Of Currency ('Buc') |
.92 | 1.09 | 1 |
Solomani Military Script |
Script | n/a | n/a | 3 |
Carrillian Assembly |
Mark | .93 | n/a | 2 |
Gralyn Union |
Real | .66 | .58 | 4 |
Grendal | Pound ('Quid') |
.63 | .68 | 5 |
Principality of Caledon |
Caledonian Pound |
.83 | .88 | 1 |
Rintarna | Piastre | .82 | .90 | 1 |
Carter Technum |
Solar | .82 | .88 | 6 |
Union of Harmony |
Bhat | n/a | n/a | 7 |
Union of Purity |
Sol | .62 | .75 | 1 |
Confederation of Duncinae |
Dollar | .77 | .72 | - |
Duchy of Marlheim |
Mark | .72 | .84 | 8 |
Lanyard Colonies |
Lanyard | .72 | .59 | 9 |
1. Economy influenced by Rebellion
2. Destroyed as a political entity, 1124
3. Worthless outside current Solomani Occupied Zone
4. In recession due to drop off of trade ("Hard Times")
5. Increasing in value due to technology transfers.
6. Warring with Soloman.
7. Internal only currency. Illegal to export by local law.
8. Conquistador state.
9. Recession caused by recent military activity
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