Player Characters

Randolph Lightfoot
Chemz Khand
Emad Kralev
Eneri Viidumaskiri
Marvin Gentry
Merinn Falakir
Bernice Van Buren
Andrew Keating

The NPCs
Brandi Hiromashu
Akira Hiromashu
Lena Kurov
Mikhail Johnson
Alan Tornquist
Koparan Borsalla

Randolph Lightfoot Age: 42 Race: Human (unknown) Citizenship: Federation of Daibei
UPP: A734BA Gender: Male Player: Dave 'Lance Starbuck' Ware

6' 3", 220 lbs, well muscled. Lightfoot was a strong boy and has always kept himself in shape. Brown hair, medium/short (easier to groom.) Clean shaven. A good looking dood. Attractive to ladies. Lightfoot gets along with other people fine. He prefers solitude. When he's with others he makes an effort to get along, to achieve common goals, to maintain harmony. Like any introvert, he does sometime enjoy the company of others. When he has friends, he tends to have a few whom he considers good friends rather than lots of aquaintences. Usually, his main agenda when he's with other people is to terminate that interaction soon, and with as little annoyance as possible. He is not religious. His main philosophical view is to extend the individual as much freedom as possible. Two careers appealed to Lightfoot: either a Belter or a Scout, because of the solitary nature of each profession. Lightfoot liked the idea of scouting, of being as far away from "everything else" as possible, and being on his own. The closest thing to a high point was in his earlier years of scouting, when he was alone, exploring new areas, enjoying the solitude and the wonder of seeing sections of space that no one had seen before.

His current 'gig' is navigator of Outworlds Partners Starship 'Wanderfall', out of Grendal, on a trade pioneering mission in Reavers' Deep.


Chemz Khand Age: 43 Race: Human(mixed) Citizensip: Federation of Daibei
UPP: ABA979 Gender: Male Player: Greg Smith

Chemz Khand, is a 'Retired' ex-Imperial Scout Service Member. He has 12 years in the Survey Office, 8 years in the Exploration Service, and 4 years in the Communications Office.

Khand looks young for his age, mid 30's. He has thick black hair, is clean-shaven, with keen grey eyes. He has a ready smile, though it isn't in appearance at the moment. He is tall and trim, athletic in appearance. He's not as strong as he used to be, as he has aged a bit. Often wears a ball cap when shipboard, but right now, he came aboard wearing a leather 'cowboy hat'. He doesn't wear suits.

When shipboard or in starport, usually found in a skintight VaccSuit. His watch is set for the local time, as well as Standard Imperial (old habits die hard). Depending on circumstances, Chemz will have his digital camera, and/or digital computer link. He has a 10mm Automag Pistol in a holster, and an extra clip. A survival knife and 'tactical' flashlight are strapped to his hip. He's got hard currency, and local cash cards.

When dirtside, Chemz is usually in civilian clothes. He likes to wear boots, custom made, and hand tooled. Czargaf hide. Interested in local clothing habits. Likes to blend in, with the exception of his ball cap or leather outback hat. Probably carrying his camera, and will have his 'puter link. Law Level and local custom permitting, he'll carry the Automag and probably his knife.

Chemz spent most of his career near the border of Imperial space, assigned in the Daibei & Reavers' Deep Sectors. He has spent time on both sides of the border, and in fact, for the last 4 years, he has been 'on loan' to the Caledonian Scout Service, bringing the Caledonians up to speed on the way the Imperium does things. He was discharged on Grendal, as the Caledonians lease the scout base there. He's out now, and ready for adventure and not interested in returning to the war-torn Imperium any time soon.

His current gig is Command Pilot of Outworlds Partners Starship 'Wanderfall', flagged out of Grendal, and doing trade pioneering in Reavers' Deep.


Emad Kralev Age: 40ish Citizenship: Carrillian
UPP: 9A4C54 Gender: Male Player: Megan Robertson

To look at: blond hair in crew cut (now going bald), grey eyes, the odd scar, small and lightweight and agile. Perfectly happy in zero-G. Usually wears a grubby set of coveralls with assorted tools in the pockets. Hates having to dress smartly. No time for bureaucracy, officialdom or people in uniform throwing their weight about (members of the armed forces in bars, for example!). He has a trail of minor charges of drunk & disorderly behind him, and a few folk who'd beat him up given half a chance. When he's sober he knows he can't fight and avoids trouble, when he's had a few he is not so cautious... and, but only in port, he does tend to drink a bit too much.

Apart from enjoying time in the pub, he is happiest curled up with a stack of tech manuals or a piece of kit which has malfunctioned. His current gig is Chief Engineer of the Outworlds Partners Starship 'Wanderfall', flagged out of Grendal, on a trade pioneering cruise in Reavers' Deep


Eneri Viidumaskiri Age: 34 Citizenship: Imperial
UPP: 777BC7 Gender: Male Player: Matt Ashley

If there were ever the stereotypical Vilani, Eneri Viidumaskiri's holo would be in the book. Every gesture, every mannerism screams 'First Empire'. Eneri is a well-trained merchant, having papers from a prestigious Imperial merchant academy. He worked a few years then got laid off, finding a berth with Caledon Ventures and some of the crew of the 'Scotian Huntress', the famous CV trade pioneer.

But all good things come to an end, and Caledon Ventures cut back due to the Rebellion, and Eneri was 'beached' on Gralyn. Recently hired, he's become part of the 'trade team' and de facto purser of the Outworlds Partners starship 'Wanderfall', flagged from Grendal, on a trade pioneering cruise through Reavers' Deep.


Marvin Gentry Age: 30 Race: Human(mixed) Citizenship: Imperial (Spinward Marches)
UPP: 9A6889 Gender: Male Player: Craig

Brown eyes. Black hair, now long, though freshly cleaned. A bit of his freshly cut bushy beard remains. Light skin, brown with the local starlight. Better than average build. No standard dress code.

His homeworld is Monghas/ Regina/ Spinward Marches but he hasn't been to those waters in many years. Considering current conditions, there is little chance of ever going back now.

For the most part he is modest about his skills and abilities.

He lost a crewperson he cared about deeply on his last ship (Crimson Sphere), despite his best efforts to save her. Though all reassured him it was not his fault, he couldn't remain aboard the ship with all those memories. He has been groundside for the last 6 months, surviving and slowly learning to live again. Finally, he is ready to return to space. That much is an open secret among the locals.

Though unwilling to speak about the incident, the fire in his eyes when pirates are discussed seriously might be a clue. His current berth is as the ship's medic on Outworld Partners Starship 'Wanderfall', flagged from Grendal, on a trade pioneering cruise in Reavers' Deep.


Merinn Falakir Age: 34 Race: Human (mixed) Citizenship: Federation of Daibei
UPP: 7B6886 Gender: Female Player: Joe Roberts (JR)

Merinn is the daughter of two mid-level executives of a megacorporation. As a teen, she never seemed to fit into her parents’ lifestyle, so she set off to see the universe as soon as she became of age. After she was refused admission to the Imperial Naval Academy, so she took a job aboard a merchant ship. Although she earned her commission, her career never became what she dreamed it could. Finally, she decided to simply not renew her contract. She is currently just between; relationships, and homes.

Merinn is 5' 8" tall, 120 lbs., red hair, blue eyes, medium complexion. She is pleasant in demeanor and average in appearance. She is outgoing and professional when the need arises. She generally prefers relationships with other women, and she still has a friendship with an Aslan female who was her lover for a time.

Her current gig is part of the trading team and de facto lead steward onboard the Outworld Partners Starship 'Wanderfall', flagged from Grendal, on a trade pioneering mission in Reavers' Deep.


Bernice Van Buren Age: 33 Race: Human (Solomani) Citizenship: Federation of Daibei
UPP: 5CDE56 Gender: Female Player: John Golden

Looks - Strawberry blonde, blue eyes - 5ft 2" - cute rather than pretty. To be honest - she doesn't stand out as her hair is cut short and she usually wears a slightly too large set of ships overalls topped off by a reefer (style) jacket with the subdued rings of a merchant Second Officer on the sleeves. People have in the past underestimated her skills as she looks more naive / less competent than she is. Chain smoker.

The obvious background: Bernice is an experienced 2nd Officer of the Merchant Service. Most of her service has been on either Far Traders or Fat Traders (although she did a brief stint on a small liner as Comms Officer - early in her career). Her papers are legit, the equivalent of a Seaman's Union - she's a fully paid up & accredited member of it. She can happily supply references from her previous employers. The last ship she served on was the MV Katshui Maaru, but she was laid off when the Master / Owner died in an accident. The ship was repossessed by the bank (in lieu of unpaid loans) so she was now mooching around Gralyn looking for a job. She found one.

Her current job is assistant Medic/Communications Officer onboard the Outworld Partners Starship 'Wanderfall', flagged from Grendal, currently on a trade pioneering cruise through Reavers' Deep.


Andrew Keating Age: 38 Race: Human (mixed) Citizenship: Federation of Daibei
UPP: 9AAB87 Gender: Male Player: Gary Wachter

Andrew is burly, weathered, tanned, not a gram of fat on him, somewhere around 40 but definitely not over the hill. He moves like a jungle feline on the prowl. You get the feeling this one worked as a professional neckbreaker sometime in his past. As a matter of fact, he was a former Imperial marine who left the Service in disgust of the wanton destruction of the Rebellion.

Andrew was serving aboard a tramp as a gunner/cargo handler, but did not feel comfortable with the activites of the captain and crew, so decided to take his leave before becoming 'guilty by association'. He does not have any real destination, nor clear idea of a goal. He ended up in the reavers deep more as simply an area of little conflict (by scale) and of reasomable stability.

He got his current gig, Security officer/gunner, aboard the Outworld Partners Starship 'Wanderfall', by accident -- he was contacted to help kidnap the ship's medic, Mikhail Johnson, but decided against it. Deciding to contact 'Wanderfall's captain, she hired him on to replace Alan Tournquist.

Currently, 'Wanderfall', flagged from Grendal, is doing a trade pioneering cruise in Reavers' Deep.


The NPCs

'Buzz' (Truename unknown) Age: 35 Race: Human/mixed Citizenship: Caledonian/Grendal
UPP: 9AAC85 Gender: Male

Buzz joined the Caledonian Scout Service out of Grendal, but was forced out by budget cuts. He preferrs serving in mostly urban settings and spaceports.

The few remote assignments he served on special duty were boring to him. If not for the beaker monkey he befriended on his first remote assignment, he would have gladly started a forest fire just to break up the routine.

His average size belies his strength, and his manner of dress is in keeping more with the dirtside crowd than a ships crew whenever possible, and his monkey will only done its space gear when it has no choice (which is also the only time Buzz even tries this).

Most notable quote: "Well, if the monkey DID shit in your drink, you must have done SOMETHING."

After spending over a year on 'Wanderfall', he left to track down the unknown people who killed his friend, Mikhail Johnson.


Brandi Hiromashu Age: 35 Race: Human/Mixed Citizenship: Carrillian
UPP: 797AC8 Gender: Female

Brandi 'Go-Go' Hiromashu is the owner-aboard of the Wanderfall, as well as being the senior partner of Outworlds Partnership. She is a Carrillines Merchant Academy honors graduate, and spent 16 years with Carrilines in the Sales and Marketting department.

Go-Go, as she became known, asked for, and recieved the job of Carrillines station head at the Grendal (Reavers Deep 2127) trade station in 1122, a traditional dumping grounds for Carrillines' screwups and malcontents. She was instrumental in getting the station back into a highly profitable node.

While onstation on Grendal, she dabbled in some free lance trading for Outworlds Partnerships, a Grendal corporation owned by her uncle and some associates. After the death of her uncle in the crashlanding of Wanderfall into Grendal's Steelsheen Ocean, she assumed the senior partnership of the corporation, resigning from Carrillines after salvaging the Wanderfall and having it delivered for refurbishing at Outpost, a Federation of Daibei naval yard.

Currently, she's running the Deep, trying to keep one step ahead of the competition, going to exotic planets, meeting new and colorful people, and taking them for every credit she can.


Akira Hiromashu Age: 25 Race: Human (mixed) Citizenship: Carrillian
UPP: A9AA79 Gender: Male

Akira is a young and full of it punkish flyer. His temper is a bit hot as is his sidearm, a caseless ammo auto-pistol he 'won' in a bar brawl with someone who was trying to cheat him. He's never without it now. He considers it his 'good luck' piece.

He was in the close defense forces of Lanixohn for a bit as a fighter jock. The Carrillian Assembly government wanted to pull him offworld to Ildrissar to help put down the rebellion there. NOT a good idea, his Aunt Brandi just happened to be one of the head rebels there. He stalled around until his hitch ran out then made a run for a neutral country. With a small bribe, he got thru customs & got onboard an Outworld Partners starship, the 'Lotus Unfolding'.

He caught up with his aunt, Brandi 'Go-Go' Hiromashu, about 6 months ago on Grendal when he was doing sensor ops and backup computerman work on the Lotus Unfolding.

He speaks three languages fairly well, Anglic, Erde, and Japanese, though he has a slight accent to his Erde and Anglic. When with his aunt he's usually speaking Japanese or Erde. After a 6 month tour with Go-Go, he rotated back to the Lotus Unfolding.


Lena Kurov Age: 24 Race: Human (Solomani) Citizenship: Federation of Daibei
UPP: A76967 Gender: Female

Lena was born in the Imperium at Persistance in Zhemi Subsector (Daibei 0323), but left there when she signed on with a free trader heading for the Imperial border due to the Rebellion heating up.

She signed with Outworld Partners two years back, becoming the Assistant Engineer of first the 'Flower Unfolding', then transfering to the 'Wanderfall' six months ago where she became Chief. She keeps her fiery red hair cut down to about 4 cm length, and is usually dressed in black dungarees and a black leather vest open to the front. Several of the crew wonder why it doesn't show more, but Lena isn't saying. She also constantly wears a toolbelt, unless she's out and about in a spacer bar in port.

Lena is friendly, but not *that* friendly, prefering to raid the fleshpots of whatever world she's on rather than 'play' with fellow crew.


Mikhail Johnson Age: 31 Race: Human (mixed) Citizenship: Grendal
UPP: 6B8BC9 Gender: Male

Mikhail was born on Grendal to the Carrillian Consul, and grew up in private schools in Carrill System. A natural student, he applied for and was accepted at Roundtable University Medical School, graduating with honors.

Somehow he got an exit visa and returned to Grendal, where he signed up with the Caledonian Scout Service as a ship's doctor. He stayed 4 years, then returned home to Grendal where he became contract doctor for the Carrillines trade station and Beowulf Down Scout Port. It was there he met Go-Go, falling in love with her. Unfortunately for him, Go-Go treats him strictly as a valued co-worker.

His involvement with the salvage effort of the Wanderfall on Grendal convinced him he wanted to work with Go-Go until she sends him away, so he got out of his contracts and signed on with Outworld Partners as ship's doctor. However, on 256-1125, he was kidnapped and killed. The crime is still unsolved, and several of the original crew are out looking for revenge...


A'Rolr Age: 42 Race: Aslan Citizenship: Khteaouw (Reavers Deep 0129)
UPP: AC99F5 Gender: Male

A'Rolr was a promising young officer in the elite Tehleikhoi ('Soldiers of Twilight') Aslan Merc unit until his squad was all but destroyed in an engagement with pirates on some god forsaken rock that very few people knew and even fewer cared about.

A'Rolr was platoon leader for what was to be a normal recon sweep against a planetside pirate base.  Intel was incorrect and instead of going up against a lighty defended bolt hole, came upon a fully armed, battle ready encampment of several companies of Solomani-supported soldiers.

When all of the dust cleared, the Platoon was decimated and since A'Rolr was in the medlab healing wounds during the hearings he was declared at fault.  He was disgraced and exiled from the Unit and lost all of his land holdings. Being discharged form the service after 5 terms he made his way around the mercenary market, trying to reconstitute his holdings and gain back his honor for his future bloodline.

He was an engineering assistant/security specialist onboard 'Wanderfall' until Mikhail was kidnapped and killed. Now he's accompanying Buzz and Tournquist on their quest for justice.


Alan Tornquist Age: 38 Race: Human (unknown) Citizenship: Imperial
UPP: 788CF6 Gender: Male

Alan has the bearing of an Imperial Marine officer on the beach. He doesn't talk about politics, though, what with the recent breakup of the Imperium. What he's doing in the Deep, far beyond the borders of all Factions, is anybody's guess. Medium height with a slight tendency toward thin, brown hair, green eyes, no distinguishing marks. If you bumped into this man and were asked about it later you'd most likely have a hard time remembering what he looked like, very average.... nondescript.

Alan seemingly can get along with anyone, a person can dislike him but it requires constant energy to keep a grudge against this easy going individual. Philosophically he generally believes what goes around comes around. That's why he's trying to keep up some good karma. Politically he generally believes that the Imperium is dead and should be gotten over before too many more good people die trying to sustain it. That being said he doesn't favor any faction in the rebellion but rather scorns Dulinor for starting the whole mess and Lucan for being a spoiled child bent on breaking all of his toys so he won't have to share them. Also the changes taking place within the remaining institutions under Lucan disturb him.

The high point of his career came several years ago at the start of the rebellion. He had been serving with a group of pro-Imperial rebels in some backwater world for quite some time. Word came down that the planetary government had a change of heart and the rebels were to be delivered to them for crimes against the people. Alan managed to get them all off planet and into the media with their story of betrayal by the Imperium before any action could be arranged against them. Thus was he sent to the back waters of Reaver's Deep and given 'a window seat.' The low point in his career came just months later when he determined that the Imperium couldn't be healed and his detachment assets were to be 'liquidated.'

He can see validity in most of the religions he has had a brush with and has always intended to do a lengthy comparative study to find his own religious belief system, he just hasn't gotten around to it yet. If there is an afterlife he doesn't really believe it'll be very pleasant for him considering all the righteous judgment most religions seem to use for insuring behavior in this world.


Koparan Borsalla Age: 30 Race: Human (mixed) Citizenship: Federation of Daibei
UPP: ABA984 Gender: Male

Borsalla doesn't say much, but tends to listen a lot. His hair is in what can only be described as a 'punked mohawk', and he wears metal studs in his eyebrows and tongue. Despite his somewhat shocking appearance, Borsalla has landed the job of factor for Outworlds Partners on Gralyn.

He is a survivor and a good friend to have at your back in a street fight. Although his papers say Federation of Daibei, his Anglic is accented, not unusual in this era of refugees.

He spent seven months onboard the Outworld Partners Starship 'Wanderfall' as the 'schmooze', or head steward/purser. When 'Wanderfall' made port at Gralyn, the owner, Brandi Hiromashu, discovered the company trade factor was skimming profits and promptly fired him. Korporan replaced him.


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This page © 2003 Keven R. Pittsinger

Last updated 1-8-2004