The Burren Experience

Its like driving a bagger of car...

You can drive it but it won't

be an smooth ride

I'll Buy you a drink sweet thing...("i just wonder whats in it for me")


Who Sleeps in the raw???




  • Act casual and what ever you do,
    do not knock over a pint glass with your elbow.

  • The place to be when your vison goes.

  • A bar where the woman knows your name.

  • "Its like shooting pool with a rope"

"I'll burn your family in hell !!!

You Bastard

Fuck Yourself



Its like nobbing two birds

with the one johnny.


Inspiration springs apon you when you least expect it!!! Rember this my child.









Wall Brook

Need I say more...

Well just incase your not sure it involves, a lovely town shrowed in mist. A guitar, and two lovely young filles.

The second part in this involves a hill in this town. As with everything else it is shrowed in mist an a person(me) running NAKED through a field.

The thrid part of this trilogy. A motor bike, naked except for a helmet ( you have to safe after all).

If you have read this far, you nearly as fucking cRazy as i am.

But you have come this far so why not go the rest of the way. Do you have the balls eh i mean, the courage to go the rest of the way.




















For the Crack