Cyber ADoptions


Esme This is Esme...she guards this page.
Her heart is pure, and her soul gentle.
Esme, and angels like her are all around
us...every day. talk to your angels...see
what they can do for you.


This is the Fairy Simial, and her dragon heart Kolos. Simial and kolos are in many ways much the same being...strong, brave, true...Together they guard mountains and the forests of the highlands. Together they make them green, warm, and inviting for the humans that wander there.

Find your own enchanted pixie at the enchanted hollow.


Simial and Kolos

Enchanted Hollow




This is the forest Fairy, dellinium. She has agrred to grace my page to let other humans see that the fair folk are real...and are among us. though fairies have more to fear from us, than we do from them...she knows humans have long misunderstood her kind...dellinium She wants to change that

to look for her kind click on the banner under dellinium's dancing feet


These two additions to my pages, blue Merneth and Chester the unicorn baby come from Lady in Black's mystic castle. Check out her wonderful pages! Merneth Chester the Unicorn baby!




This beautifu Dragon Globe came from:



This is a little gremlin. As long as I keep him plied with music, especially his favorie Les Mis soundtrack, Prikot keeps other gremilins out of my computer!

Click the banner below to adopt a gremlin:


Bacground by: Boogie Jack
Divider bar by:

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