(The Future Fashion Design Contest)

The Catalog: Triple Red Sun Intergalactic Commerce Complex

For CC 19, we will be continuing the tradition of the Future Fashion Folio. This provides you with a contest to showcase your clothing and accessory ideas. For first time costumers, or for those of us who have to travel light, this is the perfect contest.

Note: the "Folio" and the "Catalog" are the same thing. Because Costume Con. Has been happening for 17 years now, so has the Future Fashion Folio, although the contest has been given various names, it's the one that most costumers use.

What would you wear in the 24th century? What would be Fuzzy wear to a formal party? What does the uniform of a farmer who harvests the floor of the Pacific Ocean?

The winners will be compiled into The Catalog (The Fashion Folio) and published. It will be sent to all the members of Costume Con 19 in early December 2000. The Future Fashion Show will feature outfits and accessories made from this Catalog. You may select any design and make it up for the Future Fashion Show. Designs with a star *, are reserved for construction by the designer. The winners will also appear on our web site. For those that do not wish to have their designs on the inter net, they will only appear in the catalog, and at the convention itself.

The contest is simple. You draw the designs. We will even provide traceable figures for your designs. Your imagination and pencil can take you to any time or place throughout the galaxy.

The setting for the Folio is an intergalactic shopping complex. You design what other people will "shop until they drop" for. There are a wide number of shops catering to the various needs of a very diversified clientele. Besides a wide selection of clothing shops, there will be categories for jewelry, shoes, hats, decor, etc.. Often it is the accessories which actually put the costume over the top. We want to recognize this concept.

We are in the process of putting together some wonderful "store" ideas and of formalizing the rules for the contest. We promise it will be loads of fun. It's a great way to exercise your imagination without touching your sewing machine. Stay tuned for more information.

Check out our web site for further details, sample submissions, the Complex stores and layout. Submissions must be postmarked no later then October 1st, 2000. We begin to accept submissions October 16, 1999.

Entries will be judged by a panel of Judges selected and coordinated by Fran Evans. Once the winners have been selected, they will be notified by mail. All submissions are to be sent to the sent to 11003 - 111 Ave. Edmonton, Alberta. T5G 0C5 Canada.

There will also be a special spacesuit competition sponsored by Katherine Jepson. Anyone else wishing to sponsor another competition, please contact Johanna Breijer at the above address or by e-mail

"Jeweled Inspirations".
The entry should be based on a piece(or style) of jewelry and a photocopy of the source should be included to assist the judges.  If an entry was based on multiple simular pieces(like 20 Art Nouveau necklaces), the designer should choose one or two jewelry pieces they feel are the most representative of the general inspiration and submit them as photocopies.  There will be a $40.00 award in both male and female design.
By Alison and Jeff Kondo


"Spudopolis Designs"
Futuristic designs for alliens with very different shaped - featuring especially like vegetables and fruit.  This is not just drawings, it's making design adjusted for the alien differences.  Example, differently shaped aliens like potatoes, raisons and celery, ect.  Have fun. (Actually, any non-standard aliens can be entered in this catagory.)  There will be a $30.00 award in this catagory.  By Cat Devereux.


Folio Director - Johanna Breijer

Assisted by: Cat Devereaux and Fran Evans

The Fashion Show Director and MC - Pierre Pettinger

The Rules

You d o not have to be a member of costume con 19 to enter the FutureFashion Folio Design Contest.


All submissions will be accepted after October 15, 1999. All submissions must be post marked no later than October 1st, 2000.

Who may enter:

You do not have to be a member of Costume Con 19 to enter the Future Fashion Catalog Design Contest, but you will have to be a member to be able to participate in the construction and exhibition of the design concepts. The Catalog will be mailed to all Costume Con 19 members in early December 2000 to allow time for the construction of the designs. The Future Fashion Show will feature outfits and accessories made from the Catalog. You may select any design and make it up for the Future Fashion Show. Designs with a star *, are reserved for a construction by the designer. The winners will also appear on our Web site.

For those designers who do not wish to have their designs on the inter net due to copyright concerns, their designs will appear only in the folio, and at the convention itself.

Submission Guidelines:

All designs must be original designs, whether it is for a human, an alien, a god, or what ever. Please send a photo copy of the design for easy reproduction. You may send a color copy of the design as well, but it must be a copy, not the original.

All submissions must be drawn on 8.5 inches by 11 inches sheets of white paper, using black ink. The back, side views, or details may be drawn on separate sheets.

Good clean art work will give you a plus, but good design work is far more important. We value the quality of the design, not necessarily the artwork. Not everyone is an artist. You can have someone else do the drawing for you, but you must give them the proper credit. It is the concept which is important. Figures are available through this Web site, and by mail for you to trace out and use with your designs. For figures, send a self addressed legal sized envelope with the proper postage, and request the figures series. For figures write to 11003 111 th Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta. T5G 0C 7 Canada. All mail in submissions go to the same address.

All submissions must be labeled clearly on the back of the drawing. On the back upper right hand corner, on each design, write your full name and mailing address, the title of the design, and the category. You must number each submission running from: 1 to 20, and with side, back, and color views labeled as: 1 a, 1 b, 1c , etcetera. At this point you can give a full description of the fabrics, textures, colors and other surface detail. You can describe your concept, and explain its functionality.

If you are working from a known media character, such as Mr. Spock, some information and visual references, should also be sent along with the design. When working with a literary character, some written description and/or some cover art, would also be helpful. Not all the judges will be familiar with the particular character you have chosen. This extra information may be the information required to bring your concept into focus.

On the front of your design you should have the design name and the category. Do not write your name on the front of the submission. Both accessories, and costumes should be formatted in the same way. See submission samples.

Legal stuff:

By submitting your designs to this contest, you retain all rights to your Costume Con 19 Future Fashion Catalog submissions. You agree to permit reproduction of the designs in the Catalog, reproduced in various materials for the Future Fashion Show, and display of the winning designs in the Design Galleries of this Web site(optional). You also allow all photography, video taping, and digital imaging of the designs, and reproductions for a possible Costume Con 19 memory book. All further rights revert to the designer after Costume Con 19.

Email submissions:

Designs may be submitted via email to jbriejer@compusmart.ab.ca

I prefer JPEG's, PCX s, over GIFs, TIFFs, bitmaps, and other graphic files. In order to fairly judge the designs be aware that the color images will be changed to gray scale for printing. Although a color version can also be printed out. The submissions must satisfy the submission criteria to be entered. For email submission samples go to the submission samples and click the email option. For further inquiries or questions use the above email address.

At this time the rules are still being worked out. There may still be some amendments to the rules or editing for clarity. The wording in the legal portion may change, but the intent will not.

If you intend to use the email option, please look at the Email Submission Samples in the regular site. It is graphic intensive, and it may take a while to load, but it has the complete instructions.

The Triple Red Sun Intergalactic Commerce Complex

The Stores:

The entries for the folio this time around will focus on accessories or separate pieces of costumes.

The setting for the folio is an intergalactic shopping complex. There are a number of shops catering tothe various needs of a very diversified clientele. I am hoping for more submissions as single accessorypieces which can be put in a display room with the designs for the fashion folio. Often it is theaccessories which actually put the costume over the top especially with the workmanship Judge.

"All That Glitters" carries a wide range of jewelry to dazzle the eye, and occasionally double assomething to keep your enemies at bay or hide a little something.

The ever popular "Army/Navy" store has a large selection of new and used uniforms, combat gear,weapons, and space suits. There is a space suit competition being sponsored by and judged byKatherine Jepson. I am hoping to see some interesting technical gear and weapons from the techcostumers who rarely submit designs to the fashion folio.

"The Big Stretch " has a full line of exercise wear and accessories. They have gear for mostenvironments and a diverse clientele. Categories: exercise wear, equipment, and gear for foreignenvironments.

"Bring Them Back Alive" caters to deep space survey and the medical profession. Various scanning devices and medicalhardware round out the store's inventory. In the Back of the shop there is a small room catering to exterminators. For thosetimes when you definitely don't want them alive.

"Coverup" has several lines of clothing for every occasion. From miliskin creations to help the traveler blend in, toelaborate formal wear Coverup has the covering for all occasions. This area allows the designer to submit full costumeswhich is the usual fare for the fashion folio.

"Deck The Halls" is a furniture and decor shop. You will find anything there from a cozy Hobbit study, to Arachnea's den.This allows you to design a single prop or a complete setting. For the complete settings, a mockup could be made for display purposes.

"Flash" carries a full line of body decoration techniques temporary or permanent. Categories: tattoos,body stains, and alien forms of body adornment.

"For The Love Of God" caters to all your temple needs. Cowls, thrones, candle holders, magical implements, and specialsurprises for those pesky mortals.

"Kites and Tikes - this establishment is famous for its incredible in kites which the children can either fly, or fly in, and a full line of clothing for those rough and tumble years.

"The Marvelous Media Shop" caters to all your old favorite shows and is currently heavily merchandising the latestoffering from Paramount, "The Newest Generation: Deep Space Voyages In The Slip Stream" the thirty fourth Star Trekincarnation. The shop features fun things like the original robot from "Lost in Space", to the "further adventures of FlashGordon" which some students started as a joke at "The Feely Franchise," and now are powerful media moguls.

"Maternal Instincts" maternal wear and a full line of transportation devises for the new born. Maternity fashion shows areregularly held in a weight free environment for the comfort of their customers. Categories: maternal wear and newbornaccessories.

"The Naked Blade" - all fine edged weapons for avid collectors, or just for getting geared up for a mission. A wide range of knives are available, as well as larger and more exotic weapons. There are many one-of-a-kind weapons sought after by collectors, or those who must depend upon their durability in most environments and situations.

"Patrice Formal Wear" - elaborate gowns, capes, suits of all description, for those special occasions. This establishment is popular with the ambassadorial community, Patrice always has something different, but appropriate for every official function.

"Paws, Claws, and Hoofs" can tackle the most difficult foot wear needs.

Tops is the hat/head dress ornamentation shop which runs the gambit from catering to the everydayneeds of the masses to the opposite end of the scale such as what the trendy goddess must wear to latestfestival.

"Tandem Tricks" for the man or woman of the hour, or fifteen minutes. You will find the most alluring, and exotic clothingavailable. You will always get noticed in something from Tandem Tricks. Categories: Hooker Fashions and accessories.

"Virtually Everything" carries a full line of gear to interface with computers, Toys, and hollodeck environments. Theycarry a number of interesting programs and The appropriate wear and props to go with the fantasy. Categories: head sets,linking gear, games, clothing, weapons, and props.

"Water World" fashion for the aquatic set, and special needs for the non aquatic. Categories: costumes for non humans,technical gear for special needs groups, and fun water wear for water wallowing.

When all The submissions have been received and judged by Fran Evans, a catalog of the offerings ofthe Triple Red Sun Intergalactic Commerce Complex. You can choose to make up various designs inthe catalog except for those marked with a star, these are being made up by the designer. There will bea fashion show from the catalog at the convention. There will also be a display room where you canbrowse at your own leisure.