Turn 13

Waterday: 19th of Planting

Arising early in the morning, Publius could hear the telltale sounds of the awakening city. The events of the night before were fresh on his mind, and, quite naturally, disturbed him immensely. As he readied himself for another day, he ran the previous night through his mind again and again, mentally arranging and rearranging the various clues, searching for an explanation. Usually, such activity eased his troubled mind, but in this case, the more he thought about the crimes committed, the more distressed he became. By the time he finished preparing a light breakfast, he had decided to call upon Viscount Wilfrick. If something more sinister was amiss, then Wilfrick should be made aware.

Buckling on his sword, as much for the comfort it brought him as to derail the sense of dread that seemed to loom about him, he exited his corner house across from the Constabulary and began the long walk to the Citadel. Usually, this walk took him past the Harvester Theater, but since he wanted his mind clear, and didn't want to get sidetracked checking it out just yet, he instead took the longer route down through the Market. When he reached Nigb's Run, he turned left, under the Gate Bridge, and entered Verboektown, the Gnome Quarter.

The whispering sound of Nigb's Run, which had always been a source of contentment to Publius, soon gave way to boisterous noise of Verbobonc's industrious Gnomes, already busy at their various trades. Although many of the little folk hailed him as he passed, Publius hurried on his way with barely a nod to each. A quick turn led him up the hill to the Monastery of the Reverent Brothers.

As he turned the corner of the monastery, a familiar voice called to him from his left. Turning in that direction, a sour look spread on his face for he knew he couldn't avoid this meeting. Exiting from his rather large, yet seemingly unassuming villa was Tymak, Lord Mayor of Verbobonc.

The Lord Mayor was dressed to the hilt this day, having adorned his blue robe of office with the traditional red sash. He wore not hat, uncommon for his office, but Publius knew this was a result of a head injury suffered during the Battle of Emridy Meadows when an ogre's mace nearly ended the then fiery Tymaks career. Ever since, he had found any head covering to be quite unbearable, and as such, refused to wear the tradtional cap of office.

His blonde hair was immaculately cut in one of the new styles which Publius didn't get at all, and Tymak brushed it back, an old habit he wasn't even conscious of. As he slammed shut his door, he placed a small bundle under his left arm and approached Publius. With a wave of his free hand, he called to Publius as he walked.

Tymak was an old friend of the Viscount, Wilfrick, and both had fought at Emridy Meadows, where Tymak himself was almost killed by an ogre. He was a stout warrior in his younger days, but age has taken its toll. He had recently won the election for Lord Mayor, with Wilfrick's support, although it was relatively easy since the previous Lord Mayor's extremly unpopular attempt to bring about a union with Veluna.

Since Emridy Meadows, Publius has had quite a few occasions to get to know Tymak, and he saw him as a genuinely good-natured person. At times Tymak seemed a bit too sure of himself, giving him a somewhat haughty aire, although he concealed this in public. Lately, however, it has seemed to Publius that politics has been eroding what had once been a man a stern integrity and character. Rumors have gone around that Tymak is not looking after Wilfrick's or the Viscounty's best interest, but Publius did not believe them. Even if Tymak was not the strong leader he once was, he was anything but a traitor.

Basically, Publius liked Tymak. He respected him for his service through the years, and shared the common bond of having fought at Emridy Meadows against the minions of the Temple of Elemental Evil. Tymak is also Wilfrick's closest friend, a fact which leads Publius to respect him even more and give him the benefit of the doubt otherwise.

"Good morning Publius, er, Constable, called Tymak as he approached. Beautiful day, is it not?"

"Beautiful day after an ugly night," Publius replies. "I take it you've heard about the fire at the Harvester Theater last night?"

Tymak cocked his head to the side curiously when he heard mention of the fire. "Why, no," he replied, "I must have slept through the entire affair, and you're the first person I've seen this morning."

Brushing his hair back again, he queried Publius about the fire. He was genuinly relieved when he heard it had been put out, and agreed that the heroism of the two men who had entered the building ought to be noticed.

"I shall definately give the matter consideration, my friend," he told Publius. "Perhaps a banquet in their honor would be appropriate."

"That would be a nice gesture," Publius said with a nod. "I'm off to discuss the fire with Wilfrick. Would you like to join me? I think it is a matter that is important to the city, especially since I suspect arson."

"Well, since I am to meet Wilfrick within the hour, perhaps you would like to accompany me?"


Raising a little later than he would have liked, because of the previous days excursions, Floyd dressed and collected his gear in his backpack, calling on Jeremy and Darenna to make sure they had risen. Both had slept in as well, and were busy preparing for the day when Floyd appeared. Together, the trio headed downstairs for a meal.

Jylees Inn was a large, rectangular structure, one of the finest, in fact, in Verbobonc. Located next to the City Hall, it attracted mostly higher-classed customers, although true nobility or the very wealthy generally prefered to stay across the plaza at the luxurious Spruce Goose Inn. Nonetheless, the three-storied inn was a marvel of luxury, at a reasonable price. The relatively new owner, Jylee of Dyvers, had recently bought the inn. In a bold move, he cut the prices of his rooms and meals, attempting to draw more of the lesser official and moderately wealthy travelers. In the six months since, his inn has rarely been empty, and the excellent cuisine is the talk of the region.

Floyd, Jeremy and Darenna walked down the main stairway, huge, ornately decorated and wide enough for a carriage. As they stepped into the central hall, Floyd ran his hand casually over the gold trim of the banister. Above the stair hung a massive crystal chandelier, its candles, although unlit, yet gave off the telltale light of various magic spells. A black-haired serving girl, wearing the finest dress of Keoish design which almost matched her beauty, smiled as she approached and led them to an empty table.

Most of the ground floor was given over to a massive dinning room. Obviously, no expense had been spared. The floor was a glitering marble, quarried in the Lortmils. The furniture was also of local make, being the only the finest oakwork made by the master craftsmen of Oakham. The ceiling was rather low, but the woodworks were incrediblly intricate, describing many scenes from local history as well as portraying some of the Flanaess more colorful personages and their tales. The dishes and utensils were of the finest silver, and came wrapped interestingly in a small cloth which matched another upon which the plates rested.

Floyd ordered and ate a hearty breakfast, while Darenna and Jeremy prefered more light dishes, Darenna also ordering a couple of local pastries. Considering the lavishness of the place, Darenna was concerned with her ability to pay; however, Floyd and Jeremy constantly reassured her that the price was actually, quite low.

Over breakfast with Darenna and Jeremy, Floyd became curious about Darenna's presence in Verbobonc. "You seem very young for one so confident and capable. What brings someone of your young ears to Verbobonc, Darenna? I know if I had a family and a home I wouldn't be so eager to leave it".


One of the priests of the cudgel, Graeneth thought to himself as he said his goodbyes to Kagan. Well, no need to be uncivil. They're better than some of the Trithereon priesthood.

"I'm glad the events of the theater turned out the way they did," Graeneth said, to no one in particular, as he looked found his way to the Temple of Pelor.

The temple square seemed deserted enough when Graeneth returned on his way to the temple. He stared at the smoking ruins of the theater, and looked at his own tattered attire and sighed. It wouldn't do to turn up unkempt tomorrow. With a little common sense, and a kind word and coin for a beggar, Graeneth found his way to the Temple of Pelor and made his lodging.

The next day Graeneth, with not many changes of clothing left, turned up in polished chainmail at the theater an hour before dawn and proceeded to wait for the rest, while surveying the burned down buidling himself.

Small plumes of smoke still rose from various places where the heat had yet died completely. The rear of the theater seemed in much better shape, though the central and front portions had been completely destroyed. Part of the right-hand wall was also intact, but Graeneth could see that no part of the roof had survived.

Two members of the watch stood before the ruined building. They held their thick cloaks tight against the chill morning air, and as they spoke, whisps of steam slipped from their mouths. As Graeneth approached, one of the guards noticed him, pointing him out to his companion. He could not hear what they said, but he relaxed when the one who had recognized him waved for him to come over.


Harlan slept fitfully that night, and sometime after midnight he woke up and decided he wouldn't be able to sleep anymore. He dressed and wandered out to the balcony. He stayed on the balcony until dawn broke, and then he went for a walk around the town.

There was still some time left before he would meet the others, so he decided to wait for them at a small restaurant in the vicinity of the ruined theater. The patrons were mostly night shift workers on their way home, not one of them known to him. He ordered a warm drink and a meal and watched the sun rise.

After he finished his meal, he went to the ruined theater. As he arrived, he saw Graeneth being called by the two guards standing watch.


The daywatch was astir when Kep'e arrived at the barracks. The great fire was being discussed boistrously and many daywatch guards had dressed and armed in case they were called out. The arrival of Publius and Kep'e caused a renewed clamour and Publious called out hails and greeting but told the daywatch to stand down and get some sleep, they would need it tomorrow.

Publius led Kep'e to an empty bunkk shushing the guardsman who wanted to ask about him.

Yawning widely Kep'e felt the rush filled mattress held in its frames by wood slats. Then quickly took the blanket off and rolling himself in it went to sleep on the floor beside the bunk.

The daywatch rose early and Kep'e awoke with them. Rising he spoke to the man in the bunk next to him. "Where food?"

The man, of medium size and elderly , perhaps as much as thirty years, laughed and said to the barracks in general "Looks like we have a veteran campaigner here"

Still laughing the guardsman turns back to Kep'e. "I'm Timeth of Nulb, The Boss wasn't handing out any free stories about last night but by the smokey smell of your hide you must have been right up against the great fire. We'll feed you but The Boss might want to see you, Hiram", he called out to a gangly young guardsman "See if his Nibbs is up and if he wants to talk with this smokey fellow."

"I Kep'e, " he said to Timeth " The Boss, he Publious?"

Timeth looked a Kep'e with respect "Publious he The Boss you bet." he said then winked at Kep'e. " Come on " he said "better wash up quick, we've got a pump and latrine inside the barracks."

As he washed up, Timeth walked up behind Kep’e. He laughed as he watched the young nomad negotiate his way around the small washbasin next to the pump.

I guess you aint had much use fer such things where yer from, eh? he asked, scratching his chin. No metter, youll git used to it. He then laughed again, slapping his leg emphatically, though I hope we shant!

Turn 14

"Thank you." Graeneth nodded to the two guards. "Well Harlan, if you'd join me... I don't quite know what we should be looking out for yet. But it wouldn't hurt to go once around the building, and look out for anything out of the ordinary. If we believe the fire was not accidental, then someone must have entered via some means, set the fire, and left. Perhaps we can discover some clue as to what kind of person or persons might have done so. We can begin by examining the entryways, doors and windows, while waiting for the rest." Graeneth spoke efficiently and clearly, used to giving instruction and command, but sensitive that he did not sound domineering to his newfound acquaintance.

Harlan followed Graeneth, here and there using his staff to poke in the rubble. He looked for clues in the rubble, though he wasn't sure what he was looking for. "I think it is safe to say that the fire starter must have left the building not long before the fire was noticed. Someone must have seen him, but I guess Publius will have made inquiries on that already."

"Where did you enter the building, through the main entrance?"

"Yes, I suppose so." Graeneth continued to busy himself with the search, even at the arrival for Kagan, Floyd, and the rest.

After a long, restless night of sleep in the Church, Kagan arose and said his morning prayers, being sure to thank St. Cuthbert for his deliverance of the boy and the rescuers from harm. He also prayed for guidance in finding the victimized woman that Floyd had pulled out of the blaze.

After a quick bite to break his fast, Kagan began the walk over to the destroyed theater. He was torn over the events of yesterday. He was outraged over the desecration of the poor woman, and wanted to find the killer(s). But at the same time he couldn't help but worry about his new friends. Whoever was responsible for the killing might not hesitate to add to his total if he thought that the party members were getting too close. They would all have to be extra careful in the upcoming days.

Kagan couldn't help but think that the boy, Toby might very well be the key to the mystery. He might have even witnessed the murder! That would certainly explain, at least partially, the severe shock the boy was in when Kagan last saw him. He would help for a bit at the theater, but then he thought he would find where the boy lived and check on his recovery and see if the boy could help at all.

As he approached the burned out shell he saw Harlan and Graeneth conversing with the guards that were assigned to the theater. At the sight of the Paladin, Kagan felt a momentary rise of old feuds. He squelched these as quickly as they had arisen. He had seen the Holy warrior enter the building to help the trapped victims with even less protection than what Kagan had afforded Floyd! He may not care for Graeneth's church affiliation, but he had to admit the warrior had guts. While they may never become friends, Graeneth had earned a grudging respect from Kagan. As he walked up to the group they seemed ready to disperse. Giving Harlan a warm greeting and giving Graeneth a terse nod, Kagan said, "How may I assist gentleman?"

"How are you this blessed morning Kagan?" replied Harlan. "We were just about to search the rubble for hints to the cause of the fire, why don't you join us?"

Seeing the three of them walking towards the theatre, Floyd picked up his pace. "Hold on there you two", Floyd shouted to get their attention.

Hearing Floyd's greeting just as they were about to round a corner, Harlan turned and signaled to the young thief to follow. "Good morning Floyd, have you seen any of the others?"

Harlan picked up a piece of charred wood, looked at it for a bit, then dropped it while looking with distaste at his soiled hands.

Catching up to Harlan, Kagan and Graeneth at the corner of the theatre Floyd said, "Good morning gentlemen, I hope you are all rested. Darenna, Jeremy and myself have enjoyed a hearty breakfast and we are ready to get this investigation under way.

"Has anyone seen Publius yet? I was hoping we could start straight away". Upon hearing that Publius had not arrived yet, he began to help them in their search of the perimeter of the theater.

Kep'e left the barracks heading for the area which had held such excitement the night before. He was a little perplexed at the disappearance of Publius but was unworried about the big warrior. His tribesmen had thought nothing irregular with "The Boss" taking off for parts unknown by himself before the break of dawn and their confidence reassured Kep'e.

He wandered down the seemingly endless streets marveling at the varied buildings. Why anyone would want to live like this was beyond him, but it piqued his curiosity. He felt that he would never understand or be unamazed by these towndwellers.

As he approached the burned building he saw several of the people from last night gathered nearby including Graeneth talking with some of Publius's tribesmen. To attract their attention Kep'e gave a loud yell "Hey-OOOT!" as he would to fellow nomads on the plains.

Together, the group managed a pretty thorough search of the area around the building, even poking in the debris a bit, although they kept this activity to a minimum so as not to upset the Constable. After a couple of hours, two priests of St. Cuthbert appeared on the scene with a jug of wine and some fresh bread. They were the same two whom Kagan had met the night before, and they wished to thank everyone for the courage they had shown the night before. Realizing there was nothing to discover without entering the ruins, the group decided to take a short break. Retiring to the shade of a nearby building, they sat on the ground as the two priests passed out large pieces of the warm bread, offering a small glass of wine as well.

Publius and Tymak made their way casually up the ramp leading to Greyfist, the citadel of the Viscount. As they crossed the drawbridge, two halberdiers, their polearms resting at ease, snapped quickly to attention, clapping the butts of their weapons on the stone floor with a crisp crack. As they passed through the courtyard, Tymak grinned childishly at Publius. "I always get a kick out of that," he said, chuckling.

Inside the courtyard, there was little activity. A few guards lazily went about their rounds, while a messenger, preparing for some unknown mission, finished tightening the straps on his mount's saddle. Across the courtyard was the Viscount's meeting hall. It was a rather unimpressive building, built by gnomes centuries before, at a time when artistic flair was overshadowed by practical necessity. Sine then, great arched windows had been cut into the sides, below the original round holes placed for ventilation, and all had been filled with intricately worked stained glass windows, made by Gnome craftsmen in the township of Tulvar.

A handful of Verbobonc's lesser nobility stood outside the massive front doors, dressed in their finest attire, awaiting audiences with their Lord, Viscount Wilfrick. As Publius and Tymak approached, they fell silent. While they nodded politely to Publius, their greetings to Tymak were coated with a sarcastic nuance. For his part, Tymak did not notice, or at least did not let on if he had, but Publius's glare at them as he passed made it clear that he understood their comments, that he understood them, and did not share them.

The two of them entered the hall, lavishly decorated with elaborate hanging curtains, beautifully worked Baklunish carpets, and the most ornately carved wooden chairs made by Oakham's famous craftsmen. On a raised dais, upon a rather simple chair, sat the Viscount.

He wore a fine robe of Olven design, a gift from the Fey of Celene after the great victory during Elemental War. It's green and blue colors seemed to blend into one another, slowly changing back and forth, giving one the impression, at once, of forests, sky and sea, endlessly flowing into one another. Wilfrick's brown hair now showed much more gray than it once had, especially at his temples, and his beard was nearly completely gray, though he yet seemed quite proud of it. Though he sat straight and proud, Publius noticed his eyes no longer held that excited spark, which had once inspired thousands, including him. Although the years of governing the Viscounty had definitely taken their toll on Wilfrick, it still seemed that the old man could outwrestle a she-bear and win.

Publius stood behind Tymak, who waited his appointed turn to meet with Wilfrick. When the time finally came, Wilfrick looked past Tymak and spoke first to Publius. "Ah, Publius, it has been too long since we've shared a walk along the Nigb. Where've you been, old friend?"

Before he could answer, Tymak spoke up quickly. "Our dear constable has some disturbing news to report, my lord. News of fire and murder most foul. When I heard he desired to speak with you, I bid him follow me." Looking back at Publius, he continued, "His news seemed much more urgent than boring fiscal concerns."

As Wilfrick sat back, a look of concern and dread spread over him, for he knew Publius would not bother him with such matters he were not truly worried. Looking at Tymak, he was doubly concerned, for nothing was as important to the Lord Mayor as the city's accounts. After ordering the chamber cleared, Wilfrick looked back at Publius. He then took a deep breath before speaking to Publius, not as a lord speaking to a vassal, but as one war veteran speaking to another.

"Well, Publius, this must really be something for the two of you to interrupt your regular affairs and bring this to me. So, what has happened?"

"It's mostly a feeling I have," Publius said. He describes, in detail, the events of the previous night. Publius tells the Viscount about the bravery of all involved, and of the eyeless corpse pulled out of the fire.

After listening to Publius's narration, Wilfrick sits back in his chair, crossing his hands on his lap. While his visage remained calm and impassive, Publius was quick to note the manner in which Wilfrick's thumbs rotated around each other, a nervous habit he had acquired. It was the Lord Mayor who finally broke the silence, saying, "My Lord Wilfrick, what shall we do. And what if it is related to the burning of the House of Pleasure, two weeks past?"

The incident Tymak referred to was the fire at Jerkin Bonefinger's House of Pleasure. Two weeks ago, it mysteriously caught fire and was nearly completely burned to the ground. When Publius had investigated the matter, it seemed a broken lamp had started the fire. Luckily, some priests of St. Cuthbert had been in the vicinity, and were able to keep the fire from spreading to nearby buildings.

"If this was the work of the same person or persons," replied Wilfrick, "Verbobonc could be in serious danger indeed. You are to devote all of your time to this problem, dear Constable. Find who is responsible and bring them before me. If you have need of anything, you need only ask. For now, I shall assign you an additional 20 of my personal guards, to assist you in your task." Looking at Tymak, he continued, "Since we do not want to lend to paranoia amongst the city, let us keep this quite, for now." Tymak bowed his head in obedience, as Wilfrick went on.

"Further, Publius, I want you to keep me informed. You may arrange meetings through my counselor, Lerrick. Now, I must return to my duties, and leave you to yours. You may leave. You, on the other hand," and Wilfrick looked at Tymak once again, "you remain. I believe we yet have other matters to discuss."

Turn 15

As two guards led Publius from the hall, he could hear Tymak and Wilfrick speaking of the city's financial situation. For all he sometimes hated the ugliness of his job, he wouldn't trade it for either of theirs. As he left, Wilfrick called to him one last time. "Oh, and if you need anything else, my advisor, Lerrick, shall help you."

Publius nodded, and as he walked out, he told Lerrick his fears about the murder and arson being related to some sort of cult activity. After explaining the situation, he asked Lerrick to check with the Reverent Brothers, to see what they may know of such things. Lerrick bridled at the idea of taking orders from Publius, but, considering ilfrick's pronouncement, he could not do otherwise. He would go and speak with the Reverent Brothers, and send his findings to Publius by the evening. As he bowed his head obediently to Publius, his dark stare told Publius that Lerrick was not please in the least. As he left Grayfist, Publius shook his head at Lerrick's behavior, wishing the politics of Verbobonc would pass him by. Walking back towards the theater, he considered other avenues, other means of gathering information. Betham the Sage lived just down the street from him, where he owned Verbobonc's only bookstore. As he made his way to the theater, he made a mental note to call on Betham when he had the chance. Publius approached the rear of the ruined theater, stopping for a moment to take a good look at it in the morning light. It seems safe enough to enter, but from the destruction, he doubted he'd find anything useful. He turned down the side alley, slowly making his way to the front, when he heard the sound of voices speaking loudly. Looking ahead, he could see the group of adventurers and priests which had shown so much courage the night before. Perhaps there was more to them than your average wanderers.

As the group sat in the shade, sating their hunger and thirst with the priests's gifts, they went over the previous night again. Yes, they would definately have to enter the ruins, but the guards would not let them until Publius arrived. Just then, they heard footsteps down the alley. Turning that way, they saw Publius, slowly walking towards them.

Kep'e wasn't quite sure what the others were looking for. The burned ruin of a building was a new experience for him and he breathed in the pungent scent carefully so as to not dull his sense of smell. The others seemed absorbed in scanning the remains but were reluctant to dig in as Kep'e would have done. Following the idea that it was normally best to do in the South as these Southerns did he kept from disturbing much of anything himself. Still the experience wore a bit thin so he picked up a few pieces of burnt wood and began experimenting with the charcol. He was first to withdraw to the shade and busied himself with drawing patterns his father had shown him on an unburnt piece of board with the blackend end of another. After a bit everyone who had gathered at the ruined building had also come to sit in the shade. It was a quiet morning, perhaps the tragedy of the night before had brought a somber pall upon the street, and conversation was muted. Kep'e had fairly covered the board with spirals and designs makking it into a type of good luck charm marker he set it down letting fate take it away. He was taking out a small cloth to wrap several good pieces of charcol in to save for a later day when glancing up he saw Publius striding toward them. He quickly put away the cloth wrapped charcol and jumped up giving a wave to Publius and starting out towards him.

Darenna thanked the priests for the satisfying lunch and said to Jeremy with a wide smile, " Please don't think me too forward, but just where did you get your red hair? It's a very unusual color?" "No offense," replied Jeremy with a grin. "This is a gift from my father and, I guess, from my small Suel heritage. It is true that you don't see this color too often. My friends in Greyhawk city used to call me Fiery Jeremy!" Darenna laughed at the comment and was about to reply when she noticed Publius approaching. "Oh!, she said, pointing down the ally. "Look, here comes the official, Publius, now maybe we can really do something!" "Ho there!" Publius called out, nodding to everyone. "Have you found anything yet, other than quality charcoal? I guess it's time to get to work!" "Thank you, all, for coming here this morning to help! I would have been here sooner, but I paid a visit to the Viscount. He sends his appreciation. Now! How shall we proceed? What say we examine the ruins first. Later, we can pay a visit to Toby, and check on his curious state."

Floyd finished off the remaining wine in his glass and approached Publius on his arrival. "Greetings Publius, we are all ready to start the investigation of the theatre. We have had a look around the perimeter while waiting your arrival, but we didn't find anything worth mentioning. I assume you want to start the investigation in the room were I found the body".

Harlan finished his meal and followed right behind Floyd. "So Floyd, do you think you can find the room?" Kagan followed along behind Harlan and the others curious to see what could be gleaned from the examining of the room if it could even be reached. He knew very little about what to look for or even how to start. He was intrigued to see what the others looked for and how they used that information. He was eager to help, but out of his element. He would see what they could find but was still determined to see about visiting Toby later in the day. Floyd looked back at Harlan, shrugging his shoulders. "I'm not sure; it was hard to see where I was before, and the buildings hardly there now. But, I will do my best to find the location of the room amongst the rubble." Publius put a hand on Floyds shoulder, waving his other hand before them. "That is all we can ask for. Looking back at the others, he continued, I will lead the way into the ruined theater, if everyone is ready?"

As they approached the building, ready to investigate the rubble, Jeremy mentioned to Publius that he could cast a detect magic spell over the area. As it seemed like a good plan, Publius agreed. Stepping up to the building, Jeremy began to cast his spell. As he projected his thoughts over the ruins, he could faintly sense the residual aftereffects of magical energies; however, they may have been caused by the wizard and his wand. Noting nothing of any strength, he turned to Publius and shrugged his shoulders. It was not difficult to find the exit Floyd had used the night before. Located towards the back of the theater, it was yet intact. The group entered tentatively, the smell of burned wood assaulting their noses. For the most part, the hallway was intact, although the ceiling had collapsed in a few places. With a bit of work, they were able to make their way through these sections, careful not to cause a further collapse. When they reached the door that had been spided shut, Floyd explained how he had found and later removed them. Publius nodded, though the door and walls were too burned to provide any further clues.

Floyd led them further into the ruins, to an area which had been severly damaged by the fire. The faint smell of oil still lingered in the room, and Flody reiterated how he had found the empty keg on the floor. Although the entire room had collapsed, Floyd could make out where he had found the body. The spot now lay under a pile of rubble, which seemed quite unstable. Clearing the room would likely take the better part of the day, and Publius reasoned they would require the aid of some carpenters and masons to remove the debris safely. He would not risk any lives needlessly, thus, he reasoned they may as well check on Toby while he has workmen carefully clear the room.

Before they could leave, however, Harlan stepped into the room. "Hold a moment," he said to the others. "I may be able to pick up something." While the rest of the party stood back, Harlan began to pray to Celestian, placing his hands upon his head with his fingertips spread along his cheeks and temples. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes in concentration.

Suddenly, he eyes popped open, and Kagan, who was standing beside him, saw a look of complete terror in them. Harlans mouth dropped open as he stood, transfixed. Tears ran down eyes which seemed simultaneously sightless as well as horrified. Although it lasted but briefly, it seemed an eternity to Kagan, who desperately wanted to reach out to Harlan but was afraid to interupt the experience. Finally, Harlans entire body shuddered as his hands grabbed handfuls of hair. He looked up and wailed savagely, his hands tearing tufts of hair from his own head, and then he feinted, collapsing into Kagan's waiting arms.

Turn 16

Floyd is shocked into silence on seeing Harlan's reaction to the spell. Looking around at eveyone's surprised faces he finally finds his voice "Well lay me down, I don't like the look of that". "Let's get him out of here," Publius said, helping Kagan to take hold of poor Harlan. Publius felt a chill going down his spine, but repressed the feeling -- he didn't want the others to know that he felt any fear. He began to feel that whatever evil forces were at work here must be beyond the what a simple town constable could handle.

Darenna assisted with helping Publious and Kagan as best she could to get Harlan out of the building. "Poor Harlan," she thought to herself. "Something has affected him deeply."

The three of them carried Harlan's limp form from the room, while the rest of the group followed behind them. They carefully passed him over the rubble-filled section of corridor, half carrying half dragging him through the soot-covered debris.

As they exited the building, Harlan began to come around. They laid him on the ground, leaning him against the stone wall of the building on the opposite side of the alley. He blinked his eyes confusedly, looking up at his companions.

"What, how...did I get here?" he asked as he rubbed his forehead with one hand.

Kagan was horrified by the look and actions of Harlan. He had heard of such a spell but had never seen it used, and had never imagined such a reaction. He joined the Darenna and the others in assisting Harlan out of the building. He looked Harlan over to see if there was anything physically wrong and once satisfied of Harlan's health he tried to comfort the man and explain what he had seen Harlan do.

"Its okay just take it easy for the nonce and rest. Whatever you saw will keep for a second or two. Collect yourself then you can tell us what occured in there."

Floyd kneels down in front of Harlan before saying. "We carried you here, but before that you were casting your spell. Then all of a sudden you were wailing and tearing your hair out, then you just feinted. It was lucky Kagan was there to catch you. Do you remember any thing?".

It took a while before Harlan said anymore, the look of shock and horror was still on his face as he started to speak. "I never knew a soul could harbour such cruelty..."

He looked around to the faces of his companions, they were all staring at him, he knew they wanted to hear what he had just witnessed, and so he told them. "I have cast this spell before, but never have the images been so vivid, the thought so clear and strong... It was like I entered the very mind of the vile murderer, I saw through his eyes and felt her skull give way beneath the hammer in my hand. My face smiled as if I savoured the gruesome deed, even though my mind cried out in terror and denial.

Her eyes were the brightest emerald, but he pierced them with the spikes. She died after the first spike was hammered into her brain, but he proceeded to blind her other eye too, as if to prevent her dead body from witnessing another heinous crime."

Harlan paused and stared ahead without blinking, as if afraid of being captured in a nightmare. "She was beautiful, maybe Baklunish, her clothes reminded me of the Far West, but maybe that was a costume for a play."

"It didn't seem to me as if it was a ritual, he was far to efficient for that. But then again, the ocular spiking suggests otherwise. He must have been very superstitious if nothing else. Let us leave this place."

When Harlan suggest leaving the vicinity of the theatre Floyd proposes, "How about we go and see little Toby, perhaps he will have more to offer. In the meantime Publius can arrange for the debris in the room to be removed, and we can come back later for a closer inspection".

"Sounds good," Publius said. "By the way, you don't have to talk about me in the third person, as if I weren't here."

I think we definitely should go see Toby! I think he may have witnessed the whole thing. By the way Publius, could you get hold of the Theater manager and see if the victim worked there. Or if anyone has come forward looking for a missing person? If Toby cant answer us yet we may have to work from the victims end of things. And that will be much tougher so anything would help.

Kep'e looked around the area of the fire and followed the group through the charred building remains looking for anything they may have overlooked. He had experience with shamanistic magic (as a spectator and victim) but not much priestly or wizardly. He didnt really think any of his skills from the plains would avail him in this odd setting, yet, he looked around none the less.

Publius told the guards to send for Jalal and have him meet them at Tobys. Publius then led the group across the plaza, with Darenna and Kagan helping Harlan who still seemed a bit shaken.

The past between the rear of the Church of St. Cuthbert and a large manor, built as if it were a miniature castle. Its large stone blocks testified to its age, as most of Verbobonc’s other buildings are contructed from smaller stones and even bricks.

Battlements lined the rooftop, and a couple of crenelated towers rose even higher. Publius saw noticed the companionss interested gaze, and told them that this was the manor of Lady Kathryn Sarcina, head of one of Verboboncs greatest noble houses and as fine a lady as ever graced a royal ball.

Past the manor, they turned left, following a small street behind the manor. It shortly opened into a rather large park dotted with fruit trees. Small dirt paths crisscrossed the park, and Publius explained that they divided its trees into small groups, communally cared for by the surrounding residents. Publius pointed out Tobys house, a squat building across the park where a guard leaned againt the wall beside the door.

Turn 17

"Well I don't think we should all go in and question Toby, it will only frighten the poor lad. So if Publius and whoever is going to cast a spell goes in the rest can wait outside".

Harlan gives Floyd a nervous glance. I had planned to try a few divinations on Toby... find out whether he still has any emotions... he won't have if his soul is trapped. I wanted to try and read his mind...could give us more clues... I don't know...maybe tomorrow. Who knows what horrors lurk inside his mind, maybe his mind is held captive inside his head...

Sounds good," Publius said. "That's what we'll do, if everyone's alright with that."

Harlan watches Publius closely, making no move to enter the house.

"I'd like to see him." Graeneth, having been quiet since the theatre, spoke up. "I pulled him out and I'd like to see how he's doing. Maybe we can talk to the mother as well. She seemed a bit too quick in leading her son away despite his obvious strangeness. I'll stand at the back though, constable, and not get in the way."

Floyd while waiting outside will take a walk around Toby's house. On the lookout for anybody keeping an eye on the house, or any sign that somebody has been watching the house during the night.

As the young black garbed man began to move away from the group at the front of the dwelling, Kep'e approached him.

"Take walk, see round, hmm, 'House'? Kep'e said to Floyd. "Me no, ,hmm, have no, magic, no spells, but maybe use eyes,find something, someone, round 'House', Go with you? OK?"

Darenna saw Floyd & Kep'e start exploring the exterior of the building and decided to join them, if for nothing other than the conversation. "Hey guys, mind if I tag along?" Darenna asked as she strode up to Floyd and Kep'e.

Kep'e had just spoken to the dark garbed man when a womans voice called from behind. Turning he saw the tall (At least a head taller than a tiger nomad woman, and almost Kep'es own height) warrior woman from the night before.

"Szervusz!" He said with a smile which turned into an apologetic grin "Hello, please yes." he said and turned to Floyd "Yes?" he asked.

" I, hmm, I am Kep'e, you...? He asked.

"Hi, Kep'e. My name is Darenna. It's nice to meet you!" Darenna said warmly to the young Nomad. "Have you been in Verbobonc long?" Darenna will speak slowly and clearly to Kep'e, to try to put him at ease, as she realizes that he has not mastered Common yet.

"Darenna," Kep'e said back with a thick accent "Yesterday, been in Verbobonc, get... here...yesterday. Was guard, caravan, met warrior, Graeneth, and shaman, how you say, 'Priest' Pol. Met warrior chief, Publious yesterday."

"You been Verbobonc long?" he asked Darenna.

Floyd smiles, happy to accept Kepe's offer to help. Turning to address everyone he asks, "Anybody else fancy a walk around the block".

Kagan looked at the house regretfully. He wanted to see Toby as well, but the logic of the others made sense, too many people might scare the poor kid even more. "Wait up, I'm coming! He hurried to catch up to Floyd and the others. At least this would give him time to properly introduce himself to the woman and nomad that he had just briefly met.

"Maybe Harlan and I could go to the Silver consortium library and have look there to try to learn more about this...ritual" hastenly said Jeremy, trying to releave the embarrassment on Harlan. "They didn't accept me as a member but they will surely let us consult their references"

"I'm not a priest and I guess this is not the kind of question Harlan beliefs adress very often but there may be some information there at the library. This really looks like a religious ritual to me."

"Hum, Kagan, if you don't go inside with Publious, may I suggest you ask some questions at your church? Or if you prefer, you could come with us."

"We could all get together again for supper at the Jylees Inn, a fine establishment is'n it Darenna?

"Yes, Jeremy is right! The Jylees Inn has excellent food. This is a good idea - we'll see you at the Inn later, then?" Darenna said. "I wonder how Toby is?"

Jeremy smiled, then asked Harlan, "Are you coming, Harlan?"

Kagan looked up at and smiled at the offer by Jeremy. "Go ahead Jeremy, I will go with Floyd and the others and then check at my church later when we get done with our search here. And dinner sounds wonderful!"

Kagan nods at the back of Harlan. "Watch him.", Kagan whispered to Jeremy. "He looks lost." Kagan then rejoined the others.

Looking quite relieved, Harlan agrees to Jeremy's suggestion. "I believe we may be able to find relevant information on the nature of young Toby's illness there. I am still a bit shaken by the experience in the theatre, and a small investigation in a library might help to take my mind off this. If you approve Publius, I will visit Toby later today, I believe I shall be better able to concentrate on my magic when the images from this morning have faded a bit."

"Fine," Publius said, although he looked a bit annoyed. "But I'm going to check on him now." Turning back to the house, he nodded to the guard who had suddenly seemed as alert as if he were guarding a king's treasure. Stepping up to the house, Publius knocked on the door. Graeneth waits calmly and circumspectly behind him, an idle hand on his sword hilt.

Publius's mother opened the door, and Publius could immediately see that all was not well. Her face was haggard, and the circles under here eyes indicated she had not slept well.

"Oh, constable, thank the Gods you've come. It is Toby. He will not talk to me. He just sits there, not moving, not talking. I fed him some soup, but he just ate quietly, staring blankly ahead."

She looked as if she were about to cry, when she put a couple fingers to her lips. "I...I don't know." Looking up at Publius's face, she said, "I'm afraid for him."

The rest of the group was just about to go their separate ways, when the scene at the door unfolded. They stopped, watching from afar, waiting to see what would happen.

Turn 18

"Gentlemen," Graeneth paused as he called out to the departing group, "and lady, I think some of our healing and divination is necessary here. I think the library, and dinner, can wait." With a nod to Publius, polite enough not to overstep his boundary as a newcomer in town, Graeneth took the hand of the woman.

"Milady, my companions here are very concerned over the well-being of your son and are more than willing to determine what is wrong with him. Permit us to enter and two or three of my friends will have a look at your son."

"Constable, shall we?" Graeneth stood close to the woman, and looked back to the group, nodding his head as if beckoning them to come quickly. Publius nodded, somberly.

The woman sighed, "Oh, thank you kind sir." Her blue eyes seemed to regain a measure of hope as she looked at Graeneth, understanding truth of his words.

"I am sorry I rushed away, last night. I had thought Toby would be fine with a night's rest. Alas, I was wrong. Please, come in. He's all I have, you know."

"Please, be anxious no further." Graeneth gently took the woman's hand and walked her back into the house towards Toby, trusting that his companions were coming. "The constable will take care of things."

"Good job, Graeneth," Publius said under his breath. He then scanned the interior of Toby's house, looking for anything strange or out of the ordinary.

Entering through the back door, the trio found themselves in a large room, taking up most of the ground floor. In the corner was a small oven, from which the smell of baking bread escaped, filling the house with its welcome aroma. Benches and cupboards lined the walls to either side of the oven, and in the small sink was a stack of dishes, waiting to be cleaned. An old wooden table sat in the middle of the room, and Tobys mother motioned them to have a seat. As Graeneth and Publius sat at the table, Tobys mother slipped through a doorway across the room. They could hear her footsteps on a flight of stairs beyond the doorway as she went upstairs. She returned a moment later, leading a vacant Toby by the hand.

"Perhaps you have some idea of who might have set fire to the theater, and caused this to happen to your son." Graeneth sat her down at wherever she was heading towards and listened to her patiently.

While Graeneth has the attention of Toby and his mother, Floyd takes a look around the house. He will look for any signs of forced entry, or anything that looks out of place in the house.

"Darenna," Kep'e said back with a thick accent "Yesterday, been in Verbobonc, get... here...yesterday." (OOC- though it strangely seems like weeks ;) "Was guard, caravan, met warrior, Graeneth, and shaman, how you say, 'Priest' Pol. Met warrior chief, Publious yesterday." "You been Verbobonc long?" he asked Darenna.

"No, Kep'e, I just got here as the fire was starting. I don't think we'll be of much help here. I have no spells or magic, just a good strong arm and a willingness to help." Darenna replied.

As Darenna walked toward the house Kep'e shrugs and follows Floyd and Kagan. He watches for signs of of anyone who may have approached the house or may be watching it now.

Kep'e is leary of anything which may be a shamanistic sign, he clutchs a totem bag which he wears around his neck which supposedly has protective powers.

"Anything you can tell us," Publius said to Toby's mother, "Anything at all, may be of use."

Seeing the exasperated look of Tobys mother had made Harlan stop and wonder why he was leaving. There was no way he would find more clues in a library than with his spells. His curiosity got the better of him then and he started to walk back towards Publius and Graeneth, whose words only served to hasten his pace.

"Hey, Harlan," called Jeremy, "are you sure you want to go through this again? Kagan and Pol could do the job!"

"I need to see if my spells yield any useful knowledge Jeremy. I'll meet you in the library in a while."

"Well...You know what you are doing. I, for one, cannot do anything useful there. This is something better handled by priestly magic and soothing words. Tell the others that I will proceed to the library and meet them again for supper. Thanks!" Jeremy will then walk to the library and see if he can't learn more about this whole affair.

When Harlan reached the house again, he hesitated outside the door a bit, but with an expression of resolve on his face went inside. Harlan walked into the room just as Tobys mother had entered with Toby, and the far off look in Tobys eyes reassured Harlan he had done right to return."With your permission, Publius, and yours my lady, I will try to read Toby's mind. If I may I will also try to establish a link with Toby so that I will know if he is in danger."

If Publius and the woman agrees to this, Harlan will cast "Emotion Read", and if he is still conscious, Celestian willing, he will cast "Mind Read" to get more clues. He will then follow up with "Sacred Guardian", just in case someone's out to get Toby,

Harlan will know.

Darenna then decided to follow the others into the house, thinking that Toby's Mother should be distracted while the others do their thing and that she might respond more towards another female. Entering the house, she said to Toby's Mother, "Would it be too much trouble for a glass of water?"

She looked at Darenna, replying, Why yes, as she stepped over to the sink. When she started to go and get the water, Darenna followed her, thinking to get her to sit down and drink the water as well.

When she reached the sink, Tobys mother reached for the pail of water, only to find it empty. She then turned, tears in her eyes. Toby usually gets the morning water. I... She wiped the tears from her face, straightening up her frame. I shall run and fetch some, and the dishes, she continued, pointing to the sink, I must do my dishes.

Darenna reached out and put her hand over Tobys mothers, offering her whatever comfort she could. She gently took the pail from her, and placed it back on the counter. Then Darenna insisted that she sit down and rest for a few minutes.

Kagan curiously followed Floyd watching him look for clues. He himself saw nothing out of the ordinary, but Floyd seemed to know just what to look for. "What are you expecting to find Floyd?" Do you think that the boy is still in danger and if so what can I do to help you?"

While investigating a downstairs window, Floyd answered Kagan's question. "Toby looks like he has been put under some type of spell. Now that might have happened at the theatre, but for all we know it could have occurred here, with Toby then used to start the fire and maybe murder the women. I'm going to check the doors and windows for any signs of forced entry. And then you can help me check Toby's room just in case some component of the spell has been left there".

Kagan watched Floyd and the others somewhat helplessly. He had originally intended to speak to Toby personally, but the with this many people, and the admonishment not to upset young Toby, he had felt somewhat left out. He wanted to help but had been thinking of some way to contribute. Suddenly he snapped his fingers! "Floyd, Kepe! I may have a way of keeping an eye on the house tonight! He began rummaging in his pouch looking for spell components. "Kepe, would you be so kind as to find me a nice fat worm? I think we might have a surprise for any trespassers!"

"O.K." Kep'e says to Kagan.

Looking around Kep'e sees a shrub with a moist patch of ground around it, he draws his dagger and cuts a rectangle of earth away and upends it . With the hilt of his dagger he breaks the clumb of damp soil up and sifting through it seperates out several squirming earthworms. Rising and turning to Kagan he offers him the choice of three or four.

"Here, Kagan, OK?" he says.

"That will be perfect Kep'e, Thank you!" "What this spell is supposed to do is summon a small animal or bird to do my bidding for a day or so. I thought that we could set it here as a guardian to warn us if anyone approached Toby's window in the night.

Anyone approaching may not think twice about a bird in a tree nearby, they will be looking for signs of humans here. I am going to try to find a bird, because we will want to be warned quickly. I just hope that the spell works the way I hope it will."

Moving away from Kep'e and Floyd, Kagan begins to make his preparations for the spell. Grasping his holy symbol and calling upon the name of St. Cuthbert, Kagan begins the spell. As he intones the wording of the spell he began to feel the effects taking shape. He only hoped that it went the way he was hoping....Soon, a large blue jay flew across the park, landing on Kagan's outstretched finger.

While all of this was happening, Publius stood by, waiting patiently. Publius is thinking about stories he has heard about trapped souls, the VOID, magic jars and so on. When he gets a chance, he whispers these speculations to Graeneth and Kagan.

In the meantime, Harlan sat Toby at the table and began his preparations. Taking a piece of wax from his pouch, he cut off a square. He then stuck it to Tobys forehead as he spoke a prayer to Celestian. Waving his fingers before Tobys face, the wax seemed to melt into his forehead. Harlans face scrunched up and he held his breath in concentration. He then relaxed, turning back to Publius.

Well, the boy is in there, he said. I definately picked up something. Looking back at Toby, he continued, Odd though, he seemed happy. I believe I shall have to delve deeper. Placing his hand on Tobys head, Harlan spoke another prayer, this time that Celestian may reveal the boys thoughts.

Turn 19

Harlan glanced back at Publius, "I have been thinking along similar paths Publius, but I do not have the experience with these kinds of magical effects to tell if such a spell is the cause of Toby's failure to respond to external stimuli."

"This is indeed strange. Toby's conciousness seems to have been locked up in the deepest recesses of his mind. He is definitely in there, but I had to delve long to find any trace of him. He is apparently reliving happy memories from when he was younger, but I have no idea how his consciousness was repressed in this way. If you will excuse me gentlemen, I want to ask Toby's mother a few questions."

Harlan walked into the kitchen, hesitating at the kitchen door as if unwilling to disturb Toby's mother and Darenna. "Excuse me ladies, I have some news about Toby's condition, and I also have some questions to ask. It seems like Toby has retreated deep into his own mind and is reliving memories from past times. Apparently he remembers a time, a few years ago, when he lived on the plains south of the town, not far south, an hour on foot perhaps. In his memory he was running along a hilltop, with a grown man, perhaps his father? He seemed very happy anyway."

"Yes," she replied, wiping back another tear. "That was a few years ago. We went for a picnic south of town, before Jon died of the fever. Such a beautiful spring day."

He stops waiting for Toby's mother to confirm or deny his guesses. "Did you use to live outside the city walls?"

"Oh no, we have always lived here," she answered. "Jon worked on the docks, like his father before him. But he so loved the country."

"After that I wasn't able to see much more, but just before the spell ended I saw a flash of gold, I can't say for sure what it was, but it seemed to me like I saw a tall man, the golden flash being his raiment. Maybe it is nothing more than my imagination though. Nevertheless I should perhaps ask you, madam, if you have ever met a tall man in golden clothes, or if such a person has expressed interest in Toby?"

She looked at Harlan, a puzzled expression on her face. "I do not think so. Golden clothes? I don't remember seeing any such thing. Although, there were golden costumes at the theater. We used them for a Keoish play last season. They were long robes, priest robes, I think. I'm sorry, that's all I know."

Back with the rest of the group (away from Toby's mother anyway, so as to spare her from more worry), Harlan will continue to ponder these new questions.

"Maybe Toby witnessed something so dreadful that he couldn't handle it. That could explain why he's now reliving memories of happier times. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he actually witnessed the dreadful killing in the theater. Toby is probably our best clue as to what happened that night, if we can only get him back."

"We might try to communicate with him telepathically, That could be a way of reaching him. I have heard that magical means exist to communicate in such a manner, but neither do I know where such magic is to be found nor if it would actually work."

Then how can we find out what is wrong?" Publius whispered to Harlan and the others, out of the mother's earshot. "And what does the golden clothing signify?"

Floyd thinks out loud, "What priesthood wears gold robes". Turning to Publius he then asked, "what shall we do now".

Still keeping his voice low, Harlan answered, "maybe we could talk to whoever used to run the theater? Someone should be able to tell us what the play was about, and if those priestly robes were robes of an actual religion. It could also be interesting to find out who played the part of the golden-robed character, we might be able to find some clues there."

Floyd considers Harlan's suggestion before replying. "Well if everybody has finished with Toby, we may as well go and find whoever used to run the theatre".

"Reasonable course of action," Publius said in agreement. "Perhaps we should split up to make inquiries. Harlan, perhaps you and Graenath could visit your religious brethren in the city, to inquire about any possible priesthoods that incorporate gold into their religion. I don't know if a priestly cult is truly involved or not, but it can't hurt to ask around."

Turning to Publius Floyd adds, "I assume you are going to leave the guard on Toby's house for the time being?"

"But of course," Publius replied. "To do anything else would be uncivilized."

"Meanwhile, Floyd, Kep'e, Darenna, Jeremy and I will visit some local sages and wizards, to ask about the symptoms that Toby is displaying. Is he just in shock, or is he under some enchantment? It may help to get an 'expert opinion' on this matter. Then I think I know some theater people we can question, about the mysterious golden cloth."

"How does that sound to everybody? Of course, I'll have guards posted around both Toby's house and the burnt ruins of the theater, as well. If anyone has any other suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them."

Floyd nods in agreement to Publius's suggestion.

Darenna says, "Officer Publius, if you don't mind, I'd like to stay her with Toby's mother. There seems to be a lot to be done here - nothing spectacular - just the mundane things like fetching water, dishes, the animals. I'm more than willing to take care of things, and I can keep an eye out for both her and Toby. She needs to rest - I'm sure she'll be up all night, again, with Toby. I've only just arrived in Verbobonc and don't know anyone or even where to start, although I sure would like to talk to that ancient one, Iberoas, again. Maybe I can find him tomorrow!"

Harlan is happy with this course of action. He will go visit some of his superiors, and Mornyst too, maybe he can shed some light on the mystery. Some of the higher-up priests might have heard of such eye-gouging rituals, we could ask them while we're at it.

Meanwhile, outside the house, Kagan regarded the blue jay wonderingly. It never ceased to amaze him of the way Cuthbert answered the prayers of his followers. He spoke a quick prayer of gratitude and then whispered to the bird, "Thank you as well, Little One."

Kagan offered the bird the worms given to him by K'epe. The blue jay pecked daintily at the meal offered. Soon all of the worms were consumed and the bird perched as if waiting for instructions from Kagan. "What I need you to do is to warn me of anyone going to that window tonight." Kagan motions at Toby's window. He knew he had to speak slowly and clearly or the bird would not be able to follow his directions. "Come warn me quickly."

The bird continued to regard Kagan as if understanding his words. I will show u where I will stay and you must warn me of anyone approaching that window."

Kagan hoped it was a simple enough task for the bird. Putting the bird on his shoulder, Kagan checked with Publius on the posting of a guard.

"Publius if you could instruct the guard to watch Toby, but not actually get close to the boys window, I might be able to help catch whoever might show up meaning him harm. If he could just stay inside the house perhaps? Use your best judgment but I think that this will catch any trespassers."

"I think that is a sound suggestion, Kagan." Publius said. "I had already planned to set a guard to watch the boy's window. I'll tell the guards to try to stay nearby, but inconspicuous. Okay?"

"Now, I suggest we split up, to gather what information that we can. Once again, allow me to thank you all for your help. It is greatly appreciated. If any of you get into trouble, of any kind, do not hesitate to alert the Watch and have them send for me."

Graeneth, having assured himself that the mother was well comforted, thanks to the warm ease Darenna had conveyed, stepped towards where the rest of the group was. "Ok constable, I'd be happy to go round to the temple of Pelor again to check with the priests. I might probably head back here tonight to check with the guards again. I don't sleep much anyway." Graeneth shrugged. "Not that I don't trust your bird friend." Graeneth said with a smile to Kagan and prepared to leave with the rest.

"I'll be here when you return." Darenna said, wishing all of her new friends success in their endeavors to gather information and sets to the tasks at hand. She tries to get Toby's mother to lie down and rest, reassuring her that she (Darenna) will watch over

Toby and the house and take care of a few chores.

With everything seemingly decided, Graeneth, Kagan and Harlan departed separately. Graeneth and Kagan intended to seek out their superiors for information regarding the yellow robes and the gouged eyes. For his part, Harlan decided it were best to pay a visit to his old mentor. Darenna waved one last time before shutting the door, and her soft voice can be heard inside, comforting Tobys mother. Publius then turned to the rest of the group, when he noticed Jeremys absence. Unaware of what had transpired outside, Harlan filled him and the others in about Jeremy heading to the Academy. Nodding, Publius then led Floyd and Kepe back through the park.

Retracing their steps, the trio entered the now familiar surroundings of the temple square. To their left, they could see Kagan walking around the corner of the Church of St. Cuthbert. Dozens of people milled about the square. Some were near the burned theater, and from the excited gesticulations of one kid, it was clear he was explaining the events of the night before. The two guards saw Publius, the younger standing up straight while the older smiled, nodding his head to the Constable.

They continued across the square, and Publius pointed out to Floyd their destination, the Constabulary. The sour look on Floyds face at the thought of entering the building brought an immediate smile to Publius while Kepe just looked at the two, not comprehending the silent exchange. A handful of guards emerged just as they were about to enter through the buildings rear door, and Publius quickly told them to seek out the theater manager and bring him hear, now. As the watchmen departed, Floyd realized with a sigh that he would not have to enter the city jail after all.

Kagan turned the corner and passed by churchs chapel. From within, he could hear the chanting voices of a service, and as he walked by the front door, he could see a small group of worshippers within, being led in their prayers by an older priest. With a short prayer himself, Kagan continued across the front of the church, finally entering the rectory on the side of the church. Therein, he found another young priest, sitting behind a desk. Speaking with him, he found out this was one of the new acolytes, Sem, assistant to Canon Helver. Upon hearing Kagans request to meet with Canon Helver, Sem checked his ledger. The Canon would be available after mass, if Kagan cared to wait.

Meanwhile, Jeremy had slipped through a covered alley, and emerged on another small street which took him back to the Civic Center. The mornings bustling crowd had diminished, but many vendors remained, anxious to attract the few travelers and late-arriving townsfolk. Moving through the maze of carts and stands, Jeremys attention was drawn to three men who were arguing with one of the merchants.

From the way they stood, as well as the large swords hanging from their belts, the three were obviously warriors. One was rather short, with a dark complexion, curly black hair and solid-colored clothes denoting his Flan heritage. The other two were taller, and dressed in the distinctive diamond-patterned checkered garb current in Furyondy. They were quite a bit taller than the old man, whose grizzled skin clearly revealed one who had seen his share of years.

The men were yelling at the man about faulty magic, or something like that. Jeremy couldnt quite tell, but it was the reference to magic which had drawn his attention. The old man shook his head vehemently, pointing back at the warriors as he denied their charges. Suddenly, one of the taller men reached across the mans cart, grabbing him by shirt. As he yanked him forwards, the cart nearly toppled over, spilling a couple small glass bottles which shattered when they hit the ground, spilling their yellow fluid on the cobblestones.

"Your potions are fake, old man," he yelled into the merchants now scared face. "And Kolas is dead because of it!" He then spun around, tossing the old man to the ground where he landed with a crack. A couple other merchants came around their carts as if to intervene, when the trio drew their swords menacingly.

"Dont waste your lives on this charlatan," said the short Flan, eyeing the small mob of merchants who had approached. "The potions he sold us were fake, and they cost the life of our companion, Kolas. Turning back to the cowering old merchant, he took a step forwards, grimly saying, "Now, we intend to take his."

Turn 20

Floyd waited for the watchmen to depart before asking, "Publius what type of man is the theatre manager". "Don't know," Publius said, "I've never met him. Perhaps I can send for him, and we can find out." Publius will instruct a nearby watchman to locate and bring the former theater manager to him for questioning. Kep'e watched the strange proceedings with an amused eye. He had seen some exchange go between Publius and Floyd but could not make sense of it. He felt that they were on some type of hunt but was unsure of who or what exactly they were looking for. He could feel the intensity of emotion and expectation which this group was going through but he just didn't understand enough of their ways to feel such things himself. The fire, the murder, the cursed child. These things seemed a bit beyond a nomad warrior. His honor was tied to these people and he wouild stick by them, but besides a sharp edged saber and a sure eye with a bow he was unsure what he could do to help. The three of them walked over towards the ruined theater, going over the events of the previous night once more. When they reached the theater, they found a gang of about a dozen workmen, busy working on the structure. As they watched the workers clear rubble and reinforce the remaining parts of the building, a couple guards hurried across the square towards them. When they reached the front of the theater, one of the guards saluted Publius. "Sir," he began, pausing a moment to catch his breath. "We tracked down the theater managers house, but there was nobody home. >From one of the neighbors, we learned that she has been home since yesterday." Glancing at Kepe and Floyd, he hesitated, not knowing wether or not he should go on. With a nod from Publius, he took a deep breath, continuing. "We knew you had pulled a womans body from the theater and that you wanted it kept quiet, so we said nothing and hurried to report to you."

Back in the square, jeremy was anything but sure of his place in the escalating drama. "That's not really my business but I don'tlike it when people start pushing others around " said Jeremy to himself. "Beside, if the swordmans are right, this merchant should be punished. Let first see if they are right with their assertions" As quietly as possible, Jeremy mouths the words of a spell under his breath. Looking around, he can see that the rest of the onlookers, intent on the scene, failed to notice him. Pointing a finger at the old mans wares, Jeremy immediately senses magic flowing from various bottles. Something is clearly magical, or at least seems that way. He had heard of spells which could give an object the semblance of magical energies, but was unable to determine if this were the case.

Meanwhile, Harlan walked along with the trio for the first part of the way. The abode of his mentor was a small building between the High gate and Jylee's inn, and when Harlan parted with the others he decided to visit Mornyst first, before entering the shrine to Celestian, in the top floor of a building just over the road. The canoness who kept the shrine was a middle-aged gnome named Macarrya, a friendly woman. And Harlan hoped she and Mornyst could shed some light on the recent episodes. As Harlan entered the Civic Center from the temple plaza, he nearly bumped into Graeneth. The paladin laughed aloud, saying he had taken a wrong turn down one of Verbobonc's many alleys. Harlan smiled, joining the large warriors mirth, and the two began to cross through the merchant stands which still dotted the square. They were just about to go their separate ways when, from the middle of the square, they heard a commotion to the north. Graeneth immediately began to make his way through the gathering crowd, while Harlan, with a sigh and skyward look, followed behind him.

Graeneth pushed past the last of the merchants, bursting into an open ring. An old man lay on the ground, bleeding from his elbow and lip, while three warriors, swords drawn, towered above him menacingly. Across the ring of onlookers, they saw Jeremy who nodded towards them knowingly. Harlan looks to Graeneth, "we should do something Graeneth, this doesn't look good." Harlan then catches Jeremy's eye from the far side of the ring and tries to move through the crowd towards the mage. "Jeremy, what is going on here here? Did you see anything?"

As Jeremy filled Harlan in on what had transpired, Graeneth's voice suddenly echoed across the square. "Hold!" Graeneth's voice boomed across even as he reached the edge of the ring. "I may be unfamiliar with the circumstances of this conflict, but this appears to me a good time for the three of you to demonstrate some mercy and reason. What is the cause of this?" Graeneth moved forward to position himself in a triangle between the three men and the one on the ground, hand resting on his sword hilt.

Jeremy will try to show Graeneth some rose petals in the palm of his hand then make the gesture of sleeping. Clearly, the mage meant to weave some form of magic to make the men sleep. Graeneth noticed Jeremy's action, nodding slightly in his direction as the three men turned menacingly around. The three turned, about to rebuke this new disturbance, and as they did so they hesitated in surprise. Obviously expecting another merchant vendor, they were unsure what to make of the mail-clad warrior before them. The two taller men glanced at each other, while the shorter Flan warrior strode forward.

"This is not your fight, stranger," he said to Graeneth, determination and confidence clear in his tone and poise. Pointing his sword beyond the crowd, he continued, "Now, go away before we make it yours."

Swallowing hard, Jeremy looked nervously at Harlan. "I guess I had better do something before this gets out of hand," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "Wish me luck," he whispered, and he stepped boldly into the ring, trying to stand as tall and straight as possilbe. As one of the other swordmen turned towards Jeremy, the young mage held out his hands innocently. "Stay your hand, warrior," he said, trying to speak soothingly. While scared out of his wits, he tried to sound firm and convincing. Before they could react to this new presence, Jeremy continued, hoping to keep them off-balance enough to listen. "I am Jeremy of Greyhawk," he said in his most booming voice, trying not to let it crack. "A mage of great renown, I have sensed the magic in yonder wares." He pointed to the table, the eyes of all three warriors, Graeneth, and the rest of the crowd following his gaze.

"Wez don't see nuthin'," said the tallest of them. "How do we knoz yer straight wit us?"


Back at Toby's house, Darenna busied herself with the chores - getting water, doing dishes and feeding the animals while Toby's mother rested. Darenna was glad to have something to do and be able to help. She kept a watchful eye on the house, to see if any strangers approached or if anything strange transpired. She spoke with Toby's mother as she worked, learning what she could about the family. Toby's father had worked on the dock until his death, after which his mother, whose name she discovered was Adria, began to work at the theater. She had always had a natural artistic touch, and she was hired to create and touch up masks for the company. She often took Toby with her, and the boy often played in the loft. Most of the old costumes were kept there, and he liked to pretend he was the various characters acted out on the stage below. That was why they were at the theater last night. Adria had been putting the finishing touches on some masks for the next play, and, as usual,Toby had been playing upstairs. When the fire broke out, it rapidly consumed the stage and rear of the theater, leaving Adria no choice but to flee for help.

As she recalled this, she put her head in her hands, crying. "I should have rushed into the loft after him," she said, looking up at Darenna with a sob. "Maybe I could have saved him from whatever has happened. Maybe...maybe its my fault."

"No, Adria, this was not your fault! Please, do not blame yourself! You might have died if you'd run up to the loft through all those flames and then who would look after Toby? You did the right thing! You went for help, and we found Toby. This act was done by someone vile and wicked, and Toby was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Thank Pelor, he was not killed. I'm sure the other's will find a way to bring him back from this state. We will get to the bottom of this. "Now, how about some dinner? Maybe we can get Toby to eat a little? What is his favourite?"

After a minute, Adria seemed to calm down. She then looked up at Darenna, sighing slightly under her comforting gaze. Turning back to Toby, she stroked the boys check with her right hand. Although the boy didnt respond, his mother seemed to relax. Turning back to Darenna, she thanked her for her kindness and generosity. Standing up, she began to help Darenna in the preparation of an early dinner.

Turn 21

Floyd waits for the guards to be dismissed before speaking. "Well Publius, I may be jumping to conclusions but it sounds likethe body we found was the theatre manager".

"Hurmm.." said Publius. "That seems be highly possible. You're right." Publius turns to the guardsman who delivered the news: "Have any relatives or friends identified the woman's body yet?"

"No sir,"replied the watchman. "It was being prepared for burial by the priests of St. Cuthbert, and none have come to ask about it or to report anyone missing. Shall we contact the woman's relatives, bring them in to identify the body?"

"Yes. Please do so. As quickly as possible."

"So Publius," said Floyd as the watchmen departed. "What do you think that revelation means? I hope the murderer was not some actor who didn't get the part they wanted".


Harlan nods, but admits that he wouldn't know a magical potion from a flask of swamp water. "This is your domain Jeremy." Harlan saw Jeremy enter the ring to assist Graeneth and mouthed a silent prayer, hoping that his two companions could handle the situation. They seemed like good negotiators and would probably be able to hold their own if it came down to violence. Harlan wished he could do something to help them out. Jeremy pointed to the table, the eyes of all three warriors, Graeneth, and the rest of the crowd following his gaze.

"Wez don't see nuthin'," said the tallest of them. "How do we knoz yer straight wit us?"

"Why would I lie ?" answered Jeremy. "I don't know this merchant and it's not of my business if he got a punishment for cheating you. But as far as I'm concerned, his stuff is magical and he did not cheat you. I can see the magical energy around them. You will have to trust the word of a mage about this. Now, I hope you don't doubt I'm a mage or do you?"

This will be my business if my friend over there is speaking the truth." Graeneth began to step closer, more intimidatingly, towards the three men, ready to draw his sword if need be. "Look carefully at him gentlemen, he's a mage. I've seen him in action, I can vouch for him, and, by Mayaheine, I do not lie. I suggest you trust him."

Harlan watched the warrior nervously, hoping that the other men wouldn't resort to violence, wondering how he could help the paladin when Jeremy produced the rose petals. Harlan didn't know much about magical spells, but from Jeremy's gesturing he was able to understand what the mage intended. Staying with the crowd and letting the competent handle the situation seemed like a wise course of action just now.

"Geez, Graneneth," thought Jeremy to himself, "don't overdue it". But at the same time, he felt more confident. If this warrior, who didn't know him much, really thought this to be true (and it must be, the guy being a thrustworthy paladin), then more power to him. If this is just a bluff, better use it for it's own advantage in this potentially dangerous situation.

Graeneth softened his tone for a moment, "Put away your weapons gentlemen, we can talk about this like sensible men." He turned to the merchant and spoke gently, while keeping an eyeon the three, "Get up, I believe these men are willing to reconsider their decision."

Jeremy walked to the merchant, helping him standing up. "So merchant, what's the truth behind all this? And what are you doing here, sellling "magical" potion ?" said Jeremy. The three men eyed Graeneth cautiously, stepping aside as he helped the old man to his feet. As Jeremy moved forwards, they involuntarily took another step back, wary of the mage's unknown power.

From across the square, excited shouts and footfalls presaged the arrival of members of the watch. Seeing the situation turn against them, the three sheathed their swords. With the appearance of two watchmen, the situation seemed well-in-hand. The three adventurers explained their position, followed by the old man. Finally, Jeremy was questioned regarding the magical parphenalia, about which he explained the results of his detection spell. For the next hour, the two parties argued their cases, until finally, the senior watchman threw his hands up in frustration.

"Look!" he shouted with an edge of anger in his voice. "If you don't all shut up, I'll arrest the lot of ya!" The short Flan opened his mouth, but the watchman silenced him with a glare that would have turned the hide of a Gorgon. "One more word, just one more, and you'll be spending the rest of the day in a cell. Now, if you wanna file a complaint, fine. We'll take you to the magistrate. But for now, I've had just about enough of you."

The Flan backed down, biting his lower lip, while the watchmen dispersed the remaining crowd. As no blood was spilled, the watchmen eventually departed, leading the three warriors towards the City Hall, where they planned to bring the old man to court. As they walked across the square, the Flan turned back, his dark eyes locking on Graeneth with a look of pure hatred.

Once they had disappeared beyond the last of the merchant stalls, the old man finally thanked Jeremy and Graeneth. " Had you not been here, they would surely have killed me. I owe you my life, but I have little to repay you." Waving his hand over his wares, he continued, "What I have is yours. Please, allow me to repay you with a potion. It's the least I can do for what you've done today."

"Your thanks is gratitude enough," replied Graeneth with a slight bow. "I must decline. Perhaps my mage friend here could benefit from your generosity." Jeremy thought to himself: " I was sure he would have said something like this. Such are the way of paladinhood". Then, speaking to the merchant: "I just pointed out that your stuff indeed look magical to me. Not much but I'm glad it seem to have help you out of this situation. It would probably be better for you to have a bodyguard for a few days if you plan to stay in town. That being said, I think I could be interested in one of your potion. Why don't you show them to me and explain me their power? I would also be interested in the tale of their making, if this is not too much ask...

The old man smiled widely, his open grin showing aged, yellow teeth, what few remained. "Why, I would love to show you what I do," he replied. "As you saw, most of my concoctions are not magical. Those few which are, they are all I have left from a life of adventuring." Leaning close to Jeremy, he whispered, "well, the more powerful ones are, the rest I make myself." He began to pack his wagon, shaking his head at the broken vials. Picking up a large piece of broken glass, he seemed to sag a bit. "Ah, this I found in the Yatils," he said. "Would have given one the strength of giant." Looking at Jeremy, he laughed a coughing chuckle, "He, he, if they had only known what they were breaking." "Most of these are simple healing potions, not very magical, although they do in a pinch. " As he finished picking up the shards, he said to Jeremy, "I live in a small house, in the Dawn Quarter, on Yarpick street. Ask for Matriban the Alchemist, that's myself. I shall share with you what I know."

Meanwhile, Darenna continued to help in the household chores, doing what she could to help Toby and his mother. After cooking dinner, she cleaned the downstairs as Toby's mother put him to bed. Darenna could hear the soothing words of Toby's mother, attempting to ease the boy. Looking out the rear window, she saw the two city watchmen, standing in the shade of a large tree, but she couldn't make out what they were saying. One saw her and waved for her to come over, grinning at her through his missing front teeth.

Kagan, in the mean time, had went up to his room. There, he passed the time in study until a knock on the door interrupted histhoughts. Opening the door, he found Sam, the priest with whom he had spoken earlier. After a short greeting, he was informed that Canon Helver would now meet with him. Collecting his things, Kagan followed Sam downstairs, to the Canon's office.

Helver sat behind a small desk, piled high with paperwork. His hair was a dark brown, with streaks of grey along the temples. Unlike many priests of the cudgel, he had a long flowing beard of pure grey. He looked up at Kagan with dark, tired eyes. "Ah, we have not yet met, I am Canon Helver," he said without standing. "And you must be Kagan of Lee. I hope your journey to Verbobonc was pleasant."

Turn 22

Darenna took a quick look around the kitchen, satisfied that all was well in the house and proceeded towards the night watchmen, her hand resting lightly on the hilt of her longsword. At her obviously hostile approach, the grinning guardsman lost a bit of his swager. Glancing nervously at the other watchman, he saw his prestige dropping and knew he had to recover. By the time Darenna had reached them, the watchman put his hand out, covering Darennas over the hilt of her sword.

"Ah, come now little lady," he said, spittle slipping out from between his front teeth. "Let me show you how a woman is supposed to play with swords."

Meanwhile, Kagan had just begun his meeting with Canon Helver. "Well met Holy Father, it was indeed a pleasant trip. Would that I could say the same of my stay in the city. This Theater business horrifies and angers me. But what of the Church here? How does it fare? I have heard great things of the church's growth here!"

Helver looked closely at Kagan, sizing up the young priest. Then, with an almost imperceptible nod, he leaned back in his chair, folding his hands across his lap. "The church does marvellously," he replied evenly, "but I sense that is not why you have come. Now, what is this theater business? All have heard of its burning, but alas, that is the extent of my knowledge of the affair."

Realizing the Canon knew nothing about the dead woman, Kagan hesitated; however, his trust in his faith bade him to respond. For the next hour or so, Kagan related all that had transpired, sparing no detail, however small. All the while, Canon Helver remained mute, listening intently and nodding occasionally. When Kagan was finished, Canon Helver waited for him to catch his breath and relax.

"Well, it seems you have indeed had an unpleasant welcome. So, my son," he continued, his voice a reverent calm which soothed Kagans nerves. "What is it that we can do to help?"

Kagan breathed a sigh of relief, wondering why he had worried about this meeting. "Is there anything that our brothers have seen or heard that I should be aware of? As you already know, I very much want to help catch the fiend who tortured that poor woman. Does the taking of her eyes mean anything to you? I am sure it was a ritual of some sorts but by who or what?"

Canon Helver stands up, clasping his hands behind his back as he paces across the room. Looking out a small open window, he began to speak in a slow, tired voice. "Such horrors are not unknown to me, young Kagan. I remember well the atrocities of a decade ago. Foul acts carried out by the demon cults of the Fungus Queen." Turning back to Kagan, who had no idea what the Canon was talking about, Helver's eyes suddenly seemed a bit sunken, sorrowful. He paused before continuing. "Yes, Ive heard of such things. Ive seen them myself., it is not worth the repeating. Yes, I do know of what you speak. Only the most depraved cults perform those rituals. I myself have seen the results of the Fungus Queens minions. I've watched followers of the Old One wail gleefully about their loathsome deeds, even while the fires licked their bound feet on the plains of Nulb."

Canon Helver then walked back over to his desk and sat heavily behind it. Looking into Kagans eyes, the young priest fidgeted under the weight of Helver stare. He was not sure what he saw there, but it was clearly painful. "I know not what we can do to aid you, young Kagan. If indeed this is the work of the Old One or his moldy mistress, then Verbobonc may be sorely threatened." Canon Helver then waved his hand before him, saying, "I release you from the normal duties of your station.Continue to work with the Constable and your new allies, but report to me what you find. If there is anything else you require, hesitate not for not just our lives may be at stake, but our very souls." Leaning back in his chair, he seemed to slump lower. "Go now," he said in a tired voice. "I must rest....and pray. As should you, young Kagan. Pray that you may remain strong, whatever you find, and that you may resist the evil you shall encounter."

As Kagan left, he found Publius, Floyd, and Kep'e waiting in the foyer. They had just had the body identified, and it was definately the theater manager.

Jeremy thanked the old man, promising to see him as soon as possible. Even as unpredictable a mage as he could not pass upthe chance to learn the secrets of alchemy. He then continued to the library, intent on finding information regarding the eye-gouging. While Harlan continued to the house of Morynst, to see what the old Sage may be able to share, Graeneth decided to accompany Jeremy. The stares of the three warriors seemed to hold more than a mild threat, and he thought it best to watch after the young wizard.

Togther they walked down the narrow street between the Academy of Farsight on the left and the Silver Consortium to the right. Graeneth moved towards the door to the Silver Consortium, but Jeremy called for him to halt, explaining that their library is reserved for members of the society. No, they would have to use the library of the Academy. Continuing around the corner, they approached the entrance to the Academy. They passed through a large archway, the stones of which were engraved in the writings of many tongues, most of which were unknown to either of them. Beyond the archway was the central courtyard of the Academy. Shadows now covered most of the courtyard as the sun was well down in the sky. Stairs rose along the opposite wall, to a small landing above, and a tower anchored the southwestern corner. All around the ground floor, a collonaded walkway surrounded the courtyard, its numerous doors leading into the Academy's many rooms. A few students sat around a small well, arguing about the methods of bookkeeping used by gnomes, but the courtyard was otherwise empty. After inquiring about the library, they were directed to the tower.

Entering through a stout wooden door, they found themselves in a small chamber. At a desk sat a bookish looking man, pouring over some documents. He glanced up at Jeremy and Graeneth through his large spectacles, then went back to his work.

"Yes?" he said, without looking up, "What can I do for you?"

Jeremy quickly explained what they were looking for, information on evil cults and their rituals.

The old man looked up again, this time seeming a bit more curious. "You two are obviously not students here," he said, taking off his spectacles and rubbing his eyes. "I needed a break anyway." Stretching out in his chair, he continued, "Well, we don't have anything of that nature here. I'm sorry, the library is quite small, composed mostly of books on economics and such. Commercial matters." Leaning back, he crossed hands behind his head. "Perhaps you would care to tell me why you search for such things? From the looks of you, I would not think you interested in expanding your knowledge for knowledge's sake."

Back with his mentor, Harlan had a short conversation with him about the events of the previous night and today. Unfortunately, the wize old sage knew little of help. As far as evil cults go, it would be better to seek guidance from the local churches. However, he agreed that, from Harlan's descriptions of his visions, the killer seemed too business-like for a cultist. "Not that I've met any, mind you," he said, laughing lightly. After his brief meeting, Harlan remained to have an early dinner before seeking out the others.

Turn 23

Graeneth explained quickly and concisely, and looked towards Jeremy to see if he had anything to add before turning to the old man with an expectant and attentive expression. The old man seemed shocked by the story, listening intently to every word. He seemed as if he wanted to say something, but he waited until Graeneth and Jeremy had finished their tale. When they were done, he told them of a letter he had received last year from a collegue in Dyvers. He seemed to recall him mentioning of something similar, killings in which the eyes were gouged out.

"I still have the letter, if you would like to see it?"

Graeneth exchanged a quick look with Jeremy. "Yes, certainly. This is obviously the work of the same person or people."

The old librarian slipped off into a mural passage which led to the next level. After a few moments, the man returned, a small parchment in his left hand. He wheezed slightly as he sat down behind his desk. Replacing his spectacles, he spread the letter before him.

"Let me see," he said somewhat absently as he scanned the letter. "Been long time...met with...ah, here we go. Dyvers was rocked by grisly murders last year, just after my previous letter. Two prostitutes, a priest, and a merchant were killed, their eyes gouged out savagely. The killings took place in Planting and Flocktime, and had the watch baffled. It has been six months since the killings, still nobody knows who did them or why. I hope they are truly over."

Looking up, he pushed the letter across for Graeneth and Jeremy to examine if they chose. "Anyway," he continued," I received this last Readyreat, five months ago. I was just preparing to write back, actually."


After having eaten Harlan bid farewell to his mentor and went to look for his companions. He knew that Jeremy and Graenethhad gone to the library, but wasn't sure if they were still there. In the end he decided to head straight for Jylee's inn, it was only a short walk away so he figured it would take some time before the others arrived. He sat down at a small table and ordered a glass of wine, sipping slowly while pondering what his mentor had said. The killer had indeed seemed too businesslike, maybe he was just an associate of the vile cult, or perhaps a hired killer instructed to remove his victim's eyes? But why was the lady so important that she had to be sacrificially murdered? And what was the connection to the tall man in golden robes who showed up in Toby's memories? His chilled wine slowly became temperate as he sat thinking, but Harlan didn't notice.


"You two are supposed to be protecting this house and the boy inside, said Darenna. I'd suggest that you get your minds back on what you are supposed to be doing, otherwise I'll have to report you to Publious" she said very sternly, then she turned and headed back for the house. As Darenna walked back to the house, the two watchmen just stood their, mouths open, watching her go. She glanced back through the window from inside the house, and smiled as she saw the younger watchman walking away, making a round about the park, leaving the crude one alone, leaning against the tree. As he passed nearby, he looked over at the house, he saw Darenna in the window. He grinned at her humorously, and winked as he continued on his way.


Kagan was so absorbed in his thoughts of his conversation with Canon Hazen that he nearly walked by Publius and the others until Floyd's voice pierced his consciousness. On seeing Kagan, Floyd is eager to inform him of their progress.

"Greetings Kagan, how went your meeting with Canon Helver. We had some success identifying the body at last. It was the theatre manager. How about we go to Jylee's inn and inform everybody of our findings."

"I most definitely agree Floyd. The good Canon has given me much sorrowful news and mayhaps the key to who is responsible for this vile act. We must come up with a plan to resist this growing evil!" At the thought of combat, Kagan's eyes seemed to gleam for a short time and his voice seemed to grow even louder. Then realizing that his friends were looking at him strangely, he gave them a sheepish look then continued. "Hopefully everyone has had some success in their inquiries and we can pool our resources this eve."

As Kagan finished speaking he heard Kep'e's voice boom around the inside of the building. "Hey!" Kep'e lets out a slightly muffled greeting as he sees Kagan, his hand quickly covering his mouth. These 'houses' were the strangest things and they carried the sound of his voice around their walls at times. "hey" he said again, in an overly subdued voice, grinning apologetically "Kagan, little bird talk to you?"

Kagan couldn't help but grin at the quiet nomad's question. "No, Kep'e but it might tonight at that." Sobering somewhat he then added, "Although I would prefer that no one approached the house and that Toby were safe. But if it does, we will be ready friend! Clapping Kep'e on the back, Kagan fell into step with the others waiting to see what would be revealed at the inn.

Turn 24

When they reached the inn, the place was relatively empty. A couple of merchants sat at a table near the entrance, and the only other occupant was a very pensive Harlan. He sat at a small table, and didn't notice the others until they had walked all the way up to him, their appearance startling him out of his thoughts.

Floyd ordered a drink of ale and goes to sit next to Harlan. "Well we found out that the body is the theatre manager. How did you get along?"

"Oh, hi Floyd, I didn't notice you. The theater manager you say? Well you did better than I then. Mornyst didn't know much, we're apparently dealing with some cult, but I have this feeling, and Mornyst agreed, that the killer might be only superficially related to the cult. I'm not too knowledgeable on evil cults, but our killer seemed too businesslike to be a true believer in his cause, if you will pardon the expression."

Kep'e walked into the tavern with his companions but did not immediately sit down. He still hadn't gotten used to this sitting in chairs or benchs business. Furniture amused him and beds completely mystified him, he still prefered to sleep on the ground rolled in a blanket, but he did appreciate floors. Floors made sense, as did walls and roofs for that matter, but why make them so high and then clutter them up with furniture. The tavern smelled, of course everything smelled, his fellow tribesmen all had their own smell, tinged with the smells of their horses. Early on Kep'e learned that these southerners hid their own smells for the most part, like tribesmen going on a raid and wanting to keep themselves unnoticed by the wind which would carry their scents toward their enemies. This smell was strong and old. Smoke, he could see the dark rafters coated black with countless fires. Drink, not the strong burning drinks, but the beers and ales spilt and soaked into the wood of table, chair and floor. This pungent smell didn't seem to bother his companions but its cloying fetor made Kep'es stomach roll. To take his mind off this fetid aroma Kep'e leaned back against the wall and reached into a pouch on his belt. He removed a cloth wrapped stone, unrapping it he held it with the cloth against his hand and the stone exposed. Drawing his saber he first peered at its edge then began to slowly move the stone against the steel with a whisk of noise and a deft hand.

Harlan noticed the others and smiles, "Hello Kagan, Kep'e. Sit down and have a drink. You have to excuse my absentmindedness, but the recent events have really taxed my nerves. I have tried to remember if yesterday was a special date for unholy cults, but I cannot think of any." Harlan took another sip of his wine, then looked at the glass and frowned. "This one is supposed to be served chilled," he muttered to himself.

Kagan smiled tiredly at Harlan as he dropped to the seat. "We have found much today, Harlan. It appears to indeed be a cult of pure evil arisen again." Kagan proceeded to relate all that he had learned at the church.

Floyd listened to Kagan relate what he had discovered. "If we are dealing with a cult of pure evil, then they must have some organisation. And would they not have somewhere that they worshiped? I think we should all bear in mind that if we track down the murderer we should try to take him alive. Then hopefully he can lead us to the rest of the cult and they can be destroyed."

"I think you are right Floyd; these cultists probably gather somewhere for rituals. Probably on a special day too. Our problem then becomes where to look for the murderer and the cult. I am sure I have no idea where to look." Harlan stared thoughtfully at his goblet while Kagan related his story.

"That is what we feared it might be, but you say it has arisen again? Do you mean that you know what kind of cult it is and that it has been active in the past?" While Kagan brought Harlan up to date on his findings, Harlan's worries started to show more plainly on his face.

After Harlan admitted having no idea where to look for the suspected cult, Floyd added. "If we can identify what the cult is we would have a better idea of where to look. But I suppose our best option would be to find the murderer. Lets hope we find him soon."

Kagan sipped his drink without even noticing, lost in thought over what they had discovered. "You realize that this may not be the first such murder. There may have been others, but they may not have been notable figures. Perhaps we should check amongst the poorer classes to see if anyone there has disappeared as well. Also we may want to look at why was the theater manager targeted specifically? Perhaps there is some other, unknown, motive. I can have some of my religous order check the streets for any rumors as well as any other missing person(s). We still dont know why that Harlan is getting the feeling from his probe of Toby that this killer was a professional either. I admit that the whole thing puzzles me greatly. And one thing is for sure gentleman, If its the cult that I was informed of, it will happen again. So let us pray that we find some clue before they strike again. We are fighting against time to solve this. The next victim is depending on us! Now, perhaps we should check on Darenna, to see how she fares?"

Kep'e paused and halted the gentle rasping of the stone against the edge of his sword. "Kagan, we go talk with little bird?" He turned the rock in his hand and wiped down the sword edge with the oily cloth. Putting both cloth and stone away he quickly sheathed his saber over his shoulder. Turning to the gathered company he says happily "We go now?"

Publius started thinking that perhaps it was time to get everyone back together, to compile what had been learned. He was also wondering how Darenna was faring, back at Toby's house.


Graeneth scanned the letter quickly, and handed it over to Jeremy to look. It was as the man had said. The killer had been in Dyvers, and now in Verbobonc. "I wonder if we could track the killer. There must be thousands who have travelled from Dyvers to Greyhawk in the last six months. Is there an acting troupe which might have come into town from Dyvers?" Graeneth asked thoughtfully. "What were you going to reply anyway?"

Jeremy give Graeneth a small elbow trust on his side and said, between his teeths: "Graeneth, that's not our business !". That was for the show because he was really interested in hearing what the man had to said.

The man smiled, obviously not taking offense. "Oh, just the news from Verbobonc, you know, what's happened since my last letter. As for any acting troupes, I couldn't say. Perhaps you could ask the theater manager? "What makes you think it could be an actor ? Granted, the victim was working at the theater but the victims in Dyvers were not.

"I wasn't exactly. Just wondering about the possibilities." Graeneth was thinking hard, but the pieces weren't falling into place yet.

"Were they all female ?" asked Jeremy abrubtly.

"That's a good question Jeremy," Graeneth looked attentively at the older man.

The old man shook his head, "No, two were apparently men, a priest and a merchant."

Thinking out loud, Jeremy said, "It could be the same person or someone belonging to the same organisation or cult. Maybe someone opposed to the action of seeing the light, the truth or something like that. Enemy of Pelor or Pholtus ? Then, it could also not be connected to any cult. Just a crazy killer with a...let's say, specially disgusting signature of his work." Then, turning again toward the old man: "Could you point us a place or a person that would we knowledgeable about cults ?"

The librarian shrugged his shoulder, "As I said, any of the local churches, perhaps that of St. Cuthbert, could tell more than I. It is there you should seek your answers".

After listening to the man's many answers, Jeremy thanked him and suggesed to Graeneth that they meet the others as It was agreed. "It's about time that we try to piece the puzzle together, something easier done around a glass of dark ale and a good meal." Graeneth agreed with Jeremy and thanked the man, having no further questions. The two then took their leave of the old man, returning to the inn where the rest of their fellows were discussing their findings. Graeneth and Jeremy sat at the table, both ordering a bit of food and drink, while they shared what they had learned at the library.


Darenna smiled back at the young watchman as he made his rounds, thinking, "Men! who need 'em!" Then she went to check on Toby and Adria. Darenna was now wishing that she had gone with the rest of the group. Everything was done, and she was getting anxious to hear about what they had discovered. "They shouldn't be much longer," Darenna told herself.

Turn 26

Having met at Jylee's Inn, the entire group headed to Toby's house, to see how Darenna fared as well as get her input. Reaching the house, Publius nodded to the guards who stepped aside to let them enter. Publius knocked softly, as the hour was getting late. The door opened slowly, revealing a cautious Darenna, one hand poised on her sword hilt.

"Hello, Darenna," Publius said. "I'm glad to hear nothing untoward happened while we were gone -- I was worried. Good job guarding Toby. Now that we are gathered together again, I thought we could exchange notes on the case. Any ideas?"

Darenna threw open the kitchen door and welcomed her new friends inside. "Anyone thirsty?" She asked. "Please, everyone sit down and tell me all exciting news! Toby and his Mom are sleeping, so we'll need to be quiet, nothing unusual happened while you were gone. I could have gone with you, but I felt that someone should have stayed here, in case something happened." Darenna lets the rest of the group in, and they all sit at the kitchen table. Conscious of Toby and his mother sleeping upstairs, you make an extra effort to speak quietly. The two guards remain outside, closing the door behind you.

Floyd takes a seat at the table and accepts Darenna' offer of a drink. Keeping his voice low he asks Publius. "Would it be possible to send some of your men to round up the actors from the theater so we can question them."

"Sure. It's worth a try," Publius shrugged. He talked to few of his men, and gave the appropriate orders. "It may take a while to track down the actors. You know how flighty actors can be."

When Publius orders the guards to round up the theater actors for questioning, they look at each other, a bit confused. "Uh, right now sir?" asked the younger guard.

"Er -- ahem, no of course not right now... First thing in the morning," Publius said.

Floyd rises from his chair, and gets ready to leave. "Seeing as it is so late and we will not be able to round up the actors till the morning, we may as well retire for the evening. It' back to Jylee's Inn for me. Shall we meet back here in the morning to see how the boy fares, and then carry on our investigations?"

Kagan quietly follows Floyd wondering if the bird he summoned will indeed anything to report before the night is thru. If things go right, they have an added bonus before morning, the killer! Then if Publius didnt get to him first, Kagan would be happy to show him a thing or two about Cuthbert's brand of justice....

The others spoke as if they were about to call it a night, and although Graeneth felt that they had hardly come up with any new or concrete ideas, more could be done tomorrow perhaps. "We should try to go after some new leads tomorrow." The lack of ideas disturbed him, and he kept quieter than usual, his mind busily contemplating tomorrow's plans.

Harlan didn't have any new ideas either and figured that a good night's sleep would be for the best. After the brief meeting, you all depart, returning uneventfully to your abodes. All except Darenna, that is. As you’re leaving she decides it would be best to remain. Saying goodbye, she closed the door behind Publius with a smile, then made ready for bed.

The night passed easy, though Harlan tossed and turned throughout his sleep, disturbed by nebulous dream of ill-portent. Sometime before dawn, he awoke with a start, his body shivering in a cold sweat. Looking around, his eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness, searching for trouble. As the room came into focus, he realized he was all alone except for a slight breeze which wafted through a half-open shuttered window.