Earthday: 20th of Planting

Turn 27

A couple hours before dawn a sudden flapping of wings and chirping woke Kagan from his slumber. Looking over, he saw a bluejay, seemingly the one from Toby's house, on his pillow flapping its wings and chirping loudly. As soon as it saw that Kagan was awake it jet into the air and flew out the window, it’s duty fulfilled. Upon realizing what was occuring Kagan jumped from the bed and yelled forassistance from any brothers he may see about. Then he began hurrying towards Toby's house. He took his cudgel out, ready for what he may see. As he rushed through the church, he could hear others waking up around him, the dim light of lamps being lit appearing beneath doorways. Before he reached the door to the street, he was stopped by Canon Helver who asked what in blazes is going on. After a quick explanation, he sent Kagan off to Toby's with a trio of other priests in tow.

Since Graeneth didn't need much sleep anyway, and since the matter had been troubling him for the better part of the night, he awoke earlier than his usual pre-dawn rouse, and proceeded to complete his prayers before beginning a leisurely morning walk towards the theater grounds and to Toby's house as well. As he approached the theater, Graeneth could hear the clatter of running sandals across the plaza. Squinting into the slowly fading darkness, he could see a group of priests of St. Cuthbert, led by Kagan, rushing from their church. Before he could call out, they quickly turned down another street and disappeared, heading in the direction of Toby’s house. His heart jumped as he ran after them, loosening his sword in preparation.

As they drew close to the house, Kagan became much quieter, thinking to surprise whoever may be up ahead. Unfortunately, the priests behind him were making enough noise to wake the dead, and the only one they surprised was Darenna.


In the middle of the night, Darenna was awakened from her sleep by a sharp clang from outside. Though a bit groggy, her warrior's quickly began to heighten her awareness and herr eyes adjusted to the room’s darkness. She was lying on a small cot in the kitchen, not wearing armor, with her sword, as always, within her reach. Before she made any movements, the door
begin to open.

Waking with a start, she jumped up and grabbed her sword as quickly as possible. Looking wide eyed at the door, Darenna did not say anything, hoping for surprise. As the door swung open silently, Darenna could see a large, man-sized figure silhouetted by the pre-dawn light. As she jumped to her feet, the figure in the door seemed to look right at her. In a flash it lunged forward and Darenna caught the gleam of silver in its hand.

Taking a deep breath, Darenna prepared for the worst. Attacking with savage brutality, Darenna rushed at the form with wild abandon. As she drew back her sword for a high sideswing, she tripped over a stool next to the table. Stumbling in the darkness, she lurched forwards trying futilely to her balance. With a crash, she slammed into the floor, losing her grip on her sword which went clattering away into the shadows.

She looked up at the hunched over form towering above her. She again saw the glint of steel as it stabbed at her with a long knife. Darenna raised her left arm to ward off the blow, receiving a wicked slash on the forearm for her efforts.

"Ack!" exclaimed Darenna. With all her might and concentration she thought to try and fell the attacker with a good kick using both of her feet. As her attacker stabbed down at her again, Darenna whipped out her foot, striking her attacker s knee.

With a grunt, the figure fell to floor, allowing Darenna to roll up on her knees. She reached out with her left hand, grasping the stool she had tripped over, and swung it at her assailant who blocked the blow with a raised arm. The stool connected with a crunch, knocking her attacker's knife across the room. She then deftly rolled under the table, overturning it when she cleared the other side, and grabbed an iron frying pan from the counter. Looking back towards her assailant, deadly frying pan in hand, she saw nothing but an empty room and an open doorway. With a smug grin, Darenna put the frying pan back on the counter, lit the oil lamp, and retrieved her sword. She then proceeded to the door and called out to the guards assigned to watch the house

"Hey, guards! Where did the assailant go?"

As she stepped outside, she saw the older guard lying on his face, a pool of blood spreading out beneath him. Rolling him over, she saw that his throat had been sliced from ear to ear. Hearing footfalls, she looked up to see Kagan, trailed by a trio of other priests and the paladin, Graeneth, bounding across the small park.

Harlan breathed a sigh of relief, though he was still shaken by the etheral horrors that had visited him that night. He knew that it would be impossible to go back to sleep now, but he took comfort in the few stars that were still out. He tried to slip into the meditative trance that often helped his mind focus, but the lack of sleep this night and the previous made it hard to concentrate. When the morning broke Harlan walked over to Jylee's inn to have breakfast and catch up with the others before heading off to Toby's house.

Floyd spent the night comfortable in his bed, oblivious to the sounds of the night around him. He dreams of bringing the murderer to justice, and being granted the reward such an heroic act will bring. In the morning, he headed downstairs for breakfast without waiting for Jeremy. As he walked downstairs, he found Harlan already seated at a large table and eating some freshly baked bread, the aroma of which made Floyd’s stomach growl in hunger.

The first thought that came up to Jeremy's mind at the jump of the bed was the potion that Matriban the Alchemist has spoken of. It would also be interesting to know more about alchemy. That being said, listening to what the actors have to say would also be interesting. Beside, Jeremy decide to try to coax Granaeth to come along with him after questioning the actors, just to have a look on the well-being of Matriban. After all, the three ruffians could try to find his house (or gang up on Jeremy himself !). With Granaeth by his side, he would be safe. Jeremy has to admit he was impress by the standing paladin in yesterday commotion. It always amaze him how some people were able to control themselves and follow a strict (and lawful) path. He wouldn't be able to do the same. Smiling at the thought, he dressed and headed downstairs where he could hear Floyd and Harlan speaking about the day before.

Harlan greeted Floyd with a raised mug. Not long after Jeremy walked downstairs as well. "Good morning friends, grab some breakfast and let's be off to see how Toby fares. I wonder when constable Publius will know about the actors, I can't wait to talk to them, they should be able to shed much light on this mystery."

Harlan, quite uncharacteristically, doesn't seem too contemplative this morning. He finishes his meal and waits for Jeremy and Floyd. Floyd takes Harlan's suggestion to heart and eats a hearty breakfast. Finishing his meal in record time he his eager to be off to see how Toby fares. The three of them finished their food before heading off to Toby’s house. It was yet a bit early, but they could just as easily discuss their plans in the park behind the house, waiting for the others, as they could at the inn.

Approaching the park, they could instantly tell something was wrong. Darenna was on the back porch being tended to by Kagan and a couple other priests, while Graeneth was walking around back in the trees as if looking for something. As they approached the porch, they saw Kep’e too, enter the park from the far side.


It wasn't too difficult to figure out what had transpired as Graeneth bounded across the park. He saw Kagan and a couple of priests heading for Toby's house and opened out his strides, sword already half drawn, making it to the house almost before the rest of the priests. Kagan glanced back at Graenth’s running form, then began to run himself. No sense in silence now. While they were both concerned for Darenna, others may have noticed what almost seemed a race. Graeneth covered the distance quickly with his long strided, but Kagan simply had too great a headstart; it also seemed as if the priest didn’t want Graeneth to catch up. Huffing and puffing, the two nearly collided as they skidded to a stop next to Darenna.

"Be careful, there!" Darenna exclaimed "Let's try to preserve any tracks he may have left. We've got to try and find this scoundrel to question him". Darenna quickly recited the details of her encounter to Kagan and Graeneth and asked for some help with bandaging her wound. Once her wound is taken care of, Darenna will suggest that they try to find the other guard, the younger one, to see if he saw anything and then that they try to track the assailant, perhaps leaving the priests to watch over the house and take care of the dead guard. Darenna felt even more reluctant to leave Toby and his mother unattended now.

Graeneth heard Darenna call out to them as they arrived to not mess up any tracks. Torn between checking on Darenna and the boy, and going after the assailant, between protecting the innocent, and pursuing the guilty, Graeneth looked at Darenna first. "Are you all right?" Immediately he placed his hands on Darenna's arm. "Hold still," and began a prayer to his beloved goddess, feeling the warmth flowing through his hands and onto Darenna's wound. Graeneth did not re-check the wound - it was a clear step of faith to trust that Mayaheine had accomplished the healing.

"Kagan! Will you stay and look at her wound? Everybody be on guard. I'm going to try and go after the attacker, whoever he was. Time is of essence. I shall be back as quickly as I can be."Graeneth immediately began a sweep of the surrounding area, concentrating very hard, using his innate sense of all things evil, as well as his trained ability to pick up tracks. He wished the barbarian Kep'e was there - surely two experts in tracking would be better than one.

Kagan glanced around the park, but saw nothing moving except a few swaying branches. Heground his teeth in frustration at losing the assailant as he helped Darenna to a chair to help her with her wound. Not that he was taking orders from Graeneth, but he had noticed the wound had not completely closed, though the bleeding had indeed stopped. He saw one of the other priests checking on the fallen guard, but judging by the puddle of blood it ddint look good at all.

"Is there anything that can be done for him Brother?" The young priest looked up fron the body, but one look in his eyes told Kagan what he already knew. WHY couldn't he have been closer when this happened? IF he had been 30 seconds sooner he could have captured the bastard that did this. Then he could have had a private 'chat' with him about what he did to that woman, and now his attack on innocent children and Darenna as well. He tried to relax and clear his mind to help Darenna.

She had a nasty cut across her arm. She was lucky she got an arm in front of the blade that did this. If not she may have been lying with that guard on the floor. As Kagan murmured a prayer, he could feel the healing power release through his hands and into Darenna's arm. He looked down and saw the wound begin to close immediately. He quickly breathed a prayer of thanks and reexamined the arm to see if it needed more prayer and attention. Soon, all that was left was the faintest trace of a scar, and even that seemed to be fading.

Graeneth felt no sense of evil in the area, but he did notice a few blood smears, alomst like half-footprints, leading from the back porch and heading into the trees. Following them carefully, he could see them disappear behind some large shrubs. With his sword in hand, he lept around the bushes, nearly stumbling over the crumpled form of the other guard. From the pool of blood oozing from under the body, it was clear the man was dead. Rolling the body over, Graeneth saw that the guard had been stabbed in the neck with a knife of some kind.


The previous nights events had been a bit beyond Kep'e. No sooner had they returned to the small wood tent..., house, he repeated to himself, then the group broke up and went their seperate ways. Kep'e was not very tired since the day had been restful so he talked sometime with the off duty guardsmen at the barracks. Several of the town archers were interested in the different style of archery which the Tiger nomads practised and in the strange heavy bow which they used. Also the curved calvary saber while not unknown was different from the local knightly swords or the longswords which most guardsman carried.Kep'e rose early the next morning, a little before the change from the nightwatch to the dayguard. He washed himself and his clothes together, saving time, and left the guards barracks to wander a bit before meeting his friends. He went by the theater, but when he saw nobody there, he continued to the boy’s house. Entering the park behind the house, he saw the commotion and quickened his pace to the house. By the time he reached the porch, a couple dozen people had appeared in the back windows of nearby homes, watching everything with wide-eyed amazement.

Turn 29

Floyd approaches Darrena on the porch and watches as she is healed by Kagan. "So the murderer decided to pay Toby another visit then. I think that proves he has information that will help us in our search. If only we can discover a way to release it."

Shouting to Graeneth, Floyd asks. "Have you found anything?"

"The other guard." Graeneth cold voice left Floyd with no mistake that the other guard had similarly been killed. Not wanting to leave the body in the bushes, Graeneth hefted the corpse easily and said a silent prayer to his goddess. Before he did so however, he scanned the area for clues, something, anything which might be of help to their investigation- perhaps some footprint apart from the guard's bloody one, some object dropped, some piece of clothing caught in the bushes.

Drawing his saber as he ran, Kep'e bounded across the park and up the porch. "Mi Tortent?!' He yelled out excitedly. Looking at the uncomprehending faces he took a deep breath, thought about his words and tried again. "What happened?"

Back at the house, Graeneth saw that Kep'e had arrived and took a moment to fill him in on the details. "I need your help. Maybe you can find something and pick up the trail." He led the barbarian out to what he had seen in the hope that he could find something to follow.

Graeneth took a moment to look at Darenna's arm as well. "It's not too bad. Are you feeling all right? Try to describe the assailant as exactly as you can - gender, height and weight, race, anything that comes into your mind."

"Thank you, Kagan, Graeneth," Darenna said "it feels much better now." Oncethe healing was finished Darenna rubbed and stretched her arm and then quickly explained "it was very dark when he attacked me, I did not see anything clearly, but he was a little taller than I am and of slim, strong build. I am certain it was a man, but I did not see this." Darenna looked around to see the others approaching, "we must find him! Damn, he's murdered both guards! Kagan, could you please check on Toby? I'm hoping he's better this morning, maybe he will talk to you. Graeneth, what do you suggest we do?"

"I think its rather obvious from what is going on and what Harlan saw during his time with Toby. Toby saw the killer or at least the killer thinks he did. Either way Toby will remain in danger I would guess. And if the killer thinks that Toby can reveal this to us, he may be in danger in the daylight as well. I will remain here as long as necessary if u wish to perform any investigating. This bastard will not get to him while I breathe."

"Alright Kagan, please request that one of your fellow priests fetch Publius, and tell him to bring additional guards." Graeneth turned to address the rest of the group who were there. "The killer is unlikely to return seeing that it is already daylight. He or she must be some sort of rogue, judging from the stealthy, backstabbing means by which the
guards were killed. Did you manage to hurt him at all Darenna? If so, we can look out for a person who has that sort of wound. And did you notice the colour of his eyes or hair as well?" "If Kep'e can find some clue, we'll try to pick up the trail. And Kagan, if your check on Toby reveals anything else, that might help us. The most difficult question here is motive. Why kill Toby at all? What does the boy have, or represent? Or is the assailant after something else, and is prepared to kill to acquire what he wants?"

"I don't think so, I managed to whack him with the stool and knock him off balance, but I was unarmed - so no, no injuries that would cause blood loss. It was very dark when he attacked - I am fortunate that I woke up in time - he was dressed in dark clothes with a cloak or something with a hood covering his features - I am sorry - I do not have a better description." Darenna answered. "Toby must be able to identify him, why else would he have come here?"

Graeneth quickly made clear to Kep’e what had happened. The previous talks that Kep'e had had with the warrior during the trip to this camp of stone and wood, a city these southerns called it, made it easier for the two to communicate. Looking over the porch and the ground around it Kep'e made a clicking sound with his tongue. Many feet had passed this way, his own included, he began to follow the path that the attacker had taken.Kep’e quickly found that the trail of blood led from the corpse in the bushes to the back porch. A couple footprints were barely visible where the attacker had dislodged some gravel, however, after that there was no sign of passage. What Kep’e did notice was that the footprints leading from the porch were of bare feet, while the bloody prints were sandled. Looking around he saw a few drops of blood to one side. Searching near them, he discovered a pair of bloody sandals, tossed aside by the killer before he escaped.


Floyd caught in two minds, to pursue the murderer or stay and protect Toby.He finally decides on action. "Well if we are going to take off in pursuit of the murderer we better get a move on before the trail goes cold. I don't think we should all go though. Somebody needs to inform Publius and somebody should stay and protect Toby. Given the audacity of the murderer I wouldn't be surprised if he circled round and came straight back here."

Kagan looked up grimly at Floyd's words. "I will be glad to send on of my fellow priests to find Publius, Floyd. Im going to to check on Toby now, so rest easy on his welfare if this fiend comes back. I will make sure he is okay and then I will remain as long as needed with him if that is what is required. I just hope he was able to sleep thru this disturbance. He definitely doesnt need to have anymore trauma right now." Kagan will walk to Toby's room and quietly check on him. If all is well he will go set down in acorner that is out of site of the window and say his morning prayers.

As Kagan walked to Toby's room he saw a bloody knife in the corner of the kitchen, evidently the one dropped by the assailant. He was surprised that it hadn’t been spotted already. He took a piece of cloth and picked it up gingerly and tried to see if the weapon itself had any obvious clues. It was a rather unremarkable, though long, knife, something which could likely be bought anywhere. As he turned it in his hand, Toby’s mother rushed down the stairs, a broomstick clutched in her hands so tight Kagan could see her knuckles whiten. She relaxed seeing Kagan, though she did not loosen her grip on her broomstick.

"What has happened? Darenna? Is she all right? We heard a crash, then the commotion."

Turn 30

As Kep'e searched, a small tuneless whistle escaped from the side of his mouth, a sign of his deep concentration. Though he was experienced in tracking both game and men on the grassy plains of his native lands the gravel and hard-packed dirt left little sign of the prey he searched for at the moment. The whistle became a satisfied hum when he trailed the drops of blood to the discarded sandals. Drawing his saber once again he carefully lifted first one then the other sandal letting them dangle by their straps across the flat of his blade. He turned and holding his discovery out like a pair of prize caught fish quickly went back to the house.

"Find these" Kep'e said smiling to the others "What little bird say about them?"

When Kep'e brings the pair of shoe's he has discovered back to the house Floyd asks. "Has anybody got any magic that can be used on these sandals. Some divination magic perhaps. Why do you suppose the murder removed them?"

Jeremy shakes his head sadly, then looks over towards Kagan and Harlan. "If we can come up with a divination spell then perhaps the shoes and the knife together will tell us something," replied Kagan.

"He likely took them off so we couldn't track him, knowing that he didn't kill me - he will be very cautious now, but quite likely to come back - I think." Darenna offered in response to Floyd's question. Then, with a smile she added, "I have no magic, just a strong arm."

Harlan, who has been very quiet recently (no doubt due to the shock of seeing the two dead guardsmen), remarked, "My divination magic is rather restricted I'm afraid. I'm able to discern aspects of thoughts and minds, but not much more until I have earned greater favour from Celestian. As to why the murderer decided to remove his shoes, my guess is that he didn't want to leave more footprints than necessary, though I wonder why he just left them here for us to find."

Graeneth appeared so grim as he said his own silent prayers over the bodies of the dead soldiers, listening the conversation of the others. "Two options: either we divine the information from Toby, and that might entail bringing him to a more capable wizard or priest in the city than we have here," and at this point Graeneth gave Harlan an apologetic look, "or we wait for the killer to come around again. Problem is he'll know we're waiting. I'm not leaving Toby's side just yet." Graeneth allowed himself a thin-lipped frown.

Floyd listens to Graeneth explain the options he thinks are available, then offers his opinion. "I think we would be led a merry chase by the murderer if we set off in pursuit. I think we will be better served staying here to protect Toby. I'm sure Publius will be able to arrange the services of a capable wizard or priest to help us divine the murderers whereabouts."

"As a i stated earlier, I will be in Toby's room if I am needed, replied Kagan. "Rest assured that I am not leaving him alone. Why don’t u take the shoes and knife over to my temple and see if they can find out anything?"

Kagan smiles at Graeneth. "If you arent sure where it is Graeneth, its the biggest Temple in town. You cant miss it. Kagan chuckles inwardly at his lil joke.

Kep'e gives a little laugh and lets the shoes hanging from his saber swing a bit. "Shoes, Knife, left here, but fiu .. boy, Toby, he why shoes, knife here. Boy he... csaletek.... he goat, Tiger leave claw but not eat goat. We wait for Tiger protect goat, or go temple, protect claw?"

"Actually, you’ll do neither," replied a gruff voice. Looking around, the group saw a tired and angry Publius walking up to the house, a squad of watchmen and a couple priests of St. Cuthbert in tow. Before anyone could speak, Publius bade them quite with a wave of his hand.

"You two," he said, pointing to a couple of guards, "watch the entrance to the house." Then, pointing to four more he continued, "you watch the back. Two at the porch, two walking the park." He then ordered the remaining four guards to take care of the bodies before turning to the group.

"Kep’e," he said, looking at the northman, "bring the shoes and knife back to the Constabulary. The rest of you, "he said, indicating the party, "follow as well. I’d like a word with all of you." As the group passed by, following Kep’e to the Constabulary, Publius stopped Darenna, a look of concern etched across his face as he looked at her arm. She told him quickly of the fight and how Graeneth and Kagan had seen to her wound. Satisfied that she was fine, he motioned for her to follow as well.

They continued down the empty streets of the slowly awakening city to the Constabulary where Publius led them to a large unadorned hall. A great oak table dominated the end of the room, surrounded by sturdy, hard-backed chairs. As everybody took a seat, Publius set the sandals and knife on a cloth on the table. He then produced the spikes from the theater, and placed them down as well. He then sat back in a chair himself, seeming to slump a bit as he did so.

"Well," he said with a wearied sigh. "We’ve three dead in less than two days, the theater manager and now two of my men. What I want to know is who’s doing this and why?"

Turn 31

Floyd followed Publius back to the Constabulary in silence, a little concerned at leaving Toby.

After everybody had been seated and the sandals, knife and spikes were placed on the table Floyd answered Publius. "We can't tell you who is doing this or why, but the evidence we have collected might help if you can find somebody with powerful divination abilities."

Publius nodded at Floyd's comment, looking around at the others. "What I would like is for somebody to check on the killings in Dyvers." With a glance to Graeneth and Jeremy, he continued. "Did you not say there had been a similar murders there recently? Perhaps we could find a connection, for the manner speaks of the same killer."

Looking back at Floyd, he added, "But you've reason about Toby. What we need is some sort of divination, and the Silver Consortium would be our best bet. I shall place a request with their masters later today."

Picking up one of the bloody spikes, Publius turned it over in his hand. "If only you could talk," he said quietly. He then pointed the spike over the table, at no one in particular, waving it for emphasis. "What we need is to find out why somebody would kill the theater manager. I've had watchmen summon the guildmaster who'll contact the players."

With a look to Kagan, he said, "The priesthood of St. Cuthbert will be handling the questioning, along with my men of course. You could join them if you desire." Publius leaned back into his chair, turning his head so as to look at the whole group. A couple looked away as their eyes met, and some seemed lost in thought. With a sigh, he tossed the spike back on the table, the thump jerking everyone's attention back.

"Any volunteers for a trip to Dyvers?" he asked as he drummed his fingers on the edge of the table.

Floyd watched Publius drumming his fingers on the edge of the table as he waited for volunteers. "How many volunteers are you looking for Publius, I'm happy to make the trip if you think it will be of any use."

"You say where good place," Kep'e said to Publius "and Kep'e go where Publius say." Then he smiled at Publius " but hate to leave new friends."

Before Publius could respond, Jeremy cleared his throat nervously. "I, ah, guess I could go along with Floyd," he said, glancing across the table at his companion of recent. "If I do not, who will keep the boy out of trouble?" He then smiled, though it was obviously a bit forced. He yet feared Floyd would land him in trouble; however, with a killer on the loose in Verbobonc, anywhere else seemed a safer place. Besides, he didn't have any desire to treat with members of the Silver Consortium, not so soon after their so blunt refusal to allow him entry. Anyway, the trip should not be difficult, and with any luck his friends will catch the killer by the time they return. With a sigh, he slumped back into his chair.

Graeneth tried to moderate his tone of voice, but it seemed obvious he was still rankling at the recent deaths. He stared at Publius. "Incredible! There's a killer on the loose here and you're suggesting we investigate Dyvers? How many more men are you prepared to lose, Constable?"

Then Graeneth thought the better of his words, "My apologies for the rudeness," he said with a slight bow, "but I really think it wiser to pick up the trail that is already here. Do you not have dogs that can trace scent, men of magic who can detect tracks and movement, diviners to analyze the sandals and knife we have? Otherwise we do this the patient way, and continue to wait, and may Mayaheine protect us."

Kagan listened to the words of Graeneth, wincing at the way he lashed out at Publius. He could see the way that Publius was gripping the edge of the table and the whitening of his knuckles. Kagan found himself in strange waters trying to mediate between the two warriors.

"Publius, I’m sure that Graeneth doesn’t mean to disparage you or your guards. He, as I’m sure we all are, is frustrated and angry that we can make no progress. There must be some way to track this person down with the items we have. Is there not someone you can think of to recommend? If not a mage, then perhaps even a witch? There has to be some clue this person has left here. As for Dyvers, I do have to agree with Graeneth on this front. I’m sure there may be clues there, but I KNOW there is a killer after that little boy Toby here. I could not in good conscience leave Toby, with this bastard still on the loose. What say the rest of you?"

With a mischievous wink at Jeremy, Floyd takes Publius's side in the discussion over the trip to Dyvers. "I don't see any problem with a few of us traveling to Dyvers. As long as we leave enough people here to ensure Toby's safety it should be OK."

Harlan looks towards Publius and then at the group that will travel to Dyvers. ``Constable, I don't know where I will be of the most use, here or in Dyvers, and I am still concerned for the safety of Toby. I am not opposed to taking the trip, but I think you are better able than me to judge where my talents are needed.''

Publius eyed the others across the table, meeting each gaze in turn. In each person, he noted a determination to match his own. But he also saw a clear desire to remain in Verbobonc. They were right, after all, there was a killer stalking the streets. "Perhaps you are right," he said, looking at Graeneth. Though his visage was stern, Graeneth saw no malice, only resignation. "I shall send word to the magistrates of Dyvers, asking for information or aid, as they deem worthwhile.""In the meantime, let us continue our investigations here. I shall send for dogs. They may indeed be able to track the scent. The rest of you, take the evidence to the Silver Consortium; see what they turn up."With that, they gathered the spikes, sandals and knife in a large sack, then proceeded to the Silver Consortium. Jeremy led the way, and the company proceeded back past the Academy.

As they passed the College Lane, they heard a shout from inside. Turning towards the entry, the saw Cord rushing out to them. Around his head was tied a white cloth, and when he came near, they could see a large red bloodstain on the right of his head.

Turn 32

Hearing a shout and seeing Cord appear from out of the College Lane, Floyd stopped and waited for him to catch up. Making it obvious that he was looking at the bloodstained white cloth Floyd asked. "How are you Cord?"

"What is the Silver Consortium?" Darenna asked Floyd "I really don't know my way around here."Floyd moved closer to Darenna and in a quiet voice he answered her question. "The Silver Consortium is a wizards guild." In a mischievous voice he added. "If you want to know more I would ask Jeremy. But be careful he might be a bit touchy about them."

Cord glanced at Darenna, a little annoyed by her interruption. Of course, she had never met the young man, disappearing as he had the night of the fire. He then noticed Floyd's grin, and he let out a sharp laugh.

"Oh, it's about time you came back. I've been throwing back brandies for two days waiting for you!" He then placed a hand to his bandage, grimacing in pain. "It was all I could do to keep the pain down."

"What happened?" asked Jeremy, hoping to delay their trip to the Silver Consortium. "Last we knew, you were right behind us. Then, you're nowhere to be found."

At that, Publius's eyes narrowed suspiciously, but Jeremy noted his glance and quickly added. "This is Cord, Constable. He was with us when the fire broke out. We all ran to the square, but then Cord disappeared. In the excitement, we didn't notice 'til everything was over."

"Didn't notice? What do you mean?" replied Cord quickly. "I shouted for you, but I guess nobody followed me."

Floyd listened to Cord's story carefully. When he stopped speaking before relating how he became injured Floyd asked. "Well, don't keep us waiting. How did you get that scratch on your head?"

Kagan listened to Cord impatiently. He had been so distracted by the murder that there hadnt been much time to think of his own personal problems. But now perhaps he could find out what the brash young man knew. If only he wouldnt disappear again!

"Well," replied Cord flippantly, "if I'm gonna be tellin my story, I'll be needing another drink. Come on." Cord walked into the College Lane, the rest of the party following closely.

Publius cast a sideways glance at Kagan, who merely shrugged his shoulders. Inside the bar, you sat at the booth where you'd spoken earlier. Cord grabbed a table and pulled it over, the screeching sound of its legs pierced the air.

"Hey! Watch the floor," yelled the barkeep, Porrin.

"Sorry 'bout that. Hey, how about some ales," replied Cord. "And a brandy for me." As everyone sat down, Cord threw back the last of his earlier drink."Right," he began, leaning forward and eyeing everyone in turn.

"We got there just as you," and he pointed to Graeneth, "ran through the front doors."

"You may call me Graeneth," he answered quickly.

"Fine, Grinith, so, you ran into the building which then collapsed. Then Floyd here went looking for a way in. Well, I figured on doing the same, so I went around the other side. I couldn't find a way in, but I saw a figure dart from a doorway in the back corner."

Cord paused as Porin appeared with a tray laden with ales, a brandy, and a block of cheese. "No charge," he added with a smile. He made no move to leave, obviously intent on hearing Cord's tale, until Publius coughed at him.

"Sorry, Constable." As he returned to the bar, you could hear him muttering, "...heard it 'fore anyway."

Gulping his brandy down in one swift gulp, Cord gasped before continuing. "So, I ran after him, and a merry chase it was. Well, not really a chase. I follwed the guy into a part of town with small houses, tween the cliff and the river."

"Verboektown," answered Publius, drawing confused stared from half the group. "The Gnome Quarter."

"Yeah, that's it," said Cord. "I did see some gnomes about. So, I thought he may be making for a boat so I tried to catch up, but he turned back down through the Trader's Market. He slipped around the back of a big building across the square, some merchant house or something, and disappeared into the darkness. When I came around the corner, BAMM!"

Slamming his fist on the table for emphasis, he actually made Jeremy start, spilling ale on his lap.Holding his hand to his bandage, Cord shook his head. "Felt like I got kicked by mule. Knocked me out cold. When I came to, I was in a strange bed with the prettiest little maiden standing over me. Dressed in robes gold as the sun, like an angel she was. Miriam, a priestess of Zodal." He then winked. "I'd met her before. Anyway, they pretty much fixed me up, then I went looking for you. Everybody was talking about the Harvester's Heroes. Didn't know what that meant, but figured it was you. So, I came back here, knew you'd come back sooner or later."

Kagan secretly was chafing to find out more from Cord, but it appeared it would have to wait. As he listened to Cord's story with grim amusement, Kagan leaned over to Floyd and whispered, "So why is it that we are worrying ourselves and risking death trying to find this guy and HE gets to wake up with a woman? With a small exagerated sigh, Kagan finishes his drink and listens to the others discuss what to do next.

Floyd whispered back to Kagan "I'm sure there is less painful way of waking up with a women." Floyd then turned his attention back to Cord and his story. "Well it looks like you bumped into the man we are looking for. And I must say you were lucky, everybody else who has bumped into this fellow has wound up dead. Now I'm sure Publius is eager to ask you what did he look like?"

Cord smiles first at Floyd, then turns to Publius. "Sure thing. Didn't get much more'n a glimpse. Big guy, like you." He thrust his chin towards Graeneth, indicating the young Paladin. "I was never close enough to see much else, but I did see a flash of gold cloth as I fell. Maybe yellow. Definately bright. Then, everything went dark. You know, funny thing is, the guy I followed had a jet black cloak."

Graeneth frowned, more at the situation than at the face of Cord right in front of him. "It's Graeneth," he muttered under his breath. Then more loudly, "Where do you suggest we pick up the trail? I assume you haven't had a chance to do so. Darenna didn't seem to think her assailant was a big person. Two different people?"

Floyd listened to Cord's answer and Graeneth's question, trying to reconcile the two. Did Cord encounter two people or was the jet black cloak hiding a golden robe beneath. And what about the difference in size, if there was one. Floyd then tried to clear the situation by asking Cord and Darenna. "How big do you think your attacker was? If there was two people involved then they might have been meeting up. In which case the merchant house in the Trader's Market where Cord was knocked unconscious might be a good place to pick up the trial. That might have been where the cloaked figure was heading."

Publius nods towards Floyd. "Good questions, you must have some experience with criminals." His smile told Floyd he was making a rare joke, but was there a tone of seriousness hidden behind it?

Asking Darenna and Cord about their assailant’s size, they gained little. Darenna couldn’t be sure of much, as everything happened so quickly and in the dark. As for Cord, he only knew the man he followed was large. He really didn’t see who had hit him. It may have been the same person, maybe not.

"Well," replied Publius, standing up from his seat, "we seem to have another lead. Let us split our efforts. Graeneth, you Jeremy, Floyd, Harlan continue to the Silver Consortium. They’re expecting you by now."

Jeremy sighed, a bit too loud, bring a questioning look from Publius. Floyd smiled, aware of his companion’s discomfort, as Publius then continued.

"Cord, you take Kagan, Darenna, and Kep’e to where you you were attacked. See what you can find out there. I’m going back to the Constabulary to see how the questioning’s faring."

Finishing your drinks, you get up to leave the bar, crossing to the exit. Publius drops some coins on the bar, then follows you out.

"It’s near noonday," said Publius, squinting up at the sun almost directly overhead. "Let us return hear at sundown to discuss our findings." He then nodded and turned, walking back in the direction of the Constabulary.With quick farewells, the rest of you split up, each group heading towards your destinations....

Turn 33

As the two groups parted company Floyd called out, "Make sure you are all careful, and don't take any unnecessary risks. You have all seen what this murderer is capable of doing."

Floyd fell into step with Graeneth, Jeremy and Harlan as they made their way to the Silver Consortium. "Well Jeremy, I think you should take the lead when we get to the Silver Consortium. You are nearly one of them after all."

Jeremy looks at Floyd with a sarcastic, yet friendly, smile. "You know," he began with a genuine laugh, "the best thing is I get to tell THEM what to do this time. Hah!"

Watching the exchange, Harlan glances back to Graeneth, a questioning look on his face. When the big man just shrugs his shoulders, Harlan tilts his head to the left, then smiles. "So, 'tis settled. Jeremy," and he bowed with a flourish and a sweep of his hand, "lead the way."

Again, Jeremy laughed at his friend's behavior. Though he was none too excited to return to the scene of his so recent failure, the support of his friends strengthed his pride and resolve. Straightening his clothes, he drew himself as tall as he could before striding down the street. "Right," he said without looking back. "Follow me."

About a block down the street, Jeremy turned left, down a narrow alley. The Silver Consortium took up the whole block, except for the corner occupied by the College Lane. It is arranged in a square, with a half dozen or so small redbrick buildings lining three sides of an inner courtyard. The remaining side has a large archway abutting the Conservatory of Lirr. The alley was less an alley and more a covered walk. Nobody seemed about as they passed through the arch and entered the courtyard.

The courtyard was paved with small cobblestones, arranged in a sort of swirling pattern around a central stone well. A wooden winch and bucket was attached to the top of the well, and a squirrel sat perched on the lip, munching a small nut. As you entered, it looked up with a start, lept to the ground, and darted up a small apple tree.

Jeremy led the rest of you through a large double oak door to the right, into what he said was the main office. There you were met by a short, rotund man wearing a wide black robe, leather sandals, and a plaid skullcap. With his hands crossed in the sleeves of his robe, he slowly walked towards you. "Can I be of some service?" he asked politely, glancing a bit curiously at such an odd assembly.

Having arrived at the main office of the Silver Consortium and encountering the robed figure, Floyd's enthusiasm got the better of him. "I think you might be able to help us my good fellow. We have been sent by Publius with these items to be examined." Floyd lifted the bag of evidence and rattled it slightly for effect. "I understand we are expected."

He stares at Floyd for a minute, as if trying to remember something about him, then shakes his head. "Oh, that's right. Master Gedrin mentioned we would have visitors, official visitors. Would you...yes, you must be them. Good. Good. Let me show you to the Master."

As you say thank you, he already has turned, opening a door in the far wall. Passing through the door you find yourselves in a narrow hallway, running the length of the building. A couple of doors lead to the left and right, and your guide continues to the far right door. From a small window at the end of the hallway, you can see a small field and orchard with the city walls just beyond. He opens the door and you follow up a small curving flight of stairs which open to a lavishly decorated chamber.

A Baklunish rug covers the floor, and six great cushins of various design are scattered about a central dais, raised one step above the rest of the floor. Upon it is set a strange glass jar with odd tubes extending from it. Seated on one of the cushions is an ancient looking man, with stubby pickled fingers and a drooping face which seems as if it will slide off anytime. His grey beard hangs about three feet, actually folding up on the ground next to his crossed legs. A heavy blanket covers the man's legs and waist, and he wears a wool tunic of plain design. How he isn't burning up in his clothes is a mystery, as it is quite warm in the room. Without looking up, he takes a strong breath from one of the tubes, and you can see some kind of vapor swirling inside the jar. When he then exhales, the strong smell of tobacco, rare in this part of the Flanaess billows through the room in a cloud of smoke.

"That will be all, Ot, thank you. You may go." As the short man scampered from the room with an exagerated bow, the old man laughed. "Truly, I do not see why he acts thus. As if I would turn him into a newt as soon as look at him. Ah well, I guess some have given us dabblers in the arts a black name."

As you stand dumbfounded at the old wizard, he takes another breath from his strange device. "Oh," he says exhaling slowly, "what a joy to have a little smoke now and then. You know I pay quite a bit to import my smokeweed. Comes all the way from across the Dramidj Ocean, you know?" When nobody says anything, he sighs and leans back in his cushion.

He then gestured to the other pillows. "Well, don't just stand there, takes a seat." Making yourselves comfortable, which isn't too difficult on such wonderful down seats, he asks, "So, what business is so urgent that I received a personal letter from His Lordship to receive you today?"

Floyd placed the collection of evidence in front of Master Gedrin before he settled himself onto one of the cushions. "Master Gedrin we have been sent by Publius, who hopes you can help us with enquiries into a number of murders. The items of evidence we have collected have all been handled by a vicious and ruthless killer. Who we also believe is responsible for the destruction of the Harvester Theatre. We are hoping you can tell us something about this villain by examining the objects we have collected."

Master Gedrin eyes Floyd carefully, like a Gnome jeweler sizing up a new purchase. He smiled slightly, turning his face into a maze of wrinkles. "I can say already, there is little of value to be divined from such. However, we shall see what we may see."

With that, he asked to have related to him all that had transpired regarding these items and the crimes. For the next hour or so, he listened to the heroes, occasionally posing questions, seemingly obsorbing every last detail of the murders. Once he was assured that there was nothing more to be said, he asked for complete silence. From a small box next to him, to retrieved a crystal ball of opaque glass, but not glass. It seemed harder, almost chrystal. As the four stared into the glass, Floyd and Graeneth shook their heads as they developed mild headaches. Blinking their eyes, they saw Gedrin had begun to chant in a strange language. Jeremy and Harlan seemed unfazed as they stared into the ball as well, occasionally glancing back at Gedrin. After a spell, he placed both hands upon the ball, his eyes rolling back in his head as it listed to the right, his mouth falling open. His head waved back and forth for almost ten minutes as the four watched him. Finally, he jerked out his trance, his arms sagging by his sides and his shoulders slumping in exhaustion.

Exhaling softly, he opened his eyes, turning to look at the four sitting around him. He started to speak, then stopped, instead eyeing each more closely. "The one you seek," he began slowly, opening his palm before him and fanning his fingers, "is not one at all. The victims so cry, unseeing, lost in the dark twisted passages of Limbo. This they did tell me. That to find you must not seek, but protect the sleeping ones, lest they suffer like fates."

"Thank you very much." Graeneth's reflexive training gave him a little bow of gratitude. "If this is at all possible to answer, do you mean to say that there is more than one person involved." He tried to make sense of Gedrin's words, to consider if there was more than one's meaning to what he said.

"Again about protection. That is my calling. We must go back to Toby. Who are the others who are in Toby's predicament? We must locate them at once."

Floyd chuckled quietly to himself when he heard Gedrin's description and Graeneth trying to make sense of it. "Just like a wizard to be cryptic, they can never resist it, especially when good old common would do fine. Excuse our ignorance Gedrin, but can you explain in terms us simple folks might understand. Are you saying there is more than one person doing the killings. And who might the sleeping ones be."

As you had been speaking, Master Gedrin snapped his fingers, relighting his strange smoking device so that he may draw forth another breathful of what seemed truly nasty stuff, not even worthy of a halfling. He now exhaled swiftly, almost coughing, as he broke into a deep laughter. "Ah, 'tis now my turn to chuckle," he replied with a hint of mockery. "I have merely repeated what I have heard, the voices of anguished voices whose lamentations fill the realm men would call Limbo. 'Tis their warning, young men, not mine. But, ere you depart, I would caution your taking it too literally. I could not say who the sleeping ones be, but this much is clear; you seek more than one killer."

No sense getting angry at the diviner, Graeneth thought to himself. "We are in your debt. Thank you."

"Once again we need to consider the possibility of a team of killers, a fledging cult perhaps," Graeneth spoke his mind to the others. "I think the sleeping ones refer to Toby and I don't know who else. Alternatively," Graeneth wondered if this was a flash of inspiration, "there are those who are 'sleeping' in the sense that they are dormant. Maybe they possess some latent ability, and the killers are trying to prevent them from manifesting that ability. Again Toby could be one of them. What else can we do?"

Floyd listened to Graeneth expressing his ideas out loud. "I agree Graeneth, your idea about the sleeping ones would explain why the victims have been chosen to die. And the way the victims have been killed would appear to be the actions of a cult. So all we have to do now is identify the cult and figure out who the sleeping ones are. Sounds to me like we are no closer to finding a solution though." Floyd then turned his attention back to the wizard. "Thank you for your assistance Master Gedrin, I think we will now return to Publius to inform him of our findings."

Jeremy sat pensively for a moment, then stood up with a bow to Master Gedrin. Though the old man was doubtless a diviner of some repute, Jeremy preferred a different, more exciting path. Perhaps the Silver Consortium was not for him after all.

"Thank you, honorable master," he said genuinely. "We are in your debt. Now, we must be on our way to meet up with our companions."

Master Gedrin smiled unobtrusively. "No need, no need. ‘Tis my civic duty to help. No, repay me catching this foul beast."

Harlan and Jeremy both nodded, as the rest of you stood up and left the room.

"Remember what the spirits said," called Master Gedrin as they closed the door. "And remember who said it."


With a wave to Floyd, Cord turns back to the rest of you. "O.K. let's go. I woke up at the Hospital of Zodal, but I guess you want to see where I was attacked." With a wink Kagan's way, he added, "We can go by the hospital after."

As they past down the street between the Academy and the Church of Heironeous, Cord thought he recognized the way. If he recalled correctly, the temple of Pholtus should be just around the corner. Sure enough, as they turned the corner into another plaza, he could see the temple at the far end. The temple was a modest two-level building, very nondescript. It was sandwiched between the Church of Heironeous and the Hospital of Zodal; in fact, it had actually been leased from the Zodalites a few years earlier.

Crossing the plaza, the four walked down a long wide street, paved with great flagstones. On their left were rows and rows of houses, made of various stoneworks, mostly brick. They varied in all ways, from height, to width, to entries and windows. No two were alike, and they stretched the length of the road. From some of the upper balconies, women were hanging the morning wash, though little sun would hit this face of the buildings. To the right, across the street, was the Hospital of Zodal, a great square building, made almost entirely of marble. It shone under the bright noon sun like a beacon, its polished sides forcing one to squint when they reflected the sun just right. Just past the building was a large courtyard, surrounded by a thick hedge. Within the courtyard could be seen a couple of golden-robes priestesses helping an elderly gentleman struggling with a walking cane. One looked up and smiled as you walked by, then went back to helping the old man.

"Yep," said Cord with wave to the girl, "they's sure a friendly bunch. If it didn't hurt so, I'd get beat up more often."

"So, Cord, how much further is it?" Darenna asked. "The person who attacked me was wearing a dark cloak, too. Let's hope we can get some good information! Please, lead on"

Cord nods to Darenna, bowing flamboyantly before her. "Certainly lass, it's just a bit further." Blowing a kiss towards in the direction of the priestesses, Cord continues to lead you down the street. He stops at the end of the street, where it runs into a semicircular lane running behind the great merchant houses of the Business District.

"There," he said, pointing to a narrow alley between two large buildings and rear tower. "Just behind the near building, in the shadow of that small tower." He hurried ahead as you followed behind him.

"This is what happened," he said, reinacting his movements. He slipped out of site around the corner, but you could hear him talking. "The guy turned the corner to the right, and as he was a bit ahead of me I quickened my pace. I'm sure he didn't see or hear me, but as I came around the corner," and he appeared, not too hastily, from the alley, "Whack! Someone hit me in the side of the head. I dropped to the ground as the world quickly turned black. Then, next thing I know, I'm in the hospital wondering what happened."

Kep'e listened intently to Cords story. Facing him he reached out and made a knocking motion with his hand toward Cords head. "You with Luck." he said "Knock on head, not ...." and he drew the edge of thumb across his throat.

"All this...,"Kep'e said gesturing widely with his hands to encompass the city, the last few days and the small group around him. "Fire, Women kill, Men kill, Guard, one - two guard kill, last night them with knife, no lucky knock. Attack Darenna, that one last night use knife. Maybe other one give Cord knock? One use knife kill, Other one give knock?

Look for two, one who kill, one who knock? Same one, Why no Cord kill, Why guard kill? Maybe look for two."

Cord shrugged his shoulders, as Kep’e looked around for any clues. Unfortunately, being so near the merchant houses, the area had seen quite a bit of traffic making any attempt to track the assailant impossible.