Floyd Gladon of Fax
Floyd was born the eldest of two children. His parents Haron and Elanor Gladon were hard working farmers who lived near Fax on the Wild Coast. Floyd and his younger sister Emily, had a safe and peaceful childhood until one night in Coldeven when Floyd was eleven an Orc raiding party shattered their lives. The Orc raiding party descended on the farmstead while Floyd was running an errand to his only relative Garth, a small wine merchant of Fax. When Floyd heard of the raid he insisted on going with the town militia to hunt the Orcs down. And so it was that Floyd was there when the bodies of his mother and father were discovered mutilated nearly beyond recognition. Of the Orcs and Floyds sister there was never any trace.
After the raid by the Orcs, Floyd moved in with Garth, where he learnt the honest work of a merchant and the not so honest skills of his uncles past life. For the next few years Floyd prospered and developed into a man, but he never lost the feeling that his sister was alive somewhere.
On Floyds eighteenth birthday he thanked his uncle for every thing he had done for him and set off to try and find his sister. After three years of travelling up and down the Wild Coast, supporting himself in any way he could during his travels, Floyd finally realised he was not going to find his sister and that he needed his uncles advice on what to try next.
On arriving in Fax Floyd found his uncle in the ill health of advancing years, having used most of his wealth in attempts to heal himself but being unsuccessful. Floyd decided to stay with his uncle. Garth survived for two years before finally passing away. Before his uncle died though he did suggest to Floyd that he might be able to use magic to locate his sister. And he gave him his last and most valued possession a Ring of Invisibility.
Using the last of his money Floyd hired passage on a ship to Greyhawk. On reaching Greyhawk he realised he would need substantial sums to pay for the magic he required. So working without the approval or the knowledge of the thieves guild Floyd adventured in and around the city of Greyhawk. That was when he met Jeremy. At the same time that Jeremy left for Verbobonc Floyd became aware that the thieves guild wanted a quiet word with him. Realising his welcome was up he decided to travel with Jeremy.
Apart from trying to find his sister Floyd has no direction in life and has attached himself to Jeremy in the hope that he may be able to help in finding his sister one day.
3rd Level Chaotic Good Male Human Thief
STR: 8, DEX: 17, CON: 8, INT: 14, WIS: 9, CHA: 15