Kagan of Lee
Kagan was the son of Malachi of Lee. Lee was a tiny village in Furyondy. Malachi led an illustrious career as a Fighter/Thief. He was renowned for his skills. Later in life when Malachi was ready to settle down, He married the elven maid, Silf. Thier first born was Jericho. He became a Ranger in the Kings service. Kagan was the second child of this happy union. Shortly after Kagan's birth, Silf was kidnapped. She was never seen again. Malachi searched everywhere for clues to this and eventually this led back to Iuz and Lolth.
Malachi beseeched St. Cuthbert in this endeavor. For an oath of allegience and an alignment change to Lawful good, St. Cuthbert made Malachi take up the robe of the humble cleric. After an epic journey and battles untold, Iuz and Lolth were defeated(for the time being). But no trace of the missing Silf was ever found. Malachi went home and grieved and raised his two children. He remained true to the teachings of St. Cuthbert, and these he passed on to his sons, especially Kagan.
Kagan had an excellent education and was raised by a loving father, but missed never knowing his mother. He deeply resented this and bitterness filled his heart. His alignment dropped away from good as a result. He was well loved in Furyondy and worked constantly with the poor. His free time always found him at the temples helping all races and classes.
This past month his world was turned upside down. From a beggar at the church comes word of an Elven maid matching Kagan's mother's description. He never told his family not wanting to cause them pain. But he begin preparing for a journey hoping to learn more of this. He left in the night headed for where the beggar reported the sighting. He took 250 gold pieces and left to go search for his mother, and be damn anyone who gets in his way.....................
3rd Level Lawful Neutral Male Half-Elven Priest of St. Cuthbert
STR: 15, DEX: 17, CON: 14, INT: 11, WIS: 18, CHA: 14