Now every one knows that there is something between Mulder and Scully, besides air,and have known it for a while. What I am trying to do is systematically according to Seasons, show the points in which the Sparks between Mulder and Scully are undeniable. I mean those parts in an episode that if only, if only one or the other would make a move it would gladly be accepted by the other. What I call Sparks. It will take a while to finish this page and it will be updated frequently when more sparks fly, so please hang in there. Hopefully by the time you are finished reading the following pages, you will see that they are so dependant on the other person that they are not complete without the other. For lack of a better term, Mulder and Scully are soulmates.

Sparks in Season One, The Beginning
Sparks in Season Two, A turning point

Sparks in Season Three, The bond grows stronger
Sparks in Season Four, The ultimate test of their passion
Sparks in Season Five,The bond is cemented in trust
The X-files Movie Fight the Future, AKA Spark City
Sparks in Season Six, Realizing they are more than friends??

Season Seven--Hallway Resolution!!! Soulmates united
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