The Night Stalkers

Welcome friends, it is not common to find someone knocking on our door at this time of the night. You should know that it is not wise to linger in the mists at this hour. True this is the land of Mordent and here in Mordentshire we are more protected than in some of the surrounding lands, but evil has a way of finding those who seek it, as is commonly said around here. You can stay the night here if that is your wish. Also, feel free to read up on this land we natives call Ravenloft, the library is located on the upper floor. If you are horrified to find that our land is infested by evil, then may we ask if you will join us in our battles. This is the headquarters of the NightStalkers. We are a secret society which has devoted itself to the destruction of all things evil and undead.

Secrets of the Kargatane

Alanik Ray's Ravenloft Library


Please enter the study so we can determine if you have what it takes to be a NightStalker

Unearthed Lore of the Occult

Message Board



The Study

You might also want to read up on the type of beasts and monstrosities that lie within our realms. In that case feel free to peruse our extensive library on the second floor. Amongst other things it contains some of Dr. Rudolph Van Richten's guides and details on these lands we call Ravenloft.

About Me

My Campaign


The Library

There are many sources of Wisdom. It takes dedication and a purpose to find what you are looking for. If you can't find what you need in our library, then please, seek out these sources we have found, they are very helpful.


A domain by the name of Miseria has been added,to view this go to Unearthed Lore of the Occult. I will try to add more when I have the time, thank you
-Boris Gustaffe 11-28-00

Click here to visit the Downloads page and view neccessary and useful downloads for Ravenloft players and dms.

Click on the image below to enter the Mordentshire Townhouse, a Message Board where all those whom battle the evil and corruption of this land can meet and share tales

Come to the Mordentshire townhouse and discuss the nature of the evil surrounding us!

This Ring of Blood Site owned by
Boris Gustaffe

More about the Ring of Blood.

This site is not officially connected to TSR Inc. or Wizards of the Coast.
Ravenloft?is a trademark of TSR Inc. All images and pics used on this website are copyrighted TSR products and were gathered from various products in their Ravenloft?campaign series. The following artists deserve credit for these masterpieces, Mark Nelson, Kevin McCann, John T. Snyder, Arnie Swekel, Val Mayrik, Scott Johnson, Peter White, & Paul Carrick. If I have left anyone out, please contact me so that I can ammend such a travesty.

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