Peak Crest's Rules

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There are rules everywhere in Pern Fandom, and there is one set of rules deemed as the "Commandments" of Fandom. Those are set by the Dragonlady herself, and there are no questioning them-

1. You MAY NOT use Anne McCaffrey's characters at all, nor may you have a name similair to one of her characters! There will be no relatives to her characters either!

2. There will be only gold, bronze, brown, green, and blue dragons! Gold dragons will be Impressed by heterosexual woman, bronzes and browns by heterosexual men, blues by 'masculine' homo- or bisexual men, greens by normally heterosexual women with perhaps a few bisexuals or 'feminine' homo- or bisexual men. There may be a rare female bluerider, and she will have to be homo- or bisexual.

3. There is no religion on Pern! In the second pass, it is possible for a character to know about religions practiced by their ancestors, but the characters may not practice any religion.

4. There is no magic, sorcery, witch craft, wicca, arcane healing, card tricks, etc. Also, there is no ESP, telekinesis, clairvoyance, teleportation without use of a dragon, or any of the like. (We do not allow Star Trek, Star Wars, cyborgs, aliens, druids, witches, or anything else not related to Pern!)

5. You may not write stories about or involving Benden Weyr™, or Ruatha Hold™, or the Fort Harper Hall™. A character may been, born, raised, Impressed, fostered, trained, etc, here but these holds are not to be mentioned in stories!

6. There are no sport-colored dragons like Ruth! He was a one-of-a-kind, rare happening, only hatching because Jaxom broke his shell for him!

7. We are not allowed to role-play online due to our 'offline' charter status! Please do not role-play through email, though stories may be written through it!

We also have our own set of rules which we lay down as law. Fortunately for you, some of these laws are bendable, set in rubber rather than stone. ;) You must ask, however, if you wish to break any of these rules, and permission will most likely never be given for a majority of them.

1. Timing is limitited to Queenriders, Wingleaders, Wingseconds, bronzeriders and any other such ranking dragonrider (i.e. Weyrlingmaster)

3. HAD (hearing all dragons) personae are allowed at Peak Crest, though we have a limit of them.

4. Only dragon names, and all dragons' names, will end in "th."

5. We' ve got Firelizard limits at Peak Crest, and at the moment, it looks like this:
a) A persona with a gold flitter may have only two of any
other color excluding bronze (unless otherwise approved)

b) If your persona has a bronze flitter, the persona may
have no more than three of the different colors,
and not a gold (unless otherwise approved)

c) There is a maximum of 6 firelizards per persona, and
most probably wouldn't have the chance for more than 2.
Remember that flits are uncommon in these times.

6. Please use sense when creating names. You may regret if you choose to create a name like K'mart.

7. Super-persona tend to be very boring. Flawlessness is very boring to write about and people get tired of hearing about so-and-so the beautiful with their wonderful voice, great body, Herculean strength, angelic disposition and above genius I.Q. who just so happens to be the Lady Holder of Fort, Master Harper of Pern, and the Weyrwoman of Fort who wants what is best for Pern and has all six of those firelizards, has Impressed a watch wher, and is a Journeywoman Herder. It becomes ridiculously silly! Make your character have faults; make your persona have character!

8. Most likely, if you are the Weyrleader or Weyrwoman in another Weyr, or a goldrider for that matter, you will most likely not be given a high ranking persona unless you earn it.

9. Dragon riders may not have more than a journeyman's knot in any craft. They Impress before they have time for becoming a Master, and most people stay with their craft anyway.

10. HADs may not be goldriders unless otherwise noted!

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