What's New?

June 12, 2000: Almost six months without an update...wow! For those of you who were wondering, I *am* still alive and will hopefully be updating more regularly during the summer. I have a new collage that I made that I'll be posting soon. I don't like it very much, but what the heck...I have to do something now that school's out!

December 30, 1999: Not much of an update today - I just added some links and made another new banner. (I know, I'm obsessed with those things! Anyone know of a good Paint Shop Pro addict support group? hehe) Have a happy and safe Y2K everyone! (Hopefully my site will still be here on Saturday...)

December 27, 1999: As you probably noticed, I changed the picture on the main page. This one is one of my favorites! :o) I also made a new banner, so if you'd like to link your site to mine, feel free to use it. (I can use all the visitors I can get! By the way, if you do link to me, please sign my guestbook and let me know. I'll be sure to return the favor!)

December 26, 1999: Merry Day-After X-mas everyone! Hope you all had a nice Christmas. I got lots of XF stuff, so I was happy. :o) I added some new collages to the Collages Page. I also updated the links page.

December 18, 1999: Sheesh, it's been over three months since I've updated?!? Opps! Anyway, I'm still alive and will be updating more often, I promise. (Unless, of course, the Y2K bug zaps my computer - God forbid!) I added a new midi to the midi section (Auld Lang Syne from "Millennium"), updated the links page (the links should all work now - nothing I hate more than broken links!), and put a few 7th season eps on the XF marathons page. Enjoy! Oh, if I don't get the chance to update again before Christmas, Merry X-mas everyone!

September 2, 1999: I can't believe it's September already! My first day of school is next Tuesday (September 8th). This is my senior year and I want to make the most out of it! I'm still (hopefully) going to be updating regularly though. Anyway, enough about me. There's a new Mulder and Scully collage in the Collage Page. I'm of the opinion that most of my collages suck (because they *do*...LOL), but I was actually pretty happy with this one!

September 1, 1999: I added two new MIDI's to the Music Page, (Twilight Time from "Kill Switch" and Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas from "The Ghosts That Stole Christmas"). There are also 4 new pictures in the DD/Mulder Gallery. David Duchovny is on the cover of the September 4-10 TV Guide, there's also a short article about The X-Files and a picture from "Field Trip" in there.

August 31, 1999: There's a new collage on the Collage Page - one of Gillian Anderson.

August 28, 1999: I added a new David Duchovny/Mulder Gallery. Enjoy!

August 24, 1999: I added a "Joy to the World" MIDI to the Fun Stuff page...I couldn't resist! *g* Also I just got the Bree Sharp CD, it's excellent! Surprisingly, I haven't driven anyone crazy yet by playing "David Duchovny" over and over again. hehe =)

August 10,1999: I added some new links, go check them out!

August 3, 1999: Sorry for not updating for a week, I've been one sick lil Phile lately! :( I'm feeling better now though, YAY! I added the Collage page to the Fun Stuff section. It has a few collages I made this past spring, I haven't done many lately. Nothing too fantastic, I just enjoy doing collages and thought I'd share some of them.

July 27, 1999: Well since I finally got a sound card, I decided to add a Music page to the Fun Stuff section. There's only a few MIDIs there right now, but it'll grow over time. I also added a new Mulder/DD gallery, enjoy!
Bree Sharp's CD comes out today! WOO HOO! I'll hopefully be getting it by the end of the week. =)

July 20, 1999: Greetings fellow Philes! hehe Let's see, I added the Fun Stuff section, which is basically for stuff that doesn't really fit anywhere else. Not much there now, but hopefully that will change soon. Anyways, enjoy and have a nice night!

July 19, 1999: I added a new Mulder and Scully Gallery. (I know, I'm obsessed with pictures! hehe) I also changed the picture on the main page. Have a great week everyone!

July 18, 1999: Whoa, it's been awhile since I've updated! Well actually I have been updating the site, I just haven't posted anything here. Opps. LOL Anyway, I've added some more new links to the links section. I'll also be adding more pictures, a page about me, and some other stuff in the near future so keep checking back! Oh, please post something on the Message Board, if it gets any more deserted in there tumbleweeds will start blowing across the screen! LOL

June 30, 1999: I got a scanner a few days ago (WOO HOO! ThanX Mom!) so I've spent the past few days scanning off pics like a mad woman! *g* I also added some new links and I'm planning to do a major update over the 4th of July weekend.

June 26, 1999: I couldn't update yesterday cuz GeoCities was doing system maintenance work, but that's okay since it gave me time to go picture hunting...hehe. I added about 30 new pics today, enjoy the eye candy! I also added the banner page so you can use one of my banners to link to me if ya want. "Agua Mala" and "731" are on tomorrow, two of my fave eps. =)

June 24, 1999: I added some more pictures to the M&S gallery and the *drool* DD gallery. I also now have a shorter URL...http://fly.to/xfdreamland. (I am WAY too lazy to type that mile-long Geocities addy! hehe)

June 23, 1999: Well, basically everything is new... I finally got off my butt and started a web site! hehe There isn't much here now, but I'll be updating often (I hope!) =)